GOOD NEWS: Super Tuesday Shows Biden and Democrats Far More Popular and United than Trump and MAGA

Super Tuesday has come and gone and, as expected, the leading presidential candidates of both the Republican and Democratic parties won the majority of their party’s delegates. Donald Trump and President Joe Biden prevailed in the respective races and will likely go on to become the nominees in November.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump

That, as is often the case, is not the whole story. The media is already offering simplistic, horserace analyses that misrepresent the most significant conclusions. They are pretending that the victories for each candidate are essentially the same and tell us nothing about how these contests reflect on the general election outcome. There is much to learn from these results, but don’t rely on media outlets like Fox News to reveal that.

SEE THIS: Trump-Fluffing Fox News Host Doesn’t Get It: You Have to Hate Trump to Love America

Among the most notable differences between Trump’s and Biden’s victories is the disparity in the margins of victory. In the fifteen states that held Super Tuesday primaries, Biden won all but two of his races with more than 80% of Democrats voting. And in three of those he won by more than 90%. That’s an average of 84.7% across all fifteen states.

Trump, on the other hand, was significantly less successful. While he did win most of his races (he lost to Nikki Haley in Vermont), he won all but three of those races with less than 80% of the vote. And in six of those he won by less than 70%, for an average of 71.5%.

So Biden’s margin of victory bested Trump’s by about 14 points across all of the Super Tuesday states. Trump lost more than a quarter of his party’s voters. That stands in stark contrast to the bragging that Trump does about how beloved he is by his cult followers. Not only did he underperform the pre-primary polling, he underperformed his own rather ridiculous predictions, wherein he claimed to have 96% – or even 100% – support from the Republican Party.

No one should wonder why Trump’s intra-party support is so low. While he has an iron grip on his MAGA cult disciples, he has fiercely excluded and insulted everyone else who fails to be sufficiently worshipful. For instance, Trump declared that anyone who supported Nikki Haley is barred from MAGA. Also, through his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump – who he is putting in charge of the Republican National Committee – he told those who supported other GOP candidates to leave the party.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Lara Trump Tells ‘Anyone Who is Not On Board with Donald Trump’ to Leave the GOP

Perhaps most bizarre, Trump recently told the ultra-rightist MAGA website, “Real America’s Voice,” that he has all the votes he needs right now, and doesn’t need any more. Judging by the results of Super Tuesday’s primaries, that is flat out delusional. It’s the sort of Trumpian lie that will surely come back to bite him in the arse. And Democrats should not be shy about reminding him – and all voters – that Trump believes he doesn’t need them.


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HE’S TOTALLY UNHINGED: Nikki Haley’s Fox News Hit on Trump Would Make a Great Ad – For Democrats

The 2024 Republican presidential primary continues to generate heat with the field narrowing to just the former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump, and Trump’s former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley. The two GOP candidates are starting to take harder swings at one another as they seek to draw support from the remaining Republican voters who haven’t been alienated by the MAGA cult and other right-wing extremists.

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For his part, Trump is hammering at Haley, in his typically infantile manner, as a “birdbrain” who doesn’t have what it takes to lead the nation. Never mind that he is wrought with fear and desperation resulting from his mounting political and legal tribulations. He is so consumed with anxiety that he can’t pause to appreciate the primary wins he had in Iowa and New Hampshire.

SEE THIS: Even After Winning, Trump Has a Post-Primary Meltdown, Attacking Friends and Foes and Fox News

Haley, on the other hand. is taking advantage of Trump’s psychotic stupor by focusing on his obvious cognitive malfunctions. That includes his confusing Haley with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. However, Haley went even further in an interview on Fox News to highlight the more substantive failures of Trump’s administration during his occupation of the White House. In an exchange with Fox’s Dana Perino (formerly George W. Bush’s press secretary), Haley slammed Trump (video below):

Perino: Ronna McDaniel, the head of the Republican National Committee, on Tuesday night she said that she thinks you should get out of the race. Have you spoken to her?
Haley: I let her know how disappointed I was. Let’s look at the last 48 hours. First of all you had election night. Trump gets on stage and he throws an absolute temper tantrum, talking about revenge. But he says nothing about the American people. Nothing about what he’s gonna do about the wasteful spending that he encouraged and allowed the Republicans and Democrats to do in his term. He said nothing about how he’s gonna secure the border and what he’s going to do different that he didn’t do when he was president before. He said nothing about how he’s going to prevent war.

