GREAT NEWS! Trump Says that ‘Every One of Us are Gonna Be Leaving’ If Kamala Harris Wins

Anyone who listens to Donald Trump for any length of time has to wonder why he bothers to run for office, or even live in the United States. His speeches are a non-stop torrent of antipathy toward the nation that he repeatedly demeans as “failing,” and disparages most of its residents who he regards as “animals.”

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Donald Trump, Wah

The only time Trump ever says anything good about America is when he’s lying about his abysmal stewardship of it, or when he’s lauding the “very fine people” who promote neo-Nazi initiatives and confederate statues. He has adopted a rather bizarre campaign theme that is overtly anti-American and relies on tearing down the country in the most vile terms. For instance, he posted the following absurd pitch for votes on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social:


MORE HERE: Trump’s 2024 Campaign Theme: America Sucks. Vote Trump, What the Hell Do You Have to Lose?

Now that the 2024 presidential race is in full swing, Trump is slithering farther out on the limb of sanity as he becomes utterly incapable of dealing with his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris (who for some reason he keeps calling “Kamabla”) And on Wednesday, while Harris and her new running mate, Tim Walz, were out stumping across the country, Trump did another one of his lazy Fox News phone-in “interviews” in his jammies, from his Mar-a-Lago bunker, with the sycophantic Trump-fluffers on Fox & Friends. It consisted of the typical and tedious playlist of substanceless blather that Trump has been spinning for months.

Much of Trump’s whining was related to the recent volatility in the stock market. Trump has been ranting that it’s all President Biden’s fault. Or even Harris’ fault. And he repeated his prediction that a Democratic victory would result in a market crash worse than 1929. Of course, he’s been making the same ludicrous prediction since 2015. But now he is purposefully trying to create a panic by fear mongering that the world is coming to an end. In the Fox segment (video below) Trump warned his glassy-eyed cult followers that…

“Our whole country, our whole system is gonna collapse. Even the talk about her has driven the stock market down. You know when the stock market goes down, when you see it go down, that’s because she gets a decent poll number. She gets bounces in the poll, the market goes down. The stock market will collapse like in 1929 if they’re elected.’

Needless to say, that is all pure Trumpian bullshittery. The market did go down after some polls showed Harris tightening the race. But the market went back up after some more polls showed her taking the lead. Obviously, stock market performance has little to do with election polling. But Trump is desperate enough to exploit anything in order to avoid facing the reality that he’s a loser.

SEE THIS: Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

There is, however, some good news that Trump provided in this Fox segment. Just prior to his wacko statement above, Trump said that…

“If [Harris] does this to America, every one of us are either gonna be leaving or we’re gonna be living like dogs.”

Is that a promise? Will Trump, and every one of his cult disciples, really leave if Harris wins the election? That would be a fantastic addendum to the Democratic victory. It would be so much winning. And those of us who remain will “be living like dogs.” Which, if Trump knew anything about a dog’s life, would be pretty damn sweet. There’s even an old saying – “It’s a dog’s life” – that is used to describe times of pleasantness and leisure. Which the country, and the world, would enjoy in abundance if Trump and his ilk would just go away.


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LOCK THEM UP! Trump Demands that People Who Desecrate the Flag Go to Jail – Like His Followers?

This year’s most profligate proponent of law and order – former reality TV game show host and convicted felon, Donald Trump – is staking out a principled claim on justice that should make his glassy-eyed cult disciples twitch with nervous tension. Not that they aren’t already an angst ridden flock of freaks with acute anxiety disorders.

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Donald Trump Hugs Flag

Trump has resumed his role as a call-in co-host on Fox News where his slobbering sycophantic pals on Fox and Friends provide him with free airtime to unload his mendacious musings. It’s an open forum for rage-casting and unhinged bashing of Democrats, especially the presumptive nominee for president, Kamala Harris.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

On Thursday’s program, Trump held the “Curvy Couch” potatoes enrapt in his uniquely incoherent rambling. He predictably whined about his legal tribulations that he now blames entirely on Harris, who he slanders as “a radical, left, not very smart person.” Which is such a “smart” way of articulating that alleged thought. He also told his cult not to bother voting for him because he already has all the votes he needs. Another “smart” move on Trump’s part.

