Poor Peter Doocy Whines that Biden Didn’t Let Him Ask a Loaded Fox ‘News’ Question

The fact that Fox News continues to wonder why they aren’t respected as a journalistic enterprise is actually further evidence of why they aren’t respected as a journalistic enterprise. A real news organization would recognize how far removed they are from credible journalism. But Fox seems to be either completely unaware of it, deliberately dishonest about it, or desperately in denial.

Fox News, Peter Doocy

On Friday Fox News demonstrated perfectly why no one takes them seriously as a news source. Following President Biden’s press conference on Thursday, which suffered Fox News’ predictable, knee-jerk criticism, the right-wing propaganda network focused intently on the most significant news produced by the event: Mean Mr. Biden didn’t call on Fox’s pouting Peter Doocy for another one of his petty inquisitions. But Doocy wasn’t having it. So he complained to the manager (press secretary Jen Psaki), who promptly ate his lunch:

Doocy: Any time that the President has an event where he’s given a list of reporters to call on, Fox is the only member of the five networks in the TV pool that has never been on the list in front of the President. And I’m just curious if that is an official administration policy.
Psaki: We’re here having a conversation, aren’t we? And do I take questions from you every time you come to the briefing room? Has the President taken questions from you since he came into office?

Psaki responded to Doocy like he was wayward child, which was entirely appropriate. Any other news organization would have been embarrassed by such a petulant display of hurt feelings. What’s worse is that Doocy wasted his time in the White House Briefing Room to register his self-serving complaints, rather than asking substantive questions that might actually address important issues. He could have saved his whining for a private conversation with Psaki. But he wasn’t through yet. He later made the same lament on air:

“The President would have a list, usually of about five people, and those are the ones that he would call on […] If he decides to just stick to the list, then we are left out.”

So this is the clearly the overarching issue in America today, at least on Fox News. It must be resolved before considering any discussion of the COVID pandemic, immigration, voting rights, or mass murders. And Doocy’s confederates at Fox agree. Media Matters reports that “Eleven different programs have combined to mention how Biden did not call on Fox White House correspondent Peter Doocy at least 24 times.” They included Jesse Watters calling Biden “chicken,” and Sean Hannity complaining that Doocy didn’t get to ask his “important” questions. Even Donald Trump brought it up in his “interview” with Laura Ingraham.

No one at Fox News bothered to mention that the New York Times didn’t get called on either. And they didn’t whine about it afterward. And Fox conveniently forgets that, if anyone was chicken it was Donald Trump. He never once gave CNN or MSNBC an interview in four years as president. And he’s already done four phone-ins with Fox News from his Mar-a-Lago bunker since leaving office.

The real question isn’t why Biden didn’t call on Fox News. It’s why would he ever do so? You’re only supposed to call on journalists during a press conference. In a world where journalistic integrity was honored, Doocy and his ilk wouldn’t even be allowed on the press room. And the fact that he and his Fox gripers are making such a big deal of this is only further proof that they don’t deserve to be treated as bona fide reporters.

Biden’s press team recently articulated certain principles that, if followed, would result in having to ban Fox News from White House briefings. Which would surely make them more informative. In the meantime, enjoy this video where the Daily Show “FOX-splains” Biden’s 37,268 scandals so far in his two months of being president:

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2 thoughts on “Poor Peter Doocy Whines that Biden Didn’t Let Him Ask a Loaded Fox ‘News’ Question

  1. Biden suggested that there’d be some minimal journalistic standards applied, as to reporters allowed at his press briefings, didn’t he? So, what happened to that? It was a wise idea, tocut down on stupidity & time wasted on those not there to be informed & pass that info on in a credible manner. Only serious journalists need apply.
    As in, “The clown has left town; his circus has moved to Florida. Buh-bye.”
    So what is Doocy’s petulant man-child doing at the briefing? I can see why he needed his Dad’s help to get the job. Chip off the old block(head), that one!
    FauxNotNews, Trump’s broadcaster of lies, has refused to accept valid election results & has basically ignored our new President until now. Now, they decide to actually cover a tiny bit of news in their non-factual way & they send in this clown!? And important news Faux reports is just their reporter whining how he didn’t get called on, even tho he did?! That was the big news from the briefing? Well, that & he won’t be taking the pretty redhead to the prom anytime soon. She’s out of his league. “Poor baby!”
    FauxNotNews viewers still won’t know the real news ~ all Faux covered was Jr. Doocy’s whining.
    They won’t be any wiser & that’s just how FPN (Faux Propaganda Network) likes it to stay!

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