HUH? Fox News Reports that the Eclipse is a Clandestine Plot to Sneak Migrants Into America

The “news” editors at Fox News must have been working all night to come up with an angle on the eclipse that would titillate their MAGA cult viewers. There is no way that they would be satisfied wasting untold hours reporting on a rare celestial event without some sort of propaganda to boost Donald Trump and his agenda of hate and lies.

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Fox News, Fake News

Well, all of that hard work paid off as Fox News aired a segment about the eclipse on Monday morning’s episode of “America’s Newsroom.” Rather than fiddle with irrelevancies like facts on astronomical events and history, or interviews of scientists, Fox News bravely forged an uncommon path to reveal something that the rest of the media had missed or was deliberately suppressing…

Host Dana Perino: “A rare celestial event collides with a policy failure on the ground. The southern border will be directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun for nearly four minutes.”
Host Bill Hemmer: We are told that officials are bracing for higher traffic than usual. And that means a real opportunity for smugglers and cartels and migrants to come right in.”
Correspondent Bill Melugin: While everybody is gonna be looking up, if you’re looking down here at the border, here is what you’ll see. Take a look at the video from nearby New Mexico, which is seeing a surge of illegal alien evaders […] You’ll see illegal immigrants dressed in dark clothing, sometimes camouflage, trying to sneak into the United States.

That’s right! The eclipse is really a clandestine operation by liberals – probably run by the evil mastermind, President Biden, and financed by George Soros – aimed at smuggling terrorist migrants into America to vote for Biden and other Democrats. Who knew? And who but Fox News would expose this nefarious plot?

The America-haters responsible for devising this plan to create a deluge of foreign “invaders” – in a four minute cloak of darkness – have thought of everything. Including dark and camouflage clothing to keep them from being spotted in the unprecedented absence of daylight. Naturally, Fox News ignores that there are about twelve hours of darkness every day when the earth itself blots out the sun. Is Biden responsible for that too?

This kind of reporting is somehow accepted by the MAGA cult that watches Fox News. They are the same people who are asserting that the eclipse is a warning from god to repent. Which raises some interesting questions. For instance, if it is a warning from god, then why is it being thrust upon the people of Texas and other Southern states first? Wouldn’t that imply that they are the sinners?

What’s more, if the eclipse is creating an opportunity for migrants to enter the U.S., then wouldn’t it be more logical to assume that god is trying to help the migrants flee violence, poverty, and oppression, and find freedom and safety in America? That, at least, would be consistent with the bible’s advocacy of welcoming and caring for refugees.

This is where it is important to stress that searching for logic in the ravings of Fox News reporters and Republicans is likely to cause a traumatic brain injury. So remember on this day not to stare into the sun or try to decipher the irrational ravings of MAGA cult conspiracy theorists. This has been a public service announcement.


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Fox News ‘Doctor’ Attacks Stacy Abrams for Fetal Heartbeat Comment that He Later Admits is True

Fox News has never been a particularly good source for medical information. To the contrary, with respect to COVID-19 they have a long record of disseminating crackpot conspiracy theories and fake cures that resulted in the deaths of untold thousands of people. They were literally killing off their own viewers.

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Fox News, Covid

Throughout the pandemic, Fox News was instrumental in spreading disinformation. When they weren’t denying that there was any serious public health issue at all, they were promoting quack cures like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. And among the most frequent distributors of deadly misinformation was their “Medical A-Team” “doctor,” Marc Siegel, who insisted that COVID was no more dangerous than the common flu.

RELATED: SURPRISE! Those Who Trust Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN Believe the Most COVID Misinformation

On Friday Fox News brought in Siegel again to dispense his unique brand of bullpucky. The segment was about comments made by Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate, Stacy Abrams, on abortion and one argument in particular that anti-choice activists cling to. Abrams was addressing claims that a fetal heartbeat can heard in ultrasound exams. Host Dana Perino played a clip of Abrams saying that…

“There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

That’s a factual statement that credible medical professionals will attest to. The ultrasound machine actually inserts sounds when it encounters certain fetal activity. It is a product of the machine itself, rather than amplification of any existing sound. But that isn’t how Siegel portrayed it in this interview.

