Taxing Trump: The Donald’s New Excuse For Losing A Billion Dollars Is Total Bullsh*t

The New York Times reported this weekend that Donald Trump lost nearly a billion dollars in 1995. He then used those losses to offset his subsequent earnings. The result is that he may not have paid any federal taxes for almost twenty years.

Donald Trump

The Trump camp’s excuses since these revelations were that he didn’t do anything illegal and that his tax evasion was evidence of his financial brilliance. Both of those claims, however, are suspect. Without his returns over several years it is impossible to verify. If he is so certain that his tax returns will show what a genius he is, then why is he so afraid to release them?

With that in mind, Trump gave another stump speech today in Pueblo, Colorado. That provided him another opportunity to explain how a genius like him could lose a billion dollars in one year. His rambling justification was barely coherent, but more importantly, patently false. He said that:

“The news media is now obsessed with an alleged tax violation from the 1990s, at the end of one of the most brutal economic downturns in our country’s history. The conditions facing real estate developers in that early-90s period were almost as bad as the Great Depression of 1929 and far worse than the Great Recession of 2008 — not even close.”

Not even close? Here are the facts. The Great Recession of 2008 was the result of corrupt real estate deals and sub-prime mortgages. The GDP declined 5.1 percent, unemployment peaked at 10 percent, and it lasted for a year and a half. There were over 3.1 million foreclosure filings. By comparison, during the recession in the early 90s the GDP declined only 1.4 percent, unemployment peaked at 7.8 percent, and it endured for a relatively modest eight months. Foreclosure filings during that recession were in the range of about one million.

Trump either doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he’s lying through his teeth (or both). But the kicker is that the recession Trump is blaming for his misfortune ended in 1991. Trump’s tax filing with the billion dollar loss was for 1995. So it had nothing to do with the recession that was over four years prior.

What this tells us is that it was his notoriously deficient business skills that caused his financial downfall. While other businesses were in the midst of a healthy recovery, Trump’s businesses were collapsing. His bankrupt casinos in Atlantic City were already accounted for in 1991 and 1992. By 1995, the year he filed the billion dollar loss, he had already restructured his debt. Plus he had two more bankruptcies yet to occur (2004 and 2009).

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If that’s what Trump regards as brilliant financial management, then God help us all if he should become president. He is not only one of his generation’s worst businessmen, he obviously doesn’t mind lying about his shortcomings in order to further his own selfish interests. It would be nice if the media would put these facts into proper context so voters are informed when they go to the polls. Trump’s supporters, of course, will believe whatever nonsense he shovels. But the rest of us deserve better from the press we patronize.

Where’s The Outrage? Trump Maligns Soldiers With PTSD As Weak ‘People [Who] Can’t Handle It’

As if the nation needed another reason to be nauseated by Donald Trump’s ignorance, intolerance, and insensitivity. This morning Trump spoke before a meeting of the Retired American Warriors PAC, a right-wing superPAC created less than two months ago by Trump supporters. Trump delivered some prepared remarks via the TelePrompter he once said was disqualifying, then took some questions from the decidedly friendly audience.


One of the questions addressed the problems associated with veteran suicides and mental health issues like PTSD. The gentleman asking the question framed it as an advocacy of faith-based solutions. Trump ignored that and went straight to a tone-deaf and insulting response:

“When you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and you’re strong and you can handle it but a lot of people can’t handle it.”

Well, that’s revealing. Apparently Trump believes that veterans suffering from PTSD are too weak to handle the horrific aftermath of their wartime service. In his view soldiers who performed courageously, but who were traumatized by what they experienced aren’t strong enough to handle it.

That is the sort of callous commentary that could only come from someone who evaded military service with four deferments and a medical disqualification. You have to wonder how veterans with PTSD will feel when they hear a candidate for president saying this. It certainly won’t promote their recovery and wellness to know that they are thought of as weak.

In other remarks at the event Trump blatantly dodged a question about what his plan for defeating terrorism would be. He also insulted the whole of the military by characterizing it as “depleted.” This is a theme he has made a staple of his campaign that also regards America as less than great. It’s a theme that includes an aversion to soldiers who were captured (i.e. John McCain). Candidate Trump has belittled American military leaders by claiming that he knows more about ISIS than they do. And he held a phony telethon to raise funds for vets, but ended up stiffing them.

It’s unfathomable that, after all of that, anyone in the military could support Trump for president. His ignorance of, and disdain for, the nation’s armed services ought to be of concern to all veterans and active duty soldiers. What’s more, his utter failure as a businessman should worry anyone who thinks that he might have solutions to problems in the military infrastructure or world affairs.

This new display of contempt is only the latest evidence of his unfitness to serve as president and commander-in-chief. It will be interesting to see if the media bothers to report it and put his candidacy in the proper context.

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