Donald Trump Obsesses Over Hillary Clinton’s Past But Considers His Own Off Limits

The issue that Donald Trump has made the centerpiece of campaign against Hillary Clinton has been the timeworn marital difficulties she and her husband endured in the 1990s. Trump glommed onto this issue in response to Clinton’s advocacy of women’s rights in contrast to his own overt misogyny and his opposition to the reforms that matter most to women.

Donald Trump

Trump bitterly complained about Clinton asserting that he has “a penchant for sexism” and responded by accusing her of playing The Woman Card. But his defense rested entirely on dredging up the distant past of Bill Clinton’s infidelities and some baseless accusations that Hillary destroyed the lives of the women involved. He clearly doesn’t understand the nature of women’s issues or why they hate him so much. And despite Trump’s hyperbolic ranting that Bill Clinton was “the worst abuser of women in the history of politics,” a Fox News poll found that when women were asked who they thought was “more respectful of women” – Bill Clinton or Donald Trump – they responded overwhelming that it was Bill Clinton (55% to 31%).

Nevertheless, Trump continues to sharpen his attacks on Clinton’s past with every stump speech he delivers and every phone-in interview he gives to the media. This obsession with the past has now come back to haunt him. An audio from the 1990s has emerged that features Trump pretending to be his own fictional publicist. It was recorded for an interview with People Magazine. Trump is denying that the voice on the recording is his, but all the evidence suggests that he’s lying.

First of all, it sounds exactly like him and he repeatedly uses jargon that is unique and identifiable. In addition, the reporter from People Magazine says that not only was she certain that it was Trump, but that he admitted it afterwards saying that it was joke. Finally, CNN had a voice expert compare the recording to known recordings Trump and he said, with scientific certainty, that it was Trump. In response to the abundance of proof that Trump did perpetrate this fraud, and is lying about it now, Trump complained that

“You’re going so low to talk about something that took place 25 years ago whether or not I made a phone call? Let’s get on to more current subjects.”

Alrighty then. Presumably Trump will stop talking about the Clintons’ past marital troubles that took place 25 years ago. And if you believe that, then you’re already gullible enough to be a Trump supporter. And like most Trump supporters, it doesn’t bother you that your candidate assumed fake identities to brag about his business and sexual conquests, or lied about doing so when he was caught.

There are real differences between the old Clinton news and the old Trump news. The old Clinton news is not actually news. It has been known for decades. It also does not reflect on her behavior or credibility as a public leader. In fact, it ought to be regarded as a measure of honor that she and Bill managed to repair their marriage, respect their vows, and preserve their family. On the other hand, Trump’s news is indeed relevant today because it has never been revealed before. It’s actually news. And it plainly reflects on his character, defining him as a deceitful impostor and a liar.

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It would nice if, the next time Trump goes off on the Clinton affairs, the media reminds him that he said that such past occurrences were “going so low” and should be dismissed in favor of “more current subjects.” Somehow I think that may be too much to expect from the media that made Trump in the first place. They have yet to learn the most basic lessons on how to interview him. Like preventing him from dodging questions, changing subjects, and filibustering with irrelevant trivialities. So that would be nice too.


6 thoughts on “Donald Trump Obsesses Over Hillary Clinton’s Past But Considers His Own Off Limits

  1. do you understand that all of the slamming of trump,really gives the people riding the fence,a clear understanding of the hatred that you are accusing trump of doing all the time.Open up your eyes and understand that the negative communication that you are trying to promote is actually going to bolster the undecided voters

    • If the people on the fence see that as “hatred” against Trump, then they would already be Trump supporters anyway. No same person, after seeing Trump’s antics, would view it that way, it’s only people like you who would.

      Yeah keep dreaming that “the people on the fence” are just like you. If they were they would already be for Trump, not on the fence.

  2. This is such typical bully behavior I’m having flashbacks to my grade school days – when I had to take a different way home each day to avoid getting beaten up (something that didn’t always work).

  3. Well, what else did you EXPECT from this yellow a–wipe? He’s a sh–stain and needs to call out on all his bullsh–, each & every time.

  4. Hail Al Qaeda. Sudan Husan is my father. I like the white americans

  5. Didn’t Herr Drumpfenfuhrer announce back in December that he had no problem with anyone trolling around in his past same as he was doing against Hillary? Took more than five months to change his tune. I kind of expected THAT shift back in January…

    I seem to recall Sharron Angle, who changed her website to completely twist her original position, her opponent posted the original position, then she threatened suit against the exposure of her original position, which she was now denying.

    Yeah, this sounds awfully familiar. Fortunately, Herr Drumpfenfuhrer is an idiot and never carries through on his legal threats. But then, neither did Ms. Angle…

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