Fox News Openly Defends the White Supremacy and Treason of Domestic Terrorists

On the solemn anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, four presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden) made dignified and respectful appearances to honor the victims, heroes, and families whose lives were changed forever. These statesmen demonstrated the compassion and decency to set aside their personal interests in order to remind the nation what it means to be the “United” States of America.

Fox News, KKK

The only holdout was, of course, Donald Trump, who had a more pressing engagement to enrich himself as a commentator at an exhibition fight in Hollywood, Florida. He did put out a video that was typically dominated by tributes to himself and bitter assaults on his political foes.

On Monday morning Fox News covered some of the weekend events from a thoroughly bizarre and repugnant perspective. The segment somehow veered off into territory that had nothing to do with 9/11 (video below). At one point, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy felt compelled to say that…

“We had a stand down on white supremacy in the military, and I guess that I’m just not seeing that that’s worthy of a stand down.”

Really? So Campos-Duffy is in favor of the military permitting white supremacy in the ranks? While it isn’t particularly noteworthy that she and others on Fox News would hold that opinion (her co-host Brian Kilmeade agreed saying that “I share your frustration”), it isn’t often that they state it so explicitly on the air.

What triggered this outburst was a discussion about remarks by George W. Bush on Saturday. In a surprisingly thoughtful address, Bush drew parallels between foreign terrorists and the homegrown variety that have been inspired by Trump and Fox News. Bush said that…

“We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within. There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit.”

Campos-Duffy complained that Bush’s comments took “the focus off of who we need to be focused on.” She elaborated saying that…

“I think that motivations matter. The Islamic terrorists want to kill Americans. They hate Western civilization. They hate America. They have lots of reason for that. Regardless of what you think about what happened on Jan. 6, the people there went in with the flags. They were not America haters.”

What distinction is she making here? The motives of the Trump insurrectionists were also that they wanted to kill Americans, including Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, and other members of Congress. They hate Western civilization and America, as evident in their efforts to discard the Constitution and impose their own totalitarian dictatorship. Yes, they went there with flags, which they used as weapons against the police officers who were protecting the seat of American democracy. How were they not “America haters”? And Trump himself weighed in on Bush’s speech saying that…

“…he lectures us that terrorists on the ‘right’ are a bigger problem than those from foreign countries that hate America and that are pouring into our Country right now.”

Notice that Bush said nothing about the “right” or any other political ideology, but Trump recognized his own faction when he heard it described. And his assertion that foreign terrorists are “pouring into our Country right now” is just more of his delusional hyperbole. Just like his “Big Lie” about election fraud, there is no factual basis for his charges. Trump just wants to drench his cult followers in irrational fears.

Furthermore, Trump is whining (as usual) that Bush has no right to “lecture” anyone because he is responsible for thousands of deaths from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. That may be true. But there is a nauseating sort of irony in Trump saying it considering that he is responsible for hundreds of thousands of American deaths from his negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the COVID pandemic.

In the attempt by Fox News to distinguish the crimes of the January 6th insurrectionists, and other domestic terrorists, from foreign terrorists, they actually highlighted their similarities and common purpose. And even worse, they overtly expressed their not-so-veiled racism. This isn’t new for Fox, but it nevertheless needs to be exposed and disseminated widely to remind everyone what sort of vile propaganda network the Murdochs are operating.

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Trump Exploits the Terrorist Attack in Afghanistan to Whine About Losing the 2020 Election

In the wake of the tragic terrorist attack in Afghanistan, Republicans wasted no time engaging in rank politicization of the loss of life and wantonly blaming President Biden. This despite the overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump bears the most responsibility due to his having negotiated a “surrender agreement” with the Taliban (according to his own National Security Advisor), and his lethal failure to plan for the withdrawal.

Donald Trump, Snake Tongue

For his part, Trump is behaving predictably as he frantically absolves himself of any responsibility, baselessly castigates his critics, and incoherently rambles from subject to subject in an effort to land on something that he thinks casts him in a favorable light.

Trump’s most recent babbling in this regard took an especially rancid turn as he conflated the casualties in Afghanistan with his “Big Lie” rhetoric about the 2020 presidential election having been “stolen” from him. In a tweeted statement by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), Trump ranted that…

“If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!”

