Fox News Reporter Scolds GOP for It’s Knee-Jerk Attack on Biden After Afghanistan Terrorism

From the moment that President Biden affirmed his commitment to finally end the twenty year long war in Afghanistan, Republicans and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) have been launching utterly baseless attacks on Biden, Democrats, and the military that is struggling to save the lives of Americans in Afghanistan and their Afghan allies.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump Baby, Fake News

The robotic response by GOP partisans is to be expected. Their penchant for putting party before country is inbred into their political psyche. And they are devoted to tearing down America’s leadership in the White House and the Pentagon whenever a Democrat is charge. It is the same predictable hostility to the best interests of the nation that Donald Trump displays, despite the fact that he is largely responsible for the situation the country finds itself in today.

That said, there was a hell-freezes-over moment on Fox News Thursday morning when they were reporting on a terrorist bombing near the Afghanistan airport. Correspondent Jennifer Griffin was apparently fed up with the flood of self-serving Republican criticisms flooding the airwaves that cast Biden as being at fault for the terrorist assault. And she let them know it:

“The Pentagon and the White House knew that it was a dangerous mission. But right now it’s not a time for congressman and people on the Hill saying ‘woulda, coulda, shoulda.’ It’s now time to look at the reality.

“The reality is that they got 100,000 Afghan evacuees out since August 14th. They are still trying to rescue Americans who are trapped outside of the airport. There are active measures in place and what I have seen behind the scenes here at the Pentagon and with military sources in Afghanistan is nothing short of heroic.”

That’s an uncharacteristically accurate summation of current events in Afghanistan. And accuracy is not something that Fox News generally aims for. But Biden’s management of the evacuation, while not perfect, has succeeded in accomplishing the largest airlift in history in a remarkably short time span. And it is continuing even under these trying circumstances.

The risks were not unknown prior to Thursday’s bombing. In fact, the U.S. State Department had been issuing warnings to Americans for days. The most recent alert was put out just the day before warning that…

“Due to threats outside the Kabul airport, US citizens should avoid traveling to the airport and avoid airport gates unless you receive instructions to do so. Those at the Abbey Gate, East Gate, or North Gate now should leave immediately.”

This attention to conditions on the ground very likely saved lives. Meanwhile, Cadet Bone Spurs (aka Donald Trump) was busy dictating his alt-tweets to his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban). Trump’s message on this grim occasion was that “If [Democrats] could fight wars like they cheat in elections, we would win in one day.”

So Trump is exploiting a tragedy in order to continue propagating his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from him. But what Trump surely doesn’t know is that his infantile whining is an epic self own. Trump thinks that Biden and the Democrats are to be faulted for failing to “win” the war in Afghanistan after being in office for only seven months. Trump had four years to do it and failed to either claim victory (“in one day”) or to complete a withdrawal.

Trump also gave Democrats a backhanded compliment with his admission that they outsmarted him by beating him in the 2020 election. Although outsmarting Trump isn’t a particularly high bar to get over. And now he has even lost at least one Fox News reporter who recognizes that taking advantage of tragedy is not only bad optics, it’s a display of gross indecency and inhumanity. Which is pretty much what we expect from Trump and his Republican Party.

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Trump’s Plan for Afghanistan Was to Abandon Our Troops and Allies, Psaki Reveals His Lies

One of the problems that Joe Biden inherited from his predecessors when he became President was the two decades long war in Afghanistan. And he made it clear that he was determined to make certain that it wasn’t handed down to another president.

Jen Psaki, Donald Trump

Biden’s goal was strewn with obstacles placed in his path by Donald Trump, whose abysmal deal with the Taliban has been lambasted by his own National Security Advisor as a surrender agreement,” that lifted all sanctions on the Taliban and freed 5,000 of their imprisoned fighters, including their leader.

