Fox News Excuses Trump Quoting Hitler to Bash Immigrants Because Melania is an Immigrant

Watching Donald Trump sink ever deeper into the abyss of totalitarianism is a painfully difficult thing for Americans who cherish the principles of democracy and liberty upon which this nation was founded. But as his legal perils mount, Trump is losing whatever threads of morality and decency that he might have pretended to be hanging onto.

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Donald Trump

At his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, Trump elevated his authoritarian aspirations with language derived straight from the playbook of Adolf Hitler. Referring to immigrants and refugees seeking shelter in the United States, Trump complained that they were “poisoning the blood of our country.” Which is precisely how Hitler described the Jews in Germany that he yearned to exterminate.

Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s fear mongering was quickly condemned by Democrats and other decent Americans who recognized just how repugnant and dangerous that sort of hateful rhetoric is. But sadly, many Republicans defended Trump and attempted to dismiss his hate speech as harmless jargon that need not be taken seriously. That was also the position of the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

Having had several days to reflect on Trump’s language, Fox News is still failing to appreciate the heinousness of Trump’s words. In a segment on their allegedly “news” driven program hosted by Bret Baier, they came up with a novel notion to excuse Trump’s Nazi inspired speech. Baier and fellow anchor David Asman engaged in the following exchange…

Asman: Some of things that Trump has been saying are quite difficult, even for his supporters. He said one the other night…

Trump Video: They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They poisoned mental institutions, and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America. Not just in three or four countries that we think about. But all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, Asia, all over the world. They’re pouring into our country. Nobody’s even looking at them. They just come in. The crime is gonna be tremendous. The terrorism is gonna be — terrorism is going to be – and we built a tremendous piece of the wall and then we’re gonna build more.

Asman: Bret, nobody argues that it’s not a disaster. It is, and of course it’s being reflected in cities all over the country. But to use that phrase, “poisoning our blood,” that really got under the skin of a lot of people. Even his supporters. Is there any sign that anybody in his campaign is gonna try to answer that?

Baier: Not really. Listen, it’s the word he chose. I think it raised a lot of eyebrows, not only on the democratic side but in Republican circles. Obviously it hearkens back to some writings. And it’s been written about in numerous articles.

But it’s also important to point out the former president is married to an immigrant who just did a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives to welcome immigrants into the country. So there’s a disconnect there if that’s the dog whistle he’s sending. Some people are saying it is, but other people are saying it’s just the words he chose. Republicans even know – are uncomfortable with that phrasing.

Asman: Sometimes he does like to tweak people too. You wonder whether there was something of that in the whole thing. Meanwhile Biden’s poll numbers are just awful.

There’s a lot of bullcrap to unpack in that. Let’s begin where Asman began, with his contention that Trump’s remarks were difficult “even for his supporters.” It is pitifully obvious that Trump’s glassy-eyed disciples are not particularly bothered by Trump’s language. In fact. many of them are specifically drawn to him because of it.

Then Baier responds to Asman’s question noting, correctly at first, that no one in Trump’s campaign is likely to answer the criticism of his remarks. But Baier couldn’t even bring himself to describe Trump’s source as Hitler. He referred only vaguely to words that “hearkens back to some writings.”

However, Baier then thought he came up with the perfect apologia for Trump. He couldn’t possibly be calling for the elimination of immigrants in America because his wife is an immigrant. In fact, he married two foreigners, providing them and their anchor babies with citizenship. But that doesn’t indicate any affinity for the immigrant population in America. It just indicates the hypocrisy of Trump who is capable of condemning the vast majority of mostly immigrants of color, while separating his White European wives from the hordes of those that he and his followers hate.

Baier seems to notice that there is a “disconnect” there, and that Trump is blowing on his racist dog whistle. But Baier fails to notice that he is the one responding to the whistling with a ludicrous defense for Trump’s fascistic vulgarity. And it’s predictable that Asman closes the segment by trivializing Trump’s offensiveness because “he does like to tweak people,” and then diverting to an attack on President Biden’s polling.