That’s a pretty comprehensively damning statement of how utterly Trump betrayed the most prominent planks of his political platform. From the economy, to the border, to foreign policy, Trump failed. And her remarks can easily be compiled into a scathing advertisement by Democrats during the general election. And just to add icing to this cake, Haley points out how destructive Trump is to the Republican Party as he aspires to be their authoritarian master:

Haley: Then he goes and says that he’s going to ban anyone from MAGA that donates to me. Think about that. That’s a president who’s supposed to serve every person in America, and you’re deciding that you’re going to have a club and actually ban people from being in and out of your club. And then he goes and encourages the members of the RNC and tries to push them into saying that he’s the nominee in the race. I mean, they got so much pushback that he had to backtrack. He’s totally unhinged.

Trump’s unhingedness has been apparent to most Americans for years. It’s astonishing that more Republicans haven’t recognized it, and that everything Trump does is for Trump. He couldn’t care less about his followers, or his political confederates, or the Party, or the nation. You either worship him unwaveringly, or you’re banished. Marjorie Taylor Green made that point explicitly. And that’s what was behind the proposal by the Republican National Committee to summarily declare that Trump their nominee before the vast majority of people even voted. And to no one’s surprise, he lied about that as well:

However, Democrats should be grateful that Haley provided such a searing condemnation of Trump, who is likely to be the GOP’s candidate in the fall. They should put that ad together and be prepared to air it frequently. And Haley isn’t the only Republican who is inadvertently producing ads for Democrats…

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HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

The Trump-fluffers of Fox News seem to be determined to continuously prove that they are the masters of hypocrisy with the self-awareness of a dormant bacterium. However, they need not be worried about losing their status as world-class clodpoles, given the blockhead start they have over any potential challengers.

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The editorial manglers at Fox News must get together every morning to map out the day’s outrages and distort fragments of alternative facts into exploitable pseudo-scandals. And judging by how poorly they do it, it must be a profoundly difficult task. But they take it up with the same measure of gusto, and flaming dishonesty, that their beneficiaries at the Republican Party do…

SEE THIS: The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

Recently the hair-on-fire Fox News fabulists have been expressing their unbridled outrage at what they characterize as hyperbolic criticism of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult followers. They seem to believe that Democrats have gone overboard with the reckless use of offensive adjectives. Apparently they have never heard a single thing that Trump has ever said. And that sheltered and purposeful ignorance has led to commentaries such as the following…

Fox News host Harris Faulkner: “I’ve gotta talk to you about that word ‘crazies.’ It reminded me of ‘deplorables.’ And if Democrats are again willing to go down this road, because the Vice-President didn’t say anything when Joy Behar screamed out, ‘How are you gonna stop the crazies,” it’s Hillary Clinton’s deplorables all over again.”

First of all, Faulkner is complaining about something said by Joy Behar, a co-host of “The View” She is paid to express opinions, and is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. More to the point, Faulkner is holding Vice-President Kamala Harris accountable for Behar’s views, and comparing it to something that Hillary Clinton said eight years ago. Proving that Fox News is, once again, totally plugged into what matters most to voters today.

For the record, Clinton’s reference to “deplorables” was limited to just a subset of Republicans who were overtly hateful and bigoted. So the comparison made by Faulkner is not really far off. Behar was also referring to the same subset of GOP crackpots who believe Trump’s “Big Lie” that he won the “rigged and stolen” 2020 election, and that President Biden is a usurper and/or an imposter.

Fox News Senior Political Anal-Cyst, Jesse Watters, also weighed in to blast Democrats for “demonizing” the glassy-eyed disciples of Trump…

Fox News host Jesse Watters: “This country cannot have an election where one side is demonized, and you don’t say how I’ve improved your life. And Joe Biden, he kind of has to demonize because if you look at the metrics he has not improved anyone’s life.”

In the real world, if you look at the metrics, Bidenomics is working astonishingly well. The economy is booming. The stock market is soaring. Inflation is declining, GDP is increasing, Consumer sentiment is higher. Biden has presided over the creation of more jobs than any other modern presidency. Billions of dollars of student debt has been forgiven. Billions of dollars of tax revenue has been recovered from wealthy tax cheats and corporations.