Responding to Perino’s question, “Can you hear a heartbeat at six weeks in a pregnancy?” Siegel hedged at first, calling Abrams’ comments “outrageous,” followed by a short historical outline of how ultrasound was invented and it’s contribution to medicine. He seemed to be implying that Abrams was criticizing the existence of the machine, which is absurd. He eventually circled back to the question and his reply actually affirmed what Abrams had said (video below):

“I gotta tell you that you can see at six weeks that a fetus is forming. There’s no heart there, there’s no valves, but you are seeing a fluttering, a flickering of electrical activity. That’s the beginning of a heart. So you can debate all day when an actual heart occurs, but that is the beginning of flickering, of fluttering of life there where the heart is gonna be.”

So Siegel is acknowledging that there is no heart present at six weeks, and thus no heartbeat. He tries to contort his response into the Fox News narrative by talking about some future fetal development that hasn’t yet occurred. But the fact remains that Abrams was right and Siegel is reluctantly, but expressly, concurring with her.

That’s the sort of disreputable blather that Siegel has made a career on on Fox News. He was, after all, the guy Fox News turned to to interview Donald Trump about his infamous cognition exam where he claims to have correctly identified an elephant and recalled the five words “person, woman, man, camera, TV”

Siegel never bothered to interject that Trump’s assessment of that test was preposterous. He stood there and nodded blankly as Trump proclaimed that the test revealed his extraordinary mental prowess. It’s a moment in the media that exposed both Siegel and Trump as mentally deficient and brazenly dishonest.

RELATED: YIKES! Trump Admits His Dreams of Dictatorship, While Bragging About ‘Acing’ a Dementia Test

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WHUT? On Fox News RNC Chair Cites GOP Scare Tactics as Proof that Democrats are Scaring People

With the 2022 midterm election now less than two months away, the Republican Party is piling on the lies, pseudo-scandals, personal insults, and fear mongering. The projections for control of the House and Senate have been trending toward the Democrats ever since the Supreme Court’s Dobb’s decision that effectively reversed Roe vs Wade. Plus, Democrats have had numerous legislative achievements in the past few months.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

Consequently, the GOP, and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) have been reprising their customary campaign of contrivances such as caravans of immigrants, rampant crime, and economic apocalypse. It’s their predictable, knee jerk response whenever an election is nearing and their prospects are dimming.

RELATED: Dear Leader Trump Brags that His MAGA Cult is Beating the Failing Republican Party

On Fox News Monday morning, host Dana Perino interviewed the chair of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel. Perino led into her question with a video clip of former President Bill Clinton commenting accurately on how Republicans use fear to motivate their base. Which led to a rather bizarre exchange between Perino and McDaniel…

Clinton (video): The Republicans always close well. Why? Because they find some new way to scare the living daylights out of swing voters about something. That’s what they did in 2021 when they made critical race theory sound worse than smallpox.
Perino: The Democrats have been trying to scare people as well.
McDaniel: News flash, Bill. Your party’s doing that just fine. We don’t need to help you with that as well. You’re scaring voters everywhere. With open borders. I mean, just last month 2,000 pounds of fentanyl came across our border. That could kill 500,000,000 people. We’re coming into Halloween. Every mom in the country right now is worried. What if this gets into my kid’s Halloween basket? The rainbow fentanyl.

The first notable observation in that segment is that neither Perino nor McDaniel disputed what Clinton said. That might be because it’s indisputably true. However they did attempt to “whatabout” his remarks in a peculiar way. The examples that McDaniel gave of Democratic fear mongering were actually the long established scare tactics of the Republican Party. It isn’t Democrats who use open borders and drug smuggling to frighten voters. That’s the GOP. So McDaniel was just inadvertently affirming Clinton’s political analysis. In fact, she was engaging in it.