However, perhaps Trump’s most bizarre bit of blather was his lecture on the legal consequences of flag desecration. Trump offered his opinion in response to Americans protesting Netanyahu and the war in Gaza, some of whom burned flags. He said that such behavior should be severely punished, and anyone who disagreed with him is “stupid.”

“I think you should get a one year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American flag. Now, people will say, ‘Oh, it’s unconstitutional.’ Those are stupid people. Those are stupid people that say that.” [and that] “Putin and President Xi of China, all over the world they’re watching this. Kim Jong Un […] That wouldn’t happen in their countries. It’s impossible for that to happen in their country.”

First of all, the Supreme Court has ruled that flag burning is, in fact, protected speech under the Constitution. Not that Trump cares about the Constitution. Secondly, Trump’s use of brutal dictators as examples of appropriate responses to such speech is typical of his own totalitarian aspirations. He hopes to impose the same sort of oppression here in America.

But what makes his remarks so astonishingly preposterous is that his own cult followers are the worst offenders of flag desecration. The United States Flag Code states in part that…

  • “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel.”
  • “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”
  • “The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever.”

Anyone who has seen the videos of Trump’s traveling salvation shows knows that his cult shows up regaled in flag attire. They wave flags defaced with his scowling mug and other representations of his MAGA movement. And Trump himself markets products (shoes, NFTs, bibles, etc.) with Old Glory plastered on them. Should everyone – including Trump – be incarcerated for a year for these offenses?

And that’s not all. What about the violent insurrectionists, that Trump calls “hostages,” who used flags on poles to attack police officers on January 6, 2021? Should they get an additional year added on to their sentences for rioting and assault?

Don’t expect Trump or any of his surrogates to answer these questions. They really couldn’t care less. Trump’s only purpose in proposing this is to attract attention and to tickle the fury of his feeble-minded fans. And if there were any justice, Trump would already be in prison for crimes much worse than the flag desecration he’s exploiting now.


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Trump Threatens that His Cult Followers ‘Won’t Stand for It’ if He is Sentenced for His Crimes

Now that Donald Trump has secured his place in history as the first and only former president to have been convicted of felony crimes (34 of them), the next step in the process is the sentencing hearing on July 11, that will determine his punishment. Since this is an unprecedented affair, speculation about the sentence swings wildly from a slap-on-the-wrist probation to as much as 20 years.

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Donald Trump, Prison

No one will be surprised to learn that Trump himself has floated a deliberately flagrant lie that he could be sent up the river for 187 years. And as satisfying as that sounds, actual honest estimates tend to lean toward a more lenient penalty, such as a fine or house arrest. Although prison is not off the table, which is surely driving Trump crazy(er).

SEE THIS: What’s Roasting Trump’s Nuts? Jurors Believed Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, But Not Him

The subject of Trump’s potential sentence came up Sunday morning on Fox News. Trump sat for a typically nerf-ball interview by the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. After delving deeply into the tediously repetitive ramblings that Trump disgorges at his cult rallies, co-host Pete Hegseth lobbed one right across the plate, giving trump an opportunity send an ominous signal to his glassy-eyed disciples.

Hegseth asked about the possibility that “the judge could say house arrest or even jail.” Trump began his reply with a swing at some false bravado saying that, “I’m OK with it.” Yeah, right! He would be OK with being confined to Mar-a-Lago, rather than playing golf or lavishing in the glow of his devotees at staged rallies in red America. Then he elaborated…

“I’m not sure that the public would stand for it. I think it would be tough for the public to take. You know, at a certain point there’s a breaking point.”

Make no mistake. The convicted felon crime boss is talking directly to his StormTrumpers that he hopes will launch another January 6th style uprising. He would like nothing more than to see violent riots take place on his behalf. No matter what the sentence actually turns out to be. Trump is not warning about a potential “breaking point.” He’s advocating it.