At no point in the segment did wither Asman or Baier condemn Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s words or criticize his tyrannical leanings. So it’s fair to conclude that Fox News is comfortable with all of that. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that we can expect them to continue to advance Trump and his hate speech for the foreseeable future.


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FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

What constitutes “news” these days has had a stark transformation from what is generally considered matters of consequence to the public at large, to tabloid trash and titillating gossip. and much of that shift can be attributed directly to Fox News and other right-wing outlets that have abandoned facts in favor of partisan propaganda.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

This week Fox News reestablished itself as the leading perpetrator of this redefinition of what is regarded as newsworthy. Their devotion to the debasement of the press was on full display during a segment of Fox and Friends that sought to make a distinction between two current events competing for attention. And true to form, Fox managed to make a mess of the whole matter in manner that was typical of their predictably ludicrous news judgment. After all, it is the same network that celebrates an annual “War on Christmas.”

SEE THIS: WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

The segment that aired on Saturday (video below) tried to juxtapose stories that had no rational connection anywhere but in the minds of perverse Fox Newsers. One story was about a selfie sex video that was making the rounds on social media. It featured an aide to Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin, who was quickly fired. The other story was about Donald Trump quoting Adolf Hitler, a repugnant historical figure for whom Trump has previously expressed admiration.

The segment began with co-host Will Cain playing a clip of Trump’s Hitler citation at his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, where he was distorting data (i.e. lying) on immigration and demeaning refugees…

Trump: “We’ve get a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world.”

The phrase “poisoning the blood of our country” was one that was used frequently by Hitler and his Nazi confederates. For the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president to be embracing that rhetoric is abhorrent and frightening. But that wasn’t what Cain was upset about. He continued…

Cain: “The mainstream media is going to talk about this. They already are. It’s going to take over everything. ‘Poison the blood of our country’ when talking about illegal immigration. In fact, the Biden-Harris administration has already jumped all over it. They said the following…

Biden Spokesman: ‘Tonight, Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong un, and quoted Vladimir Putin, while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy. He is betting he can win this election by scaring and dividing the country. He’s wrong.’

Cain: “The reason I bring up those two stories to you, is I thought and I think it should be a big deal that we’re talking about what happened in the Senate hearing chamber. And I think what we’re going to do, I think what’s going to happen here for the next couple of days is we’re going to latch on to three words that Donald Trump said, and it’s going to drive the news cycle.”

That’s right! What Fox News thinks is a “big deal” is the video made by a lowly (and horny) senate staffer who has already been fired and has no impact whatsoever on the nation. And they are deeply disturbed that that petty, but provocative, video might be swept aside by the video of the aspiring authoritarian Trump employing fascist hate speech. On a legitimate news network a potential president who embraces fascism would deserve far more than a “couple of days” of the news cycle.

Fox News has provided an outstanding example of their priorities and those of the Republican Party. They aim to elevate pseudo-scandalous nonsense to crisis levels, while being casually dismissive of prospective dictatorships. And that should stir fear in the hearts and minds of the American people because that’s precisely how such dictatorships come to pass.


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Trump Spokesman Uses Vile Nazi Rhetoric in His Denial that Trump Used Vile Nazi Rhetoric

To anyone who thought that the hostility and hatred embodied by Donald Trump and his incarnation of the Republican Party had reached its lowest point, you don’t know Trump and the MAGA GOP. They are just getting started on their path toward the dystopian nightmare of an America that is ruled by a sociopathic, racist, lying, aspiring dictator, who is fueled by cult worship and vengeance.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

This week Trump presided over another one of his traveling salvation shows wherein he babbled incoherently about his perception of himself as both an invincible strongman and an impotent victim. How he manages that dichotomy can only be explained as a severe psychosis that is driven by malignant narcissism and acute cognitive failure. But despite the obvious defects in his mental state – or because of them – he remains an imminent threat to the liberty and democracy that are the foundations of the American Dream.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Declares His Intention to Obstruct Justice and Undermine the Constitution

Trump’s speeches are typically rife with rabid rants aimed at riling up his cult congregation. They are also generally tedious repetitions of his prior ravings. However, in the latest episode of his heinous histrionics, Trump traveled farther down the road to repressive totalitarianism than ever before, using unadulterated Hitlerian lingo to satisfy his spongy supporters. In his bellicose style, Trump bellowed his pledge that…

“We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie, and steal, and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and to destroy the American Dream. The real threat is not from the radical right. It’s from the radical left. And it’s growing every day. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within.”

