The Fox News Blackout Of Bill Clinton

For the past several weeks the media has been anticipating the entrance of Bill Clinton on the campaign trail for his wife Hillary. It has been a hotly debated subject, not just because he is a former president, but because he is regarded as a masterful communicator with the potential to shape the political landscape.

Among those eagerly engaging in the discussion is Fox News. They have broadcast numerous segments analyzing the former President’s ability to boost Hillary’s prospects, his continued popularity as a public figure, and the possible downside due to some old personal “indiscretions.” Fox has spent untold hours speculating about how Bill’s presence might affect the course of the campaign.

Well, today was the day that Bill made his debut appearance as a surrogate for his wife’s 2016 candidacy. He delivered a half hour speech to an appreciative audience in New Hampshire, the first primary state. The speech was carried live by both CNN and MSNBC. Fox News, however, showed just fifty-five seconds, then quickly cut away. That’s less than one minute of a half hour speech by a former president, and husband of a current presidential candidate, on his first campaign appearance, which was taking place in an important primary state. And for the record, there was no breaking news to justify snubbing this event.

Donald Trump News

Compare that the coverage that Fox News gives Donald Trump. They broadcast the entirety of his events live, despite the fact that they rarely contain anything more newsworthy than his standard stump speech that everyone has heard ad nauseum. Fox interrupts scheduled programming for these marathon speeches and repeats significant clips of them throughout the rest of the day. So far, Fox has not replayed anything from Clinton’s speech, although they have brought it up as an excuse to level attacks against the Clintons.

News Corpse has documented the wholly unprofessional and biased manner in which Fox News has virtually turned their network over to Donald Trump. No other candidate, even other Republicans, have received the sort of preferential treatment that Trump has enjoyed. And that’s even after he has repeatedly feuded with and insulted the network’s anchors, pundits, and owners. He even called for a boycott of Fox News after another delusional fit of whining about being treated unfairly.

So while Fox News kisses up to a crybaby who bullies them at every turn and has achieved nothing in the realm of public service, they completely ignore a former president who is widely admired with an unsurpassed record of achievement. And this is the network that wants people to believe they are “fair and balanced?” Some people may retort that this is Bill and not Hillary, so why should Fox broadcast it. Well, they have never aired a speech by Hillary live and in full either, so that argument doesn’t really fly.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Look for more of this bias as the campaign proceeds. Fox will continue to feature Trump and disregard Democrats as a whole, unless it is to disparage them. And they will especially avoid Bill Clinton because they know that he might be effective in making the case for Hillary. That’s something that Fox is simply too afraid to confront.

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The NRA Has Been Financing Their Death Cult By Cheating On Their Taxes

This weekend there has been rampant speculation about whether President Obama will advance a gun safety agenda via executive orders. Most of the talk suggests that he will expand background checks to include gun shows where weapons are often sold without any inquiry into the legal status of the buyer. They could be felons, or mentally ill, or under a restraining order, or linked to terrorism, or Ted Nugent. But under the current laws regarding gun shows, they could all acquire deadly armories.

NRA Problem Solver

The National Rifle Association is firmly in favor of the status quo. They have been working hard to prevent any reform that might make a dent in the 30,000+ gun deaths every year. And their efforts are in direct contradiction to the will of the American people who broadly favor common sense reforms like closing the gun show loophole (89%) and banning assault weapons (58%). These numbers include many gun owners.

Now, in addition to supporting gun rights for people on the Terrorist Watch List, news reports have revealed that the NRA has been lying on their tax returns for years. Their filings have asserted ridiculously false claims such as that they do not receive membership dues or engage in political activity. And that’s not all:

“For seven years, the NRA also skipped a key question on its tax form — whether or not it engaged in lobbying. Asked to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ it simply left the space blank. […] Asked to detail expenses on its tax form, the NRA told the IRS it spent nothing on lobbying each year from 2008 to 2013.

“In 2014, it finally recorded $1 million in lobbying expenses. But even that figure is at odds with the amount reported to Congress of $3.4 million, according to data on the OpenSecrets Web site. It also recorded spending $23 million on unspecified ‘legislative programs.'”

Those are some pretty significant discrepancies that cannot plausibly be explained away as inadvertent. The NRA is, at its core, a political lobbying organization that receives millions of dollars in membership dues. It would be like Pepsi accidentally failing to report any income from selling beverages. Most of the NRA’s funding comes from firearms manufacturers and dealers seeking to expand their businesses. Lobbying on their behalf is why the NRA exists.

