Holy Sh*t: Giuliani Told Hannity That Trump Reimbursed Cohen for His Payment to Stormy

This is gonna be a short article to post for the record a shocking admission that was made public for the first time. Sean Hannity hosted Donald Trump’s new attorney, Rudy Giuliani for the whole hour of his program on Wednesday night. And it was stunning.

Rudy Giuliani

For the most part Giuliani was rambling incoherently. He spent most of the hour insulting James Comey and calling everyone from Comey to Clinton liars. But one particular exchange is certain to make some news. With regard to the $130,000 payment that Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen made to Stormy Daniels, Giuliani revealed that Trump reimbursed Cohen. Here is how that segment of the interview went down courtesy of Yashir Ali who was live tweeting the show (video below):

The significance of this revelation cannot be overstated. Trump has previously said that he knew nothing about the arrangements that Cohen had made with Daniels. Now, according his own lawyer, that was a lie.

This what Trump gets for hiring a freak job like Giuliani and putting his legal life in his hands.

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UPDATE: CNN got a reaction from Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti:

And now “a source close to Trump just confirmed.”

And Giuliani Trump is “pleased” that he’s been outed as a liar and this was all part of their master plan:


3 thoughts on “Holy Sh*t: Giuliani Told Hannity That Trump Reimbursed Cohen for His Payment to Stormy

  1. The Smoking Gun has been fired — by the Uncool Ghouliani. And His Beloved Leader’s biggest kissbutt doesn’t have much time to invent an excuse why his sheeple didn’t hear what they damn well heard.

  2. Trump has always been able to lie and bully his way out of trouble his entire life. When you are under federal investigation that makes that task much more difficult if not impossible. They have painted themselves into a corner. Trump will fire Rosenstein and Mueller next. It’s the only move he has left and the Republicans will do nothing so why wouldn’t he. Even that will only delay the inevitable, which is he will not finish his 1st term.

  3. I don’t think anyone bought the story that Cohen mortgaged his house to come up with the Stormy Daniels cash.

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