Furthermore, Biden has steered unprecedented funding to infrastructure projects and climate change mitigation. And he continues to fight for family values such as the right to make their own health choices, and to be safe from massacres perpetrated with assault weapons. All of this is concrete evidence of how he has improved the lives of the American people.

Nevertheless, Watters is very upset about politicians demonizing their opponents. But his anger seems more appropriately aimed at Donald Trump, who rages daily about the “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”

To anyone who has been paying attention, it is Trump, Republicans, and Fox News who have been engaging in vilification and demonization. And they direct their assaults, not just at extremists, but at anyone and everyone who has the temerity to merely disagree with them or Dear Leader Trump. Their allusions to demons is literal, as they regard Trump as having been chosen by god to lead them to glory.

Absent Trump’s leadership, America is, according to Trump himself, “going to HELL!” He even used his Christmas greeting to attack Democrats as “evil and ‘sick’” “THUGS” who “are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL.” And Fox News defended that seasonal grotesquery…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Hack Jonathan Turley Likens Trump’s ‘Rot in Hell’ Christmas Message to – ‘Die Hard’?

Look for more of this malicious hatred to be unleashed by the MAGA crowd as election day draws nearer. It’s really all they have left, since their pitiful attempts to govern have failed so dramatically, and they have abandoned any effort to draft policies that will appeal to the American people. And, true to form, as they flail in desperation they will accuse Democrats of the repulsive behavior that they themselves engage in. It’s what they do.


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Republican Congressman Makes a Great Case – and Political Ad – for Voting Against Republicans

The Republican Party has long held the position that government is an evil institution that can only make life worse for its citizens. They refuse to accept any notion that a democracy in America can advance the interests of the people. Instead, they insist that government doesn’t work and then, when they have some measure of authority, they prove it by their malicious mismanagement.

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This anti-American philosophy can be traced back at least to Ronald Reagan, who preached that “Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.” That dismal and cynical perspective renouncing the concept of a self-governing nation has lately been bolstered by the Donald Trump era’s brand of GOP politics. Today’s Republicans frolic in the failures of legislative affairs that they believe are inherently harmful. In fact they’re proud of it…

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

On Wednesday Republican Rep. Chip Roy took to the floor of the House of Representatives to chastise members of his own party for their conspicuous incompetence and inability to get anything done. His anger was intended as criticism of the GOP’s failure to pass absurd and meritless legislative assaults against Democrats. However, it will play much better as an ad for Democrats seeking to highlight the ineptitude of Republicans, which the campaign for President Biden quickly jumped on. “Chips Ahoy” Roy ranted that he wanted…

One thing. I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing. One. That I can go campaign on and say we did. One. Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me, one meaningful, significant thing the Republican majority has done

Indeed, the Republicans haven’t managed to move a single piece of significant legislation that might benefit the people. Although it did take them fifteen votes to elect Kevin McCarthy as their Speaker. But then they ousted him and took three more weeks to select his replacement, Mike Johnson. In the meantime they held hearings on Hunter Biden, gas stoves, honoring January 6th insurrectionists, and impeaching President Biden on the basis of zero evidence of any wrongdoing.

SEE ALSO: Speaker Mike Johnson is Already Pushing the Phony Biden Impeachment, Despite Having No Evidence

Producing pro-Democratic ads has become something of an avocation for Republicans and right-wing media. Previously, Marjorie Taylor Greene whined that Democrats were doing a variety of wonderful things that most Americans support. An appreciative Biden campaign turned into a pro-Biden advertisement.

SEE IT HERE: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

The folks at Fox News weren’t going to be ignored in this endeavor. So “Outnumbered” co-host Emily Compagno itemized some of the crazy conspiracy theories to which Mike Johnson has subscribed. Which made another strong argument against the GOP and in favor of Democrats.

SEE IT HERE: HAH! Fox News Turns Mike Johnson’s Conspiracy Theories Into a Great Campaign Ad – For Democrats

Democrats owe the Republican party a debt of gratitude for their inadvertent honesty and helpful advertisement production. It will save the Democrats a lot of money they would otherwise have had to spend on producing ads themselves.