Before all the right-wing ammosexuals out there start whining that this must be a liberal conspiracy by the lamestream media attacking the NRA and its holy crusade to defend the Second Amendment, it was the conservative New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch of Fox News, that published the results of their investigation of the NRA-theists and their apparent tax filing perjury.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

In a just world the NRA and its executives should be indicted for tax fraud and punished accordingly if found guilty. However, according to the NYPost, the New York Attorney General’s office would not comment on whether there is an investigation in progress. That often means that there isn’t, but they are rushing to put one together to avoid being embarrassed by the disclosures in the press. Time will tell. In the meantime the NRA has been exposed as a dishonest enterprise that is not only making the nation a more dangerous place to live, but rips off the American people while doing it.

Fox News Throws Tantrum Because Twitter Won’t Let Them Be Abusive Jerks

The new year has brought about some new rules and regulations both online and off. Among them are new rules on Twitter governing abusive language. The terms of service now state that…

“Twitter will not tolerate behavior intended to harass, intimidate, or use fear to silence another user’s voice […] You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.”

These rules are intended to prevent abusive behaviors that constitute “threats of violence or promote violence, including threatening or promoting terrorism. So of course the hate mongers at Fox News are going to be upset. This severely suppresses their “freedom” to spew their rancid bigotry and castigate Muslims or gays or immigrants or liberals as sub-humans that true patriots should eradicate from the Earth. And without the ability to attack people based on the criteria above, how will they fill their airtime?

Fox News

It says a lot about the Fox mindset that they would bother to lash out at these reasonable limits to online threats and abuse. They are inadvertently admitting that their rhetoric crosses the line from being merely ignorantly boorish to approaching terroristic bullying. You have to wonder why they would be so resistant to complying with rules that compel civility.

During the segment (video below), the hosts of the Saturday edition of Fox & Friends were in agreement these new rules were aimed at shutting down conservatives. And maybe they have a point because who else would be harmed by banning threats based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, etc.? Only conservatives engage in that sort of openly malevolent dialog that Twitter is seeking to abate. It’s the same sort of dialog that is expressed by world-class hate monger Donald Trump.

Introducing the segment, Tucker Carlson noted that the new policies say that “You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people.” To which his co-host, Clayton Morris said…

“Critics argue there is no mention of the terrorist organization and the wording is so vague that it could really be applied to anyone. So could the new rules be used to kick conservatives off that platform if they are reported by the left?”

That question was taken up by their guest, from the right-wing National Review, Katherine Timpf, who joined the chorus complaining that the language was too vague and saying that…

“Someone can say ‘Oh, this looks like intimidation’ and they can flag it and then it ends up getting taken down and in the meantime you don’t have an account. So, really, what could it be? They don’t mention ISIS at all.”

For some reason it seems important to these pundits that the rules explicitly mention ISIS. Were that the case, wouldn’t they have to also mention every other terrorist organization? And what about threats by radical Christianists against Planned Parenthood, or against an African-American church, or a gay establishment, or any other random threat, even if it were directed to only one person? It is patently absurd to craft a policy that is only valid if the perpetrator is identified by name.

At this point, co-host Tucker Carlson chimed in to say that “People have been silenced on Twitter, and it seems to me that a lot of them are conservatives.” Whereupon he displayed a graphic of four conservatives that he alleged were silenced by Twitter. Unfortunately, he never revealed what they said that might have resulted in their being temporarily suspended. He just implied that it was nefarious and represented a trend toward silencing conservatives. To this Timpf responded saying sarcastically that…

“We know the government would never target conservative groups. Like the I.R.S. would never do anything like that. But of course it can be used that way.”

This would be a good time to note that Twitter is a private company and can set their own criteria for civility. They are not the government and thus are not violating anyone’s constitutional rights if they suspend a user who violates their rules. But Timpf went on to say that she thinks Twitter executives are applying tougher standards to conservatives. And her proof of this is that…

“I don’t hear any liberals complain about getting banned on Twitter for something they’ve said and I hear every day about this happening to conservatives.”

Well, that settles it. This right-wing writer hasn’t heard any liberals complaining, but she hears it everyday from conservatives. What a coincidence. If this were happening every day, Carlson’s graphic might have had more than four names on it.