Unfortunately for Trump, he will likely be sorely disappointed. He wanted there to be massive protests outside of the Manhattan courthouse throughout his trial. They never showed up, even after he explicitly begged them to. He had to be satisfied with some lily-livered members of Congress who turned out in their Red-Tie uniforms to prop up their fallen leader. That, however, doesn’t diminish the potential for harm by lone wolf extremists individually or in small groups.

The pathetic impotence of Trump’s unanswered pleas is also reflected in new polls that have been released since his conviction that show him losing significant support among independents and even his Republican base.

Now that Trump has been declared guilty, and his punishment is pending, it was interesting that in this same interview his Fox News pals asked him about the chants of “Lock her up,” that he led during his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. Never mind that she had not been convicted – or even charged – with any crime. But even more interesting was Trump’s reply. He flatly denied that he ever said it. So let’s go to the tape…

That’s typical of the pathological lying that we have come to expect of Trump. And despite that glaring character flaw – and his two impeachments, and adjudication as a rapist, and phony university, and fraudulent charity, and judgment for financial fraud, and multiple bankruptcies, and blatant racism and misogyny – Trump remains the nominee of the Republican Party for president of the United States.

Which says so much about the party and the MAGA media that disseminates its propaganda. Trump and his media and congressional minions are all equally culpable for the damage that they have done and are doing to the nation. But Trump may be right about one thing, although not in the way he thinks: “The public won’t stand for it. There is a breaking point.” And hopefully that breaking point will be November 5, 2024, when Trump and MAGA are finally disposed of.


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SHOCKING! Fox News Interviews MAGA Cult Disciples in a Diner and Finds That They Support Trump

The first criminal trial of a former American president has officially begun. And Donald Trump was at his place at the defendant’s table as his friend and co-conspirator, National Enquirer publisher David Pecker, testified that the two of them and others engaged in manufacturing fake news to prop him up and malign his foes.

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Donald Trump Baby Fox News

The relationship between Trump and the Enquirer is no longer operative, so far as we know. But not to worry. Fox News has assumed that post and is flagrantly lying on Trump’s behalf to boost his flagging electoral prospects. Of course, Fox News has been doing that for years, but now, as the 2024 election cycle gains steam, they are ramping up their efforts. And much of their focus is squarely on the legal tribulation of Trump.

SEE THIS: Trump Desperately Clings to Fox News Legal Hacks Who Ignore the Law to Fluff Trump

On Wednesday morning Lawrence Jones, co-host of “Fox and Friends,” visited a diner in Michigan to get a taste of what ordinary citizens are thinking about the race between Trump and President Biden. But to no one’s surprise, the taste of Jones’ talks was not so sweet (video below). It was, in fact, wildly biased. He began with this charming woman…

Jones: We were talking about the former president being under prosecution right now. What do you make of it? Do you think that it’s fair?
Diner: No, I don’t think it’s fair. I think it’s ridiculous. They’re just trying to keep him busy so he can’t run. […] We need Trump back or else we’re going to lose our country!

Do you think that Jones failed to notice that this woman was swaddled in a giant Trump flag? And do you think that that impacted his decision to interview her? Clearly her response to the question was easily predictable considering her fashion statement. But Jones didn’t care about that. He was looking to move on to his next subject. A man wearing a MAGA t-shirt…

Jones: Let’s talk with some more folks here. Sir, how are you doing? I see you’ve got your MAGA shirt on. There’s all these cases, but we’re starting in New York. What do you feel about it? Do you think that it’s fair?
Diner: Not at all. They’re going after him just to keep him off the trail.

Notice that both of these “random” diners expressed exactly the same opinion that unnamed nefarious covert scoundrels controlling the courts are plotting to prevent Trump from campaigning. They apparently haven’t noticed that Trump hasn’t bothered to campaign on the days when court wasn’t in session, including on the very day that they were being interviewed. He is a decidedly lazy candidate who prefers holing up in his Mar-a-Lago bunker to sullying himself with the unclean masses on the campaign trail.