Really? First of all, Trump is sort of complimenting Democrats with his admission that they outsmarted him by decisively defeating him the 2020 election. Although outsmarting Trump isn’t a particularly high bar to get over. But worse, Trump is noxiously exploiting a human tragedy in order to continue propagating the same proven lies about election fraud that led to the deadly January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C.

What’s more, Trump is accusing Biden and the Democrats of failing to “win” the war in Afghanistan after being in office for only seven months. If that’s a failure on Biden’s part, what does it mean that Trump had four years during which he could have “obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World,” but failed to either achieve victory or to complete a withdrawal?

On at least three occasions in the past two days Trump has made made similarly repulsive remarks. He told radio right-winger Hugh Hewitt that Democrats “used COVID in order to cheat, cause they cheat fantastically. If they could fight wars like they cheat in election, we would have had that war won in one day.” And he released a pure propaganda video on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program wherein he exalted himself saying that “This tragedy should never have taken place. It should never have happened. and it would not have happened if I were your president.”

Trump’s assertions that the world would have been a peaceful utopia had the American people reelected him is an absurdity borne out by actual facts. Not only were 80 service members killed in Afghanistan on Trump’s watch (most of which he callously ignored), but there were multiple attacks on military bases in the United States, resulting in 12 fatalities. Trump has also conveniently forgotten the terrorist attack by ISIS in New York City that killed eight civilians.

By using the deaths of American soldiers to regurgitate his election fraud conspiracy theories, Trump is affirming his unfitness for any office of public service. He is disqualifying himself from inclusion in civil society. And he is putting his well known narcissism, indecency, and inhumanity on public display. But then again, what else would you expect from Trump and his Republican Party?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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After Terrorist Attack, Peter Doocy of Fox News Asks Biden if He ‘Bears Any Responsibility’

As the U.S. involvement in the war in Afghanistan winds down, the risks that were anticipated are unfolding in tragic ways. On Thursday a terrorist suicide bomber killed scores of people assembled at the gates of the airport in Kabul. Twelve of them were American soldiers. It was the deadliest day for the U.S. military in Afghanistan in years.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

President Biden addressed the American people from the White House to pay tribute to the deceased heroes, to assure the terrorists that they will pay a steep price, and to comfort a grieving nation.

Biden then took questions from the press. Many of the questions were relevant and produced useful information. However, one question was brazenly slanted and intended only to assign blame at a time when the nation was more focused securing those in danger and apprehending the perpetrators. That question was asked by Peter Doocy of Fox News, of course:

Doocy: Mr. President, there had not been a U.S. service member killed in combat in Afghanistan since February of 2020. You set a deadline. You pulled troops out. You sent troops back in. And now twelve Marines are dead. You said the buck stops with you. Do you bear any responsibility for the way things have unfolded in the past two weeks?
Biden: I bear responsibility for fundamentally all that’s happened of late. But here’s the deal: You know – I wish you one day say these things – you know as well as I do that the former president made a deal with the Taliban that we would get all American forces out of Afghanistan by May 1. In return the commitment was made – that was the year before – in return he was given the commitment that the Taliban would continue to attack others, but would not attack any American forces. Remember that?

To his credit, Biden showed the integrity to accept full responsibility for the somber duties he performs as Commander in Chief. Doocy’s attempt to make this all about some facile form of guilt was intended to malign the President. It didn’t work.

To the contrary, Biden flipped the question back on Doocy, asking him to recall that it was Donald Trump who made the deal with the Taliban to remove all American forces by May 1st – four months sooner – in exchange for lifting all sanctions and freeing 5,000 of their imprisoned fighters. That’s a deal that Trump’s own National Security Advisor called a surrender agreement.”

Trump never had a plan to end the war or evacuate Americans and Afghan allies. That’s a failing that was pointed out on Wednesday in response to yet another ill-advised question by Doocy. And as tensions mount, Fox News seems to be having trouble fulfilling their mission to undermine Democrats in government service. They even had a reporter chastise Republicans for leaping in front of the terrorist bombing story for their own selfish political advantage.