What is really being revealed here is that conservatives simply complain a lot more than liberals. They bitterly complained when they accused Twitter of permitting terrorists to have accounts where they could communicate with one another and recruit new members. Now they are complaining when Twitter takes steps to prevent that very thing. And they especially complain if their penchant for hate speech is impeded in any way.

The problem is that if Fox News wants to prohibit ISIS from tweeting their threats and attacks, they are gonna have to stop doing it themselves. And for some examples of the sort of violent rhetoric that is inspired by Fox News, see The Collected Hate Speech Of The Fox News Community – a collection of comments posted on Fox’s websites by their audience.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Hysterically Flubs Their New Year’s Eve Infomercial For Donald Trump

For weeks Fox News heavily promoted their New Year’s Eve special that would feature an appearance by Donald Trump to ring in the new year. This programming strategy is another affirmation that Fox is not even pretending to be fair and balanced anymore. But the real problem for Fox was that the segment was complete dud as both entertainment and advocacy.

Donald Trump Fox News

The hosts, Eric Bolling and Kimberely Guilfoyle, could not have been more annoying and obsequious. And The Donald was barely coherent. Combine that with technical glitches and missed cues and you have a evening of humiliation and unintentional comedy as exemplified in this exchange:

Bolling: The big question is, Donald Trump, New Year’s resolution 2016, campaign related, what are you gonna go for next year?
Trump: Well, we’re gonna have a great time next year. We’re gonna have an amazing year. We’re gonna make America great again. And we’re gonna do everything in our power to make sure that happens.
Guilfoyle: I see my friends there, Donny and Vanessea. It’s great to see the whole family and Ivanka. And Melania looking so gorgeous. I gotta tell ya, she would make an amazing First Lady of America.

Guilfoyle: If we call in 2017 to come ring in New Year’s, are we calling the White House and can we get the call through?
Trump: Well, I hope you’re gonna be calling the White House and I promise you will get through. You’ll always be invited and we’re gonna do something really special. We’re gonna make a lot of amends for the mistakes that have been made over the years.

Presumably he means mistakes like ending two wars, making health care accessible to millions, cutting the deficit by two-thirds, and bringing the economy back from the worst catastrophe since the Great Depression. But what these nitwits failed to realize is that on New Year’s day in 2017 President Obama will still be the president and residing in the White House. It may seem like a small point, but it is emblematic of the inbred ignorance of the Fox News yakkers and their buffonish guest, Donald Trump.

This inane chatter went on for nine minutes and served as little more than an infomercial for Trump. No other candidate was given this prime broadcast time as the calendar flipped a page. And he was in full campaign-mode, asserting that he would be Hillary Clinton’s “worst nightmare” and repeating his campaign branding and slogans ad nauseum. Given another chance to come up with a New Year’s resolution he again said only that he would “make America great again,” to which Guilfoyle’s trained puppy response was “Good choice.” I’m really starting to wonder when Trump will turn his slogan into a jingle and have a tie-in with Pepsi or McDonalds (McDonald Trump? I’m lovin’ it).

To top it off, Bolling and Guilfoyle let the Trump family ramble on for so long that they actually missed the New Year’s countdown. The right side of the screen showed the clock tick to zero while the Trump’s were still hogging the slimelight. Then, to cover their fumbling of the most important part of the evening, they initiated their own fake countdown after the new year had already begun. Seriously, these cretins had just one thing to do right on this broadcast, which was the countdown to the new year and they blew it in order to cater to Donald Trump’s lust for attention. Watch and laugh – and have a happy new year.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Year In Hate And Lies On Fox News: An Embarrassing 2015

Annual reviews are often routine exercises that involve collecting a few thematically aligned events and presenting them in an ordered list to remind people of what went down in the previous twelve months. However, for Fox News it just isn’t that simple. There are so many examples of blatant dishonesty, cringe-worthy ignorance, and shameless biases that any list would be too long for anyone to wade through.

Consequently, this year News Corpse is limiting the 2015 retrospective to a few instances that were notable for how embarrassing they are – or would be to a network that had the capacity for shame. And even this list is not meant to be comprehensive, but it will give a taste of the journalistic malpractice and general noxious mismanagement of the news as practiced by Fox – a network that has the unique distinction of having started the year with a huuuge majority of its ratings on PolitiFact (61%) deemed “Mostly False, False,” or “Pants On Fire.”