Jones talked to a third diner who, like virtually everyone Jones ever interviews, was pro-Trump. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. He prefaced the question by saying that Manhattan is 80% Democratic, implying that it would be impossible to have a fair trial. Never mind that Trump has said that he has great support in New York and predicts that he will win there. The diner complained that all of the media is conspiring against Trump. And he’s saying that to the co-host of a program on Fox News, the highest rated cable news channel.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Totally Flubs (i.e. Lies) About How Jury Biases Would Impact Trump’s Hush Money Trial

These Fox News “man-on-the-street” segments are phonier than Trump’s facial hues and hair. And by selecting subjects who are literally decked out in Trump gear, Fox News is demonstrating that they couldn’t care less about disguising their biases. They are as much a part of the cult as the rubes that they interview. As the official MAGA Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News is purposefully putting their political prejudices on display. Because they want to make sure that their viewers, who are not the sharpest tools in the shed, don’t miss the message.


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FLYING KETCHUP ALERT: Peter Doocy of Fox News Reports New Poll that Shows Biden Beating Trump

The 2024 presidential election cycle is still at a pretty early stage with both candidates seeking their party’s nomination. Joe Biden, of course, is the incumbent Democratic candidate with no serious competition. Donald Trump, however, is in a near panic, despite the fact that he has faced relatively light opposition from Ron DeSantis, who has dropped out, and now Nikki Haley, who is ramping up her attacks.

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Donald Trump, Mask, Fox News

For the past several weeks Biden has trailed Trump in many polls, and has suffered with low approval ratings. But Trump’s approval hasn’t been any better. Nevertheless, Trump and his MAGA media minions have made a point of celebrating every poll that showed Trump ahead, even if it were only by a point or two and within the margin of error. And yet, Trump still can’t find any comfort in the numbers that he slobbers over.

SEE THIS: Even After Winning, Trump Has a Post-Primary Meltdown, Attacking Friends and Foes and Fox News

On Thursday morning, Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, was interviewed by his father, Steve Doocy, on Fox and friends. The subject of the segment was a new poll by Quinnipiac that put President Biden ahead of Trump by six points (50-44). It appears that the American people are starting to feel the the positive effects of Biden’s leadership, and that is beginning to be reflected in the polling. The younger Doocy reported that…

“The trends here may be changing because President Trump, former President Trump, has been leading national poll after national poll over President Biden for the last couple of weeks, but not in this one. And maybe it’s an outlier, maybe it’s not. But Quinnipiac had Biden up on Trump six points, 50 to 44.

“The Biden team has been trying to pivot to general election mode. They’ve been focusing on abortion access and on union jobs. And the Trump team has spent the last week or so dealing with his legal issues.”

Trump is not going to take this well. He has been known to viciously lambast Fox News whenever they are something less than unwaveringly worshipful. And he is particularly infuriated when they dare to report the results of polls that show him behind.

SEE ALSO: Trump Goes on Psycho-Rant Accusing Fox News of Sabotaging Him with Bad Pictures and Polls

Doocy correctly points out that Biden has been campaigning on substantive issues that the American people care about, such as abortion and jobs. He could have also mentioned the booming economy, climate and environment, healthcare, gun reforms, tax equity, and saving democracy.

Meanwhile, Doocy gently touches on the fact that Trump is wholly consumed by his “legal issues,” which include 91 felony charges and a recent $83.3 million judgment in favor of E. Jean Carroll, the woman he raped and defamed.

MORE HERE: After Losing $83 Million, Big Mouth Trump Hasn’t Made a Single New Attack on E. Jean Carroll

Doocy continued his poll analysis, noting that third party candidates like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. take votes from both candidates, but that Biden still beats Trump 39 to 37. Then he observed that Nikki Haley was ahead of Biden 47-42, but that she is unlikely to get the Republican nomination.

All told, this is the sort of report that is likely to trigger a Trumpian aneurism. Mar-a-Lago staff has been put on Red Alert for incoming ketchup bottles. And Dr. Rep. Ronny Jackson, aka The Candyman,” is on call for distribution of additional doses of Adderall and other psych meds.