Trump is using identical rhetoric to that used by Nazis in the 1930’s to incite their reign of terror. Hitler frequently referred to Jews and other opponents as “vermin” in order to dehumanize them and justify their slaughter. He also accused his foes of seeking to “destroy” the fatherland. Trump is doing the very same thing, and for the very same reasons. And if his speech wasn’t enough evidence of his seething contempt, he repeated it on his pitifully failing social media scam, Truth Social.

On Monday morning Trump’s campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, came out in defense of Trump’s repulsive rhetoric. But his attempted rationalization only made things worse, as is often the case in Trump World. Cheung said that…

“[T]hose who try to make that ridiculous [Nazi] assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

According to Trump’s own mouthpiece, critics of Trump’s pledge to eliminate the “vermin” who oppose him are off base with their comparisons to Hitler. And as result, they themselves are going to be “crushed” out of existence. Which is precisely what Hitler promised for his critics. And this is the defense being used to separate Trump from his Nazism? That’s like someone saying he is nothing like Hannibal Lector just because he murders people and eats them. And if you say it again he’ll kill you and eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

For good measure, Trump also posted a comment online that added to his pledge of retribution. He threatened special counsel Jack Smith (whom he derides as “deranged”), along with other Justice Department officials and “all the rest of the Radical Left Zealots and Thugs,” that they “will end up…in a Mental Institution by the time my next term as President is successfully completed.”

So those who Trump fails to “root out,” “crush,” or otherwise eliminate, will be incarcerated in asylums for the politically disobedient. This is the future that Trump and his team envision for America. And it isn’t just “snowflakes” who are imagining it. Trump is, in his own words, explicitly promising to enact these ghastly tactics if given the opportunity.

The American people better pay attention and believe Trump when he makes these horrific decrees. And his cult followers better listen as well. Because they are not going to be exempted when the time comes to demonstrate their unyielding devotion to Dear Leader. And if they are less than sufficiently worshipful, it’s off to the asylum for them too.


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Fox News is AGHAST that Hillary Clinton Accurately Compared Trump’s Rallies to Nazi Rallies

The similarities between the MAGA movement and the rise of fascism in 1930s Germany are too obvious to deny. Donald Trump has not been the least bit subtle about his aspirations to dictatorship. It’s what his denial of the 2020 presidential election results is all about.

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Donald Trump Rally, Sieg Heil

Despite the clear parallels between Hitler’s Nazi regime and what Trump and his cult followers yearn for, Fox News continues to pretend that no such associations exist. They ignore Trump’s frequent expressions of admiration for, and envy of, murderous tyrants like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and Viktor Orbán.

RELATED: Envious of Nazi Loyalty to Hitler, Trump Raged ‘Why Can’t You Be Like the German Generals?’

According to Fox News, anyone who observes the resemblance of Trump’s MAGA cult to the Third Reich is delusional. And that recurring narrative by Fox was evident in their response to some recent comments by Hillary Clinton. At an event in Texas on Friday, Clinton connected the dictator dots, and it so disturbed Fox News that they broke into their live airing of “The Five” to berate her for it (video below). She said that…

“I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out, how did people get basically brought in by Hitler. How did that happen? And I’d watch newsreels and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving, and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, ‘What’s happened to these people? Why did they believe that?’

“You saw the rally in Ohio the other night, Trump up there ranting and raving for more than an hour, and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. I thought, what is going on?”

Upon the return to the program’s panel, co-host Jesse Watters immediately dismissed reality saying “Did guys you see a Hitler salute at a Trump rally. I missed that.” Apparently Watters wasn’t paying very close attention. Or more likely, he was deliberately lying. Here is what he claims not to seen any sign of…

In addition to the criticism by the Trump-fluffers on “The Five,” Fox News published an article on their website that included a response by Trump’s spokesman, Taylor Budowich, who complained that Clinton was “using some of the most disgusting smears imaginable,” and was “pathetic” and “divisive.” Notably, he was unable to refute the accuracy of Clinton’s remarks. Perhaps because they described Trump and his glassy-eyed cult followers so accurately. Which is precisely what makes Fox News so appalled at her for having had the courage to speak out.