Not one to be deterred by reality, Trump is still hammering away at Biden with blatantly dishonest representations of the situation now unfolding in Afghanistan. He released a statement on Tuesday via his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), that sound more like a madman on a street corner yelling at passing cars than a diplomat:

“Biden surrendered Afghanistan to terrorists and left thousands of Americans for dead by pulling out the Military before our citizens. Now we are learning that out of the 26,000 people who have been evacuated, only 4,000 are Americans. You can be sure the Taliban, who are now in complete control, didn’t allow the best and brightest to board these evacuation flights. Instead, we can only imagine how many thousands of terrorists have been airlifted out of Afghanistan and into neighborhoods around the world. What a terrible failure. NO VETTING. How many terrorists will Joe Biden bring to America? We don’t know!”

There’s a lot to unpack in that hysterical harangue. Starting at the top, Biden did not surrender to terrorists. That was Trump. And Biden has not left a single American for dead, much less thousands. Trump appears to have ingested some powerful hallucinogens.

Moving on, Trump is surprised that 26,000 of the evacuees were Afghans. He apparently doesn’t know that there are far more Afghans in Afghanistan than Americans. He also doesn’t seem to know that thousands of them served our troops loyally and bravely and deserve to be rescued from a dire fate at the hands of the Taliban. Trump is actually repeating the very same racist lines that he previously used on Mexican refugees, implying that they are all criminals being “sent” to America by wily foreign governments.

What’s more, Trump is outright lying (surprise) about whether these Afghans are vetted before being evacuated. This question was raised at the White House daily press briefing by Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy. Which gave press secretary Jen Psaki yet another opportunity to publicly humiliate him. Doocy asked a loaded question suggesting that there are suspected terrorists among the evacuees. Psaki replied saying that…

“We have a stringent vetting process, which includes background checks before any individual comes to the United States. So I can’t speak to one individual, but I can tell you and confirm for you that we take the vetting of any individual who comes to the United States and comes out incredibly seriously and it’s an extensive process.

“I would say that this is now on track, Peter, to be the largest airlift in US history. And that is bringing American citizens out. It is bringing our Afghan partners out. It is bringing allies out. So, no, I would not say that is anything but a success.”

Doocy, masochist that he is, persisted with another question suggesting that because Biden is hoping to stick to the August 31 date for the withdrawal to be completed, that the Taliban had “the same kind of influence over military planning as the Commander in Chief?” And once again, Psaki had to set him straight:

“Well, first of all Peter, the Taliban’s deadline was May 1st, struck in a deal with the prior administration. The President’s timeline was August 31st. That’s the timeline he set, and a period of time he needed in order to operationalize our departure from Afghanistan.”

Anyone who had even a glancing knowledge of these matters knew that the Taliban and Trump had agreed to a May 1st exit date. So it’s just a demonstration of his ignorance that Doocy didn’t know that the August 31 date was Biden’s decision, not the Taliban’s. And Biden is reserving the option to extend that date if conditions on the ground require it. The Taliban has no role in that decision making process.

It’s clear from Trump’s remarks that his plan was to leave behind both Americans and Afghans. He had not initiated any operations to evacuate anyone prior to his evacuation from the White House, even though there were only three months between his exit and May 1st. That may have been his purposeful attempt to hamstring Biden, or it may have just been his incompetence and negligence.

Either way, Trump has no right to complain about how things are turning out. Just the fact that the Biden team has evacuated 70,000 people since August 14 is a testament to what competent leadership can achieve. And he did it while also dealing with a surging pandemic (also Trump’s fault) and a busy legislative agenda that included bills to provide relief payments to the American people, a historic investment in infrastructure, and an effort to preserve voting rights.

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Vaccine Truthers at Fox News Say FDA Approval Was a Distraction From Afghanistan

The relentless determination of Fox News to propagate phony stories and contrived outrage can really be rather impressive at times. And on Tuesday morning America’s foremost right-wing propaganda source pulled a twofer, slandering President Biden and the COVID vaccine in one dangerously dishonest segment.

Fox News, Covid

On Monday the FDA announced that it was giving a full approval of the Pfizer vaccine as a safe and effective means of preventing infection and transmission of the coronavirus. It took only minutes before Fox News was trashing the FDA and its motives. They asserted that the approval was rushed in the same segment in which they also asked “What took so long.”

