Trump Rants Hysterically that Women are ‘Poor’ and ‘Depressed’ But that He Will Fix Everything

From the beginning of his misadventures in politics, Donald Trump has exalted himself as the panacea to all of life’s ills. He has insisted that only he could resolve the nation’s problems. He contends that all manner of misfortune – from inflation to the war in Ukraine – would never have happened were he in […]

The Crook Who Contrived Trump University Spells Out His Utterly Preposterous Education Plan

Ever since the start of the rape and defamation trial against Donald Trump by E. Jean Carroll, Trump has been unusually quiet. He completely ignored the White House Correspondents Dinner, where his named was hardly mentioned. He’s said almost nothing about the 3/4 billion dollar settlement between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems. And he […]

Trump Has a Fear of Comedians that’s Rooted in His Fear of Looking Like a Fool – Too Late

The White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD) is an annual affair that raises funds to provide scholarships for gifted journalism students. In past years it has featured notable comedians who often skewer both the press and the politicians who attend the event. The President of the United States is almost always in attendance. However, Donald Trump […]

Here are 8 Other Lucky People, Besides Omarosa, that Donald Trump has Called a ‘Low Life’

One of the most embarrassing things about having an emotionally stunted, narcissistic bully serving as president is having to endure his infantile outbursts whenever he feels he has been slighted. Donald Trump has absolutely no tolerance criticism, and his reaction will always be the one that most fully displays the pettiness of his alleged character. […]

Samantha Bee Was Agreeing With Trump Who Once Bragged About His ‘C*nty Demeanor’

America is getting a crash course in both vulgarity and expressing remorse this week. First we had Roseanne Barr’s heinously racist tweets comparing Valerie Jarrett to an ape. That was followed shortly by Samantha Bee calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless c*nt” for failing to use her influence over her father to help immigrant kids. These […]

Who Is Donald Trump Boycotting Now? The List Keeps Growing

The controversy over whether or not Apple should enable the FBI to crack the security of the iPhone belonging to the San Bernardino shooter has spilled over into the presidential race. It’s a complicated debate that is only trivialized by the shallowness of a political campaign. And leave it to Donald Trump to lead the […]

Sore Loser: Crybaby Donald Trump Threatens To Sue After Losing The Iowa Caucus

In yet another display of acute ego-centrism, Donald Trump is threatening to sue over his loss in the primary caucus on Monday. This threat comes after he insisted that he was “honored” by having finished behind Ted Cruz and congratulating his opponents. It took less than forty-eight hours for Trump to revert to his native […]

Donald Trump’s List Of Lawsuits Is Longer Than His Combover

This week’s Donald Trump news was mainly focused on his latest feud with Fox News, whom he has pledged to boycott unless he is treated “fairly.” But just under the radar is another story that adds to the absurdity that characterizes the life of The Donald. Trump is threatening to sue a small t-shirt vendor […]

Sarah Palin Calls Obama A “Chicken” For Not Calling Terrorists Names

The second season of Sarah Palin’s Amazing America (the Sportsman Channel series that no one knows exists) is premiering Thursday, and Palin is pumping out promos for it. Among them, she appeared on Inside Edition (video below) where host Deborah Norville asked her about the fabricated and idiotic controversy over whether President Obama should append […]

Your Moment Of ZENBC: NBC Tried To Recruit Jon Stewart To Host Meet The Press

From the “Horribly Misguided” file: Gabriel Sherman of New York Magazine is reporting that NBC, in a desperation move, sought to snag the host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, Jon Stewart, to helm their Sunday morning news gabfest, Meet The Press. Sherman writes that… “Before choosing [Chuck] Todd, NBC News president Deborah Turness held negotiations […]