Will The Fox News/GOP Debate Remember Martin Luther King Today In South Carolina?

Today America is celebrating the birthday of Martin Luther King. It is a fitting tribute to one of the nation’s most revered advocates of freedom and justice for all.

Today is also the day that Fox News has chosen to broadcast a Republican presidential primary debate from the state of South Carolina. The obvious question arises as to whether either the Fox moderators or the candidates will take the opportunity to recognize what this day represents.

Will any of them note that South Carolina was the last state to recognize the day as a national holiday? Prior to May 2, 2000, state employees could choose between celebrating Martin Luther King Day or one of three Confederate holidays.

Will any of them note that the The U.S. Justice Department is currently challenging South Carolina’s voter ID law as being in violation of the 1965 voting rights act, which outlawed discriminatory practices that prevented blacks from voting?

Will any of them note that the Confederate flag still flies over the South Carolina state capital?

These are all matters that Dr. King would have considered significant. If Fox wants to schedule a GOP political event on a day of remembrance for a national hero, they ought to take steps to express respect for the meaning this day holds for all Americans. And that means addressing the still unresolved issues of race that plague our country, particularly in places like South Carolina. Failure to do so would be an egregious insult and an affirmation of the reputation for racial insensitivity for which both Fox News and the GOP are well known.


2 thoughts on “Will The Fox News/GOP Debate Remember Martin Luther King Today In South Carolina?

  1. ” Failure to do so would be an egregious insult and an affirmation of the reputation for racial insensitivity for which both Fox News and the GOP are well known.”

    Another big lie from the crazies on the left. Before you start calling people “racists”, you damn well better know what the hell the word means.

    The program tonight is a debate and not 2 hours of news. They have no obligation to say anything about the holiday.

    The news of the holiday will be spread throughout the day as is usual for these kinds of events.

    You people really need to stop whining and do something constructive with your sorry lives.

  2. I suspect he’ll be honored as an actual conservative who, had he lived, would not only have become a Republican but denounced Obama as a traitor, though he may have used a more delicate term. The cons have already attempted to claim him just as they have appropriated labels like “feminism” to suit their purposes. It’s transparently preposterous but the calculation is they’d only appear more desperate by ignoring him entirely.

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