On Tuesday morning the “Curvy Couch” potatoes at Fox and Friends called in their medical contributor, Dr. Marty Makary, to comment on matters for which he had no qualifications. He was asked by co-host Brian Kilmeade about what he claimed was suspect timing for the FDA approval. Whereupon Makary accused the Biden administration of using the announcement of the FDA’s full approval of the COVID vaccine as a distraction from critical stories about the Afghanistan withdrawal (video below):

“Three days after the viral video [of the Afghan airport] the FDA is going to approve the vaccine after sitting on it for nine months.”

Makary, of course, has no expertise in either media analysis or military strategies. But that didn’t stop him from questioning the FDA’s action. Nor did the same ignorance on Kilmeade’s part prevent him from implying that the FDA’s decision – that Makary said was held for nine months – was too rushed, and then issued for political purposes:

“All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the FDA is going to give full approval to the Pfizer vaccine. And then that becomes a leak, and that becomes an announcement. Do you believe the timing is curious? […] They make people doubt, because they look at this timing and they say wait a second, does it really get full FDA approval? Do we really need a booster shot? What are we worried about?

The one constant in all of the COVID coverage by Fox News is to trivialize the pandemic, disparage the vaccine, and frighten their audience away from partaking in it. Tucker Carlson has claimed outright that it doesn’t work and that the authorities are hiding that “fact” from you. And Donald Trump told his cult rally that it was just a money making operation.” Meanwhile, Fox peddles toxic snake oil cures like the horse dewormer, Ivermectin.

Then there is the charge that the FDA was participating in a White House plot to deflect from news about Afghanistan. Makary and Kilmeade had zero evidence of any such scheme or any explanation for why the independent FDA would go along with it. It was purely floated to malign the FDA, the vaccine, and the Biden administration’s kept promise to finally end the twenty year long war. Although it might be an improvement over their previous attack on First Lady Jill Biden as being at fault for everything.

In the end, Fox News is going to cause more suffering and grieving as a result of their pro-COVID propaganda. Simultaneously, they will disinform their viewers about the progress of the Afghanistan withdrawal, while inciting more racist responses to the arrival of Afghani refugees who helped American troops for the past couple of decades. Fox News doesn’t care about any of these adverse and anti-American consequences, or the harm to human lives. Because the only thing they care about is their Republican power grab, and advancing their ultra-rightist agenda. And

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Fox News Fingers Who is Really at Fault for What’s Happening in Afghanistan: Jill Biden!

The aftermath of President Biden’s decision to proceed with the previously negotiated withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan has dominated the media for the past week. To be sure, any retreat from failed military operations cannot be expected to be free of difficulty. And there are troubling images of desperate Afghans seeking to escape the anticipated tyranny of Taliban rule.

Fox News, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Friends

Unfortunately, much of the media coverage has focused on melodramatic moments that lack context. The press as a whole seems to have forgotten what Afghanistan was like prior to the U.S. invasion in 2001. In short, it was pretty much the same then as it will be going forward once the evacuation is complete. No better, no worse, and no discernible benefit from twenty years of occupation. The lesson to be learned is not one about predictable hardships following a lengthy war in hostile territory, but about the futility of waging such wars in the first place.

Not surprisingly, Fox News has taken the most preposterous positions regarding the end of the Afghanistan adventure. They have entirely ignored that the original, severely flawed agreement to leave was negotiated by the Trump administration (which he is still bragging about). That deal has been rebuked by Trump’s own National Security Adviser, General H.R. McMaster, as a surrender agreement.” It lifted all sanctions on the Taliban and freed 5,000 of their imprisoned fighters, but got nothing in return.

What’s more, while Fox News harshly criticizes the Biden administration’s handling of efforts to evacuate Afghans who helped the U.S. during the two decade occupation, they are simultaneously complaining about the prospect of bringing those refugees to America. Tucker Carlson has labeled them “invaders” who are “coming to your neighborhood.”