RELATED: Biden Was Wrong to Call MAGA Republicans Merely ‘Semi’ Fascist

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Envious of Nazi Loyalty to Hitler, Trump Raged ‘Why Can’t You Be Like the German Generals?’

One of the most profoundly disquieting aspects of Donald Trump’s brief but historically horrifying occupancy of the white House is the abundance of scathing tell-all books published by his former staffers and associates. There has never been a former president who was more reviled by the people who worked most closely to him.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

The latest example is a book by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser, The Divider: Trump in the White House. These seasoned journalists are likely to share numerous disturbing revelations about Trump when the book is released. But in the meantime, they have published an excerpt in the New Yorker that is a pretty chilling teaser for what’s to come.

The article features some of Trump’s exchanges with his defense and national security advisors that illustrate just how dangerous his arrogance and ignorance was. Such as what the authors say was “Trump’s love affair with ‘my generals'” that “soured on them over time.” “These were very untalented people,” Trump bleated, “and once I realized it, I did not rely on them.”

That’s because Trump only relied on those he had certified were unflinching sycophants and, more often than not, himself. He was once asked who he talks to for advice and responded saying that “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”

RELATED: Trump Doesn’t Need Intelligence Briefings Because ‘I’m, Like, A Smart Person’

The book also presented an exchange that Trump had with his then-Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly. It reveals both Trump’s disrespect for America’s most experienced military leaders, as well as his grotesque aspirations for authoritarian dictatorship…

Trump: You f*cking generals, why can’t you be like the German generals?
Kelly: Which generals?
Trump: The German generals in World War II.
Kelly: You do know that they tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off?
Trump: No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him.

Somehow it seems like a more accurate transcription would have read “Nein, nein, nein, they were totally loyal to him.” This exchange shouldn’t surprise anyone. It isn’t the first time that Trump has expressed his admiration for – and jealously of – foreign tyrants. He once lamented that the American people didn’t idolize him like the brutally oppressed North Koreans idolize Kim Jung Un. “He speaks and his people sit up in attention” Trump dreamed. “I want my people to do the same.”

RELATED: Trump: I Want ‘My People’ To Worship Me Like North Koreans Worship Kim Jong Un

The article also featured a reference to Trump’s craving for obedient generals who would assist his overturning the 2020 presidential election and the overthrowing of the U.S. government.

“On December 18th, Trump hosted [disgraced former general Michael] Flynn [who was pardoned by Trump after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia] and a group of other election deniers in the Oval Office, where, for the first time in American history, a President would seriously entertain using the military to overturn an election. They brought with them a draft of a proposed Presidential order requiring the acting Defense Secretary — Christopher Miller — to ‘seize, collect, retain and analyze” voting machines.'”

The more we learn about Trump, the more we realize how close we came to the end of American democracy. And it needs to be noted that in most cases it isn’t some adversarial Democratic politician or pundit sounding the alarm. It is the people Trump hired to staff his administration, and who were first hand witnesses to his treachery.

The nation must remember this and hold Trump to account. Because if we don’t, he is surely going to try it again. He’s already laying the groundwork for it.

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Trump Campaign Unleashes Vile, Racist Attack on Joe Biden

Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency he has demonstrated a profoundly noxious brand of racism. Whether it was hysterical fear mongering about non-existent caravans of Latino refugees, praise for the “fine people” participating in neo-Nazi protests, personal assaults on African-American Democrats, or just his refusal to appoint people of color to high-level posts in his administration, Trump’s bigotry has been consistent and hurtful.

Donald Trump, MS-13 Ad, Team Joe

Now that we are in an election year, it would be expected that Trump would escalate his bigotry and seek to energize the most repulsively hateful segment of his Republican Party. And that’s just what he’s doing. On Thursday the official Trump Campaign Twitter account posted an unambiguously racist meme to attack Joe Biden. It features a photo (above, slightly modified) of stereotypical Latino gang members alongside a message asserting that they are “on Team Joe.”

