Iowa GOP Seeks To Strip Ronald Reagan Of US Citizenship

In a Declaration from “We the People” of Iowa the Iowa Republican Party declares that…

“…the federal government has grown too large, too intrusive and too oppressive to the point that government now stifles the productivity, the freedom, the ingenuity and the very spirit of the American people. We declare that all three branches of government have been governing outside their well-defined bounds as stated in Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution of the United States.”

Consequently, they demand that…

“…the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government return to govern within their constraints clearly defined by the Constitution given to us by the founders in 1787 and further refined by the Bill of Rights in 1789.”

Notice that they did not demand a return to any of the amendments other than those in the Bill of Rights. So under their restoration of the original intent of the Founders, slavery would still be legal and women could not vote.

But what elevates this declaration from curiosity to idiocy, and beyond that to absurdity, is this charming little provision tucked away in the platform:

“7.19 – We call for the reintroduction and ratification of the original 13th Amendment, not the 13th Amendment in today’s Constitution.”

Th 13th Amendment to which they refer is not the one presently in the Constitution that abolishes slavery. There was a 13th Amendment introduced prior to that that was never ratified. It proposed that…

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

The purpose of including this plank in the platform was to make a statement regarding President Obama having won the Nobel Peace Prize. Setting aside for the moment that the Nobel is not awarded by a “foreign power” and thus would not have triggered the provision, if it were applicable it would mean that every American Nobel winner (scientists, writers, etc.) would have had their citizenship revoked as well. What’s more, it would strip the citizenship of Americans honored by the British Crown with honorary knighthoods, including Bill Gates, Rudy Giuliani, Steven Spielberg, and the sainted Ronald Reagan.

Since these crackpots haven’t been able to prove that Obama isn’t a citizen because he wasn’t born in the U.S., they are now trying to revoke his citizenship, and that of hundreds of other dignified Americans, including many that are their heroes.

Just how crazy are these lunatics? Let’s take a look at a couple of other planks in their platform. Section 4.26 says that “We oppose teaching multicultural based curriculum.” Section 7.10 says that “We affirm that desecrating the American or state flags is not constitutionally protected free speech, and should be punished accordingly.” That was immediately followed by Section 7.11 that says “We oppose any regulation or law that would restrict the freedom of speech.”

And if you need any further evidence of the madness in the Iowa GOP, the platform declaration also contains an enumeration of values that were taken straight from Glenn Beck’s web site for the 912 Project. Eleven of the twelve values on Beck’s site are in the Iowa GOP platform. The missing one is “charity,” which the Iowans replaced with “common sense.” That is a telling substitution. Six of nine of Beck’s principles are in the platform as well.

With the Iowa GOP deciding who can and cannot be a citizen, and Beck providing divine inspiration and spiritual guidance, there are, as Beck would say, “dark days ahead” for the Republican Party.


5 thoughts on “Iowa GOP Seeks To Strip Ronald Reagan Of US Citizenship

  1. I would like to note that there were a few items in the Iowa platform that actually make sense:

    7.37 – We support requiring a full Senate vote on all judicial nominations within 90 days of being nominated by the President.
    7.42 – We oppose foreign interests employing lobbyists to solicit the Congress of the United States.
    9.04 – We support the repeal of the Patriot Act.

    Unfortunately, most Republicans in DC are opposing all of these.

  2. Some people are seriously too fucking stupid to share our oxygen.

    But I agree with their call to add political calls to the Do Not Call Register.

  3. Seems like the pollen from all that corn has taken its toll. Maybe they can anoint spazBeck and try a mid west version of the TaiPing Rebellion.

  4. Thanks for linking to this natural progression of modern Republican politics as it goes back to the future. Their ancestor worship takes them back to 1787 specifically.

    There’s so much wrong-headed with their platform I could write a book but the one thing that strikes me is the common Republican focus on the Christian religion being injected into government. The strangest items are posting the 10 Commandments in public schools and “support[ing] the public display of the Ten Commandment” as a general practice. We’ve seen efforts to post the 10 Commandments around courts like in Kentucky and Georgia.

    Yet they place emphasis on the Bill of Rights. Last time I checked it supported freedom of religion. So how is the Constitution based upon the 10 Commandments which places at the top of the list “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Do not have any other gods before me?” I’ve always wondered if the cultural conservatives really thought the 1st Amendment should be interpreted as freedom of Christian denominations, not non-Christian religions.

    If the 10 Commandments are the cornerstone to our government, why is the 1st Commandment contradictory and none of the others really talked about in the Constitution? All civilizations can agree murder, false witness, and stealing are wrong but not Constitutional issues. Ditto honoring the sabbath, honoring parents and not ogling or bedding someone’s spouse which are moral issues separate from Constitutional or even criminal law.

    Posting the 10 Commandments in public places is less about its influence on our Constitution but a symbol akin to the American flag cultural Christians use, like an animal marking its territory, that the public space belongs to them.

  5. Productivity? Big Government?
    It just depends where you are. If the government forces a trade, products, or an industry to perform with restrictions, other will not need a team of layers, a set of engineers and execs to insure it: Efficiency Yes! If government forces Health Insurance, business will not need an entire department: Efficiency Yes! And others have room for more ingenuity. Big Government will inspire productivity depending upon which part. State your sections before you reach you pedestal!

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