HEY FOX NEWS: We Didn’t Start The Class War Fire

The top headline today on Fox Nation is a conspicuously slanderous lie (as opposed to their conventional slanderous lies): Oakland on Fire: Obama Gets Class War He Asked For.

Fox Nation

First of all, not only has Obama never asked for a class war, he has never even expressed support for the Occupy movement that the Fox Nationalists are inferring is a class war. This has been a disappointment to progressives who want the President to go beyond acknowledging the frustration of the protesters and the 99% of the nation whom they represent.

More importantly, the class war theme has been beaten to death by right-wingers intent on blaming the American people for the obscene economic disparity that is the work of wealthy corporations and their benefactors in Congress. If the elitist One-Percenters are afraid (and they should be) of the rampaging hordes approaching their villas with torches and pitchforks, then they should stop behaving like robber barons and start acting like patriots. They should care more about their country and fellow citizens than they do about hoarding wealth, ripping people off, and destroying the economy.

As Billy Joel said (sort of), “We didn’t start the [class war] fire,” but we’ll be more than happy to finish it, and we will prevail. Revolution is in our DNA. It’s how we gained liberty from lords and monarchs a couple of hundred years ago, and we will do it again. And this time many of the lords are actually on our side. The enemy isn’t really the Upper Crusties, it’s the conservative media and politicians acting on behalf of a minority of ultra-rightist neo-fascists (and that is not a reference to Hitler, but to the actual definition of fascism, which Mussolini called “corporatism.”). With respect to the foregoing, the best thing I can do in response is to just reprise an article I wrote a few days ago on this very subject:

CLASS WAR VICTORY! The Wealthy Have Surrendered, So Who’s Still Fighting?

“Conservatives say if you don’t give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they’ve lost all incentive because we’ve given them too much money.” ~ George Carlin

The national debate triggered by the Occupy Wall Street protests has given the wealth gap a renewed focus in the public arena. And with good reason. That gap is wider today than it was just prior to the Great Depression; wider, in fact, than it has ever been. The brutality of that economic disparity has thrust our nation into a bitter and persistent recession. But it has also inspired millions of Americans to step forward and demand reforms that not only restore fairness, but readjust the balance of political power.

Conservatives regard this new activism as a declaration of class war. But it’s important to note that they only call it war when we fight back. The war was already in progress and, as Warren Buffett said, “We (the rich) are winning.” Now a new survey reveals that Buffett is not the only one-percenter that is fighting on our side. The Wall Street Journal (ironically) is reporting that…

“A new survey from Spectrem Group found that 68% of millionaires (those with investments of $1 million or more) support raising taxes on those with $1 million or more in income. Fully 61% of those with net worths of $5 million or more support the tax on million-plus earners.”

We can also count Bill Gates amongst the one-percenters who advocate more progressive taxes.

[Note: The same segment from ABC’s This Week was posted on Fox Nation with a headline that perverts reality beyond all recognition: “Bill Gates Knocks Down Obama’s Millionaire’s Tax.” Gates did no such thing. He continues his remarks saying that taxing millionaires by itself will not solve the debt problem, but no one is suggesting that it will. And his support for taxing the rich more is clear and unambiguous.]

When two-thirds of the people that will be affected by a tax increase support the increase, it begs the question, who are the opponents? For the answer you need look no farther than the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

John Boehner: “[T]here’s nothing that’s disappointed me more over the last 8 weeks than to watch the President of the United States basically give up on the economy, give up on the American people.” […] “People are frustrated, and that’s why the House has been focused all year on trying to create a better environment for job creation in our country.”

Boehner is wrong about Obama. The President has not given up on the economy or the American people. He has given up on Boehner. And Boehner’s assertion that the House has been focused on creating jobs is laughable. He and his Republican troops have done nothing but obstruct progress on every legislative attempt to stimulate job growth. In fact, they have been working hard to recast the issue as one that is centered on those they call the “job creators.”

House Republicans have a web site at jobs.gop.gov. The funny thing about the site is that it has no content whatsoever that addresses the plight of workers or the unemployed. The site isn’t really about jobs at all, as the heading makes abundantly clear: The House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators. That’s an admission that the Republican agenda for jobs is really just an agenda for business owners and corporations. Click through to their plan and you will see a short list of proposals that hew narrowly to tax cuts for business, deregulation, and deficit reduction. It’s the same tired parade of failed policies that Republicans put forth as their solution to everything. None of those policies will produce jobs and, more importantly, they aren’t even what small businesses, the biggest driver of jobs, say that they want.

A new Gallup poll asked small business owners “What would be a primary motivation or reason for hiring any new employees?” The top three responses, representing 63% of respondents, were all related to demand.

“Small-business owners point to increased revenues (27%), an improving economy (20%), and growth or expansion of their business (17%) as their top motivations for hiring new employees in 2012.”