This is reminiscent of the grotesquely racist “Willie Horton” political ad that George H.W. Bush and the Republicans used in the 1988 presidential campaign. Thirty-two years later their tactics have only gotten worse.

There is no connection whatsoever between the gang members in the photo and Vice-President Biden. He has never advocated for an end to deportations for any foreign nationals who commit crimes. Trump’s campaign outright invented this allegation in order to frighten his dimwitted supporters and motivate them to vote their hate in November. And the ad is not just a slam on Biden, it’s also an insult to all Latinos who Trump is tarring with the broad brush of violent criminality. For the record, the people in the ad aren’t even in the U.S. They are in prison in El Salvador.

This is standard operating procedure for the bigots of the GOP, and especially for Trump, whose racism goes back decades. Trump was caught discriminating against African-American rental applicants in his properties. He mounted a campaign to execute five African-Americans in New York who were wrongly convicted, and maintained his position even after they were proved innocent. And then there was Trump’s long and sordid history as America’s most prominent “birther,” insisting that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and, therefore, an illegitimate president.

By resorting to this sort of rancid campaign strategy, Trump is admitting that he’s in big trouble. His approval ratings are declining, even as he desperately and vainly attempts to craft an image of leadership during the coronavirus pandemic. He must know that the American people don’t believe a word he says. He’s even taken to citing polls that don’t exist. Every major poll in the real world shows him losing to Biden, even in many of the all-important swing states.

So naturally, Trump stoops to the lowest rung on the scale of political ethics. Given his stunted emotional maturity and his severe case of malignant narcissism, it’s the only way he knows how to respond. And unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse as election day draws nearer. Trump has demonstrated that he has no moral grounding outside of his acute egocentrism. And as the walls close in around him, he will kick and scream like a an over-sized baby throwing a tantrum. Which is pretty much the only thing he has ever done well.

Consequently, it is imperative that Democrats, independents, and even woke Republicans, stay alert, engaged, and committed to making America sane again. It will be tough a slog, but the fate of the nation rests on our endurance and determination to boot Trump and his criminal regime out of the White House and, hopefully, into the Big House. In the meantime, since Trump is so fond of vitriolic attacks, let’s see how he likes it (although this is actually pretty accurate)…

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Calling Democrats ‘Savages’ is an Old Nazi Tactic to Dehumanize Critics

The stench of Donald Trump’s desperation is becoming more unbearable by the minute. As the efforts to impeach him gain momentum and the evidence piles up ever higher, Trump is resorting to increasingly more outlandish and repulsive behavior. The fact that he regards these pitiful measures as beneficial to his cause is only further proof that he’s lost what remains of his diseased brain.

Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

On Saturday morning Trump was uncharacteristically muted. In place of his regularly scheduled tweetstorm he posted only the plaintive, all-caps cries of “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!” and impotent regurgitations of his tiresome bumper sticker slogans, MAGA and KAG. That restrained output is curious considering the flood of deranged tweets he’s been unleashing in the past week. But it’s still early, and he’s playing golf. So…

The spectacle of an American president whining so helplessly is an unending embarrassment to this nation. But even worse is the malevolent tone that he is lately exhibiting. Trump has taken to calling his political foes “spies” and implying that they should be executed. And in Saturday’s tweets Trump channeled the ghost of Hitler to vilify the whole of the Democratic Party as “savages.”

It’s notable that the only named victims of this abuse are members of Congress who are either Jewish or women of color. It seems like a stretch to consider that a coincidence. But he did manage to expand the scope of his racist wrath to the rest of the party.

More to the point, Trump’s use of the word “savages” is familiar to anyone who lived through, or has studied, Hitler’s Nazi movement. It was a common common tactic to dehumanize those you were trying to eliminate from society. The theory of the Nazi oppressors was that it would be easier to convince an ignorant and angry populace (i.e. Deplorables) to approve of imprisonment and mass murder if the victims were cast as subhuman.