What’s more, while missing her target by a mile, McDaniel also managed to make a mess of whatever she was trying say. First of all, she complained that thousands of pounds of fentanyl were confiscated at the border last month. That is actually evidence of how well the Biden administration is policing the border and preventing illegal drug smuggling. Secondly, McDaniel claimed that the fentanyl seized could have killed 500,000,000 million people. Which is about 200,000,000 more people than there are in the U.S.

Perhaps the most preposterous of her comments was the utterly baseless suggestion that “Every mom in the country right now is worried” that their kids will be getting fentanyl treats for Halloween. Does she have any proof that even a handful of moms are worried about that, much less all of them? And what makes her think that drug dealers are plotting to give their products away for free in order to commit the mass poisoning of America’s children?

RELATED: Al Franken Shows How to Make Republican Hacks Squirm By Using this One Little Trick – Truth!

If this is the high point of the Republican’s political gamesmanship, Democrats have even less to worry about come November than previously thought. However, given the intellectual capacity of the average GOP voter, there is still a risk that they could turn out and make some gains. So Democrats can’t relax or take anything for granted. Democracy itself is riding on these midterms. And Republicans are still pouring on the craziness that exemplifies their party today…

And let’s not forget the Fear Monger in Chief for the Republican Party, Donald Trump…

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Fox News and Right-Wingers Are Already Trashing the FDA Approval of the COVID Vaccine

For months the vaccine resisters of America have been rejecting any consideration of getting the shot that science has established will prevent severe illness and death due to the COVID pandemic. Their doubts rested partly on the fact that it had only been given an “Emergency Use Authorization” by the FDA. To Donald Trump’s cult followers and Fox News devotees that meant that the vaccine wasn’t safe and its promoters were charlatans seeking some sort of population control or other nefarious objective. Trump himself ranted that the vaccine booster shots were a “money making operation” and not needed.

Fox News, Vaccine

On Monday morning the FDA announced that it had given its full approval to the Pfizer vaccine. That news will result in many public and private enterprises advancing their efforts to get more people vaccinated. Many unvaccinated persons have indicated that this approval would resolve their concerns and lead to them finally getting the shot.

Unfortunately, the most vaccine averse among us may still be opposed to this simple, common solution to a lethal problem. These are the same dimwits who have to be told not to take horse dewormers to cure COVID. And they have already begun to disparage the FDA approval that they had previously insisted they were waiting for. That disparagement was seen early by none other than Fox News, of course. They introduced a panel discussion about the FDA’s announcement by questioning the integrity of the institution and it’s processes:

“FDA just giving full approval to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, it’s the first vaccine to get that full approval and in record time too, that has critics asking if the process was rushed. Was it?”

The critics to whom Fox’s Dana Perino was referring are most likely her colleagues like Tucker Carlson, who preaches the paranoid conspiracy theory that vaccines don’t work and “they” aren’t telling you. She may also be referring to Trump’s former trade advisor, Peter Navarro, who tweeted that…

“This is what caving to political pressure looks like. Pfizer vaccine is leady and non-durable and risks are mounting. If we had tried to pulled this kind of sh**T in the Trump White…fill in blank. F.D.A. Grants Full Approval”

Setting aside Navarro’s difficulties with the English language, it is notable that his credentials are in economics, not medicine. And judging by his disastrous tenure with the Trump administration, his economic advice is nothing to brag about either.

Also weighing in is America’s foremost conspiracy crackpot, Alex Jones. The Infowars host and dubious vitamin supplement peddler is distancing himself from Trump on the matter of vaccines. On Saturday Trump told those attending his travelling salvation show that they should get vaccinated. Although he tempered that suggestion by assuring them that they have the right to refuse. Which is another way of saying that they have the right to remain more vulnerable to sickness and death for them and those with whom they come in contact.

Jones objected to this stance on Trump’s part. He accused Trump of caving in to the mainstream media saying that he “clicks his heels and hops up there to attention” whenever NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Zucker and/or CNN snaps their fingers. Then Jones concluded saying…

“Shame on you Trump. Seriously. Hey, if you don’t have the good sense to save yourself and your political career, that’s OK. At least you’re gonna get some good Republicans elected and we like you. But my god, maybe you’re not that bright. Maybe Trump’s actually a dumbass.”