Unfortunately, the downside is that the American people are being shortchanged by not having a functional legislative branch of government at a time when the nation and the world needs the leadership that the U.S. can provide. But on the basis of the GOP’s own arguments, hopefully Republicans will be voted out of office so that intelligent, compassionate, patriotic, adults can restore confidence in the American system of government and in democracy itself.

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Fox News Host Asks Democrat What Biden Did to Create Jobs, Then Cuts Him Off When He Tells Her

The success of President Biden’s economic policies is evident by almost every major indicator. The Biden administration is responsible for the nation’s record job growth, restoration of domestic manufacturing, inflation that has been declining for the past fifteen consecutive months, expanding healthcare and making it more affordable, and much more. All while reducing the deficit.

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So naturally Republicans and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) have embarked on a campaign of lies and smears in order to deceive the American people and inflame their MAGA-tized supporters. They are so determined to spread their brand of disinformation that they are even putting critical aid to our allies in Israel and Ukraine at risk on behalf of wealthy corporations and tax cheats.

SEE THIS: Republicans in Congress are Holding Israelis Hostage to Aid for Wealthy American Tax Cheats

Democrats are making valiant efforts to counter the Republicans’ fictional dystopian fantasyland. For example, Rep. Ro Khanna of California ventured into the lion’s den of Fox News on Friday to try to expose their viewers to a few facts. He was met by a blatantly biased host who was clearly opposed to truthful information and was determined to prevent any from getting out.

Khanna: Let’s just look at some basic facts. Since the President has come into office almost 14 million jobs were created. Now 70% of those were jobs that were recovered. I grant that.
Smith: Can I just get in there, and I try not to interrupt [as she is interrupting[. “Created” is a very interesting word. Can you tell me what specific policy under this president created those jobs?
Khanna: Yes, I actually can. The American Rescue Plan, which put in money into infrastructure and helping people to stay employed in small businesses. The infrastructure bill, which has led to a boom in construction jobs. The Chips Act, which has led to a boom in manufacturing.
Smith (interrupting again): The reason I ask is because a lot of that was a rebound from the COVID pandemic, correct? [Khanna already said that]
Khanna: Seventy percent of those jobs were recovered from the COVID pandemic. I’m acknowledging that. But here’s the point. You know, it was recovered within two years because of the American Rescue Plan. We could have been in a Great Depression. Give the President credit for the recovery and the creation of new jobs. And the reality is that this was the policy of the American Rescue Plan, of the CHIPS Act, of the Infrastructure, of the Inflation Reduction Act. Four percent unemployment used to be considered full employment in this country. The inflation in this country at 3.7 percent is less than inflation anywhere else in the world.
Smith: I got it.

So Smith pretended that she wanted to know what policies President Biden had implemented that benefited the economy. But when Khanna surprised her by actually responding with the facts, she stopped him and asked him to concede a point that he had already made himself. Either she wasn’t listening or she didn’t care, because she was more focused on a “gotcha” moment that never came.

To his credit, Khanna rolled right over Smith’s interruptions, and finished laying out the record of Biden’s achievements. He made the salient point that, even though many of the jobs created during Biden’s term had previously been lost due to COVID, there was no guarantee that they would have been restored without the thoughtful and astute management of Biden and Democrats in Congress. In fact, nearly all Republicans voted against nearly all of the legislation that produced such positive results for the American people.

After Khanna had itemized some of Biden’s accomplishments, Smith cut him off again with a smug “I got it,” intended to short-circuit Khanna’s effective recitation of the economic realities. This is how Fox News works to keep their audience ignorant. And sadly, it works all too well too often. But then, it’s easier when the audience is eager to be lied to and swallows the most preposterous falsehoods without question.

Democrats need to continue to get out the message that Bidenomics is working. Maybe Fox News isn’t the best place to do that, but between now and the election next year they have to convince people that it is Biden and the Democrats who are working on their behalf – and succeeding.


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HAH! Fox News Turns Mike Johnson’s Conspiracy Theories Into a Great Campaign Ad – For Democrats

Now that the Republican Party has finally managed to install Rep. Mike Johnson as their “Speaker” in the House of “Representatives,” their Ministry of Propaganda – aka Fox News – is going all out to polish his public image and to create a digestible form of the poison that the GOP has been feeding America for years.