Apparently Trump has embraced that abhorrent theory. There is no other explanation for why elected representatives of American citizens would be maligned as “savages.” It’s a wholly incongruous description of people who merely have different opinions and perform their lawful, constitutionally mandated duties. Clearly Trump’s objective is to plant this disgusting impression of his perceived enemies in the minds of his cult followers so that they can later be called upon to defend him by any means necessary. And that includes violence and terrorism.

In addition to Trump’s nauseating descent into Hitlerian extremism, he has also taken to calling his political opponents the “Do Nothing” Democrats. For the record, Democrats in the House of Representatives have passed more than 200 bills. They are currently being blocked by Republican Senate Leader, Mitch McConnell, who earlier this year bragged that he would preside as the “Grim Reaper” over a legislative graveyard. Which adds to the ghoulish morbidity of Trump’s Republican Nationalist Party.

Finally, in his tweet Trump also tried to compare how he’s been treated by Democrats to how Republicans treated President Obama. But to date there has not been any effort by Democrats to claim that Trump wasn’t an American citizen, or that he founded ISIS, or that his associates were members of a pedophile sex trafficking ring, or that he was an undercover Muslim terrorist, or that he aspired to be a dictator.

Well, okay … that last one Trump has been accused of. But the difference is there was never any evidence of it with regard to Obama. But Trump has spent the last two and half years cozying up to Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Mohammad Bin Salman, and Kim Jong Un. And while Obama tried to create an environment of political unity with the GOP (often to his detriment), Trump has done nothing but vilify Democrats and the media who he repeatedly refers to as “the enemy of the people.” So among the things that Trump is too stupid to learn is that he should never try to compare himself to Obama.

UPDATE: Trump posted another tweet containing a video wherein the big crybaby whined about “the single greatest scam in the history of American politics.” (Wait, wasn’t that the Russia “hoax”?) He didn’t say what the scam is, but presumably it’s his pending impeachment. Then he went full fear monger saying that “Democrats wanna take away your guns…” and healthcare, and vote, and freedom, and judges, and everything. That’s right. He said Democrats wanna take away EVERYTHING! Scary, aint it? Well, he’s obviously scared out of his frizzled mind. And for good reason. He knows what he did. And he knows what the consequences are.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

New Book Reveals 20 Frightening Examples of How Trump is Following Hitler’s Playbook

Anyone who has been paying attention has observed the distinctly authoritarian tendencies that mark the presidency of Donald Trump. He insists that he alone is the solution to any problem. He claims that he’s empowered to do as pleases, despite the Constitution. He smears politicians and the press as “enemies of the people.” And he has a creepy infatuation with tyrannical dictators like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un.

Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

Trump’s aspirations to dictatorship have hardly been secret. He has publicly yearned for powers that his heroes in Russia, China, and North Korea enjoy. That includes being president for life and eliminating his foes in the press.

And now a new book – When at Times the Mob Is Swayed – contains a detailed comparison of Trump’s modus operandi to that of Adolf Hitler. The author, Burt Neuborne, is a noted civil rights attorney who has served in the administrations of both Democrats and Republicans. And a portion of his book addresses similarities between Trump and Hitler that should frighten every American.

What follows are the headings for twenty serious points of comparison between the early Hitler and Trump. (See this excellent article for the details that flesh out each of these points):

  1. Neither was elected by a majority.
  2. Both found direct communication channels to their base.
  3. Both blame others and divide on racial lines.
  4. Both relentlessly demonize opponents.
  5. They unceasingly attack objective truth.
  6. They relentlessly attack mainstream media.
  7. Their attacks on truth include science.
  8. Their lies blur reality—and supporters spread them.
  9. Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status.
  10. They embrace extreme nationalism.
  11. Both made closing borders a centerpiece.
  12. They embraced mass detention and deportations.
  13. Both used borders to protect selected industries.
  14. They cemented their rule by enriching elites.
  15. Both rejected international norms.
  16. They attack domestic democratic processes.
  17. Both attack the judiciary and rule of law.
  18. Both glorify the military and demand loyalty oaths.
  19. They proclaim unchecked power.
  20. Both relegate women to subordinate roles.