Uh-oh. How will Trump respond to his pal Jones calling him a “dumbass”? Furthermore, how will Trump respond to getting booed by his own disciples when he advocated for getting vaccinated? In all likelihood, the answer is the same for both. Trump will bend to whatever position gets him the most adulation and increases donations.

Trump’s motivations are entirely driven by his narcissism and greed. In his cloistered world, nothing else matters. And despite the FDA’s full approval of the Pfizer vaccine, Trump will undoubtedly rush to support those who are denigrating the vaccine and the FDA. Because his personal and political goals will always take precedence over saving lives and preserving the physical, financial, and emotional well being of the American people.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News and Republicans are Lying Extra Hard to Confuse Everyone About Voting Reform

Ever since Joe Biden humiliated Donald Trump – beating him by more than seven million votes – the despondent Cult of Trump has whined that Trump didn’t really lose. They continue to cling desperately to the “Big Lie” that the election was rigged and that the presidency was stolen. These are the fantastical delusions that led to the deadly Capitol Hill insurrection of January 6th.

Fox News, Constitution

However, despite having seven months, sixty court cases (all of which they lost), and unlimited hours of right-wing media on Fox News and elsewhere, they have never been able to provide even a sliver of evidence to support their hysterical, fringe-dwelling theories. Consequently, many Republican governors and legislators have turned their focus to future elections and a full-bore campaign of voter suppression.

That effort was met by Democrats in Congress who introduced the For the People Act,” a package of voting reforms aimed at preserving democracy. It hasn’t been easy. The conservative Democratic senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, has been, until recently, gumming up the works. But now he has released his compromise version of the bill which has been positively received, even by the foremost advocate of voting reform, Stacy Abrams.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t been enough to move the knee-jerk Republican obstructionists. In fact, they just became even more committed to their anti-democratic agenda. That was plainly evident in this exchange between Dana Perino of Fox News and GOP Senator Tom Cotton (video below):

Perino: One thing that’s a little puzzling about this is that Manchin Lite is very similar to the Georgia voting bill. And the Georgia voting bill, Stacy Abrams said, is Jim Crow 2. So you could be a little confused as to what the Democrats are actually trying to do here. Do you have any idea?
Cotton: I’ll confess I’m always confused whenever Stacy Abrams is advocating for some radical voting proposal. But Dana, I think it’s pretty clear what the Democrats are trying to do. S1 is the Democrats bill to rig our elections forever. They can’t pass their unpopular agenda, so rather than changing their agenda, they want to change the rules of our democracy.

Okay. Try to follow this. Perino says that Manchin’s compromise is similar to the Georgia bill that Democrats staunchly oppose as blatant voter suppression. But it isn’t similar at all. So it’s not surprising that Abrams supports the Manchin compromise, but not the Georgia bill. Then Cotton admits that he’s confused, which shouldn’t surprise anyone either. But he also complains that Manchin’s compromise is a “radical voting proposal,” which Perino just said is very similar to the Georgia bill. So Cotton is bashing as radical the ultra-conservative Georgia bill that he has previously praised.

Don’t hurt yourself trying to make any sense of this. It is a profoundly ludicrous stab at disparaging any attempt to restore fairness to America’s voting processes. Cotton continued in his dishonest misrepresentations by claiming that “This bill would require taxpayer funding of politician’s campaigns.” That’s a flaming lie. The proposals that make up Manchin’s compromise are clearly spelled out. They include…

  • Automatic voter registration
  • Making election day a holiday
  • Mandating at least 15 days of early voting for federal elections
  • Banning partisan gerrymandering
  • Voter ID provisions

However, nowhere in the list is anything suggesting taxpayer funded political campaigns. Cotton has to know this. He’s presenting himself as knowledgeable about the proposed legislation. He has even made a determination that it would be unconstitutional because “the states have primary authority under our Constitution to regulate our election systems.” However, he’s flat out wrong about that as well. Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution states that…

