The Fox News Audience Demonstrates Their (Non) Humanity – Again

Here we go again. The people who patronize Fox News just can’t seem to suppress their innate inhumanity. A plane crashes in Pakistan with 127 passengers that might be from anywhere, including the U.S., and this is how the Fox audience responds:

Fox News Jet Crash

The overt racism and absence of common decency is disgusting. These are people who represent themselves as pro-life and tolerant of individual sovereignty. Yet their bigotry and hatefulness always seems to come through. And there are even those who just have to turn even an unrelated tragedy into a treasonous desire for the President’s death.

Where are people like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, who relentlessly disparage liberals as soulless and uncaring, but when remarks like these appear they have nothing to say? And these are not remarks popping up on some obscure fringe web site – this is Fox News. And this should be condemned by everyone.


2 thoughts on “The Fox News Audience Demonstrates Their (Non) Humanity – Again

  1. And these were the moderated comments…

  2. That’s why Fox is in buisiness to cater to the bigotry, hatred and ignorance of their audience, not to disseminate news and information. Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh never criticize their audience, when you feel the same way they do, why would they? These people have their own news sources(Fox and other right-wing hate shows), they have their own schools(home schooling, Liberty University et al), in essence they have their own reality. As Stephen Colbert once said ‘facts have a liberal bias’ so these people create their own facts to fit what they have already concluded in order to justify the nonsense they believe. It’s much easier and simpler for them that way, they don’t ever have to think.

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