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In an attempt to pretend that the chaos of the past three weeks was just a bad dream, Fox News is setting aside any reporting on how dysfunctional the Republican Party is. Never mind that it took them 22 days to select a replacement for their previous Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, who it took them a record 15 votes to confirm. And forget that the new Speaker has zero experience in congressional leadership, has never chaired a committee, and is wholly beholden to the GOP’s Dear Leader, Donald Trump.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Dangles Dopey Spin that Hakeem Jeffries Lost the Speaker’s Vote ’17 Times in a Row’

On Thursday morning’s episode of Fox News Outnumbered, co-host Emily Compagno sought to malign Democrats for being mean to their new Speaker. She, along with the rest of her GOP confederates, seem to think that Democrats have an obligation to accept the Republican Speaker and to save the GOP from itself. You know, because the GOP was always so kind and considerate to Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

However, for some reason Compagno thought it would advance her argument to itemize all of the crazy conspiracy theories to which Johnson has subscribed. So she proceeded to enumerate them for her fellow Foxies in the studio and at home…

“I want to draw everyone’s attention, however, to the way that the mainstream media and the left-wing media have been framing who Johnson is. I quote directly from Politico, the Washington Post, and NBC News, who call him a conspiracy theorist who…”

  • “Fought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.”
  • “He supports abortion bans without limitation.”
  • “He’s opposed to LGBTQ rights.”
  • “And believes the FBI discriminates against conservatives.”
  • “He’s said that at least 100 known terrorists have crossed into the U.S. from Mexico.”
  • “And he voted against a re-auth[orization] of the ‘Violence Against Women Act.'”

Notably, Compagno doesn’t deny that any of those descriptions of Johnson are false. Perhaps that’s because they are all well documented, and even more significant, are planks of the GOP platform that they are actually proud of. Compagno went on to quote from the New York Magazine, saying that…

“‘Johnson has bridged the gap by combining total commitment to Trump’s authoritarian ambition, with a soothing low-key persona.’ So do not look for any type of support coming from the left, unfortunately.”

Once again, Compagno presents the description of Johnson as a soft-edged Trump flunky without rebuttal. So we can assume that she agrees with it. But her complaint of a lack of “support coming from the left” is profoundly bizarre. Does she think that the anti-democratic hate-mongering and lies in the positions that Johnson and the GOP hold are worthy of support from decent, patriotic Democrats? Does she expect the left to be celebrating the crackpottery of the MAGA right?

Democrats are decidedly unhappy with the current state of affairs in the House. They have been pushing for bipartisan solutions to the GOP’s Speaker fiasco for three weeks so that the people’s business can be attended to. However, Democrats probably are celebrating in one respect. Republicans appear to be doing everything they can to insure Democratic victories in November of 2024. The GOP’s embrace of Johnson and his abhorrent, fringe politics is likely to alienate centrist and unaffiliated voters.

To that end, Democrats could use the segment above from Fox News almost unedited in ads next fall. It’s reminiscent of the speech given by Marjorie Taylor Greene a few weeks ago wherein she whined that Democrats were doing a variety of wonderful things that most Americans support. At this rate, the Democratic Party could wind up saving a bundle by not having to produce their own ads.

SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes


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Fox News Floats Inane Theory that Every Democrat Would Vote for Trump for House Speaker

In the continuing soap opera that is the Republican Party in the House of Representatives, the aftermath of the ouster of Squeaker McCarthy has ignited a firestorm of intramural fury within the GOP. They have commenced their circular firing squads and set a near certain course for the minority in 2024.

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The animosity between the establishment McCarthy supporters and the MAGA fringe faction is boiling over. The latter regard the former as RINOs, and the former regard the latter as traitors. Even as McCarthy has begun to walk back his promise not to seek a return to the speakership, his minions are reportedly plotting to banish the lead instigator of the Speaker’s coup, Matt Gaetz, from Congress.

SEE THIS: GOP-ers Ponder Expelling Matt Gaetz for Ethics Violations After His Failed Shutdown Scheme

Terrified of being ignored for a nanosecond, Donald Trump has waddled into the debate with fantasies of his own promotion from political loser to House Cat Herder. And the Senior Trump-Fluffer on Fox News, Sean Hannity, was quick to jump on board with support for this preposterous notion. However, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends have some even nuttier notions. On Monday morning, co-host Steve Doocy dropped this slice of silliness…

“Donald Trump can’t be Speaker right now because there is a House rule that restricts people with felony indictments from House leadership, and because he is facing all those charges. The House certainly could change it, but I was talking to somebody down in DC yesterday.”

