Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Trump (?) to NRA: Weakness Gets You Nuclear War

On Friday Donald Trump made his second annual trip to kiss the trigger fingers of the National Rifle Association (NRA) honchos who funneled more than $30 million to his presidential campaign. Some of that we now know came directly from Russia. Trump’s address was a rehash of his now tedious tirades that he delivers at his Deplorable rallies. He covered all the hits: Border wall, Russia hoax, polling, terrorists, and of course, the Second Amendment.

Donald Trump

Among the subjects that Trump rambled through was his handling of the nuclear showdown with North Korea. His comments were typically narrowed to bragging about himself. He boasted to the glassy-eyed disciple in the audience that he was responsible for ending the nuclear threat that was looming over the world. You know, the one that he created. He said that his demonstration of strength won the day because “Weakness gets you nuclear war.”

What Trump and his dimwitted followers will never discern from that is that every president before Trump must have been pretty strong because none of them set off a nuclear war. In fact, none of them even drew the threat of one that Trump did. After all, Trump is the belligerent instigator who taunted Kim Jong Un as “little rocket man” and warned that the U.S. “will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.” He even dashed off a pseudo-phallic tweet about his “bigger button.” And from that sort of reckless heckling, Trump thinks he got Kim to come to the negotiating table.

To the contrary, it was Kim who got Trump to the table. This is a fact that Trump and his GOP supporters in Congress completely fail to understand. The Republican Freedom caucus recently sent a letter to the Nobel nominating committee seeking recognition of Trump for a Peace Prize based on on his achievements with regard to North Korea. Never mind that there haven’t been any achievements as of yet. Just a lot of talk.

The GOP letter was an embarrassing composition whose first paragraph contained an obvious typo (“…in recognition of his work to end to the Korean war…”). And among the reasons stated that Trump deserved the award were the sanctions that “have decimated the North Korean economy.” Well, isn’t that just the sort of peaceful triumph worthy of a Nobel?

More to the point, Trump should not get a Nobel Peace Prize for getting played by Kim. And that’s precisely what happened. For decades North Korean leaders have tried to get the United States, and other world powers, to recognize their nation and grant them the legitimacy of diplomatic parity. They have tried to coax prior presidents to the table with the same sort of chain rattling that they did for Trump. The difference is that every previous American leader was strong enough to say no. Trump folded.

As a result, North Korea is getting the only thing they wanted all along: recognition and legitimacy. As well as the elimination of sanctions and a reduction in foreign troop presence. These are all things that Trump is willing to negotiate, without any preconditions on the part of North Korea. So it wasn’t Trump’s threats that got the parties to the table. It was Kim’s testing of nuclear weapons and ICBMs, and Trump’s eventual weakness in bending in the face of that perceived peril.

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Having capitulated to Kim’s strategic weapons program ought not to be the basis for a Nobel Peace Prize. And Trump’s weakness in now referring to Kim as “very honorable” is hardly a proud moment in American diplomacy. But don’t try telling that to the suckers who cheered when Trump praised his own “strength” and deal making prowess at the NRA convention.

Donald Trump Kneecaps His Own Secretary of State While Hinting at War with North Korea

If you thought Donald Trump couldn’t get worse, you don’t know Trump. On Sunday morning he unleashed another flurry of insane and dangerous tweets. They included the obligatory and tedious attacks on the media. And he also fired off new insults aimed at the suffering people of Puerto Rico and their brave mayor. Of course he couldn’t refrain form exalting himself and the greatness he thinks he’s achieving.

Donald Trump Rex Tillerson

However, the worst utterances in his latest Twitter tantrum were directed at his own Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. Trump has often shown no hesitation to belittle and undermine people on his White House staff. He seems to have no consciousness of the damage it does to the nation’s reputation and credibility. And with that carelessness and bile he posted these troubling tweets:

Tillerson has recently made public comments alluding to negotiations with North Korea. While in China this weekend he told reporters that “We have a couple, three channels open to Pyongyang. We can talk to them, we do talk to them.” He added that “I think everyone would like for it to calm down.” Well, apparently not everyone. In fact, just this August Trump tweeted that “Talking is not the answer.”

Now Trump is virtually sabotaging the efforts of Tillerson and the State Department to peacefully denuclearize North Korea. And it isn’t merely a public disagreement with a particular policy. Trump called Tillerson’s diplomacy a waste of time. It’s an attitude of hostility toward negotiations that is emblematic of his presidency. Where is the dealmaker he pretends to be? His “art of the deal” is nothing more than trash talk and bullying.

Trump followed up that bluster with another infantile insult to Kim Jong Un as “Little Rocket Man.” Seriously, did Trump ever get past the third grade? How exactly does he think that advances the goals of the United States, and the world, to achieve nuclear disarmament? To the contrary, he has given Kim justification for worrying about a U.S. attack. He is validating Kim’s motivation to build up a nuclear arsenal. And Trump’s cryptic comment about doing “what has to be done” will only exacerbate the problem. Especially after threatening to “totally destroy” North Korea in his speech to the United Nations last month.

