Glenn Beck / Sarah Palin Book Publishing SNAFU

In examining the artwork on the covers of the new books by Glenn Beck (Arguing With Idiots) and Sarah Palin (Going Rogue), I discovered what may be a monumental error on the part of the publishers:

It is obvious that Glenn Beck is the reigning “rogue” in contemporary media. He his so far out of the mainstream of rational thought that even other conservatives are distancing themselves from him. Even worse, they are coming right out and labeling him as extreme, crazy, and harmful to their agenda.

Likewise, who is a bigger “idiot” than Sarah Palin? She crumbled under the withering inquisition of notorious bulldog, Katie Couric. She flunked out as governor of Alaska, leaving the post 18 months before her term expired. Her lack of comprehension of everything from taxes to health care to the Constitution, puts her squarely in the remedial class of American politicians.

The possibility exists that the book covers are correct as they are. After all, Palin is just as aberrant as Beck, and Beck is no smarter than Palin. So in truth, the covers work either way. Maybe, therefore, I’m jumping the gun on this blunder. But the appearance of an inadvertent switch is just too great to ignore.

So let’s leave it at this: I report – you decide.


13 thoughts on “Glenn Beck / Sarah Palin Book Publishing SNAFU

  1. The great thing about Palin, of course, is that all the right people hate her. The same thing happened with Bill Clinton back in the Nineties. Activists in my party went all lunatic in the head whenever he did something and Clinton was able to use that to his advantage.

    Palin will do the same thing to her enemies. It has gotten so that the Left has become completely unhinged in its attacks on her person. All that has happened is this: you guys have lowered the bar considerably for her and she can do Reagan’s “aw shucks” routine easily and look very appealing to Ma and Pa Registered Voter.

    Activist Bloggers don’t think of these things. It’s like Aikido: the more you attack her, the easier it will be for her to turn your attacks back on you. It’s all rather elegant. Clinton did the same thing to us. Works like a charm in the hands of a politician who knows what he (or in this case, she) is doing.

    • Somehow I don’t think so. But your last sentence may serve as a disclaimer.

    • The difference between Palin and Clinton is that Clinton wasn’t a doofus. The fact that you think Palin is some sort of Jedi Master who will use the Force to defeat her enemies is sublimely hysterical.

      I can’t wait. Palin/Steele 2012!

      • Daphne and Mark…priceless!

        Dave…wow. I need an aspirin.

  2. i love that mr ed/limp chris/and gay keith are intimidated by glenn becks success
    look at ratings uh huh
    look at his and sarahs books rankings uh huh
    valerie and her olympics? wave bye bye too bad
    van jones bye bye
    exposed? oh yeah
    has glenn beck EVER been proven wrong? NO
    he invites that so the truth is out!
    almost forgot the public option ROFL
    dems should be worried about their jobs in 2010

    • You forgot about that guy… I think his name is Rachel Maddow!

  3. ps
    abc/cbs/nbc/cnn/msnbc start reporting on what is really going on or everyone will go to fox
    don’t go down with them. you used to be good
    you were late on acorn
    late on van jones
    silent on valerie so report or go down
    you are no longer mainstream if you don’t report what is really going on
    you don’t complain about $20 million movie actors/athletes but you go after insurance execs whose income is tied to performance
    how about kobe has a bad night? does he not get paid? insurance execs get hit
    america can see through this redistribution of wealth and it is wrong and transparent!
    your time to chose, then america will decide whom we believe
    healthcare reform isa joke with allll the other problems obama faces right now including his ties to acorn ( which was terrible lie last sunday) valerie jarret iran afghan etc etc
    this will not go away
    your move

    • I wonder if I snap fingers, will you come out the spell you’re in? Beck’s magic is strong in you, but hypnotism can wear off. Good luck.

  4. Wow, where did all the loonies come from? Yes, Palin is popular (to a small crowd), and Beck has ratings (again to a small crowd), but is this good for America?

    I remember when Rush Limbaugh (like Beck, a radio DJ with limited education) first hit it big. He was fringe. He was extreme. He was akin to Morton Downey, Jr. And it took him 10 years or more to pull the conservatives over the edge. Now, they are ALL on the edge.

    I really thought George W. Bush was the end game. I thought that as his Presidency wound down, America would wake up and smell the coffee. But the current crop of “stars” on the conservative side is one clown after another, each less educated and more cartoonish than Bush ever was. Will America really be snowed again, with this cast of characters taking back power? Geez, I hope not.

    • The loonies have been there all along. They are just getting more airtime now – thanks to Fox News.

      I remember Trace Gallagher cutting away from an Obama town hall saying that he’d return if anyone started yelling. That about says it all.

  5. Here in Australia we don’t worship a flag or let nutjobs like Beck get popular,
    we have semi socialized medicine, we contribute and punch above our weight in Afghanistan and in Iraq, give truckloads away in charity, are allowed to say fuck on TV, trust our govt to give us guns if and when we need them, and have a massive gay community.

    We are also one of the safest economies in the world, which seems to be cheering along better than the rest of the world despite the fact that by becks standards we are Nazi’s WTF

    beck didn’t wake up shit, he is a nightmare!

    • That’s all well and good, but you’re still responsible for Rupert Murdoch. 😉
      Live that down.

  6. There is a special place in hell reserved just for him, where everyday Steve Irwin comes down from heaven and feeds him to a pit full of crocadiles.

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