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Fox News is TERRIFIED of Michelle Obama Running for President – A Fake Campaign Created By Fox

Ever since Donald Trump lost reelection to President Biden, the fear mongers at Fox News have been furiously fabricating nightmare scenarios to scare their already alarmist audience into cowering under the covers and clinging to the hopes that their Mango Messiah will rise from the dread and lead them to MAGA salvation.

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Michelle Obama, Fox News

The scare tactics that Fox News has employed have included everything from migrant caravans, to gun confiscations, to banning of beloved kitchen appliances, and myriad other preposterous horror stories. Trump himself has led the parade of peril with his incessant sermonizing about the curse of “Crooked Joe” and the “radical communist and fascist thugs” of the Democratic Party. Needless to say, it’s an apocalyptic perspective that has no foundation in reality.

SEE THIS: HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

On Monday morning, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends introduced yet another monstrous visage of the vile liberals. They agonized over the prospect of former First Lady Michelle Obama throwing her hat into the 2024 presidential race. Co-host Steve Doocy fretted that…

“Cindy Adams in today’s New York Post has an item that says ‘Don’t be shocked if Michelle Obama sneaks in.’ And when you look at what she said a couple of days ago on that podcast, you know, that was not a careless adlib. Cindy is suggesting that that was all planned. And apparently, according to Cindy Adams, she sent a survey to top Democrats about running. And in the summer of 2020 [the article actually says summer of 2022. In the summer of 2020 Biden had not even been elected yet], in New York City, she met hedge fund CEO’s and she said ‘I’m running and I’m asking for your support.’ We’re just now finding out about this.”

OH MY HEAVENS! Could this be true? What’s next? Satan for VP? It must be noted that Doocy’s source for this bombshell, Cindy Adams, is not a journalist. She is the gossip columnist for the New York Post, a Rupert Murdoch rag, famous for fictional stories. And there is absolutely nothing in the article that could pass for credible evidence. No quotes from insiders or hedge fund CEOs. No documents or copies of the alleged survey. No receipts of support from donors. Nothing.

For the record, Obama has repeatedly stated that she would not be a candidate for president, or any other office. But that doesn’t stop Fox News from manufacturing a myth that they know will trigger their snowflakey viewers. And they can’t let a day go by without stirring up a cauldron of conspiracy crackpottery.

Doocy elaborated on his baseless speculation by asking what he says is “The Big Question” about whether Obama, if she runs, would keep Kamala Harris as VP. He also says that “A lot of people like Michelle Obama. A LOT!” Which is a generous admission on his part. But then he returns to the subject of the Adams article in the Post, which in her first few sentences proved her editorial neutrality, saying that…

“Biden won’t debate. Can’t. Our codger-in-chief can’t even read the prewritten script in front of him fast enough to pronounce the words. So, forget him — which most of us already have.”

Of course, Biden is ready to debate. He speaks eloquently, albeit with an occasional stutter that he’s had since youth. And most Americans – including the obsessed and malicious Republicans – have not forgotten him. What’s more, Adams seems to have entirely missed all of the cognitive glitches by Trump, such as the most recent one where he mixed up Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi.

SEE THIS: Dementia J. Trump Confuses Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley In a Lie-Riddled Rant About January 6th

No wonder Fox News needs to invent ghastly tales to keep their cult compliant. Their own candidate, Trump, would have to improve several steps to be considered a basket case. However, at least they recognize the intelligence and appeal of Michelle Obama, and the threat she would pose if she were interested in running. The fact that they fear her is a compliment. Just as their suppression of Trump’s deficiencies – -not to mention his tyrannical aspirations – is an admission that he is unfit for office.


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FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

What constitutes “news” these days has had a stark transformation from what is generally considered matters of consequence to the public at large, to tabloid trash and titillating gossip. and much of that shift can be attributed directly to Fox News and other right-wing outlets that have abandoned facts in favor of partisan propaganda.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

This week Fox News reestablished itself as the leading perpetrator of this redefinition of what is regarded as newsworthy. Their devotion to the debasement of the press was on full display during a segment of Fox and Friends that sought to make a distinction between two current events competing for attention. And true to form, Fox managed to make a mess of the whole matter in manner that was typical of their predictably ludicrous news judgment. After all, it is the same network that celebrates an annual “War on Christmas.”

