Sen. Grassley Stands Up for Trump’s Right to Conspire to Stage a Coup with DOJ Staff

The evidence that Donald Trump was – and still is – engaged in a treasonous plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election continues to pour in. Recent reports reveal his attempts to pressure the acting Attorney General, Jeffrey Rosen, to “just say that the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.” Trump has not disputed these accounts.

Donald Trump, Constitution

The newly impaneled House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection just interviewed Rosen and, while the details have not been made public, there is general information that has been disclosed, and which are cause for serious concern. However, that concern is apparently not shared by Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Instead, what Grassley was concerned with was that…

“This country has had to deal with Democrats’ obsession with destroying Trump for much too long. In the process I fear my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have done, and will do, lasting damage to our political system.”

If the Democrats are “obsessed” with anything, it’s the preservation of American democracy. And if anyone is doing “lasting damage to the political process,” it’s Donald Trump, who has become, in the words of Carl Bernstein, an American war criminal.” But that isn’t exactly how Grassley sees it. He went on to say that…

“The president has every right to discuss ideas and strategies with his closest advisors. The president, whether that president is Democrat or Republican, should feel unrestrained to bring ideas to his closest staff for robust discussion. Eventually the facts will come out and Trump will have to address them. Good or bad, depending on the facts at hand.

“However, the essential question that should be asked: What was the final decision? And that is my major concern about the recent public comments coming out of these interviews I’ve discussed relating to this new Trump investigation. Unlike my Democratic colleagues, I won’t discuss the evidence publicly at this point in time. But let me remind the American public with a couple already public points. Did Trump fire acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen? No, he did not fire him.”

To be clear, Grassley is making the case that the president has the right to conspire against the United States of America, and to that end, he must be free to discuss “ideas and strategies” for staging a coup to seize power. Really? Perhaps the ranking Republican member of the Judiciary Committee should peruse the U.S. Constitution. Because what he’s suggesting is a flagrant breach of the supreme law of the land.

What’s more, the “essential question” is certainly not “What was the final decision?” No more than that would be the essential question in a case of conspiracy to rob a bank. The conspiracy is unlawful in and of itself. And Trump’s decision not to fire Rosen only came about when he was confronted by the threat of mass resignations by Justice Department officials. Trump didn’t have pangs of conscience that led him to do the right thing. He had a stabbing fear that his exploits would lead to a “Saturday Night Massacre” moment and he would suffer the same fate that Richard Nixon did.

For Grassley utter these words on the Senate floor without any sense of shame is illustrative of just how far down the rabid hole he has sunk. And like most of the rest of the Republican Party, he is nothing more than a Trump flunky serving Dear Leader and ignoring the welfare – and the laws – of the nation. For that reason, the American people need to stay active and engaged and determined to vote out every Republican on the ballot in 2022. The stakes are too high to get complacent or apathetic. Not with people like Grassley in high positions of power.

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5 thoughts on “Sen. Grassley Stands Up for Trump’s Right to Conspire to Stage a Coup with DOJ Staff

  1. Because there will always be people who stand up for the worst POS.

    Grassley is expendable – maybe on his way out already.

    I doubt this will do him any good on any level.

  2. Recognizing one thing: Senator Grassley has just acknowledged that he’s willing to support His Beloved God’s treason against the United States. And he would condemn President Biden for committing the same crime. Probably using the same language…..

  3. So Crassley thinks a president has every right to “discuss” committing treason against the USA. And to make the covert acts which are the first steps towards that committment. I suspect the good citizens of Iowa might take exception to this political philosophy, were they aware of it. Let’s ask the Lincoln Project to make a relevant video ad to be broadcast in that State.

  4. I truly believe that everyone who conspired in the attempt to overthrow the government should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If, as Mr. Grassley says, it’s perfectly legal then we really have failed in our experiment with democracy.

  5. So Grassley thinks Trump conspired to overthrow the government? Will he testify to that under oath?

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