Doocy’s efforts to politicize and trivialize the painful loss of life in Afghanistan is typical for Fox News. No story has any significance to them unless it can be exploited to hurt Democrats. Which is why Doocy and his handlers composed their question as a club with which to beat up on Biden. The only problem is that they are just so bad at it that it rarely, if ever, works.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Watch Trump Bragging About His Taliban Deal That He Now Calls ‘Embarrassing’

Expecting Donald Trump to be honest about anything is guaranteed to lead to bitter disappointment. He is a pathological liar whose self-serving distortions of reality are his way of avoiding having to face the torrent of failures that define his existence. His malignant narcissism prevents him from seeing anything he does or says as anything but perfection.

American Afghanistan Taliban

In the wake of the tragic events in Afghanistan, Trump predictably embarked on a frantic crusade to absolve himself of any responsibility. And naturally he blamed it all on Joe Biden. It’s the same deranged defensiveness he had to the COVID pandemic that he so horrendously bitched, and the January 6th insurrection he deliberately incited.

However, Trump’s raging irrationality inevitably fouls up his attempts to exalt himself no matter what disaster he produces. On Monday morning he said that “Afghanistan is the most embarrassing military outcome in the history of the United States,” in a proxy tweet that his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, posted for him (a violation Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban). But Trump can be seen on video bragging profusely about the conditions for which he is now castigating President Biden. Here is Trump just one month ago at one of his cult rallies:

“I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. Twenty-one years is enough, don’t we think? Twenty-one years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things were… Yeah, thank you.

It’s a shame. Twenty-one years by a government that wouldn’t last. The only way they last is if we’re there. What are we gonna say? We’ll stay for another twenty-one years, then we’ll stay for another fifty? The whole thing is ridiculous.”

Is this what Trump means by “embarrassing”? The “process” to which Trump is referring is the deal he made with the Taliban in March of 2020. At the time it was not exactly heralded as “the Art of the Deal.” To the contrary, it was widely repudiated by foreign policy and military experts as “disgraceful” and a total surrender to the Taliban.

One representative appraisal of Trump’s folly said that it “gives the Taliban a series of concrete, measurable gifts.” It began by promising an immediate drawdown from 100,000 troops to less than 3,000, and that “American and allied forces will leave within 14 months” (by last May). It also promised “the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners,” including their founder and leader, Abdul Ghani Baradar. The deal also committed “to the ‘goal’ of removing sanctions from members of the Taliban that include travel bans, asset freezes, and an arms embargo.” And it came “without any agreement by the Taliban to cease hostilities against our allies.”

Trump’s comments a month ago affirm his belief that exiting Afghanistan was a priority that superseded any other strategic considerations. He virtually confessed that he “started the process” as a means of boxing Biden into an untenable dilemma. He also admitted that the outcome we see today was inevitable because Afghanistan had “a government that wouldn’t last.” without U.S. support.

All of that failure was Trump’s own assessment of the consequences of the deal that he made with the Taliban. It was a deal that he excluded the Afghans from even participating in, which assured that they would have no stake in complying with it. But now Trump is accusing Biden of causing the calamity that he claims to have foreseen when he made the deal more than a year ago. Talk about embarrassing.

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Trump Dishonestly Blasts Biden in an Ego-Drenched Defense of His Own Afghan Failures

As the Taliban completes its brutal military takeover Afghanistan, Donald Trump is predictably seeking to absolve himself of any responsibility, while casting blame on others. This time, once again, it’s President Joe Biden, who repeatedly has had to finish the hard jobs that Trump either left undone or irreparably botched. Whether it’s the COVID pandemic or the nation’s infrastructure or the economic recovery, Biden has been forced to clean up Trump’s failures.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Afghanistan can now be added to the list of Trump’s fumbles. But even as the Taliban is advancing on Kabul, Trump is trying to pin his mistakes on Biden. In a statement that was on posted Twitter by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), Trump displayed his penchant for slathering himself in undeserved praise that invariably ignores reality. He wrote that…

“Joe Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy, and many other issues. Everyone knew he couldn’t handle the pressure. Even Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said as much. He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him—a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America. The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground.”

Setting aside Trump’s tiresome, knee-jerk insults, his claim that Biden disregarded his “plan” presumes incorrectly that he had a plan. Trump’s entire approach to Afghanistan was evolved from a meeting in Doha, Qatar in 2020, where he agreed to lift all sanctions on the Taliban and release 5,000 Taliban prisoners, in exchange for a three month cease fire. Trump expressed his misplaced trust in the Taliban terrorists saying that “I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show we’re not all wasting time.” The Afghans were not even included in those negotiations.