SEE THIS: WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

The segment that aired on Saturday (video below) tried to juxtapose stories that had no rational connection anywhere but in the minds of perverse Fox Newsers. One story was about a selfie sex video that was making the rounds on social media. It featured an aide to Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin, who was quickly fired. The other story was about Donald Trump quoting Adolf Hitler, a repugnant historical figure for whom Trump has previously expressed admiration.

The segment began with co-host Will Cain playing a clip of Trump’s Hitler citation at his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, where he was distorting data (i.e. lying) on immigration and demeaning refugees…

Trump: “We’ve get a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world.”

The phrase “poisoning the blood of our country” was one that was used frequently by Hitler and his Nazi confederates. For the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president to be embracing that rhetoric is abhorrent and frightening. But that wasn’t what Cain was upset about. He continued…

Cain: “The mainstream media is going to talk about this. They already are. It’s going to take over everything. ‘Poison the blood of our country’ when talking about illegal immigration. In fact, the Biden-Harris administration has already jumped all over it. They said the following…

Biden Spokesman: ‘Tonight, Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong un, and quoted Vladimir Putin, while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy. He is betting he can win this election by scaring and dividing the country. He’s wrong.’

Cain: “The reason I bring up those two stories to you, is I thought and I think it should be a big deal that we’re talking about what happened in the Senate hearing chamber. And I think what we’re going to do, I think what’s going to happen here for the next couple of days is we’re going to latch on to three words that Donald Trump said, and it’s going to drive the news cycle.”

That’s right! What Fox News thinks is a “big deal” is the video made by a lowly (and horny) senate staffer who has already been fired and has no impact whatsoever on the nation. And they are deeply disturbed that that petty, but provocative, video might be swept aside by the video of the aspiring authoritarian Trump employing fascist hate speech. On a legitimate news network a potential president who embraces fascism would deserve far more than a “couple of days” of the news cycle.

Fox News has provided an outstanding example of their priorities and those of the Republican Party. They aim to elevate pseudo-scandalous nonsense to crisis levels, while being casually dismissive of prospective dictatorships. And that should stir fear in the hearts and minds of the American people because that’s precisely how such dictatorships come to pass.


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Speaker Mike Johnson Gives Fox News His Utterly Phony ‘Straightforward Facts’ to Impeach Biden

Ever since the Republican Party barely assumed the majority in the House of Representatives earlier this year, they have devotedly focused on meritless attacks aimed at President Joe Biden and other Democrats. Their determination to malign their political foes has consumed them entirely, to the exclusion of anything remotely resembling the actual interests of the American people.

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Fox News, Fake News

Now that the GOP’s already slim majority has shrunk by one with the expulsion of pathological liar George Santos, the party is proving that they’ve learned nothing from their eleven months of rabid bias and pitiful ineptitude. They are resuming their obsession with impeaching Biden despite having zero evidence of any wrongdoing.

SEE ALSO: GOP Speaker Admits the Purpose of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is to Hurt Biden Politically

On Saturday morning GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson ventured to the friendly territory of Fox News to lay out his case for impeaching Biden. He described his reasons as clear and consisting of “straightforward facts” to his pals at Fox and Friends. But as usual for the Republican scandal mongers, there were no facts presented, only blatant lies. What follows is an annotated transcription of Johnson’s remarks on Fox (See video below).

“The facts are so clear for everyone to see. Just a couple of numbers to remember, just real quick off the top. Fifteen million. We know that the Biden family received at least $15,000,000 from foreign nationals and foreign companies, that includes from Ukraine, Russia, China, just between 2014 and 2019.”