Fox News PolitiFact

1) French TV: Laughing At The Credibility Of The Fox News Clowns And #FoxNewsFacts

Fox News hosted Steven Emerson, an alleged terrorism expert, who claimed that the entire city of Birmingham, England was occupied by radical Muslims and was inaccessible to anyone else. His remarks were widely ridiculed, including by David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, who called Emerson an “idiot.” Emerson later recanted and apologized for his “terrible error.” But Fox wasn’t done embarrassing itself with false tales of horror. Click the link above to see the hilarious video.

Fox News

2) High Schoolers Scorch Bill O’Reilly/Fox News For Lack Of Journalistic Ethics

Fox News has been proven repeatedly to be a purveyor of disinformation and outright lies presented as facts. Knowledgeable observers long ago ceased to take their reporting seriously. However, it’s one thing to be called out for shoddy journalism by experienced media analysts and news professionals. But when a high school class can demolish the highest rated cable “news” network with ease, the folks responsible should reconsider their career choices.

Fox News

3) Bill O’Reilly’s Cavalcade Of Lies: A Handy Collection Of The Damage – So Far

After NBC suspended Brian Williams for six months for a single incident of embellishing his experiences in Iraq, it seems like a fair and balanced review of O’Reilly’s behavior would net him a suspension of two or three years. Of course, Fox News does not generally hold itself to the standards of journalistic ethics to which real news enterprises adhere. Nevertheless, O’Reilly and Fox News should not be allowed to sweep these fibs under the floorboards.

Bill O'Reilly

4) Watch John Oliver Bust Fox News For Falsifying Refugee Video

Fox News mounted a relentless campaign to slander Syrian and Iraqi refugees as terrorists seeking to infiltrate Europe and the U.S. This propaganda blitz is based on nothing but invented tales of horror and racist speculation. But apparently those attempts to deceive their pre-rattled viewers were not sufficiently frightening. Consequently, Fox News had to manufacture “evidence” of the doom that awaits any nation that shows empathy for the suffering refugees. So they enhanced their fictional narrative with video that was completely unrelated to the story. And John Oliver caught them red-handed.

Fox News John Oliver

5) Fox News Propagandist Caught And Arrested, Charged With Fraud

Wayne Simmons has been a frequent guest on Fox News for many years, providing what they said was expert analysis of intelligence and military issues from an experienced professional. Fox often relied on his commentary to inform their audience about serious national security issues as they arose in the news. But as it turns out, Simmons had lied on his resume to the federal government when seeking employment and contracts, and now he is under indictment for “major fraud against the United States, wire fraud, and making false statements to the government.”

Fox News

6) After Falling For Hoax News Site, Sean Hannity Takes On PolitiFact’s ‘Stupidity’

You really have to give the wingnut media credit for standing firm in the face of flagrant ridicule. On Sean Hannity’s Fox News program last week he cited a statistic that was not only wildly implausible, it was sourced to an Internet website that was obviously satirical. The hoax website, Real News Right Now, also prominently displayed plainly absurd (and humorous) articles like “Starbucks Opens Five Stores in Jordan’s 2nd Largest Refugee Camp,” and “Trump: I Would Have Prevented the Asteroid From Killing the Dinosaurs.” The author of these articles is R. Hobbus J.D, who the website says is the recipient of the Oscar Mayer Award for Journalistic Excellence. And it was from this source that Hannity based his reporting.

Sean Hannity Dumbass

7) Foul-Mouthed Fox News Obama-Hater Is Given Time-Out By Puppet/Anchor

The seething hatred of President Obama by Fox News came gushing out this morning by one of the network’s most notorious hatchet men. Lt. Col Ralph Peters (whose name translates to “vomiting penises” in Slanglish) appeared on Stuart Varney’s Fox Business program to discuss/bash Obama’s Oval Office speech on terrorism. Peters was virtually spitting teeth as he was unable to control his most primitive tendencies.

Fox News Ralph Peters

8) Fox Nation Commenter Arrested For Making Terrorist Threats

Anyone who has watched Fox News long enough is aware that the alleged “news” network engages in a relentless stream of hate speech and incendiary rhetoric that has the potential to incite actual violence. Indeed, there have been violent incidents already that are directly attributable to Fox News. Now there has been an arrest in Washington state of a man, Scott Anthony Orton, who has been posting terrorist threats aimed at an organization formerly associated with Planned Parenthood.

