Half-Term Governor Sarah Palin Calls Obama ‘Lackadaisical’ In Racist Rant

Sarah PalinFox News is already getting its money’s worth by re-hiring Sarah Palin. When the need came for an imbecile to provide an incoherent rhetorical jumble of nonsense in response to President’s Obama’s remarks about NSA leaker Edward Snowden, Fox was fortunate enough to have Palin back on the payroll. Who else could deliver a level of idiocy that so perfectly meshes with the bigoted leanings of the Fox audience?

President Obama was asked Thursday about his involvement in efforts to bring Snowden back to the United States. His answer was measured and appropriate: “I’m not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker,” Obama said. Indeed, there is no justification for engaging in acts of war over one guy who has had a negligible impact on foreign relations. Whatever one thinks of Snowden, his apprehension certainly has no discernible impact on international relations and doesn’t require the attention of the President.

That, however, is not the way Sarah Palin sees it. She appeared on Fox News with her predictable objection to whatever Obama might have done. But in this case she revealed an ugliness that is known to many, but which she tries to disguise.

Palin: “With Obama deciding to just, oh I guess, lead from behind on this issue too, that’s the community organizer in our president. That’s a little bit of that lackadaisical, eh you know, don’t have to take responsibility. And his resume proves he hasn’t had to take responsibility for much in all these years. This is just another issue, another example that falls in line with a community organizer.”

“Lackadaisical?” Surely Palin is aware that this word is associated with derogatory racial stereotypes that have persisted for decades. African-Americans have long been portrayed in the media and popular culture as lazy and shiftless. It’s an enduring insult that is kept in circulation by racists like Palin. And this isn’t the first time she has resurrected a classic vulgarity to attack the President. Last October she reached into her bag of verbal bigotry to say that “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.”

Even from a substantive perspective, there is no logic in her repulsive condemnation of Obama. If she ever met a community organizer she would know that they are the hardest working people in politics. There is no activity in public life that requires more commitment and devotion to mission than pounding the pavement and securing the support of diverse constituencies in pursuit of a political goal.

But how would Palin know these things when she didn’t even have the fortitude to complete the one term as governor to which she had been elected and for which she had begged the people of Alaska for their support? For someone with such a lazy approach to duty, Palin has a lot of nerve to invoke a repugnant reference to the work habits of others. She doesn’t even have the good sense to educate herself on the issues on which she pontificates in order to avoid appearing the fool that she is. Now that’s lackadaisical.

This is not an isolated incident. This is a pattern for Palin and most of her conservative cohorts. It is repeated frequently on a daily basis. Both racism and lethargy (especially with regard to obtaining and reporting facts), are hallmarks of the Palin wing of the right. They are emblematic of the Tea Party’s absence of moral integrity and commitment to anything other than their narrow self interests. And they are also characteristics that fit squarely into the editorial philosophy of Fox News.

[Note: To those who argue that marking Palin as a racist because she used the word “lackadaisical” is too far a reach, please understand that it is not the word by itself, it is the context and the history. Maligning African-Americans as lazy goes back for decades. Disparaging representations abound, from Stepin Fetchit to “welfare queens.” Like the rest of the kneejerk Obama-haters, Palin has often characterized the President as a determined socialist bent on destroying America. Well, she can’t have it both ways. If Obama is a hard-working tyrant, he can’t also be sluggish lout. And for Palin to portray him as such can only be interpreted as an effort to associate him with the old and offensive stereotype.]


50 thoughts on “Half-Term Governor Sarah Palin Calls Obama ‘Lackadaisical’ In Racist Rant

  1. She drives me nuts. So glad our President brushes off and ignores her bullh*t.

    • Sarah Palin has an Obama fetish. It’s well known that she has a sexual infatuation with black men who play basketball, (remember Glen Rice)? Obama turns her on when she watches him play ball. All she needs is a little Zulu Man love and she’ll go away.

  2. Enough with this shrew! Why are her racist remarks not being treated the same as Paula Deen’s

    • The difference is, Sarah Palin has always been transparent about what kind of a person she is; Paula Deen hasn’t.

      • It’s simply because she hasn’t used the N-Word

  3. Clearly, Sarah Palin doesn’t have a clue about Community Organizers.She can’t even organize a coherent thought in that scrambled bird brain of hers. Community organizing is a process where people who live in proximity to each other come together into an organization that acts in their shared self-interest. Hmmm sounds like the Tea Party. I’m sorry Sarah just jump on the The Tea Party band wagon.