“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

What we have here is a Republican senator purposefully lying in order to muddy the waters so that people can’t have a rational understanding of perhaps the most significant feature of American democracy, the sanctity of the vote. And he’s doing it with the full cooperation and complicity of Fox News. It’s because of deliberate transgressions against the American people like this that we must remain vigilant and committed to achieving real reform despite the obstacles in our way.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Laughably Mangles Report on Mueller’s Subpoena for Russia Docs From Trump Org

There was breaking news on Thursday about the investigation into Donald Trump’s unsavory connections to Russia. Special counsel Robert Mueller issued a new subpoena to the Trump Organization for all documents related to its dealings with Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin. It’s a significant development that indicates that the investigation is continuing to expand and has the President squarely in its sights.

Robert Mueller Trump

So it will surprise nobody that Fox News found a way to report this news that is both trivializing and confusing. In fact, they made it sound like good news for Trump. The mission of Fox News, of course, is to act as a shield for Trump and his Republican backers by defending him, and maligning his critics, at all costs. To that end Fox News host Dana Perino broke into her program with a Fox News Alert to rapidly misinform their viewers before any morsels of the truth could get out. She interviewed reporter Catherine Herridge on the Mueller subpoena (video below):

Perino: The New York Times is reporting that special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents related to Russia. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is on Capitol Hill. Catherine, this news just broke right before the hour started.
Herridge: That’s right Dana. I’ve been making some phone calls and I spoke with one of the President’s personal attorneys who confirmed to me that the Trump Organization has been working closely and cooperatively with the office of the special counsel Robert Mueller. And at this time he was unaware that a subpoena had been issued, but he was going to check further. The key thing he said was the driving force, or the objective of the subpoena, whether it was in fact going down a new line of inquiry, or whether this was what they call a “wrap up subpoena” or a “clean up subpoena,” which is when you request records as you’re getting close to the end the of the investigation and you’re trying to tie up some loose ends.

First of all, it’s notable that Herridge only called Trump’s personal attorney to confirm this report, rather than someone at the Justice Department who would have knowledge of the subpoenas they issue. It’s also notable that Herridge didn’t identify the attorney she spoke with. Were these remarks off the record or anonymous?

More to the point, the introduction of the terms “wrap/clean up subpoena” muddies up the reporting. A quick Google of the terms found few results that weren’t referencing this Fox News segment. In fact, it’s a rather pointless distinction because all subpoenas are intended to secure information that’s relevant to the investigation and could lead to new paths of inquiry. But this spin by Fox News is intended to imply that the investigation is nearing completion and that nothing incriminating has been found. But they weren’t through trying to further deflect from the Trump/Russia connection:

Perino: So it might not signal a new aggressive approach by the special counselor?
Herridge: Well what we know through our own independent reporting is that the special counsel has been looking at the issue of the United Arab Emirates, and whether there was any financial input into the campaign by the United Arab Emirates, or whether there was a promise of better treatment after the election because of their support of then-candidate Trump.

Technically, that’s true. The UAE, along with other areas of financial misdeeds, is under investigation. But that has nothing to do with this new subpoena that specifically seeks documents from Trump related to Russia. This is an obvious dodge to create confusion and pretend that Russia isn’t the focus of this investigation. And the segment ended with a virtual admission that their furious spinning was probably all made up:

Perino: I’ve never heard of clean up subpoenas. I’m glad I had you on.
Herridge: I know. I learned of them recently too. That’s the kind of subpoena you want, apparently.
Perino: I used to work at the Justice Department. Someone was holding out on me.