Donald Trump is proving that he is not only unfit to hold this office, but that he is an imminent danger to the world. His reckless rhetoric and ignorance of international affairs would be bad enough. But his inability to even maintain coherent unity within his own government suggests something far worse than mere incompetence. It paints a picture of a deranged man grappling with forces he can’t possibly understand.

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You have to wonder where his staff is while he’s ranting uncontrollably. Can his Chief of Staff, John Kelly, be comfortable with this behavior? And where is the Republican Party and its leaders in Congress? Are they all willing to see this devolve into an unnecessary war of atomic proportions? The media also has a role in shining a light of rationality on this before it turns into catastrophe. Finally, special counsel Robert Mueller may be the one figure left to save us all from Trump’s Apocalypse. An anxious America is waiting on you, Mr. Mueller.

THIS JUST IN: Another tweet:

Nobody is being nice to him you moron. Negotiations that threaten sanctions and international isolation are not invitations to a party. And why won’t you fail? You’ve failed at EVERYTHING else.

Trump’s Insane Threat to ‘Totally Destroy North Korea’ Affirms His Mental Infirmity

The United Nations is holding its 72nd Session of the U.N. General Assembly. But it is also the first one that is being addressed by Donald Trump. If the diplomatic body was expecting to be surprised by Trump’s speech, they were not disappointed. Trump has been a frequent critic of the U.N., calling it ineffective and unfair to the United States. He has proposed withholding funding. But in today’s speech he crossed lines that call into question his psychological fitness.

Donald Trump

The bulk of the speech was standard Trumpian “America First” rhetoric with some disingenuous allusions to all nations working together. But the part that will surely get the most attention was his melodramatic threats to North Korea and Kim Jung Un. Trump said that:

“If it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and his regime.”

Let’s set aside the childish name-calling that is so familiar from our juvenile president. It’s the cartoonish hyperbole that makes these remarks so disturbing. Trump’s assertion that “we will have no choice” is a self-limiting falsehood. There are always choices for intelligent leaders. Sometimes it comes down to making the best of a bad lot. But Trump’s narrow vision that limits his choices to total destruction demonstrates how ill-prepared he is for this job.

It should be noted that the United States never made totally destroying Germany or Japan a goal of their war effort. In fact, following the war we led the effort to rebuild the nations of our former enemies. The objective in war is not total destruction, but victory. Trump’s rhetoric shows incredible insensitivity to the human life that he is proposing to snuff out. And that includes the lives of Americans and our allies. In that respect there is truth to the framing of this as a “suicide mission.”

For some perspective, last year President Obama spoke at the U.N. General Assembly. The subject of North Korea was on the table then as well. In an interview with CBS News Obama said something similar to what Trump said, but with with an important caveat:

“Our first priority is to protect the American people and our allies, the Republic of Korea, Japan, that are vulnerable to the provocative actions that North Korea is engaging in. […] But it’s not something that lends itself to an easy solution. We could, obviously, destroy North Korea with our arsenals. But aside from the humanitarian costs of that, they are right next door to our vital ally, Republic of Korea.”

Obama was not threatening North Korea, but simply noting that the U.S. has a powerful military advantage. More importantly, he qualified his remarks by recognizing the “humanitarian costs” of a nuclear conflict. That’s how a conscientious, diplomatic leader approaches a sensitive subject like this. And it illustrates the massive disconnect from reality that drives Trump’s thinking. He acts as if he’s a character in a superhero movie where everything revolves around static questions of black and white, good and evil, and nothing in between or subject to consequences.

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Trump’s ultimatum does nothing to ease tensions or arrive at a solution. They only exacerbate the problem and threaten to inflame the twisted sensitivities of Kim, who is no better suited to leadership than Trump. The two of them could seriously jeopardize the future for millions of people and much of the world. And while there is little we can do about Kim, Americans should make every effort to divert Trump from his disastrous course, including removing him from office as soon as possible.

Desperate President Tweets Threat to Republican Senators Who Are ‘Turning On Trump’

Apparently making reckless threats aimed at nuclear-powered madmen isn’t sufficiently fulfilling for Donald Trump. Perhaps his own reputation as a nuclear-powered madmen dilutes the effect. So Trump is now aiming his electoral weapons at his Republican colleagues in the senate.

Donald Trump

Included in his scheduled morning Twitter tirade was a retweet of his pals at Fox and Friends. [NOTE: Trump must be on the Fox News payroll as this is his 13th retweet of F&F so far this month, and the 121st since he launched his campaign] The article linked in the tweet was, of course, from Fox News. It dealt with the potential electoral tribulations of Republican senators who have had the audacity to be independent thinkers. In other words, they have disagreed with the wannabe dictator in the White House.