On Sunday’s episode of Fox and Friends, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy went to even more bizarre lengths to malign Biden. She began by regurgitating the tedious Fox News trope that Biden is mentally unfit to serve as president (video below):

“I look at this and I think ‘Wow. We had a president who was impeached over a phone call.’ This looks like a much more impeachable offense. If you ask me, I know that’s probably, technically it’s probably not, but when you look at what’s hurting America, when you look at the lack of leadership, and you wonder who are the people responsible for putting someone this incompetent, and frankly this, you know, mentally frail in this position?”

Note that the American people already made their judgment about that by overwhelmingly voting for Biden. And they had previously determined that it was Trump who doesn’t have the mental soundness to serve (according to a Fox News poll, no less). Also, Trump wasn’t impeached “over a phone call.” It was his treasonous effort to pressure the president of Ukraine to interfere in the U.S. election that resulted in the first of his two impeachments.

As for grounds to impeach Biden, Campos-Duffy admits that there aren’t any. (unlike Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is apparently even more ignorant of the Constitution than she is). But her craziness was just getting started.

“Of course the media and many people are saying – you had some people on your show this week who were saying it was Susan Rice and Obama and maybe Valerie Jarrett. I’m sorry, as a political spouse, I can’t help but look at Jill Biden, No one knew better his state of mind than Dr. Jill Biden. And if you ask me, the most patriotic thing Jill Biden could have done was tell her husband – to love her husband and not let him run in this mental state that he’s in. I think she failed the country as well.”

So now it’s all Jill Biden’s fault? Never mind that Campos-Duffy didn’t bother to cite a single example of any behavior by the President that would warrant such concerns. She still managed to place the blame on a woman, and one who is highly accomplished and respected.

However, Campos-Duffy never had any concerns about Melania Trump’s tolerance of her husband’s obvious cognitive deficiencies. After all, Donald Trump believed that stealth fighters are actually invisible, that windmills cause cancer, that we should nuke hurricanes, that George Washington’s Army took over airports, and that injecting bleach will cure COVID.

Melania never said a single word about any of that. Clearly she is not a patriot and is responsible for all of the harm that Trump caused during his four years of non-stop incoherence, ignorance, incompetence, and raging hostility. Is too late to impeach her?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Tucker Carlson Stirs Fears of Afghan Allies as ‘Invaders’ Coming to ‘Your Neighborhood’

The swiftness with which Fox News is contradicting itself on Afghanistan withdrawal matters is giving some observers whiplash. This is an occupational hazard when it comes to tracking Fox’s views because they routinely change course whenever they stumble upon a new line of attack that they think might be more noxious.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Fox News began their predictably anti-Biden diatribes by accusing him of bringing the troops home too quickly and abandoning our allies in the region. That narrative ignored the fact that it was Donald Trump who virtually surrendered to the Taliban in an agreement promising to remove all American troops by last May. That deal also lifted all sanctions on the Taliban and released 5,000 of their imprisoned fighters.

However, after complaining that President Biden betrayed our Afghan friends, who we had a responsibility to evacuate to safety in the U.S., Fox News is now portraying them as enemies who must not be allowed to set foot on American soil for fear of them engaging in terrorist acts against their hosts. And of course, if Biden does offer them refuge here, he is putting all American citizens at risk. No, really!

On his Monday night White Nationalist Hour on Fox, Tucker Carlson delivered the latest in his overtly racist tirades meant to scare the bejeebus out of his easily and eagerly spooked audience. He spun a horror story that commenced with this bona fide nonsense (video below):

“Yesterday the Biden administration told us that American citizens would not be given priority in the evacuation from Kabul. So our government’s official position is that American lives are not more valuable than the lives of foreigners.”