See? It’s all very innocent. There’s nothing to worry about here. And the fact that these two experienced media professionals never heard of the type of subpoena that they just introduced on the air shouldn’t raise any suspicions. According to Fox News Mueller’s new subpoenas are not only uncontroversial, they are “the kind of subpoena you want.” It’s actually good news for Trump. And Fox News is the only place you’re gonna get that kind of twisted analysis.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Host Credits Trump For Obama’s Economy, Even His Co-Hosts Laugh Hysterically

The Fox News afternoon program The Five is a preposterous hour of right-wing blather. The co-hosts consist of four arch-conservatives and one lonely and abused, alleged liberal. They chatter aimlessly, generally agreeing on the awesomeness of Donald Trump and the manifest evil of his Democratic critics.

Fox News Bolling Obama

On Friday’s episode, co-host Eric Bolling once again earned his title as “Stupidest Man on TV.” Introducing his “scorecard” comparing the nascent Trump administration to that of President Obama’s, Bolling pulled out his white board. It contained a few economics metrics, but ignored the flood of scandals and legal potholes littering Trump’s brief tenure. (See the video below).

However, even that narrow examination of the two presidents was botched miserably by Bolling. In fact, it was so ridiculous that even his conservative colleagues burst out into spontaneous laughter. He began the segment innocently enough saying:

“The first quarter in the books yesterday or today, right? Last day of the quarter. So we did a little bit of a scorecard going – comparing the Trump administration to Obama one quarter in.”

The numbers Bolling presented for consumer confidence, unemployment, etc., were taken from the first quarter for both presidents. Consequently, Obama’s first quarter results looked horrible, while Trump’s were stellar. Of course, any twelve year old would know that those numbers represent the economy of the previous president. None of the policies of a new chief executive could have been implemented in that time. So Bolling was actually showing the numbers for Bush’s last days and comparing them to the success of the Obama years.

The obviously partisan spin was mocked furiously by Bolling’s co-hosts. Dana Perino called it “unfair.” Greg Gutfeld noted honestly that the positive results were “essentially all from Obama.” Juan Williams suggested that Bolling show the approval ratings for Obama (62%) and Trump (35%) on his board. And all of them laughed mercilessly at Bolling’s lame attempt to credit Trump with Obama’s accomplishments.

That’s how far a devoted Trump sycophant will go to deceive the naive in his audience. Sean Hannity does it everyday. Bill O’Reilly sells the same snake oil to his deluded viewers. But on this occasion the absurdity was too much for even Fox’s right-wing mouthpieces to endure without fits of hysterics. Through it all, Bolling himself never seemed to realize that he was the object of ridicule. That’s why he’s such a perfect shill for Trump. Neither have much of a grip on reality.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Host Rants About Clinton Emails – Was Bush Shill When 5 MILLION Emails Vanished

With the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, clearing her of legal wrongdoing, partisans on both sides are spinning this issue to their respective advantage. While FBI Director James Comey said plainly that there was no “evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws,” Republicans chose to malign his reputation during nearly five hours of questioning in a congressional hearing that proved nothing.

George Bush Dana Perino

Throughout this matter, one of the most vocal critics of Clinton was a Fox News co-host of The Five, Dana Perino. She embarked on an extended Twitter tirade yesterday beginning with an introduction to a multi-tweet rant:

That was the opening for another twenty or so tweets about how dearly she appreciated the opportunity to work for the White House and how seriously she took her job. Each tweet contained an implied swipe at Clinton who she cast as not sharing her respect for the position. Perino sought to paint herself as having no political biases, she was just there to serve America:

That, of course, was utter bullcrap. She was the press secretary for a starkly partisan administration that sharply divided the America people. There was a sentiment within the Bush realm that “you are either with us or you are with the terrorists.” Then Perino herself baselessly accused Comey of having a partisan double standard wherein he would have indicted a Republican under the same circumstances.

However, the most absurd part of this diatribe came when Perino referenced the time when she had to defend the Bush administration from charges of a cover up when they disclosed that two years of emails – more than five million – had been forever lost.

First of all, socks notwithstanding, Perino neglected to actually refer to any prior explaining rant. Secondly, if the emails were found (and that has not been established) it wouldn’t prove that there was no intent to deceive, only that the attempt at deception might have failed.