These parallels between Hitler and Trump are impossible to ignore. And they should stir sufficient fear and resolve among the American people to rise up in opposition to what may be the most ominous threat to this country’s experiment in democracy since its founding. But no one should be surprised that Trump is a fan of one of the 20th century’s most grotesque villains. When he was campaigning for the Republican nomination for president, Trump was asked a question on this subject by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News:

Stephanopoulos: You’re increasingly compared to Hitler. Does that bother you?
Trump: No, what I’m doing is no different from FDR.

And there you have it. Donald Trump said he was not bothered by comparisons to Adolf Hitler. Can you imagine any other decent American answering that question the way Trump did? But then, why should he be bothered? He was running on the platform of the Nazi Party since he announced his candidacy. What’s more, he justifies his comfort with the association by positively referencing the Japanese internment camps built during the FDR administration, which are universally condemned as one of America’s most shameful actions.

The article above notes another comparison that is just as troubling as the one between Hitler and Trump. That’s the comparison between Hitler’s follower’s and the glassy-eyed Deplorables who exalt Dear Leader Trump:

“The Nazis did not overthrow the Weimar Republic. It fell into their hands as the fruit of Hitler’s satanic ability to mesmerize enough Germans to trade their birthright for a pottage of scapegoating, short-term economic gain, xenophobia, and racism. It could happen here.”

Sound familiar? There is a distinct stench of cult worship that allows Trump’s willfully blind disciples to forgive every sin he commits – from serial adultery, to blatant hate speech, to pitiful ignorance, to relentless lying. Their mesmerized adoration of Trump is identical to that of the Nazi generation that permitted otherwise common Germans to look the other way at abhorrent atrocities and crimes against humanity. Could it happen here? Let’s hope we never find out. But with Trump in the White House – and his cronies scattered throughout the administration – we’ll need to be vigilant and determined to insure that it doesn’t.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Mein Drumpf: Comparisons To Hitler Should Not Surprise Donald Trump

On Good Morning America today host George Stephanopoulos interviewed Donald Trump and raised the subject of the increasingly common comparisons of him to Adolf Hitler. This, in and of itself, isn’t new, but Trump’s response added another lie to the growing collection of falsehoods that he has accumulated (see the Trump Bullshitopedia).

Stephanopouplos didn’t go into much detail about the many similarities of Trump’s rhetoric to that of the Nazi leader, but he did note that critics as diverse as comedian Louis CK, and the unintentionally funny crackpot Glenn Beck, have both made the association. Then Stephanopoulos hit Trump with a fact that has become inescapable, saying that “The number of prominent people comparing you to Adolf Hitler is growing by the day.” Trump responded saying…

“I don’t know about the Hitler comparison. I hadn’t heard that, but it’s a terrible comparison. I’m not happy about that, certainly. I don’t want that comparison. But we have to be strong.”

Setting aside the perverse argument that being strong is somehow a defense for sounding like a fascist, Trump is flat out lying about not having heard the Hitler comparisons before. In fact, Trump heard these very same comparisons while being interviewed by the very same guy. Last December News Corpse reported on an exchange between Trump and Stephanopoulos that was nearly identical to the one today. The only notable difference is that today Trump feigned being unhappy with the comparison, while previously he said that it didn’t bother him. From News Corpse, Dec. 8, 2015:

It had to come to this. Donald Trump’s affinity for Nazis was always just beneath the diseased skin of his repulsive rhetoric. Now, after months of promulgating brazenly racist views, advocating policies that are indistinguishable from those of history’s fascists, and promising to commit war crimes if elected, will anybody be surprised by it bubbling to the surface? Trump’s true face was exposed today when he was asked a simple question on Good Morning America:

George Stephanopoulos: You’re increasingly compared to Hitler. Does that bother you?
Donald Trump: No, what I’m doing is no different from FDR.

Donald Trump

So there you have it. Donald Trump is not bothered by comparisons to Adolf Hitler. And why should he be? He has been running on the platform of the Nazi Party since he announced his candidacy. What’s more, he justifies his comfort with the association by positively referencing the Japanese internment camps built during the FDR administration, which are universally condemned as one of America’s most shameful actions.