Let’s interrupt Doocy here to note that he is correct about the Republican Conference rule prohibiting any member from serving in a leadership post if they have been “indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.” But if you’ve only been indicted for a felony with a one year sentence, you’re cool. And, yeah, they could change that rule if they don’t mind the optics of embracing leaders with even more serious pending felonies. Like Trump, who has 91, so far. Then Doocy went to say…

“Just imagine if somebody put Donald Trump’s name into nomination. Every Democrat would vote for Donald Trump because, if you look at X (Twitter) right now, the White House and the DNC, they are talking about all the chaos on the Republican side with the Capitol coup. They would love the chaos to continue. So if Donald Trump were in nomination, every Democrat in the House would vote for him. And he only needs five Republicans. He could be – if they change that rule – the next Speaker. That would be crazy!

The idea that Democrats would vote en masse to make Trump Speaker of the House is beyond absurd. Democrats are not needed to help Republicans produce chaos. Republicans do that quite well all by themselves. And while Doocy is correct that Democrats – and everyone else in Washington – are aware of the chaos created by GOP incompetence, Democrats are not in favor of chaos. They would prefer it if Congress could behave like adults and pass bills that benefit the American people.

What’s more, if Democrats don’t want Trump to be president, what makes Doocy think they would want him to be Speaker? That would be – as Doocy aptly describes it – “crazy!” And that should go for Republicans too. If there is any plausible chance for a Trump speakership, it would only be by a majority of Republicans voting for him, along with a handful of prankster Democrats. And even that is highly unlikely.

If any party is angling for chaos, it’s the Republicans. They are the ones who orchestrated this Speaker debacle. They are the ones who nearly pushed the nation, and the world, into an economic collapse by threatening to default on the debt. They are the ones who wanted a devastating government shutdown. For Fox News to suggest that it’s the Democrats who are the chaos agents is just plain dishonest and/or idiotic. In other words, it’s business as usual at Fox News.


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Fox News Cuts Out Democrats in Their Coverage of the GOP’s Bogus Biden Impeachment Inquiry

In two days the Republican shutdown of the government will go into effect, barring any last minute agreement with the Democrats who are valiantly trying to prevent this economic calamity. But despite the nation being on the edge of a fiscal cliff that will cause serious harm to millions of Americans, Republicans are laser-focused on their baseless impeachment inquiry intended only to smear President Biden.

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The GOP’s inquiry is typically devoid of substance or anything resembling evidence of wrongdoing by the President. That, however, is of no concern to Republicans whose their only interest is partisan political scandal mongering and personal defamation of their Democratic foes. They have even been saying so explicitly since they assumed their razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives…

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

The first inquiry hearing held by James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, further demonstrated how pitifully inept the Republicans are at manufacturing misdeeds. You might think that they would be better at it after all the practice they have had. But no.

Consequently, The Republican Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) is having to cover for them again. During their live broadcast of the Committee’s proceedings, Fox News diligently aired the questions and commentary by Republican members of the Committee. But when it came time for a Democrat to speak, they quickly cut away to offer their biased analysis from the studio. Just as Democratic Rep. Stephen Lynch began to offer a counter argument to the GOP narrative, Fox News host Harris Faulkner interrupted up to say…

“So Republicans are laying out the reasons for this impeachment inquiry as they begin to put together the case made for impeaching in full President Joe Biden. And so this five minutes per lawmaker – there are 47 in the room – period is what they’re on now. After hearing from the witnesses, some of whom you might even recognize.

First of all, if Republicans are “laying out the reasons for this impeachment inquiry” they are doing an abysmal job of it. They have zero evidence to offer and disreputable witnesses to interview. But more to the point, her timing is impeccable as she interrupts the remarks of Rep. Lynch in order to interview ultra-rightist hack, Leo Terrell. This is an old tactic that Fox News also employed during hearings about Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia and his two impeachments. Every time it was a Democrat’s turn to speak, Fox cut away. They also did this to prevent a speech given by Hillary Clinton…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Cuts Off Hillary Clinton So They Can Lie More About Spying on Trump that Never Happened

For the record, what Fox News cut off was Lynch’s grilling of GOP witness, Eileen O’Connor, a staunch Trump-fluffer whose rank partisanship is unparalleled. He noted that in her opening statement she referred to a commentary that she wrote entitled “You would go to prison for what Biden did.” However, she left out that the title and article actually said “what ‘Hunter’ Biden did.” She claimed it was an inadvertent omission, but would you believe a MAGA cultist?

