Fox Nation vs. Reality: ObamaCare Enrollment Lagging In (Red) States

The Anti-ObamaCare Action Squad at Fox News has been disparaging the program from its inception. (Well, not from its inception when it was a Republican initiative promoted by the Heritage Foundation, but from the time it was adopted by President Obama and congressional Democrats). However, to the extent that it has been falling short of its goals, much of the credit can go to Republicans who have made it their mission to bring about its failure.

In a demonstration of a self-fulfilling prophecy, Fox News is now bragging that their efforts to prevent the program from succeeding have achieved some measure of success.

Fox Nation

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A featured article on the lie-riddled Fox Nation website declared with some glee that “Obamacare Enrollment Lagging In States With Highest Uninsured Rates.” It’s an uncharacteristically accurate assessment, but it leaves out the critical context that makes it useful.

What the Fox Nationalists are not telling you is that the states with the highest rates of uninsured residents are mostly red states run by right-wing Republican governors and legislatures. Those same states have done everything possible to prevent their citizens from benefiting from ObamaCare.

For instance, they have declined federal assistance to expand Medicaid, which would cover millions of Americans who cannot afford insurance and who do not qualify for subsidies under ObamaCare. Some of these states have also put in place obstacles that prohibit organizations from offering assistance to people who want to get insured. The “navigators” who can guide people through the complexities of the law are subject to expensive and burdensome certification tests that result in many of the organizations having to scrap the program.

Of the ten states with the highest uninsured rate, seven of them are run by Republicans. And with the exception of Florida, it is those same states that are lagging in enrollment in ObamaCare. The eighth and ninth states on the list are governed by Democrats and, not surprisingly, they are in the top five of states with the highest rate of residents signing up for ObamaCare.

So what we have here are Republicans purposefully sabotaging ObamaCare where they can, and then complaining that the plan doesn’t work. Except that it’s working great in states where the people’s representatives support it and where Republicans aren’t able to undermine it. It’s a reminder of why Republicans ought not to be given power anywhere. They are a party that is openly hostile to government, so when they hold its reins they intentionally cause it to fail and later point to that failure as proof that government doesn’t work.

Voting for a Republican is like selecting a faith healer to perform brain surgery. After the fake surgeon deliberately kills the patient he tells the family “See? You should have put your faith in Jesus.”


2 thoughts on “Fox Nation vs. Reality: ObamaCare Enrollment Lagging In (Red) States

  1. It’s working pretty well in Colorado where, ironically, our exchange law was introduced by the conservative Republican legislator, who correctly concluded a state knows its own needs best and should take care of its citizens.

    Also ironically, I know this because I just signed up for a bronze plan after learning my employer’s Cigna plan doesn’t include my family physician.

  2. Did Fox ever follow up with the lady with leukemia who had an Obamacare horror story that basically said her treatment for her disease was made unaffordable due to the ACA? It was an outrageous story of how this law hurt this poor citizen and the American people got to see first hand just how destructive this law is thanks to the journalism of Fox News! There was just one little, itty, bitty, teeny, weeny thing wrong with this story. It was completely and totally false! When legitimate news people investigated the claims they found the lady actually saved money with Obamacare over her old plan(cancelled by her ins. co. because it didn’t meet the ACA standards). When the ‘victim’ of this law was presented with the accurate information that her ACA plan was better coverage for less money, she basically said she couldn’t believe it and would not accept the simple math that brought everyone else to this conclusion. There are stories like this all over the country and basically tells us there is no amount of reality that can be applied to change the minds of the willfully ignorant.

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