First of all, the Biden administration never said that “American citizens would not be given priority in the evacuation from Kabul.” To the contrary, they said that Americans would be given the highest priority,” along with our partners. It’s also notable that Carlson places “values” on human lives based on their nationality. While it’s appropriate for a government to consider its obligations to its citizens, it’s another thing entirely to regard certain lives as “more valuable” than others. That’s the rhetoric of “master race” supremacists. But Carlson wasn’t through. He went on to say that…

“If history is any guide, and it’s always a guide, we will see many refugees from Afghanistan resettle in our country, probably in your neighborhood, and over the next decade, that number may swell to the millions. So first we invade, and then we are invaded.”

And there you have it. The Afghans who helped Americans through difficult times in a foreign land, have now been reduced to “invaders.” That word goes much farther than merely to suggest they would be unwelcome guests. Carlson believes – or wants his audience to believe – that they are threats. And they aren’t just random threats on a vast continent. Nope. They are “probably” moving in next door to you by the millions.

Carlson is turning this into one of those “Be Afraid” moments you see in the movies. And the “monsters” are the very same people who Biden was previously castigated for because he didn’t insure their passage to America quickly enough. Now, having corrected that problem, Biden’s critics are attacking him for moving too quickly to import terrorists. If your head is spinning, don’t worry. That’s a natural reaction to the political spin of Carlson and Fox News as they struggle to keep their audience of deplorables frightened and angry.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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CNN Crushes ‘Cancun’ Ted Cruz After He Callously Insults Their Reporter In Afghanistan

As if there isn’t already enough turmoil and tragedy in Afghanistan, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Cancun) has come along to contribute his typical tone deaf commentary on matters he is uniquely unqualified to discuss.

Ted Cruz, Cancun

Imagine Cruz’s dismay when his Twitter scrolling lead him to a tweet posted by the notorious conspiracy crackpot, Jack Posobiec, of PizzaGate fame. PizzaGate, you may recall, was the insane myth that a pedophile ring in Washington, D.C., was being run by Hillary Clinton and other Democrats out of the basement of a pizza parlor that didn’t actually have a basement.

Posobiec’s tweet that so enthralled Cruz featured a short and out of context video of CNN’s correspondent in Kabul, Afghanistan, Clarissa Ward, with the caption “CNN: ‘They’re chanting Death to America but they seem friendly at the same time. It’s bizarre.'”

For the record, Ward had been interviewing Taliban soldiers whose behavior was inconsistent with their verbal outbursts. While affirming their antipathy toward Americans, they were also posing for amiably pictures. She relayed that observation in her report, noting how peculiar it was.

Ignoring reality, Cruz was struck by what he obviously considered Posobiec’s brilliant insight which, for someone of Cruz’s pitifully limited intellect, it probably was. So he retweeted it with his response asking “Is there an enemy of America for whom @CNN WON’T cheerlead?” That’s an ironic remark considering Cruz has fully embraced the treasonous Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” about the “stolen” election, aligning him with such American enemies as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, who have joined Trump and Cruz in undermining faith in American democracy.

Cruz’s tweet did not go unnoticed by CNN’s communications office. They were understandably upset that Cruz was insulting a courageous journalist who is currently putting herself in a dangerous position by reporting from a war zone in a country now controlled by extremists who demonstrated their hatred for Americans, women, and reporters. Ward, of course, is all three. So CNN replied to Cruz in an especially appropriate manner. Here’s the entire exchange:

“Rather than running off to Cancun in tough times, @clarissaward is risking her life to tell the world what’s happening. That’s called bravery. Instead of RTing a conspiracy theorist’s misleading soundbite, perhaps your time would be better spent helping Americans in harm’s way.”

And thus ends Cancun Cruz’s hopes of ever restoring any sense of decency to which he might have aspired. Not that that wasn’t always a longshot proposition for him. But his brain-dead analyses of current events proves, once again, that he believes striving (unsuccessfully) for a sick burn takes priority over developing policies that actually benefit his constituents and the nation.

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MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Nails Biden’s Afghanistan Speech: The People vs the Media

A lot has and will be said about President Biden’s decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan and the method with which he did it. Needless to say Fox News and Donald Trump’s Republican Party will embark on their predictable knee-jerk condemnation of Biden regardless of how events transpire.