Fox Nation Is Murder

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

And there you have it. A nauseating, albeit incomplete, list of some of the most embarrassing moments on Fox News in 2015. This collection will serve as a reminder of the past year as well as a warning for the year to come. 2016 is an election year with what may be the most embarrassing candidate either party has produced in modern times. Donald Trump has already spewed a fountain of lies which News Corpse is compiling in the Donald Trump Bullshitopedia. So next year’s retrospective will have plenty of material from which to choose.


Celebrity Has-Been Break-Up Of The Year: Glenn Beck And Sarah Palin

This year the celebrity obsessed media adopted one of their own to lead the Republican Party to a humiliating defeat next November. Donald Trump’s rapid rise on the basis of his fear mongering and bigotry drove much of the press for most of the year. However, we would be remiss to forget the previous press darlings and their ultimately doleful fate.

Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin

That’s right. In September of 2015 Glenn Beck called it quits with Sarah Palin after some undisclosed messiness. He revealed the break-up on his radio show (video below) the day after he appeared at a rally with her in Washington, D.C. This is what he told his shocked listeners:

“I don’t care what Sarah Palin says any more. Sarah Palin has become a clown. I’m embarrassed that I was once for Sarah Palin. Honestly, I’m embarrassed.”

Well, now he knows how most of the rest of the country feels about having Palin presume to speak for us. But it’s still ironic that the man who describes himself as a “rodeo clown” is suddenly seeing Palin in similarly derogatory terms. At least he still has his conspiracy theories and Messiah complex.

This has been a bad year for Palin. She lost her job at Fox News for the second time. She started up a sham Internet video channel that was so unpopular that it shut down just six months later. Her abstinence-advocate daughter had her second out-of-wedlock child. She just put her Arizona vacation home up for sale. And on top of all of that she lost her best bud, Glenn. So sad.

Today both Palin and Beck have faded into ghostly presences that haunt the shadows of the fringe world. Although maybe zombies would be a better metaphor since they are both desperately in need of brains. Their disappearance is unarguably a good thing for America, but a serious blow to comedy.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

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Stephen Colbert On Donald Trump: He’s My Old Character With Ten Billion Dollars

In an interview on Face the Nation, Stephen Colbert provided one of the reasons he couldn’t continuing doing the character on his old Comedy Central show, The Colbert Report. Blame Donald Trump.

Fox Nation vs. Reality - Colbert

“He’s my old character with ten billion dollars. He’s completely playing on an emotional level, and so beautifully. It’s one of the reasons I can’t do that old character anymore, because he’s doing it better than I ever could; because he’s willing to drink his own Kool-Aid, and manufacture and distribute it; because he’s got all the cash.

He’s this very interesting Frankenstein of the idea that facts don’t matter, only money does, because if money is speech, he’s got a ten billion dollar mouth. And he doesn’t have to spend any of it because everyone will point a camera at him.”

For the record, I don’t think Trump is doing the character anywhere near as good as Colbert did it. If Trump is doing the Colbert character he’s doing without the humor and compassion, and replacing it with hatred and ignorance. But Colbert is spot on that for Trump facts don’t matter (see the Trump Bullshitopedia) and that the media has abandoned their journalistic principles in order to broadcast Trumpmania non-stop.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Donald Trump’s Unbelievably Idiotic Poll Says ‘Minorities Are Lining Up Behind’ Him

It’s getting awfully difficult to keep up with the episodes of deranged lunacy that flow from Donald Trump’s noxious campaign. However, this latest example of how preposterous his attempts at promoting himself are exceeds all previous lapses of reason.

Donald Trump

In a tweet yesterday, Trump bragged about the results of a poll that blared: “Minorities Line Up Behind Donald Trump.” If you are suspicious of that assertion, congratulations. You are probably within the scope of reality-based observers of political affairs. But if you tend to give it any credence, please check yourself in to an acute psychotic care facility as soon as possible.

The poll was conducted by a disreputable pollster for a pseudo-news outfit that is still trying to find President Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate. WorldNetDaily published the “survey” with the implausible conclusion that large pluralities African-Americans and Latinos are backing Trump’s racist candidacy. The article says that…

“…a new poll, which still has Trump leading the race, shows 40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians. Blacks and Hispanics, in fact, even support Trump at a higher level than whites.”

Ordinarily it would be sufficient to identify WorldNetDaily as the source of this ridiculousness to dismiss it in its entirety. But the details of this story are so laughably inane that a little further examination is warranted, if only for the entertainment value.