Trump went on to brag falsely that he “took out ISIS.” Then he closed with another ad hominin insult, projecting on Biden his own “weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence.” Which is interesting considering his initial praise for Biden’s withdrawal as “a wonderful and positive thing to do.” Although he still criticized Biden saying that “we can and should get out earlier. Nineteen years is enough, in fact, far too much and way too long,”

For his part, Biden responded to Trump’s baseless criticisms in his announcement of the troop drawdown, saying that…

“Over our country’s 20 years at war in Afghanistan, America has sent its finest young men and women, invested nearly $1 trillion dollars, trained over 300,000 Afghan soldiers and police, equipped them with state-of-the-art military equipment, and maintained their air force as part of the longest war in US history, One more year, or five more years, of US military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country.” […]

“When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor — which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019 — that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces. Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. Forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.”

That’s right, Trump actually wanted to leave Afghanistan months sooner. He proposed rewarding the Taliban terrorists with a visit to Camp David. And he left Biden with a skeleton deployment of 2,500 troops. Trump virtually handed Afghanistan to the Taliban. That’s the same Taliban who were in charge in 2001, and were harboring Osama Bin Laden as he was plotting the 9/11 attack.

However, now Trump thinks he should get credit for his “weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence”? No thanks. The only thing Trump should get is a prison sentence for his innumerable crimes against America.

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The Crackpot Cult of Trump Believes the January 6th Rioters Were ‘Defending Freedom’

Six months ago hundreds of treasonous subversives incited by Donald Trump stormed the United States Congress in an attempt to undermine democracy and prevent the peaceful transfer of power according to the will of the American people. It was an event so despicable that it produced harsh condemnations, even from Republicans including Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (although both have have since backtracked).

Donald Trump, QAnon, Dictator

That moment of bipartisan disgust and concern for the future of democracy was an encouraging sign that there was hope for unity where the fate of the nation hung in the balance. However, that moment was short lived. A new poll by CBS News has some disturbing findings and trends:

“A majority of Americans still specifically call what happened that day an ‘insurrection’ and an attempted overthrow of the government. This is where most Democrats and independents land. But roughly one-third of the country call it patriotism, or defending freedom”

While there is some comfort knowing that a majority of Americans recognize the horror of what took place January 6th, the number of those who see it as something positive is disconcerting. The most troubling finding in this poll is how Trump voters view the assault on America’s seat of government…

So a majority (55%) of Trump voters describe the riots on Capitol Hill as “Defending Freedom.” Likewise, a majority (51%) of Trump voters describe that event as “Patriotism.” Only 20% of them described it as “Insurrection.” Also worrisome is that 51% of Republicans strongly disapproved of the January 6th insurrection back in January, but now only 39% hold that position. That’s a 12 point swing toward insanity.

What this tells us is that today’s schizoid Republican Party has had some success in convincing their glassy-eyed followers that violent StormTrumpers who attacked police officers, vandalized property, and threatened to murder Vice-President Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were actually guardians of virtue protecting the nation from some undefined, invisible foe bent on stealing Trump’s delusions of victory.

This also tells us that there is a lot of work to do if America is ever going to be restored as a model of democracy. How we will battle the kind of insanity that causes people to see unending videos of destruction and violence, but come away thinking it was, as Dear Leader Trump says, hugging and kissing, is a question that won’t be easy to answer. But if this poll is accurate, then it’s what we need to face, and we need to find to the solution sooner rather than later. Good luck to us all. We’re gonna need it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Tucker Carlson Insanely Accuses the FBI of Orchestrating Trump’s Capitol Insurrection

Three weeks ago, Republicans in Congress blocked the formation of a bipartisan committee to investigate the circumstances that led to Donald Trump’s Capitol Hill insurrection. They did this despite the fact that the they themselves were the targets of violent insurrectionists.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

Never mind that they also did it to protect themselves and Trump from the disclosure that they were complicit in the deadly riots. And forget about their gaslighting allegations that the rioters were really members of the fictional Antifa group disguised as Trump supporters, which the investigation could have looked into. The GOP was too afraid of what the probe would reveal to allow it to proceed.