Nicolle Wallace, MSNBC

Trump has already rolled out his narcissistic version of the situation that he neglected for four years, other than to negotiate a deal with the Taliban that was tantamount to full surrender. He lifted all the sanctions on them, released 5,000 of their prisoners, including their founder and leader, and promised to remove all U.S. and allied forces by last May.

As for the GOP and their Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News), they launched a coordinated, and wholly dishonest, campaign to disparage Biden and portray him as on vacation while he was actually working at Camp David, a military facility run by the U.S. Navy.

On Monday afternoon Biden addressed the American people to explain the reasoning behind his decisions regarding finally ending America’s involvement in the Afghanistan war (video below). It was a speech that was equal parts elucidation, compassion, and accountability. Some of the highlights include…

“We went to Afghanistan almost 20 years ago with clear goals: get those who attacked us on Sept. 11, 2001, and make sure Al Qaeda could not use Afghanistan as a base from which to attack us again. We did that.” […]

“That was a decade ago. Our mission in Afghanistan was never supposed to have been nation-building.” […]

“I stand squarely behind my decision. After 20 years, I’ve learned the hard way that there was never a good time to withdraw U.S. forces.” […]

“The truth is, this did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated.” […]

“If anything, the developments of the past week reinforced that ending U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan now was the right decision. American troops cannot and should not be fighting in a war and dying in a war that Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves.” […]

“I made a commitment to the American people when I ran for president that I would bring America’s military involvement in Afghanistan to an end. While it’s been hard and messy and, yes, far from perfect, I’ve honored that commitment.” […]

“I know my decision will be criticized. But I would rather take all that criticism than pass this decision on to another president of the United States.”

Following the speech MSNBC anchor, Nicolle Wallace, gave a profound summation of the different ways Biden’s words would be received by the public and the press. She said that…

“95% of the American people will agree with everything he just said. 95% of the press covering this White House will disagree. And for an American president to finally be completely aligned with such an overwhelming majority of what the American people think about Afghanistan is probably a tremendous relief to the American people.”

Wallace is exactly right. The media seems to have a built in favoritism for whatever generates the most conflict and melodrama. But the American people have long favored an end to the seemingly perpetual conflicts that began after September 11th, 2001. And that opinion is shared by both Democrats and Republicans. Even Trump and his cult disciples have been opposed to continuing the war in Afghanistan. He ran on it, just like Biden did.

Of course, that won’t stop Trump and his GOP confederates from lambasting Biden for achieving the goal that they never could. They are jealous of his successes, whether it be foreign affairs, infrastructure, healthcare, or any of the other failures by Trump and company.

It’s ironic that Wallace is one of the few television commentators to recognize both the desires of the public and biases of the press. She was the White House Communications Director for George W. Bush, the president that got us into this mess to begin with. Which makes her insights all the more relevant and welcome.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Watch Trump Bragging About His Taliban Deal That He Now Calls ‘Embarrassing’

Expecting Donald Trump to be honest about anything is guaranteed to lead to bitter disappointment. He is a pathological liar whose self-serving distortions of reality are his way of avoiding having to face the torrent of failures that define his existence. His malignant narcissism prevents him from seeing anything he does or says as anything but perfection.

American Afghanistan Taliban

In the wake of the tragic events in Afghanistan, Trump predictably embarked on a frantic crusade to absolve himself of any responsibility. And naturally he blamed it all on Joe Biden. It’s the same deranged defensiveness he had to the COVID pandemic that he so horrendously bitched, and the January 6th insurrection he deliberately incited.

However, Trump’s raging irrationality inevitably fouls up his attempts to exalt himself no matter what disaster he produces. On Monday morning he said that “Afghanistan is the most embarrassing military outcome in the history of the United States,” in a proxy tweet that his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, posted for him (a violation Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban). But Trump can be seen on video bragging profusely about the conditions for which he is now castigating President Biden. Here is Trump just one month ago at one of his cult rallies:

“I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. Twenty-one years is enough, don’t we think? Twenty-one years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things were… Yeah, thank you.