The poll’s internals show that the 40% of blacks that are lining up behind Trump actually consists of just four respondents. That’s right, this pollster was only able round up ten African-American Republicans to interview about the GOP primary, and just four of them indicated that they would vote for Trump. That would make the margin of error somewhere in the 90% +/- range. What’s more, the total sample size of the poll was 447, which means that the black segment accounted for about 2% of the total. The same smarmy stats carry over to the poll’s results for Latinos.

Nevertheless, Trump proudly tweeted the link to this poll with obvious excitement about the overwhelming affinity that “the blacks” (as he calls them) have for him. He apparently was not concerned about the unscrupulous reputation of the pollster or his shoddy methodology. Nor were his glassy-eyed followers who obediently liked and retweeted the nonsense poll. And of course, the right-wing crackpots at Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, RightWingNews, and other conservative fringe dwellers posted celebratory articles citing the wacko poll.

The truth, of course, is that Trump is pulling record low percentages of minority supporters. A recent Quinnipiac poll found that Trump’s support among African-Americans was in the low single digits. Furthermore, Trump’s real base of support is among America’s white supremacists. As News Corpse reported earlier this month, Trump is the runaway favorite of the KKK, but still thinks he can win 100% of the black vote:

Yesterday Politico published an in-depth article detailing the broad-based admiration for Trump among America’s white supremacists. […] These views have resulted in a surge of support from the KKK crowd. From Politico:

“The Ku Klux Klan is using Donald Trump as a talking point in its outreach efforts. Stormfront, the most prominent American white supremacist website, is upgrading its servers in part to cope with a Trump traffic spike. And former Louisiana Rep. David Duke reports that the businessman has given more Americans cover to speak out loud about white nationalism than at any time since his own political campaigns in the 1990s.”

This is the level of dementia that we are dealing with when it comes to Donald Trump. He is a man so deluded by his own pathological narcissism that he actually believes everyone loves him, even those he brutality insults. And in a hysterical attempt to maintain his vainglorious egotism, he is now latching on to what may be the most ludicrous poll of the century.

[Update:] WorldNetDaily just named Trump its “Man of the Year” for 2015. Perhaps it’s because of his valiant efforts to track down Obama’s birth certificate – which he never disclosed and won’t talk about anymore.

Media Mangler Of The Year: Serial Liar Bill O’Reilly Of Fox News

In a year when lying has become the key strategy of the front-runner for the Republican nomination for president of the United States (see the Donald Trump Bullshitopedia), it seems only appropriate that the award for the worst mangler of news reporting goes to someone whose repeated, deliberated falsehoods rivals Trump’s own record of mendacity.

Appearing nightly on Fox News, Bill O’Reilly has done more than his share to tarnish journalism. His documented dishonesty combined with his arrogant bluster makes him the runaway choice for Media Mangler Of The Year. And so, with out further ado, here is a re-post of the article that details O’Reilly’s transgressions and fabrications, for which he received no punishment from his bosses at Fox News.

Bill O’Reilly’s Cavalcade Of Lies: A Handy Collection Of The Damage – So Far

[March 2, 2015] Three weeks ago News Corpse published an article revealing that Bill O’Reilly of Fox News had been less than truthful about his alleged exploits as a “war” correspondent. Two weeks later Mother Jones Magazine did an even more thorough analysis of O’Reilly’s pathological embellishments with solid evidence of blatant dishonesty. Ever since then the flow of embarrassing revelations that expose O’Reilly as a self-aggrandizing, jet-powered ego has run non-stop.

Bill O'Reilly

ONE: The parade of falsehoods began with O’Reilly’s claim to have been “on the ground in active war zones” during the Falkland Islands war with the United Kingdom. He wasn’t. And now there is video of him reporting from Buenos Aires, Argentina that contradicts the accounts he gave afterward.

TWO: O’Reilly also claimed to have been outside the Florida home of George de Mohrenschildt where he said that he heard the shotgun blast that marked his suicide. De Mohrenschildt was an associate of Lee Harvey Oswald and was scheduled to testify at a congressional hearing on the JFK assassination. However, a recording of a contemporaneous phone call shows that O’Reilly wasn’t even in Florida when de Mohrenschildt died.