Johnson is asserting only that the Biden family received funds from doing business with foreign companies, which is entirely legal. In fact, others who have received such funds, in much larger amounts, include Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Don Trump Jr, and Eric Trump. And Johnson has no evidence that President Biden ever received a penny. And for much of that time Biden was not even in office. Then Johnson continued…

“Sixteen times, at least on the record, Joe Biden has lied about his involvement in the family’s business dealings, Hunter Biden’s business dealings. We know that twenty-two times, at least twenty-two times the President met with or talked with Hunter’s foreign business associates.”

Johnson has provided exactly zero evidence of Biden ever lying about his involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Not on Fox News, nor during any of the hearings held by his confederates in the House. In fact, the GOP’s own witnesses at those hearings testified that the President never spoke with Hunter’s business associates about anything more consequential than the weather, and nothing at all related to business. Then Johnson went on…

“And we have checks written to Joe Biden that the Oversight Committee has found, the banking records, $40,000 from China, $200.000 from a now bankrupt healthcare company that his brother James Biden apparently swindled. The evidence is so clear that you cannot look away. And the Constitution requires the House to follow the truth wherever it leads.”

This is the most blatant lie of all. Johnson has no checks to Biden from China or any bankrupt healthcare companies. And he knows it. What he has are checks from Biden’s brother James for repayments of personal loans between brothers. And the evidence of the loans was affirmed in the bank records that Johnson admits to having. What’s more, the allegation that James Biden “swindled” anyone is pure slander.

SEE THIS: Desperate Republicans Seek to Impeach President Biden Because – His Brother Repays Loans?

What Johnson claims is clear evidence of crimes by the Biden family, is actually evidence of Johnson’s shameless dishonesty. Which is consistent with the inbred deceit of the Republican Party that he leads. Not to mention Fox News, whose flunkies sat there wide-eyed as he lied to them and their audience of Trump Cultists.

So it’s no surprise that the GOP recently announced that they would not be holding any more public hearings into the Biden impeachment. Because they must have finally gotten tired of humiliating themselves.


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Fox News Reveals Their True Abortion Stance: ‘What’s Most Important? Republicans Taking Over!’

Democrats across the country are celebrating some hard fought victories in parts of the country that are not generally considered friendly to Democrats. There are a variety of reasons to explain these electoral upsets, but one issue is is featured prominently in each case.

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Fox News, Constitution

Ever since the Dobbs decision by the Trumpified Supreme Court that undid Roe vs Wade and reversed fifty years of reproductive health rights for American women, Democrats have won every major contest where abortion was on the ballot. And the same was true last night. Republicans went into election day confident that their extremist and broadly unpopular positions would deliver them to the theocratic Valhalla for which they yearn. But the American people clearly have more reverence for the Constitution than the GOP and its Dear Leader, Donald Trump.

SEE ALSO: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

The morning after the election, Republicans were licking their wounds and searching for excuses to salve their searing disappointment at not being able to force their perverse distortions of faith down the throats of informed voters. And naturally, Fox News was quick to help comfort the forlorn GOP.

However, their attempted pacifications were more revealing than comforting. For instance, the following exchange on Fox and Friends between co-hosts Lawrence Jones and Ansley Earhardt exposed their political cynicism and utter absence of genuine principles:

Jones: 68% said abortion was “extremely or very important,” and only 32% said that it was “moderate or not important.”
Earhardt: It’s nearly seven in ten. Republicans have to figure out what their messaging is in order to go forward in the next election. We look at this midterm election as a way to gauge how Republicans or Democrats react going forward for 2024. So Republicans need to look at all of these numbers and really think about what’s more important. Yes, most people that are Republicans are probably pro-life. And we love our babies. And I love being a mother. But what’s most important? Republicans taking over. And Republicans being able to keep our country.”

That’s right. Earhardt explicitly announces that “Republicans taking over” is more important than their alleged belief that abortion is murder. And this is the lesson that she believes Republicans should learn from the losses they suffered the night before. Although, neither Earhardt, nor her confederates, offer a single suggestion about how to manifest that lesson.

The Fox and Friends crew were not alone on Fox News surrendering their supposedly deeply held convictions about abortion. Sean Hannity took essentially the same position saying that…

“I consider myself pro-life, but I understand that’s not where the country is. I would say first trimester or Dobbs 15 weeks seems to be where the country is, and these issues will be decided by the states.”