It’s a shame. Twenty-one years by a government that wouldn’t last. The only way they last is if we’re there. What are we gonna say? We’ll stay for another twenty-one years, then we’ll stay for another fifty? The whole thing is ridiculous.”

Is this what Trump means by “embarrassing”? The “process” to which Trump is referring is the deal he made with the Taliban in March of 2020. At the time it was not exactly heralded as “the Art of the Deal.” To the contrary, it was widely repudiated by foreign policy and military experts as “disgraceful” and a total surrender to the Taliban.

One representative appraisal of Trump’s folly said that it “gives the Taliban a series of concrete, measurable gifts.” It began by promising an immediate drawdown from 100,000 troops to less than 3,000, and that “American and allied forces will leave within 14 months” (by last May). It also promised “the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners,” including their founder and leader, Abdul Ghani Baradar. The deal also committed “to the ‘goal’ of removing sanctions from members of the Taliban that include travel bans, asset freezes, and an arms embargo.” And it came “without any agreement by the Taliban to cease hostilities against our allies.”

Trump’s comments a month ago affirm his belief that exiting Afghanistan was a priority that superseded any other strategic considerations. He virtually confessed that he “started the process” as a means of boxing Biden into an untenable dilemma. He also admitted that the outcome we see today was inevitable because Afghanistan had “a government that wouldn’t last.” without U.S. support.

All of that failure was Trump’s own assessment of the consequences of the deal that he made with the Taliban. It was a deal that he excluded the Afghans from even participating in, which assured that they would have no stake in complying with it. But now Trump is accusing Biden of causing the calamity that he claims to have foreseen when he made the deal more than a year ago. Talk about embarrassing.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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DumbFox: GOP Clowns Bash Biden for Vacationing While He’s Working at a Military Facility

This weekend the situation in Afghanistan took a disastrous turn as the Taliban successfully advanced on the capitol in Kabul. There is blame enough to go around for this debacle that begins with the father of the conflict, George W. Bush. President Biden’s role is limited due to the missteps by Donald Trump, whose negotiations virtually handed Afghanistan to the Taliban. Then he left Biden with a deployment of only 2,500 American troops, far too few to take on the Taliban terrorists’ newly empowered by Trump’s prior agreement.

Joe Biden, Tweet

In the wake of the Taliban’s progress, Fox News rushed out one of their standard propaganda pieces that cast a negative spin on Biden. It was titled “Biden hammered for spending time at Camp David while Taliban take over Afghanistan.” The opening sentence read…

“Republican members of Congress criticized President Biden on Sunday for spending time at the Camp David presidential retreat instead of the White House as the Taliban fought to finalize a takeover of Afghanistan.”

This is typical of how Fox News avoids any effort to produce legitimate journalism. First of all, it isn’t exactly news that Republicans criticized President Biden. What else do they ever do? More importantly, the entire premise of the article is nonsense. It seeks to demean Biden for going to Camp David as if it were some kind of vacation. And that theme was present throughout the article and the quotes from ultra-partisan, right-wing Republicans like Jim Jordan, Tom Cotton, Lauren Boebert, Elise Stefanik, and Jim Banks:

Jordan needs a refresher course on apostrophes.

Biden isn’t hiding. He’s working. But Republicans can be forgiven for not understanding that since they never do it.

Most people wouldn’t consider Afghanistan reverting to where it’s been for decades a “crumbling” world

There’s that “vacation” BS again.

This, coming from an apologist for the January 6th domestic terrorists.

What every single one of them fails to recognize is that Camp David isn’t a summer camp. It’s a military facility. In fact, according to the White House website it is “Known formally as the Naval Support Facility Thurmont,” and is run by the U.S. Navy. It is fully equipped for secure communications and has been the site of historic conferences with both domestic and international leaders.