In another part of the hearing, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked frequent Fox News legal confabulator, Jonathan Turley, a simple question. “In your testimony today,” she began, “are you presenting any first-hand witness account of crimes committed by the president of the United States?” Turley replied “No, I’m not.” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez asked the same question of the other witnesses who likewise replied “No.” Which begs the question, “What are they even doing there?”

There were many moments when Republicans were humiliated by the lack of evidence or any plausible reason for the hearings. But one moment stood out as Rep. Greg Casar asked “Will members of the oversight committee raise their hands if you believe both Hunter and Trump should be held accountable for any of indictments if convicted?” Every Democrat raised their hand, but not a single Republican did. So apparently the GOP does not believe that the law should apply equally to anyone. Or perhaps that the law should be equally ignored for everyone. Bottom line: They have, in effect, admitted that their hearings are a partisan sham.


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HUH? Fox News Can’t Figure Out Why Democrats Support Democrats Over Republicans for President

The bitter and blatantly partisan biases of Fox News have been evident since its inception nearly thirty years ago. But despite the fact that their political prejudices are well known, they still persist in pretending that they are a legitimate journalistic enterprise. They aren’t fooling anyone.

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Nevertheless, Fox News continues to make believe they’re just like other mainstream media outlets. And that futile effort just becomes more conspicuously preposterous every day. You might think that after three decades of dishonest propaganda, Fox News would have gotten pretty good at it. But that is clearly not the case. Even with their hyperactive coverage of the bogus Biden impeachment inquiry being pushed by the Republicans in the House of Representatives, Fox can’t produce a coherent argument to support their position.

SEE THIS: Fox News and GOP Impeachment Chair Seek ‘Damning Evidence’ Against Biden, But Can’t Find Any

On Monday morning the cast of Fox’s “Outnumbered,” wherein four conservative women and one right-wing man bash President Biden for an hour, did a segment on a recent CNN poll that found 67% of Democrats were open to candidates other than Biden for president. Setting aside their newfound respect for “fake news” CNN, the Foxies found themselves in a quandary regarding the question on Democratic voter preferences. Their confusion manifested in the following exchange between co-host Harris Faulkner and fellow co-host Kayleigh McEnany (who is also Donald Trump’s former press secretary)…

McEnany: What we are seeing in polling is that 67% of Democrats are say they want a different candidate than Joe Biden.
Faulkner: The problem with that are the 33% that actually want Biden. And the 67% aren’t saying that they’ll take, as I like to say, anybody but Biden. They might not take a Republican. And that is the challenge here. Yeah, they might take a Gavin Newsom or a Gretchen Whitmer, we can’t figure out why, but they might over a Republican.”

So Faulkner and her confederates “can’t figure out why” Democratic voters would prefer Democratic candidates for president over Republicans? Let’s see if we can’t help them out a bit, shall we?

To begin with, Democrats are Democrats. That ought to end the debate right there. But Fox News and Republicans are so ideologically isolated, and so far removed from reality, that they can’t imagine anyone supporting the party that has brought more liberty, equality, and prosperity to the United States than any other party.

So let’s give them a little more to chew on. The examples that Faulkner gave as possible Biden alternatives – Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan – are two of the most successful and effective governors in America. They could be joined by Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Wes Moore of Maryland, and any number of Democrats in other state and federal offices. And that includes Vice-President Kamala Harris. The Democrats have a decidedly deep bench if they need one. Which they don’t, since Biden is running with a record of unprecedented success.

Perhaps the best reason for, not only Democrats but all Americans, to vote for a Democrat is the person currently leading the Republican Party’s primary contest, Donald Trump. The nation certainly doesn’t need a twice-impeached, four-time indicted (on 91 felony counts), ultra-rightist, financially corrupt, Putin-loving, pathological liar, and rapist, who led a violent insurrection to overthrow the government, to be given another opportunity to advance his authoritarian aspirations.