Meanwhile, Fox News has done it’s best to muddy the waters around the atrocities that took place on January 6th. And on Tuesday Fox’s Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, turned the crazy up to eleven. Carlson began his tirade with a story about a Black murder suspect who allegedly said that he was targeting white people. Which is just the sort of rare story that bigots like Carlson love to bring up, even though they they never talk about the much more common incidence of white racist hate crimes.

Carlson lashed out at Attorney General Merrick Garland, who he called “thoroughly craven.” He claimed that Garland said that “we must now use law enforcement and military force to arrest, imprison, and otherwise crush anyone who leads opposition to Joe Biden’s government.” Which, of course, Garland never came anywhere close to saying.

But this was just a teaser for his main subject that had nothing to do with his intro. Instead, he launched into a bizarre series of totally unfounded accusations that the FBI had orchestrated the insurrection (video below). There’s actually more evidence that the Trump White House was behind it. Ignoring reality, Carlson said that…

“We know the government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers who were present at the capitol on January 6 […and that…] According to the government’s own court filings, those law enforcement officers participated in the riot. Sometimes in violent ways. We know that because […] some people who participated in the riot haven’t been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls these people “unindicted co-conspirators.” What does that mean? It means that in potentially every case, they’re FBI operatives.”

HUH? Carlson is connecting dots in his warped imagination. First of all, there are no government court filings that say that “law enforcement officers participated in the riot.” But Carlson “knows” because of the existence of “unindicted co-conspirators,” who, for some unexplained reason, must be FBI operatives.

Carlson mistakenly believes that two people identified only as “unindicted co-conspirators” were, by some deranged logic, “almost certainly working for the FBI.” This is astonishingly stupid, even for Carlson and Fox News. The government isn’t in the habit of tagging their own operatives as unindicted co-conspirators. Also, that designation is most often used when suspects are cooperating with law enforcement, or when the case is still under investigation.

Carlson repeatedly, and falsely, asserts that government documents admit their participation in the insurrection. There are no such documents. What’s more, Carlson lied that “the FBI director admitted the bureau is infiltrating as many dissident groups as it possibly could.” Which the FBI director actually never said. According to Carlson himself, Director Wray only said that “Any time there is an attack […] we are focused very, very hard on how could we get better sources, better information, better analysis” to prevent it from happening again.

Carlson somehow stretched that innocuous statement into the wildly left field charge that the government was “paying people to organize a violent action.” And Carlson went on to reprise the crackpot conspiracy theory that the FBI was also complicit in the 9/11 attacks, saying that “They’re using the same tactics.”

It’s endlessly fascinating how the ridiculous right can reinterpret their own dishonest propaganda. They have claimed that the Capitol Hill insurrectionists were actually Antifa or Black Lives Matter. They have also claimed that the insurrectionists weren’t rioters at all, but just ordinary tourists. Trump said that they “posed zero threat.” So long as you don’t count the five dead, and dozens of injured, Capitol police. Carlson himself characterized the insurrectionists as peaceful protesters.

These are all positions that they share with Vladimir Putin. And now they claim that the whole affair was an FBI operation. They really need to make up their lying minds. Or maybe not. After all, Fox News has (successfully) argued in court that, given his reputation, “no reasonable person” would believe his bullpucky. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make him less dangerous or his goals, and those of Fox News, less onerous.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Vigilantes, Lara Trump and ‘Judge’ Pirro, Issue Call to ‘Arm Up’ to Shoot Migrants

There is a harrowing pattern of advocating violence that is indelibly integrated into the modern, Donald Trump diseased, Republican Party. It was evident in Trump’s rhetoric that glorified hostility toward his critics at his his cult rallies. It was inbred in his attacks on Democrats and the press as “the enemy.” And it recently manifested horribly at his Capitol Hill Insurrection.

Fox News, Lara Trump

As if all of that weren’t bad enough, now his progeny is joining in the reckless call for innocent blood. And Fox News is, of course, the bullhorn for this abhorrent talk. On Saturday’s episode of Justice with “Judge” Pirro, her guest was Eric Trump’s wife, and Fox News contributor, Lara Trump. The discussion was filled with the typical animus of the televised Hate Channel. However, it devolved into a vile assault on the already troubled community of migrants. And then Lara Trump dug even deeper…

“I don’t know what to tell people that live on the Southern border. I guess they better arm up and get guns and be ready, and maybe they’re gonna have to start taking matters into their own hands.”