This survey affirms the analysis of most economists who agree that companies do not expand hiring when their taxes are cut or regulations are relaxed. They hire when they need to satisfy increased demand or exploit an economic opportunity. The Wall Street Journal surveyed a group of economists and concluded that…

“The main reason U.S. companies are reluctant to step up hiring is scant demand, rather than uncertainty over government policies, according to a majority of economists in a new Wall Street Journal survey.”

Once again, that’s the conservative Wall Street Journal reporting. It’s fair to presume that the economists the Journal surveyed were not from some sleeper cell of de-thawed Bolsheviks. In addition to this widespread agreement by experts that the GOP fixation on tax relief for the Upscalers is fiscal folly, the popular sentiment on Main Streets across the nation overwhelmingly favors making those who have benefited the most contribute more to restoring our country’s economic health. After all, the rich are the only ones who have not been called upon to share the sacrifice.

Shared Sacrifice

When the big picture is unfurled there are conclusions to draw that are too obvious to ignore. The American people support raising revenue via taxes. Economists agree that demand, not tax relief, drives job creation. And a majority of millionaires believe that their own tax rates are too low. Yet Republicans in Congress continue to stonewall. The intransigence of the GOP serves no constituency and has no discernible benefit politically. The only plausible return for their bullheadedness is in the form of financial support from a deep-pocketed minority of one-percenters who simply cannot abide one more cent in taxes.

That’s the naked truth that Boehner & Co. are having such a hard time defending. That’s why the Occupy movement has captured such a broad swath of public support. And that’s why it is all the more peculiar that the media still fails to present these issues honestly, and that many in the Democratic Party, including the President, have not unambiguously acknowledged the voice of the people and joined the fight for economic justice. If the wealthy have conceded that the people’s position is the one that ought to prevail, then where are the people’s representatives?


14 thoughts on “HEY FOX NEWS: We Didn’t Start The Class War Fire

  1. Thank God for this republican House – attacking a small minority and taking more of their money to continue supporting a group of losers who can’t take care of themselves is total BS. If Bill Gates and Warren Buffet want to pay more, let them just pay more. Continuing to support these filthy progressive government programs is the nonsense that should be stopped – and it will be since insolvency is on the horizon – certainly not the best way to do it. The more people look to the government to solve the problem, the longer it’s going to take to get through it. No one wants to hear about pain and suffering, but letting the economy heal itself is the best way to resolve this. Killing this progressive created government is the best thing that can happen.

    • ” attacking a small minority and taking more of their money to continue supporting a group of losers who can’t take care of themselves”

      Yep get those bailed out coporate CEOs and bankers on gov welfare to pay the money back. Then you pay the cost of the Iraq war that benefited Haliburton at gov/tax payer expense.

    • How about we just stop the redistribution of wealth upwards in the form of the aforementioned corporate welfare and then we probably won’t need to support the “filthy progressive programs”. The greatest welfare reform ever would be a strong, healthy middle class.

  2. I’ve been watching live coverage from Oakland on CBS/13 Sacramento and don’t recall any fires going on. That photo is a hoax.

    • Nope. No good pictures there.

      That is Michelle Malkin’s web site and, along with her lies, she has posted a bunch of pictures of acts that the Occupy movement has denounced. Many were likely perpetrated by paid right-wing provocateurs. Don’t waste your time.

      • Mark, just curious – where and how does Occupy… denounce these acts of vandalism – where do you get your evidence that these acts are by PAID right-wing provocateurs?

  3. The Rightwing Smear Merchants and Agent Provocatuers are in full force trying to derail and besmirch OWS and #Occupy. It’s really got their Moneyed Masters in a tizzy and the Plutocratic 1% are calling forth all efforts, beating, illegal arrests, non-stop Faux Propaganda to the front.

    Don’t give in to the liars and scum, Breitbart, Malkin, Hannity, Loesch, David Brooks! Keep the pressure on the cadre of Criminal Banksters and Wall Street Thieves!

    • The banksters are the thieves – starting at the top with the central bank. That’s where all the pressure needs to be – they are the primary cause of the economic mess we’re in. So long as the central bank is in control, we’re screwed – especially those of us who like to save and the elderly living on a fixed income.

  4. The truth hurts! If the pictures were of a tea party rally you would be slobbering to write an article about it. It’s obvious you are blinded by hate.

    • The Tea Party declared they would shoot people if they didn’t get their way. Then Tea Party members went out and did just that: Richard Poplawski killed 3 Pittsburgh Police Officers because he knew they were coming to take his guns under the Obama Gun ban. Of course, if you want a timeline of the over-the-top rhetoric and actions of Tea Party un-patriots and militia members since the election of President Obama here it is.
      “I believe in this movement … America is ready for another revolution,” – Sarah Palin at the 2010 Tea Party Convention.

      “I what Minnesotans armed and dangerous,” – Michele Bachmann

      “That’s because of the Tea Party movement, all these Tim McVeigh wannabes.” ~ Sean Hannity

      • I forgot hannity ever even said that. It’s good to be reminded every once in a while.

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