QAnon Rep Lauren Boebert Has a Sad Over Biden Doing What He Was Elected To Do

President Biden is really confounding the Trump-deprived Republican Party. They have been struggling for weeks to find any line of criticism that is plausible, or even remotely believable. Their efforts have led to ludicrous contrivances roping in innocent victims like Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head. But Biden’s approval has actually increased since he beat Donald Trump last November, and is double-digits higher than Trump’s was at the same point.

Republican False Knowledge

The GOP has taken a stridently anti-Biden path with knee-jerk opposition to his most ambitious initiatives. Not a single Republican in Congress voted for the COVID relief and stimulus bill that garnered majority support by the American people, including Republicans. They are similarly rejecting Biden’s infrastructure and jobs bill that has equal support across the political spectrum.

As a result, Republican backbenchers are throwing whatever mud they find handy at the wall and hoping something sticks. So far, they have come up empty, unless you count the humiliation they’ve accumulated. Take, for instance, Colorado QAnon congresswoman Lauren Boebert (please). On Sunday she tweeted this…

Fortunately, we don’t have to imagine that. Biden has come into office and set a course toward undoing much of the damage that Trump and his thug brigades worked so hard to achieve. Biden told voters he would do just that during his campaign, and he’s keeping his promise. What Boebert doesn’t get is that this is not some new staff at a business coming in and changing everything. It is a new administration in the White House that the American people put there to do precisely what they’re doing.

However, that isn’t the only thing that Boebert is too ignorant to comprehend. Later the same day she tweeted this…

Boebert thinks that America’s millionaires and billionaires deserve a tax holiday? Never mind that they already “profited handsomely” during the pandemic. As reported by USA Today, while “The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an economic crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Great Depression [and] more than half a year later, more than 11 million Americans remain unemployed […] America’s 614 billionaires grew their net worth by a collective $931 billion.”

So naturally Republicans like Boebert want to throw more money at their wealthy benefactors. Biden, on the other hand, is focused on rest of the population that has just received another stimulus check that every Republican voted against. And Biden thinks that it’s time for the rich to pay their fair share, so he’s proposing increases on taxes, but only for those earning more than $400,000.

What’s more, Boebert’s disingenuous sympathy for the small business that were locked down, and the job losses she mentioned, doesn’t acknowledge that all of that economic pain was exacerbated by Trump and her party’s negligent and incompetent mishandling of the pandemic. After that, it’s rather callous of her to use the suffering of the American people as a cudgel against Biden who is actually doing something to help them.

Finally, Boebert also posted a hysterical complaint regarding Biden’s attention to the climate crisis. She tweeted…

That tweet was in response to reporting by Fox News that consisted of their customary lies and distractions (and was even retweeted by the governor of Texas):

The only thing you need to know about this is that none of it is true. While it would be beneficial to both the health of the planet and its human occupants to reduce their intake of red meat, the charge that Biden made a proposal to force its elimination is flagrantly untrue. See this thread (and this article) for more details:

This is the sort of desperation that Republicans are resorting to attack Biden and other Democrats. They haven’t got anything substantive to talk about, so they invent “scandals” and distribute them to their dimwitted cult followers. But true to form, they don’t even do that very well.

UPDATE: Fox News issued a correction for their hamburger story.

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8 thoughts on “QAnon Rep Lauren Boebert Has a Sad Over Biden Doing What He Was Elected To Do

  1. Of course, her Congressional male counterpart ALSO took this bullshyt approach (as opposed to her male Twitter counterpart Charlie Jerk who is more obsessed today with walls allegedly going up around the Oscar ceremony….

    Not only does Emperor Biden not want us to celebrate the 4th of July, now he doesn’t want us to have a burger on that day either.

    Retweet if you’re still doing both because this is America! [flag]

    9:11 AM · Apr 25, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

    I am increasingly convinced that the Qpublicans are increasingly becoming more moronic….

  2. I wholly support the idea that FauxNoNews should be banned from WH press briefings, unless & until they broadcast retractions of their more egregious lies about what Biden Admin. is (not) doing (& saying)!
    There’s no reason they should be there, since Fox is NOT REAL NEWS & is only there to disrupt & collect sound bites that they then take out of context, or warp what was said until it’s a FoxLie.
    There must be minimum standards for journalists. Fox will never be able to meet them!

  3. I wholly support the idea that FauxNoNews should be banned from WH press briefings, unless & until they broadcast retractions of their more egregious lies about what Biden Admin. is (not) doing (& saying)!
    There’s no reason they should be there, since Fox is NOT REAL NEWS & is only there to disrupt & collect sound bites that they then take out of context, or warp what was said until it’s a FoxLie.
    There must be minimum standards for journalists!

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