Lara Trump, with the assistance of Fox News, is now openly advocating murder and vigilantism. The victims of Trump’s dangerous and heartless proposal would be refugees from Central American countries fleeing violence and poverty. Most of them are women and children. What’s more, how would the untrained, fear-driven vigilantes know the difference between refugees and Latinx U.S. citizens? They wouldn’t know or care. Its a recipe for more unspeakable savagery and grief.

This is the sort of racist hate mongering that produced that mass murder of 22 mostly Latinx shoppers at a Walmart in El Paso in 2019. The shooter confessed to “targeting Mexicans,” and his writings mirrored the xenophobic rhetoric of Donald Trump, Lara’s bigoted father-in-law.

Just prior to Lara Trump’s promotion of domestic terrorism, Pirro complained about unverified reports that migrants damaged fences and left garbage. Even if true, those are hardly capital offenses. Trump herself acknowledged that the migrants were predominantly children.

After her heinous comments, Pirro simply changed the subject with no pushback whatsoever on Trump’s call to shoot unarmed refugees. And for good measure, both of them disparaged Vice-President Kamala Harris, who just returned from a diplomatic mission to the region. Their catty assertion that she was unqualified for the job is ludicrous. Harris was the Attorney General and senator of the largest state in the country, California, which is also a border state.

No one should be surprised by these remarks. Fox News is notoriously drenched in xenophobic hate-speech. Their Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, has attacked immigrants repeatedly. And he unabashedly promotes the racist “white replacement theory” that fear mongers about people of color being brought into the U.S. to “pack the electorate” against the soon to be minority whites. So the Piroo/Trump tirade is just the next sickening step in the Fox News/Republican battle plan.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News UnHistory: Tucker Carlson’s Lie-Riddled Mangling of the Capitol Insurrection

On any given day Fox News can be expected to air copious amounts of purposefully distorted diatribes aimed at the “radical liberals” that they imagine are invading their precious white nationalist utopia. The network’s bias emanates directly from its CEO, Lachlan Murdoch, who actually declared publicly that he considers it Fox’s mission to be the opposition to the Biden administration.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

However, the ultra-conservatism that infects Fox News is most prominently displayed by its most dangerous purveyor of inflammatory falsehoods, Tucker Carlson. His program is a daily assault on reality that seeks to trigger the already stewing hostilities of his anger-primed audience.

On Tuesday’s episode, Carlson spent part of his tele-tantrum defending and lying about the violent and deadly January 6th Capitol riots by Donald Trump’s insurrectionists. It was a startlingly benign – and arrogantly sarcastic – rewriting of recent history to portray the riots as patriotic. And it’s part of the reason why, in a recent poll, half of Republicans said that they believe the Capitol riots were “mostly peaceful.”

Carlson correctly, albeit facetiously, referred to the riots as a “white supremacist, QAnon insurrection” (which he actually supports). What follows is an annotated transcript of Carlson’s fantastical misrepresentation of a day of domestic terrorism. He begins with an absurd retelling of events that is drenched in the sarcasm that he exudes throughout the rant (video below).

“A mob of older people from unfashionable zip codes somehow made it all the way to Washington, D.C. Probably by bus. They wandered freely through the Capitol like it was their building or something.”

Carlson is portraying the United States Congress as an open facility that can be freely overrun by armed marauders. He ignores the fact that these cretins didn’t waltz in peacefully through the entrance, but trampled barricades, battered down doors, broke windows, and assaulted police officers, to gain entry to private areas that are not open to the public.

“They didn’t have guns, but a lot of them had extremely dangerous ideas. They talked about the Constitution and something called ‘their rights.’ Some of them made openly seditious claims. They insisted, for example, that the last election was not entirely fair. And then, as you’ve been told so very often, they committed unspeakable acts of violence.”

Actually, many of the rioters were armed. They had guns, bombs, clubs, tasers, mace, and other implements of violence that they used against outnumbered police. None of them were talking about the Constitution. In fact they were violating it as they sought to prevent the Congress from certifying the election results as mandated by the Constitution.