THREE: On another occasion, O’Reilly told a story about how he “saw nuns get shot in the back of the head” in El Salvador. That also was not true and O’Reilly himself admitted it in a statement that said he had actually just seen some “images of violence” but did not witness the incidents himself. Oddly, while admitting that his original assertions were false, he neither apologized nor acknowledged any wrongdoing.

FOUR: This was a similar case where O’Reilly spoke of his visit to Northern Ireland. While there he claimed to have witnessed bombings, however, when challenged Fox News issued a statement similar to the one about El Salvador that said he had merely seen pictures.

FIVE: Then there was the time that O’Reilly was covering the riots in Los Angeles sparked by the acquittal of the police officers who beat Rodney King. He claimed to have been the target of attacks by rioters, however, his associates covering the story deny that any of them were assaulted or injured. They do, however, contend that some tensions flared due to O’Reilly being an asshole.

These fabrications by the guy who pretends to be running a “No Spin Zone” are hardly the only times he has lied. There have been numerous other episodes including bragging about winning two Peabody Awards (he didn’t), and claiming to be a registered Independent (he was a Republican for several years at the time).

Some other incidents may not have been lies technically, just horribly wrong statements that he refused to correct. For instance, he once argued that there were no homeless veterans in America; as proof that his boycott of France was working he offered a report by the “Paris Business Review,” which does not exist; and he insisted, after doing extensive research, that no one on Fox ever said that people who didn’t pay ObamaCare penalties would be subject to prison. PolitiFact gave that one a “Pants on Fire.”

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

After NBC suspended Brian Williams for six months for a single incident of embellishing his experiences in Iraq, it seems like a fair and balanced review of O’Reilly’s behavior would net him a suspension of two or three years. Of course, Fox News does not generally hold itself to the standards of journalistic ethics to which real news enterprises adhere. Nevertheless, O’Reilly and Fox News should not be allowed to sweep these fibs under the floorboards. They must be forced to correct the record, submit to punishment, apologize to their audience as well as to those whose valor they stole, and make a good faith effort to ensure that it does not happen again.

Short of that, we must make sure that the truth is disseminated widely and continues to be raised whenever Fox or O’Reilly seek the trust of the public they are so badly abusing. If they don’t atone in some manner for their misdeeds, then news consumers must be reminded continuously that Fox News and Bill O’Reilly are charlatans that cannot be trusted to tell the truth. So keep the pressure on and let any advertisers know that you don’t appreciate them supporting unabashed liars.

Desperate Headlines: Fox Nation Skips Over Obama To Report Second Most Admired Man

You know that a news organization has completely given up on the practice of journalism when they sink to dishonest (and hilarious) levels as low as this:

Obama Clinton Most Admired

This is the actual headline of a featured article on the Fox News community website, Fox Nation: “Trump Ties With Pope Francis In U.S. Poll For Second Most-Admired Man In The World.” Now some readers might wonder what happened to the first most-admired man. But not Fox News readers. They are perfectly happy stuffing their thick craniums with incidental information that satisfies their lust for pre-chewed wingnutisms and promises to keep them blissfully ignorant.

For the rest of the world it was President Obama whom the poll found was the most-admired man in the world. This was his eighth time to be honored as such, and he achieved this ranking with more than three times the support that Trump received for his second/third place tie with the Pope.

For Fox News to report the findings of a poll by omitting the winner and announcing an also-ran in the headline is representative of their aversion to honest journalism. It is reminiscent of the 2012 presidential campaign when Fox ignored their own polls that showed Obama beating Mitt Romney, and instead reported other polls with Romney in the lead that turned out to be wrong. Indeed, Fox spent much of that campaign “unskewing” the polls to artificially produce a Romney lead.

Also buried by the Fox Nationalists was the news that Hillary Clinton was named the most-admired woman in the world for a record twentieth time. This is a particularly notable feat considering the rampant negative treatment she has gotten in the press that has been badgering her over everything from Benghazi to her email account. Certainly Fox has an incentive to suppress the fact that Clinton is widely admired as she seeks to become the next president of the United States.

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The brazenly biased reporting by Fox News here exposes their pitiful desperation to shape a false narrative. It would not be dissimilar to posting a celebratory headline after the 2012 campaign that boasts “Romney Finishes Second In Presidential Election.” They could have just left out that Obama won and let their dimwitted audience dance around in utter ignorance. It’s a dance they know very well, and for which they will once again be choosing partners as the 2016 campaign unfolds. This should be fun.