Trump frequently claims that he has “the greatest memory in the world,” but he is now pretending not to recall a recent discussion with the same interviewer on the same subject. Trump’s dishonesty is becoming so flagrant that he is having trouble keeping track of his previous lies. And his pretense that he is suddenly bothered by being associated with a megalomaniacal tyrant is hardly believable. His most recent rallies have been marred by violence that he openly encourages against protesters. He even promises to pay for the legal defense of anyone who assaults a protester. He has hired his own brand of brownshirts to patrol his rallies. And the loyalty pledge ceremonies that he orchestrates eerily resemble the throngs of Germans hailing Hitler with the Nazi salute.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

So when you hear Trump claim that he is unaware of the comparisons to Hitler, you now know that it is a blatant lie. You also know that when he complains about that comparison, it is obvious that he is simply trying to deny the reality that his entire campaign is grounded in fascistic rhetoric, and worse, behavior. And as bad as it is that Trump would engage in such a repulsive campaign, we must not forget the people that attend his rallies cheering, pledging loyalty, beating protesters, and later voting for this nauseating candidate. It is what the Republican Party has sunk to in this age of rightist hate.

Ted Cruz Polishes His Anti-Semite Credentials With Glenn Beck’s Help

In the battle for political endorsements Donald Trump won the Teabagger gold by snagging Sarah Palin. But Ted Cruz, no slouch in the wingnut arena, managed to score a silver medal by winning the “conspiritual” (conspiracy+spiritual) heart of Glenn Beck.

Ted Cruz

Fortunately for Cruz, Beck’s endorsement came with a truckload of goodies that only a practiced purveyor of snake oil could provide. Among those goodies are his relationships with the most fringy preachers America’s evangelical community has to offer. For example, Cruz has aligned himself with radical Christianist pastor Mike Bickle, a Beck pal, whose sermons have warned that God will “raise up the hunters” to go after any Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity. And Bickle was not afraid to name names. Adolf Hitler, according to Cruz’s new BFF, is “the most famous hunter in recent history.”

Bickle is not the only proponent of the crackpot theory that God sent Hitler to punish Jews. John Hagee of Cruz’s home state, Texas, has been preaching this nonsense for years. He is also a confederate of Glenn Beck. Hagee went to the extreme of literally thanking God for Hitler whom he believes was doing the Lord’s work by driving Jews out of unfriendly nations and into Israel, hastening the Apocalypse.

In his 2008 campaign for president, John McCain admirably rejected the endorsement of Hagee for saying the very same things that Bickle is saying. Cruz, on the other hand, has embraced Bickle and even attended a gala honoring Hagee where he vilified President Obama as “one of the most anti-Semitic presidents in the history of the United States of America.” At the time, the Anti-Defamation League and other major Jewish organizations called on Cruz to repudiate Hagee’s remarks, which Cruz obstinately refused to do.

None of this should surprise anyone familiar with Glenn Beck. He has a well established pattern of disparaging Jews and others he regards as different. He recently made a list of the nine people whom he said most contributed to the 20th century being the Era of the Big Lie. Eight of them were Jewish. Beck also maligned the majority of American Jews as being like terrorists, saying that “Reformed rabbis are generally political in nature. It’s almost like Islam – radicalized Islam – in a way to where radicalized Islam is less about religion than it is about politics.” And then there was the time that Beck likened 85 kids murdered in Norway by a right-wing extremist to the “Hitler Youth.”

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

This is pretty good evidence that Cruz is working hard to secure the Nazi vote. Of course, he’ll have to fight tooth and nail with Donald Trump for that sector of the electorate. Trump may already have an insurmountable lead by articulating an unequivocally fascist agenda. He even told George Stephanopoulos of ABC News that he is not bothered by comparisons to Hitler. Clearly Cruz has his work cut out for him. But Beck will surely be of some help rallying the Stormtroops. Consequently, the battle for the right’s Nazis and fascists and anti-Semites is going to roil the Republican Party for some time to come.