  4. Palin’s constant demonization of the president is based on jealousy, spite, and envy. She simply cannot understand how a black man could ascend to the White House. I’m very familiar with dealing with people like Palin because before I retired, I encountered the same attitude/belief from some of my coworkers. We had all attended the same undergraduate school, the University of GA, but they never ceased to make comments about UGA having “given” me my diploma because I am black. Never mind that my students scored as high, or in some cases higher, than theirs did on state-mandated standardized tests. For them, it was all about my race. In their minds, there was no way I could have graduated from UGA in three years’ time because being black means I’m naturally unintelligent. What people like Palin fail to realize is that race does not determine level of intelligence. Many of the things they take for granted today are contributions/inventions made by black intellectuals like George Washington Carver, Jan Matzeliger, Philip Downing, and Charles Drew. Even the Super Soaker, that I’m sure the Palins use, was created by Lonnie Johnson, a Black American engineer.

  5. “…racists like Palin…”

    Another filthy, disgusting lie from Mark. And this one is particularly vile. Very, very typical of left-wing liars to claim that conservatives are racists and offer no evidence to back that up.

    Going from to “lackadaisical” to “lazy” to “black people are lazy”? Seriously? (No, probably not seriously. I’m no longer sure that Mark even believes half of the sewage he burps onto his keyboard.) Here’s a quick reminder. During an ABC interview when President Obama was asked what one of his flaws would be, he responded with the following: “Laziness”. So, using this Chris Matthews-inspired kind of logic, does that mean President Obama is being racist to himself?

    Mark is running out of sharks to jump over. (Oh, I’m sorry. Does that comment promote violence?)

    • Typical conservative twist on what we all know about words that have a certain connotation when used to depict a certain part of our citizenry. Not all conservatives are racist, my niece is one but I know she is not racist. Quizas yo tambien tengo la vaganzia de que lost racistas hablan. President Obama was obviously poking fun at himself and jabbing those who use these words.

      • Another nonsensical post that proves nothing.

        • You got that right – no shortage of leftist hatred and idiocy here. I guess all white Alaskans are racists according to this lot.

      • Glen Rice would disagree.

    • Just because everyone says she’s racist doesn’t mean she isn’t racist.

    • Evidence of right wing conservative racism is fairly easy to come by, if you’re seriously interested in being honest. The distinction is, to me, the difference between classic fiscal conservatives, and the far right social conservatives. We could just look at the “voter registration” movement in the southern states aimed primarily at black districts. Or,we could look at the comments of many right wing pundits who insisted black people voted for Obama simply because he was black (as if blacks don’t historically vote democratic)or, worse, that they voted for “free things”

      Evidence not-with-standing, I’m unimpressed with your focusing your entire premise on Mark’s contextual use of “racism” within an overall criticism of Palin’s sophomoric remarks. While I share his concern that the use of that particular word is associated with race, I’m not sure Palin has the capacity to think that sincerely about anything. It takes a bit of knowledge to be that discreetly racist, and Palin doesn’t seem able to muster much real knowledge of anything. But that’s not really the point here, as much as the lack of substantive criticism and the unseemly obligatory whining delivered on a subject that is monumentally trivial.

  6. That quote from Palin sounded like it was from the 2008 campaign same talking points. They must really be embedded in her memory now that she has been repeating them for 5 years. She is stuck their and can’t get over why her god didn’t help her win, kill the old man off and make her President. Life is so unfair Sarah but that’s the breaks.

  7. Snowdrift Snookie couldn’t get through a full term as Gov; I don’t think she should be calling anyone lazy. She doesn’t even post on facebook or twitter half the time; she has someone do it for her.

    And Scott,

    The context of Pres Obamas’ comment seemed to be a bit self-deprecating, a sure sign of humility. Palins’ comments were meant to be critical and demeaning to say the least, because, you know, black people are lazy.

    • You are unable to read people’s minds, so you can’t prove this at all.

      • If you’re referring to Obamas’ mind, well one might have a legitimate argument. I’d have to say, though, that he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body, and from my perspective, there isn’t anything nefarious about him. And he sure doesn’t project anything close to being lackadaisical.

        Palin, on the other hand, is a simpleton. There isn’t anything about her that says ‘intellect resides here’ so reading her isn’t difficult. And besides, she’s rather transparent and doesn’t seem to mind showing us her idiocy.

        You’re right, I’m not a mind reader. I believe my descriptions of both people are fairly obvious to most people.

        How would you describe Palin? Or do you want to keep talking about Mark?

  8. I really dislike Sarah as much as the next progressive. However, I will go to bat for her and say she’s not a racist given her flirtation with black men and her one-night stand with Glen Rice.