They also were not “insisting” that “the last election was not entirely fair.” They were violently imposing their delusional beliefs that the election was “stolen,” just as their Dear Leader Trump had told them. And once again, Carlson’s downplaying of what he mockingly refers to as “unspeakable acts of violence” ignores the very real unspeakable acts of violence that resulted in injuries to more than 140 police officers, killing at least one.

“By the time thousands of soldiers arrived to restore order, an unarmed woman, an air force veteran, lay dead. To this day that woman is the one completely verified casualty of the insurrection. The only person whose death we can say definitively was caused by specific events on January 6th.”

Here Carlson is snidely maligning the National Guard troops that came to help, but only after hours of intentional delay by Trump. The woman that was killed was an active rioter who was forcibly trespassing along with a few hundred of her confederates. And as noted previously, she was not the only death definitively caused by the insurrectionists.

Carlson went on to suggest that the whole atrocity was notable only because the intended victims were Democrats. As if that makes violent rioting justifiable. He dismissed it all as “just hyperventilat[ing] about QAnon,” and portrayed the rioters amiably as “a group of sad, disenfranchised people who’ve been left out of the modern economy,” and who just wanted to be listened to – by savagely storming the seat of American democracy.

Tucker Carlson is an imminent threat to the security of this nation. He is openly advocating violence to achieve his white supremacist agenda. And while Fox News has defended itself in court against Carlson’s lies by arguing (successfully!) that, given his reputation, “no reasonable person” would believe his bullpucky, that doesn’t make him less dangerous or his goals less onerous. And Fox News is just as culpable by their continued support and promotion of his toxic ambitions.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Where’s Trump? And Why Isn’t He Ordering His QAnon Troops to Stand Down on March 4?

It has been less than two months since Donald Trump’s Insurrectionist Brigades attacked Congress and the very heart of American democracy. Five people died, and many dozens more were injured. Trump’s incendiary rhetoric in the months and hours prior to the attack clearly show that his role was instrumental in inciting the violent mob.

Trump Charlotsville

Now there is another threat that looms over Washington, D.C. The same criminals who conducted the traitorous riots on January 6th are threatening more violence for March 4th. CNN reports that…

“US officials on Wednesday alerted lawmakers to a potential threat against the US Capitol on March 4, for which security has been enhanced as a precaution, less than two months after the Capitol complex was stormed and lawmakers’ lives were threatened by rioters.

“Information provided by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security warned of increased chatter among extremists, including members of the Three Percenters extremist group, discussing possible plots against the Capitol on March 4, a date that conspiracy theorists have focused on, according to sources familiar with the matter.”

This news raises more questions about where Trump stands in this war against America. We know that he did nothing to stop his seditious supporters on January 6th. And he’s being equally negligent now. Jake Tapper of CNN raised this question, asking Republican congressman Michael McCaul whether Trump has a responsibility to intervene:

Tapper: It seems to me that, whether we’re talking about the attack on January 6th or this possible attack tomorrow, President Trump – these people, these attackers worship him. They love him. They think that they’re doing this in his name. Do you think Donald Trump should be saying more forcefully, clearly. ‘I’m not gonna be inaugurated tomorrow. Joe Biden was elected fair and square.’ That could potentially quell a lot of these violent threats.
McCaul: President Trump has the responsibility to tell them to stand down. This threat is credible. It’s real. It’s a right-wing militia group that believes that because the original inauguration date was March 4th until the 20th Amendment passed, they think that this is the true inauguration day and that President Trump should be inaugurated tomorrow. And that is the threat we face right now.

Exactly! And yet, Trump is nowhere to be found. He could have a significant influence on the glassy-eyed disciples of his perverse cult. They are awaiting his orders. He could prevent more violence and harm. But he’s holed up in his Mar-a-Lago bunker and, not unlike his gross and deliberate inaction on January 6th, he’s probably enjoying the prospect of a horde of StormTrumpers breaking down doors, smashing windows, and shedding blood.

All Trump needs to do is stand before a camera and insist that his goons stay home and refrain from any violent activity. But Trump isn’t making that simple gesture. Why do you suppose that is?

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.