What’s more, the rest of the GOP field (DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Haley, Scott, Pence, etc.) aren’t any better. They are all conservative extremists who oppose the American people on most issues, including abortion, taxes, immigration, guns, climate change, education, etc. They also pledged to support Trump if he is the eventual nominee, even if he is convicted of numerous felonies.

SEE ALSO: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

Yet somehow, the folks on Fox News can’t comprehend why anyone would support Democrats for president or any other office. That’s because the Foxies and GOP politicos don’t really give a damn about America or the American people. They are fixated solely on their quest for power and personal greed. And on that measure, they have many candidates who will satisfy them. So expect Fox News to remain loyal to the greediest, most corrupt, power seeker of them all, Donald Trump. In fact, Fox News is just as culpable for the crimes of Trump as Trump is himself.


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Adam Schiff Shames the GOP for its ‘Willingness to Debase Themselves in the Service of Trump’

From its inception, the Cult of Trump has been fueled by a Republican Party that is cowardly or corrupt, or more accurately, both. They were too afraid to hold Trump accountable when they had the opportunity during his two impeachments. And ever since they have remained terrified of invoking his impotent wrath or that of his glassy-eyed disciples.

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Donald Trump, Adam Schiff

Consequently, Trump remains the leading candidate for the GOP’s presidential nomination. And most of the other candidates have promised to support him, even if he is convicted of any or all of the 91 felony counts currently pending against him in his four criminal indictments. They are so proud of their fealty to the Party’s mob boss that they made their devotion known on national television.

SEE THIS: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

On Sunday morning Rep. Adam Schiff was interviewed by Jen Psaki on MSNBC. And he had some pertinent points to make about the Republican embrace of purposeful and depraved lawlessness. Psaki approached the discussion with a question about the GOP’s enthusiasm for shutting down the government. She specifically referenced Marjorie Taylor Greene’s utterly inane promise to halt critical federal activities – including Social Security and veterans benefits, law enforcement, financial aid for low income families, etc. – if her colleagues refuse to go along with her obsession to impeach President Biden for no discernible reason…

Psaki: Shutting the government down has implications on the public broadly. What is your reaction to her tying a government shutdown to an impeachment inquiry?
Schiff: It just shows the extreme lengths they’ll go to carry water for Donald Trump. They’ll shut down the government. They’ll do whatever they can to initiate an impeachment of Joe Biden. And part of the motivation here, of course, is to distract from Donald Trump’s multiple indictments. Part of it is to somehow try to dilute the stain of Trump’s impeachments. But the common denominator is just this unswerving, undeniable willingness to debase themselves in the service of Donald Trump. (Emphasis added).

Indeed, debasing themselves has become a routine part of today’s Republican Party. Whether they are defending the violent January 6th insurrectionists, seeking to criminalize abortion, organizing book bannings and beer boycotts, imposing racist restrictions on voting, and as always, kissing Trump’s – let’s just say ring. Schiff then continued…

Schiff: I think that many of them would like to shut down the government anyway. This will just give them further leverage to try to shut down the government, having failed to default on the nation’s credit. Many see this as the next demonstration of their commitment to god knows what. So I fear that we are on a path to government shutdown because there are enough members of the Republican conference who want it, and Kevin McCarthy will do whatever it takes to remain Speaker one more day, or one more week. That’s his sole motivation.

Clearly Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Party has given up entirely on advocating an agenda that has any appeal to the American people. They are wholly focused on slandering Biden and his family over baseless allegations for which their evidence is so thin that even some at Fox News aren’t buying it. Meanwhile they are propping up Dear Leader Trump whose crimes are well documented and mostly affirmed by other Republicans and members of Trump’s staff. All they have left is Trump worship and Biden hatred.

SEE ALSO: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

Democrats, on the other hand, are delivering for the American people on matters of great importance, including jobs, reducing drug and healthcare costs, restoring the nation’s infrastructure, supporting abortion rights, mitigating climate change, and defending democracy around the world. It’s a platform that broad majorities of the public support in principle. Democrats just need to better connect the dots between their popular policies and their President. Then let Republicans continue to sabotage their own electoral prospects by clinging to their abhorrent agenda and a soon-to-be convicted criminal candidate.


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