    • Ha!! You make a good point. Racist isn’t the first thing I think of concerning Palin. I believe she says the things she says to be petty and hopes it gets under your skin. She still has that high school mentality when dealing with folks she doesn’t agree with or get along with.

  9. “Lackadaisical?” Surely Palin is aware that this word is associated with derogatory racial stereotypes that have persisted for decades. African-Americans have long been portrayed in the media and popular culture as lazy and shiftless.”

    Really??? – that kind of association only occurs with those who live and breath political correctness – “normal” people would never think this comment is a smear against an entire race. Is this why liberals invented political correctness? so you can take ANY word uttered by those who disagree with you and say it’s racists or make any number of insane accusations – and you wonder why we’re so divided as a country now that every word is judged and speech is no longer truly free. Don’t you think you’re reaching here just to bad mouth your favorite subject? I guess we need to rewrite the english language to remove any hint of evil intent – you’re all a joke. Maybe she is just calling Barak Obama lazy – no one else. he’s the president, I’m sure he’s being called all kinds of things every day that isn’t very nice.

    • First, ignoring history doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. For someone who is going to be on national television, she should probably spend some time considering her word choices.

      Second, if this was the first time she made a comment that could be construed as racist it may not have made as big a splash. But we all know she has made numerous comments, which does set her up for extra scrutiny. Some past comments she has made:

      “President Obama’s shuck-and-jive schtick with these Benghazi lies must end.” (written on her Facebook page)

      Palin continued to push the birther agenda, even after Obama’s birth certificate had been released: “I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue. I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers.”

      “So Sambo beat the bitch.” (at lunch during the primaries)

      “…one of Barack’s earliest supporters is a man who, according to the New York Times, and they are hardly ever wrong, was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that quote launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and US Capitol. Wow.”

      “Our opponent though, is someone who sees America it seems as being so imperfect that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country?”

      In response to the Islamic Community Center (not a mosque) in a run-down neighborhood blocks away from Ground Zero: “Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand. Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in the interest of healing.” (posted to her Twitter account)

      Dr. Laura quits her radio show after barraging a black caller with the N-word. Palin’s response: “Dr.Laura:don’t retreat…reload!” (posted to her Twitter account)

      After the Gabby Giffords shooting, when links were made to her map placing shooting targets over swing districts (including Giffords’): “journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn…” “Blood libel” being an anti-semitic term.

      “I don’t do black guys.” (to Gregory Charles Royal)

      She believes the United States is a Judeo-Christian nation, excluding every other faith from being American.

      Next up? A book to be released in November: A Happy Holiday is a Merry Christmas.

      • That “Sambo beat the bitch” comment was never authenticated. Thanks for reminding everybody how worthless the internet can sometimes be.

      • Are you and every other progressive going to tell us which words are ok and which aren’t? Honestly – if she is racist, so what – she has a right, as do we all, to say what we want and believe what we want – even if it’s uncomfortable to others. And if now words in the english language such as Lackadaisical, that were never created as racial insults, are somehow off limits or are a reason for censure, we’re really screwed. This exercise here – tearing someone down for using reasonable language – is pretty dumb. If this is what a progressive society looks like, everyone should be scared to death as we no longer can speak freely without being attacked unreasonably. Maybe it can be called insensitive, but again, so what. Big Brother really is watching.

  10. He’s the President of the United States of America, you fucking moron! Let’s see now…what’s on your resume, shall we? Beauty queen, small-town mayor, drop-out governor, huckster, shill, and grifter in it for the long con. Very impressive!

    • Is that for Palin? You’re very angry, you need some separation as I’m sure the POTUS doesn’t give a crap about you.

  11. I’m sure Palin has racist tendencies, as almost all Republicans do, but this article is trying wayyyy to hard to make a stretch. I actually laughed. I’m not defending Palin, but smearing her over something that you made up isn’t going to make you look any better either, just petty.

    • “…as almost all Rebublicans do…”


  12. Of course she doesn’t know about “lackadaisical.” You said it right in your article: she’s an imbecile. If she doesn’t know Lincoln was a liberal Republican who freed the slaves, she’s certainly not going to be big on vocabulary either.

  13. This is the problem… she is a moron who exhibits the intelligence of a sixth grader. Please stop writing about her. It gives her attention and fuel that she has neither earned nor deserves. She exemplifies the ignorant and uninformed logic of the far right… and none of these people deserve a sentence written about them much less an article. You want to write about somebody? I will give you a manuscript of my last decade… trust me, it is much more interesting, and I am by far more intelligent. (haha)

  14. “Surely Palin is aware that this word is associated with derogatory racial stereotypes that have persisted for decades.”