The article is titled “Senators learn the hard way about the fallout from turning on Trump.” That’s a perfectly legitimate subject of discussion. And there are GOP incumbents whose seats are in jeopardy next year. Although that’s true for those still fluffing the unpopular president. However, by posting that article Trump is blatantly warning all Republicans to refrain from challenging him, or face his wrath. There is nothing subtle about promoting the perils of “turning on Trump.”

This heat-seeking rhetorical missile is meant to frighten Republicans who may be wavering in their otherwise unyielding adoration of the President. He demands constant support for everything he does and says. Any healthy expression of doubt or criticism is regarded as disloyalty. And the temptation to distance oneself from Trump’s toxicity will not be tolerated. That’s a harrowing dilemma for politicians attached to a president who can’t raise his approval ratings out of the thirties.

Trump has already made very public and embarrassing attacks on the GOP’s Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. He has characterized McConnell as a weak loser who is responsible for Trump’s failing agenda. Never mind that Trump ran on the promise of his unparalleled negotiating skills and how easy it would be to achieve every goal he put forward. By now we should have defeated ISIS, repealed ObamaCare, cut taxes for the rich, locked up Hillary Clinton, and built a wall on the Mexican border. You know, made America great again.

Trump, however, has failed achieved to any of his campaign promises. Instead, he has brought the world to the brink of a thoroughly unnecessary nuclear conflict. His administration is a pitiful mess that has undergone unprecedented upheavals. And he is being investigated for financial corruption and collusion with Russia’s attacks on our democracy. Is this what he meant when he told his rally-goers that they would soon be “sick and tired of winning?”

So while Trump is playing nuclear chicken with Kim Jong-Un, he is also alienating his allies on Capital Hill. Previously loyal colleagues like Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Dean Heller, and John McCain are becoming more comfortable defying his authority. How he expects to shepherd his agenda through Congress without their help is a mystery.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump thought the presidency was like his family business where he was the king. But now he is discovering that his only tool is whining and bullying. And the more offensive he is toward his own party, the more likely they are to join in impeachment proceedings as his legal troubles continue to unfold. Keep in mind, Republicans in Congress have always preferred Mike Pence anyway.

Fox News Implies That Donald Trump is Just as Batty as Kim Jong-Un. Who Can Argue With That?

On Wednesday Donald Trump laid the foundation for a nuclear confrontation with North Korea. His brimstone laden “fire and fury” speech has brought new and unnecessary tensions to an already shaky relationship. It was an inevitable escalation of craziness from a narcissistic personality with a thirty-three percent approval rating. And of course, it didn’t take long for the media pundits to weigh in with predictably inane debates.

Donald Trump Kim Jong-Un

On Fox News Thursday morning there was a particularly confounding view offered by anchor Jon Scott. He wanted to know whether there was a “double standard among the press” for their criticism of Trump’s overheated rhetoric. He was puzzled as to why Trump was being criticized but “nobody seems to care all that much about the threats coming from Kim Jong-Un.”

Let’s be clear about this. Scott is making the absurd inference that the media should treat Trump’s statements with equal significance as a certified fruitcake. On the surface, I can’t really find any fault with that. Trump is at least as batty as Kim. However, when looked at as an American president vs. Kim, the distinction ought be huge. Under ordinary circumstances the U.S. should be regarded as far more serious and conscientious than raving madmen.

Unfortunately, these are not ordinary times. Hence the critique of the press by Scott, who thinks Trump should be regarded in the same league as Kim. But Scott’s guest, fellow Fox News anchor Chris Wallace, wasn’t having it:

“Well, look, we kind of expect crazy from Kim Jong-Un. As I said, he’s the head of the ‘Hermit Kingdom. He’s a pariah for almost the entire world. So, we don’t expect him to be judged the same standard as the president. […] I certainly hope we’re not judging Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un by the same standards.”

Wallace’s perspective is surely more coherent than Scott’s. But Scott’s is more prevalent on Fox News and throughout the right-wing mediasphere. Even Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, said that Trump was using “language that Kim Jong-Un would understand.” When did lowering our communications skills to the level of babbling nutcases become the goal of American diplomacy?

Wallace deserves some credit for batting down Scott’s absurd allegation of a press double standard. But he still managed to live down to Fox’s low standards for misleading reporting. Woven into his remarks was this completely false observation of the fallout from Trump’s “fire and fury” speech:

“I don’t think anybody objects to the idea that the president was tough and sent a very stern message to the North Koreans.”

Oh really? You would have to be ignoring the letter from sixty members of congress fervently objecting to Trump’s war mongering. And you would also have to have missed the objections from Democratic senate leaders Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein. Not to mention Republican senators John McCain, Dan Sullivan, and Jeff Flake. Trump’s off-the-cuff bluster was widely considered to be inflammatory and counterproductive. And Wallace’s attempt to soft-peddle the backlash only keeps Fox News viewers ill-informed. But then, that’s the mission of Fox News, so Wallace and Scott are just doing their jobs.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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