And also that…

“Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don’t want abortion legal under any circumstances.”

In short, Hannity is also happy to abandon his faith and manufacture lies if it means scrounging up more votes from voters who aren’t paying close attention to the fact that Republicans will strip them of their rights no matter what concessions they are pretending to take on the day after their humiliating defeat at the polls.

Both Fox News and the Republican Party are transparently hypocritical and dishonest. They only care about attaining and preserving power. It’s the same mindset that drives them to obediently worship in the Cult of Trump. And it’s what defines Trump’s own authoritarian aspirations. None of them have the least bit of sincerity or adherence to ethical values. And you know it’s bad when they actually say so out loud.


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Fox News Floats Inane Theory that Every Democrat Would Vote for Trump for House Speaker

In the continuing soap opera that is the Republican Party in the House of Representatives, the aftermath of the ouster of Squeaker McCarthy has ignited a firestorm of intramural fury within the GOP. They have commenced their circular firing squads and set a near certain course for the minority in 2024.

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The animosity between the establishment McCarthy supporters and the MAGA fringe faction is boiling over. The latter regard the former as RINOs, and the former regard the latter as traitors. Even as McCarthy has begun to walk back his promise not to seek a return to the speakership, his minions are reportedly plotting to banish the lead instigator of the Speaker’s coup, Matt Gaetz, from Congress.

SEE THIS: GOP-ers Ponder Expelling Matt Gaetz for Ethics Violations After His Failed Shutdown Scheme

Terrified of being ignored for a nanosecond, Donald Trump has waddled into the debate with fantasies of his own promotion from political loser to House Cat Herder. And the Senior Trump-Fluffer on Fox News, Sean Hannity, was quick to jump on board with support for this preposterous notion. However, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends have some even nuttier notions. On Monday morning, co-host Steve Doocy dropped this slice of silliness…

“Donald Trump can’t be Speaker right now because there is a House rule that restricts people with felony indictments from House leadership, and because he is facing all those charges. The House certainly could change it, but I was talking to somebody down in DC yesterday.”

Let’s interrupt Doocy here to note that he is correct about the Republican Conference rule prohibiting any member from serving in a leadership post if they have been “indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.” But if you’ve only been indicted for a felony with a one year sentence, you’re cool. And, yeah, they could change that rule if they don’t mind the optics of embracing leaders with even more serious pending felonies. Like Trump, who has 91, so far. Then Doocy went to say…

“Just imagine if somebody put Donald Trump’s name into nomination. Every Democrat would vote for Donald Trump because, if you look at X (Twitter) right now, the White House and the DNC, they are talking about all the chaos on the Republican side with the Capitol coup. They would love the chaos to continue. So if Donald Trump were in nomination, every Democrat in the House would vote for him. And he only needs five Republicans. He could be – if they change that rule – the next Speaker. That would be crazy!

The idea that Democrats would vote en masse to make Trump Speaker of the House is beyond absurd. Democrats are not needed to help Republicans produce chaos. Republicans do that quite well all by themselves. And while Doocy is correct that Democrats – and everyone else in Washington – are aware of the chaos created by GOP incompetence, Democrats are not in favor of chaos. They would prefer it if Congress could behave like adults and pass bills that benefit the American people.

What’s more, if Democrats don’t want Trump to be president, what makes Doocy think they would want him to be Speaker? That would be – as Doocy aptly describes it – “crazy!” And that should go for Republicans too. If there is any plausible chance for a Trump speakership, it would only be by a majority of Republicans voting for him, along with a handful of prankster Democrats. And even that is highly unlikely.

If any party is angling for chaos, it’s the Republicans. They are the ones who orchestrated this Speaker debacle. They are the ones who nearly pushed the nation, and the world, into an economic collapse by threatening to default on the debt. They are the ones who wanted a devastating government shutdown. For Fox News to suggest that it’s the Democrats who are the chaos agents is just plain dishonest and/or idiotic. In other words, it’s business as usual at Fox News.


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