    While I’m in agreement that Palin is generally an incomprehensible and babbling lackwit, you’re trying to conjure demons where there are none. Lackadaisical has no racist connotation whatsoever. You’re jumping at shadows that don’t exist, and in your excitement to pound another nail into your wagon-wheel of wrongs, you’re coming across as just the kind of person you’re trying to vilify: petty and paltry.

    Also, if you’re going to publish things that you want people to take seriously, it’s vs. its is a good lesson to learn.

  15. i’m perplexed as to why anyone listens to anything this gormless twit says…how anybody even entertained the thought Palin could govern your mighty country is laughable. well it would be laughable if it wasn’t actually saddening

  16. I am trying to figure out why the President should concern himself with the ignorant rantings of someone who could not even finish her elected duty for or 1/50th of this country. Maybe she should just skeedaddle back to Yooperville, AK and see if she can wave across the straits to Mr. Putin…..assuming she has a clue just exactly who that is.

    • Podunk…Palin is from the Podunk region of Alaska.

  17. .. It is still so amazing that this “Loon” is so
    popular among certain people and they believe she
    has something legit to say. Just looked at the
    stats on her popularity nationwide ….she gets
    above 70% in all states “”EXCEPT ALASKA”” where
    she gets about 56% of those polled.
    She is a quitter and has nothing to say except
    hurtful nonsense that is not substantiated.

    • It’s not really “amazing” that the right is still in love with Sarah. It makes sense actually. You put lipstick on a pig, put said pig into haute couture, and it’s like swinging a pretty shiny object in front of Wingers who are easily mesmerized.

      Simple, really.

  18. Sarah’s greatest achievement is “a half term shuck and jiver”. She is more pathetic than Michelle Bachman!

    • Now, was that really nice to say about Caribou Barbie Snowgrifter?

  19. Just cause Sarah has dallied with a black man doesn’t prove she isn’t racist – plantation owners wives engaged in those activities with male slaves from time to time too and it didn’t make them anyless racist. Palin is an ignorant idiotic imbilicile who couldn’t handle the power or pessure of the presidency, she couldn’t even handle being Governor of the least populated state in the union – she’d fold like a cheap suit. Can you imagine this twit meeting with other heads of state? How would she handle all the law suits against her administration? If the past is any indication, she’d quit…

  20. Funny how you guys are the only ones who associate “lackadaisical” with blacks. Says more about you than Palin.

  21. Racist comments aside (and we can certainly spend time discussing the numerous racists comments made by this airhead), can we focus for a moment on the complaints against Community Organizers? One of the many things Palin doesn’t have the brain cells to comprehend is that all politicians are Community Organizers, it is their job to organize the community members they represent and convince them to cast a vote in their direction. The community they appeal to may be different from one politician to the next (actual human beings/companies and corporations with the funds to buy a place in our government/etc.), but if Sarah Palin did not organize a community she wouldn’t have been voted in for a half-term as Governor of the great state of Alaska which was spent ignoring her community while she made herself look like the world’s biggest moron in a bid for VP.

    Really, we should thank Fox News for giving her a podium so that we can continue to be entertained by her unending stream of faux pas and awkward blunders. The more she is allowed to speak, along with her equally asinine colleagues, the more the thinly veiled curtain Fox News uses to disguise its fiction as news will be pushed aside.

  22. Know the meaning of ‘Lackadaisical’? LOL, Sarah Palin doesn’t know the meaning of any word containing more than three letters, and wouldn’t even know how to find the definition of such words using an electronic dictionary.

  23. Before I get into my reply, I want it known that I voted for President Obama 3 times (if you count the ’08 primary). I agreed with his handling of the Snowden situation and I think he’s correct in NOT engaging in any provocative action to retrieve a 29 year old attention hound. While many commentators from both sides of the political spectrum consider him to be a hero, I personally think he’s a coward. Revealing state secrets is one thing. But fleeing to Russia to avoid facing the music is an act of cowardice no matter how you slice it.

    As to Palin, I don’t like her political positions and I certainly think she’s as much of an attention hound as Snowden. But I disagree with the assertion that using the word “lackadaisical” is proof that she’s a racist. I had a Senior Drill Instructor at Parris Island who was, as we used to say in the Corps, “dark green.” Everyone in the Marines is the same color: green. If you have fair skin, you’re “light green.” If you have skin that has more pigmentation, you’re “dark green.” Anyway, this DI used to refer to those who weren’t displaying the proper amount of motivation as “lax” which is shirt for lackadaisical.

    Thus, if a dark green Marine is using that term and it isn’t racist, it’s a little unfair to say that it’s a racist term just because it’s being spewed from the sewer of a women of questionable intellect and political ability.

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