Donald Trump, Jr. Remains Conspicuously Silent on America’s Most Notorious Sexual Abuser

America is currently facing a cornucopia of calamities. They include everything from mass murders to healthcare to income inequality to voter suppression to potential nuclear war. And there is virtually no government in place to address these dilemmas as Donald Trump and his administration is ripping apart at the seams.

Donald Trump

So naturally Trump’s son Don, Jr. is taking the lead on the matter that is most pressing in the country today: What to do about sexual abusers in positions of power. Except his attention is narrowly focused on a single case, that of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. Little Donnie has been following in his father’s footsteps by tweeting furiously about whether liberals and Democrats have sufficiently condemned Weinstein’s gross misconduct. For instance:

[Retweeting right-wing radio talker @marklevinshow]

[Retweeting alleged rapist @JulianAssange]

[Replying to @jimmykimmel]

That’s great. A conservative who is uncharacteristically speaking out against the abuse and harassment of women in the workplace. There’s just one problem. The Trumpette has left some glaring omissions from his crusade for women’s rights and safety. First and foremost, his own father. Donald Trump has been accused by at least a dozen women of sexual harassment or abuse. And he has even confessed to criminal abuse in the infamous Access Hollywood videotape.

The Little Don is very upset that, in his warped view, liberals and Hollywood “elites” haven’t spoken out about Weintstein. But his father is also among those who have declined to condemn him. When asked on Saturday, Trump said only that “I’m not surprised.” That hardly qualifies as a denunciation. And for the record, many on the left have come forward to rebuke Weinstein. In fact, all of the women who courageously came forward with their testimony are denizens of Hollywood. And it was the supposedly leftist New York Times that broke the story in the first place.

The Weinstein affair is, unfortunately, not unique. There are many similar atrocities being committed every day. But there are some distinct differences between Weinstein and the behavior of the President. For one thing, Weinstein is not a national leader. He has no role in the legal or administrative process of government. He makes entertainment for television and cinema. Secondly, he was not nominated for the presidency by the Republican Party, or voted into office by sanctimonious, family-values, right-wingers. And finally, Weinstein voluntarily took a leave of absence from his own company, and its board of directors has ordered an investigation. [Late Breaking: The board has fired Weinstein].

Needless to say, Donald Trump still resides in the White House. He has not acknowledged his inappropriate behavior. Nor have most of his supporters spoken out against it. What’s more, Don, Jr. is a frequent guest on Fox News which has had its own problems with sexually abusive personnel. Their late CEO, Roger Ailes, was ousted earlier this year. Likewise their biggest star, Bill O’Reilly, and several other prominent Fox news staffers. Neither Trump the elder, nor his son have denounced any of them. It’s a case of such blatant hypocrisy that it seems profoundly ludicrous for them to even bother talking about Weinstein.

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When Trump or his Trumplet can publicly condemn people like Ailes and O’Reilly (and Trump himself), then they will have some moral grounds for tackling Weinstein. In the meantime they should stop criticizing liberals and Democrats who have been forthrightly fighting for women’s rights all along, and without regard to political partisanship.


3 thoughts on “Donald Trump, Jr. Remains Conspicuously Silent on America’s Most Notorious Sexual Abuser

  1. Like his father and his father’s enabler Jillian Assange, TrumpJr doesn t know when to shut up. It’s ludicrous that he is talking about someone else’s sexual predatory behavior. Where does the “I just grab em by the pussy’ comment come from? His FATHER, the Liar-in-Chief. Who had numerous women go public about how they were pressured to engage in sexual type behaviors with his wife Melanie upstairs? Junior’s father, the current fauxphonyfalse “president.” Junior needs to quit while he is behind or he’s going to wake DonaldSr,’s accusers up and they are going to start talking again.

  2. Hypocrites is putting it mildly. The trump’s are as corrupt as organized crime. That they screech about Hillary is ridiculous and I’m very tired of anyone giving them a platform for their rantings. Get rid of the corrupt lot of them. Preferably by incarceration in a Federal penitentiary in the MS13 section.

  3. …besides, Democrat leaders and organizations have been rushing to give Weinstein donations to charities…did Republicans once they had confirmation of Trump’s sexual abuse…Nope…

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