Flashback to April of 2007. The Bush administration was in the midst of dual scandals regarding: 1) the outing of Valerie Plame, a covert CIA agent whose identity was deliberately compromised as payback for her husband’s criticism of the Bush lies that led to the invasion of Iraq, and 2) the unethical firing of eight federal attorneys for politically ideological reasons. Additionally, there were questions about Karl Rove improperly using a Republican National Committee e-mail account that the White House later said disappeared.

So contrary to her assertion that it wasn’t the same, virtually every element of it is matched perfectly, There is classified information that was compromised, albeit in this case it was deliberate and it endangered the lives of covert CIA operatives. There were also improper political motivations in attempting to clean the Department of Justice of any attorneys left over from prior Democratic administrations. And there was an intent to hide official communications by using the RNC’s email servers instead of those at the White House as required by law. On top of all of that, there were millions of emails that were never recovered. And the explanation given was that it was just a computer glitch. Which is funny because Perino mocked any suggestion that any of Clinton’s missing emails might have been inadvertently deleted by tweeting:

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

What makes this even worse is that Perino just happened to be Bush’s press secretary at the time. That’s right, she was not a pundit, she was the President’s spokesperson. And this was the White House itself (not some home server) that lost millions of emails (not only 30,000) that were then being requested by investigators. And it was Perino who defended this blatant malfeasance. Here she is downplaying the matter in a report on CNN by Ed Henry (now at Fox News, but off the air because he was caught having an adulterous affair):

Perino actually used the defense that “there’s no indication the emails were intentionally lost,” which she dismisses as a defense for Clinton whom she believes should be prosecuted regardless of lack of intent. Now that’s a double standard. And it is astonishing that Perino could be so rattled by the FBI’s report when she herself was so intimately involved in spinning an identical controversy when she worked for Bush. Of course, now that she’s at Fox News, she’s still spinning for the same right-wing gang.

With Nothing To Pin On Hillary Clinton, Fox News Furiously Spins The Benghazi Panel’s Pointless Report

After two years and seven million dollars, the Republican Committee on Politicizing Benghazi finally issued a report on their findings. And, to no one’s surprise, the result of this lengthy and expensive charade reveals absolutely nothing of significance that wasn’t already known or reported by one of the seven other congressional committees that wasted taxpayer dollars on this transparently political witch hunt.

Almost immediately following the release of committee’s report Fox News shifted into offense in an effort to hurl mud at Clinton. The absence of anything substantive to report didn’t deter them from their mission. As an indication of how the media reported this news event, take a look at the on-screen graphics of the three cable news networks:

Fox News

Both CNN and MSNBC correctly reported that committee failed to deliver on their promises of criminality by Clinton. Fox News, on the other hand, tweaked their reporting to refer to the GOP’s press conference rather than the contents of the actual report. So their graphics faulted the Obama administration because that’s what the Republicans at the press conference were predisposed to discuss. Never mind that their own committee’s report did not support their criticisms. Even the Fox News crawl, during this segment, noted that “Clinton never personally denied requests for added security.”

Fox News spent much of the day slandering Clinton with innuendos that had nothing to do with the report. On Outnumbered Jedediah Bila said that “It doesn’t bother her that people died.” Fox’s national security analyst, K.T. McFarland, said that Clinton has “blood on your hands.” Dana Perino of The Five inexplicably called for yet another Benghazi investigation. Notice that none of these comments addressed any of the report’s actual findings, preferring instead to fling insults and malicious opinions.

Republicans had long ago exposed themselves as the perpetrators of a partisan assault on Hillary Clinton in advance of her campaign for the presidency. Their Speaker-in-Waiting, Keven McCarthy, bragged about his anti-Clinton plot to Sean Hannity saying that “Everybody thought that Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today?” Well, since you asked, Clinton’s numbers today put her twelve points ahead of Donald Trump, and McCarthy was bumped from his speakership path and replaced by Paul Ryan.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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The Benghazi investigation lasted longer than any previous congressional investigation, including the JFK assassination, the Nixon Watergate affair, and 9/11. It’s budget exceeded that of the House Intelligence Committee and the Veterans Committee combined. Yet it found not a single bit of evidence of any wrongdoing by Clinton or the Obama administration. So Fox News chose to ignore the report’s conclusions and instead engage in ad hominem smear tactics. That is, after all, what they were created to do.