Anyone portraying Biden as anything other than fully engaged in current events is simply injecting their partisan biases into the matter. But what else would you expect from the Republican hacks and Fox News shills who seem to be rooting for American defeats? Just like their Dear Leader Trump who tweeted by proxy (a violation of Twitters rules against circumventing a ban) that…

“It is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace for what he has allowed to happen in Afghanistan, along with the tremendous surge in COVID, the Border catastrophe, the destruction of energy independence, and out crippled economy, It shouldn’t be a big deal, because he wasn’t elected legitimately in the first place!”

That deranged, lie-riddled message hardly needs a reply. So let’s just leave it at noting that Trump is the one who allowed this to happen. And it is Trump who, along with Fox News, is responsible for the “tremendous surge” of the COVID pandemic. And the remaining bits of his whining rant are simply flagrant lies.

However, the most loathsome part of Trump’s alt-tweet is where he opines about the legitimacy of the election. It was that “Big Lie” that led to the deadly insurrection on Capitol Hill on January 6th, and threatens to fuel even more violence. But then, that’s precisely what Trump, the GOP, and Fox News are aiming for.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Dishonestly Blasts Biden in an Ego-Drenched Defense of His Own Afghan Failures

As the Taliban completes its brutal military takeover Afghanistan, Donald Trump is predictably seeking to absolve himself of any responsibility, while casting blame on others. This time, once again, it’s President Joe Biden, who repeatedly has had to finish the hard jobs that Trump either left undone or irreparably botched. Whether it’s the COVID pandemic or the nation’s infrastructure or the economic recovery, Biden has been forced to clean up Trump’s failures.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Afghanistan can now be added to the list of Trump’s fumbles. But even as the Taliban is advancing on Kabul, Trump is trying to pin his mistakes on Biden. In a statement that was on posted Twitter by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington, (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), Trump displayed his penchant for slathering himself in undeserved praise that invariably ignores reality. He wrote that…

“Joe Biden gets it wrong every time on foreign policy, and many other issues. Everyone knew he couldn’t handle the pressure. Even Obama’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said as much. He ran out of Afghanistan instead of following the plan our Administration left for him—a plan that protected our people and our property, and ensured the Taliban would never dream of taking our Embassy or providing a base for new attacks against America. The withdrawal would be guided by facts on the ground.”

Setting aside Trump’s tiresome, knee-jerk insults, his claim that Biden disregarded his “plan” presumes incorrectly that he had a plan. Trump’s entire approach to Afghanistan was evolved from a meeting in Doha, Qatar in 2020, where he agreed to lift all sanctions on the Taliban and release 5,000 Taliban prisoners, in exchange for a three month cease fire. Trump expressed his misplaced trust in the Taliban terrorists saying that “I really believe the Taliban wants to do something to show we’re not all wasting time.” The Afghans were not even included in those negotiations.

Trump went on to brag falsely that he “took out ISIS.” Then he closed with another ad hominin insult, projecting on Biden his own “weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence.” Which is interesting considering his initial praise for Biden’s withdrawal as “a wonderful and positive thing to do.” Although he still criticized Biden saying that “we can and should get out earlier. Nineteen years is enough, in fact, far too much and way too long,”

For his part, Biden responded to Trump’s baseless criticisms in his announcement of the troop drawdown, saying that…

“Over our country’s 20 years at war in Afghanistan, America has sent its finest young men and women, invested nearly $1 trillion dollars, trained over 300,000 Afghan soldiers and police, equipped them with state-of-the-art military equipment, and maintained their air force as part of the longest war in US history, One more year, or five more years, of US military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country.” […]

“When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor — which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019 — that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces. Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. Forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.”

That’s right, Trump actually wanted to leave Afghanistan months sooner. He proposed rewarding the Taliban terrorists with a visit to Camp David. And he left Biden with a skeleton deployment of 2,500 troops. Trump virtually handed Afghanistan to the Taliban. That’s the same Taliban who were in charge in 2001, and were harboring Osama Bin Laden as he was plotting the 9/11 attack.

However, now Trump thinks he should get credit for his “weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence”? No thanks. The only thing Trump should get is a prison sentence for his innumerable crimes against America.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.