Glenn Beck Challenges “Anybody Who Thinks I’m A Nincompoop”

Pope Glenn BeckSetting the stage for a stampede that could flatten Dallas, Glenn Beck took to the airwaves (video below) to glorify himself and lay down the gauntlet for his critics:

“I challenge you…for anybody who thinks I’m a nincompoop, I challenge you to find anyone on planet earth who has had the direction and the specifics as right as I have and we have over the last six years. I challenge you! Bring me the names.”

It goes without saying that there are millions of rational people who know that Beck is a nincompoop (or some other variety of poop). Fortunately for Beck, very few of them care what he says or would waste their time responding to his challenge. Since I have plenty of free time, I’ll pick up the gauntlet and point out that, contrary to his own inflated impression of himself, he has gotten more things wrong over the years than Nostra Dumbass.

Beck, while admitting that he is often “wrong on timing,” is terribly concerned now that “we are about to have an economic impact the likes of which the globe has never seen.” He predicts that it will “slide the entire globe into chaos.”

Perfect Storm

All of this fear mongering is reminiscent of his frequent “Perfect Storm” admonitions that he insisted would presage the arrival of the End Times. So far, none of the dozen or more warnings he so ominously delivered over the past few years has swept us off the face of the Earth or into chaos. Nor has his predictions of a global Muslim/Socialist Caliphate overtaking the world come to pass. And we’re still waiting for his promised unveiling of information so devastating that it would “take down pretty much the whole power structure.”

The real challenge would be for anyone to find something that Beck has said that was accurate. Amid his scrambled brain full of conspiracies theories, he couldn’t even get right the matter of whether or not he has ever been called a conspiracy theorist.

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3 thoughts on “Glenn Beck Challenges “Anybody Who Thinks I’m A Nincompoop”

  1. Even he now agrees that he is Nostradumbass!

  2. Beck: “..find anyone on planet earth who has had the direction and the specifics as right as I have and we have over the last six years [about what??]. I challenge you! Bring me the names.”

    1. Nate Silver 538blog; 2. All the people who didn’t make predictions 3. Barack Obama 4. the American voters 5.Paul Krugman 6.Ezra Klein 7. Lawrence O’Donnell 8.Rupert Murdoch and Al-Waleed bin al-Saud ibn al-Aziz. 9. 10. 11. NY Times 12. My 8 year old ……. ad infinitum.

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