Fox News Is So Terrified Of Hillary Clinton That They Invent Fake Email Scandal

For months there has been a concerted effort by Fox News to torpedo the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. They have done it by relentlessly airing stories about alleged scandals that they have trumpeted with glee would end her White House aspirations. Those stories include everything from Benghazi to the Clinton Foundation, to her aide Huma Abedin’s alleged ties to Muslim extremists, to her private computer server. Never mind that there has never been a smidgen of actual evidence showing that she had engaged in anything unlawful or unethical. Just the wild accusations repeated ad nauseum on Fox News is enough to plant the notion in the mind of the public and drive down her poll numbers for trustworthiness.


The mission of Fox News is obviously to sabotage the campaign of the strongest Democratic candidate for the 2016 presidential election. They know that Clinton, even after the smear crusade, still manages to out poll every Republican challenger. Consequently, they need to persist in the propaganda blitz until they succeed in bringing her down.

While previous attempts focused heavily on Benghazi, the inability to make their false charges stick has driven Fox to elevate a different scandalette to the forefront. So now Benghazi has been at least temporarily sidelined in favor of the dreaded lost emails. What Fox is trying to turn into a political frenzy is the allegation that Clinton had sent or received classified email communications using a private computer server rather than one hosted by the feds at the Department of State. This, they imply, may have exposed sensitive information to unfriendly nations.

The first point that needs to be made is that recent reports have revealed that hackers have already trespassed into the official government servers that store data for millions of federal employees. However, there is no evidence whatsoever that Clinton’s server security was ever breached by anyone. So Clinton may have actually protected the information she was handling by segregating it on her server while the feds were being hacked. The second pertinent fact is that there is no evidence that any classified emails were sent or received through Clinton’s server.

However, what really makes this media farce so dishonest is that the so-called journalists at Fox News are fabricating a controversy that doesn’t exist in reality. They spend endless hour of valuable airtime yammering about missing emails and mysterious servers. Even though Clinton, in an unprecedented display of transparency, turned over 55,000 pages of emails. This was never done by other Secretaries of State who also used private servers. Nor was it done by her GOP opponents who as governors did the same thing.

To make matters worse, Fox News completely ignores previous incidents when emails went missing. For instance, when the Bush administration was under investigation for various improprieties, they suddenly announced that, not thousands, but millions of emails had mysteriously vanished. This scandal even included allegations that then-White House operative Karl Rove had been communicating with a private server located at the Republican National Committee.

At the time, Bush’s Press Secretary Dana Perino (now a host on Fox News), insisted it was an unfortunate but innocent computer glitch. This is the same Perino who now calls Clinton’s email situation a criminal offense. And at a congressional investigation of the Bush matter, the GOP’s Clinton inquisitionist, Darrell Issa, also tried to dismiss the Bush debacle as a glitch. Furthermore, then-CNN reporter Ed Henry (now also on Fox News) speculated that the Bush affair might be a violation of the Federal Presidential Records Act.

As if that weren’t enough, the Fox News family has another email scandal in its past. When Rupert Murdoch’s British newspapers were caught hacking into the phone and email accounts of private citizens, celebrities, politicians, and royals, they tried to cover it up by making millions of emails disappear. This destruction of evidence was not merely alluded to, but was proven with internal, News Corp. memos describing their policy of destroying emails “that could be unhelpful in the context of future litigation”.

So you have to wonder what moral authority anyone at Fox News has to complain about Clinton’s emails, which have never been proven to contain anything untoward. Clearly Fox isn’t interested in compliance with the law or good government. They are deploying a well-coordinated attack on a political rival whom they desperately fear. And they wonder why no one regards them as a reputable news network.