The Biden-Harris Campaign Posts MSNBC Video of Trump’s Tyrannical Tendencies on Truth Social

The new year has barely begun, but in its infancy there have already been some significant events that will likely shape the rest of the year as it progresses toward a profoundly significant election. Among them are the judgments against Donald Trump for defamation, rape, and financial fraud, that total nearly half a billion dollars that he likely doesn’t have.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

As the 2024 presidential election cycle heats up, both Democrats and Republicans are beginning to sharpen their focus on their opponents. For Donald Trump that sharpening comes in the form of ever increasing crackpottery, including his noxious infatuation with his idol, Vladimir Putin, who he says he will “encourage” to attack our NATO allies unless they pay protection money.

SEE THIS: Trump is Running a Mob-Style Protection Racket Whose Victims Include NATO and Taylor Swift

For Democrats, their sharpening is aligned with the principles they embrace as a party that is committed to advancing the interests of all Americans. President Biden has already been focusing his campaign on substantive issues that the American people care about, such as jobs, abortion, climate and environment, healthcare, gun reforms, tax equity, diplomacy, and saving democracy. While Trump has been ranting feverishly about “witch hunts,” “election interference,” and scary brown immigrants.

On Thursday the Biden-Harris campaign team took a step outside of the safe harbor of friendly media to confront Trump’s MAGA Republicans where they live – on Trump’s failing social media scam, Truth Social They posted a video clip of a discussion on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House” that featured former Republican congressman, David Jolly. In the clip Jolly noted that Trump has never criticized Putin, and fails to recognize that he is a dictator. Elaborating, he said (Note: this tweet is the same as the post on Truth Social)

“Let’s talk about why Donald Trump won’t say anything. Clearly he’s under the influence of Vladimir Putin, or he has sympathies for Vladimir Putin’s agenda, and he refuses to stand up for the national security interests of the United States […] This is more than Trump now. This appears to be the Republican orthodoxy that’s providing equity to Russia and to Putin, and it’s very dangerous [and that] Vladimir Putin and Russia are a threat to Western security interests. But so is Donald Trump.”

The truth of Jolly’s commentary is obvious to clear-eyed observers who have followed Trump and his adoration of Putin. But Trump’s cult disciples on Truth Social are generally shielded from this sort of honest appraisal. They may still be unaware of its existence unless they deliberately seek it out. But the act of placing it in their domain is a fun exercise in trolling. And it could result in some of them getting exposed accidently.

The Biden-Harris campaign is making a point simply by posting the video. They aren’t afraid to engage with MAGA on their own turf. Trump however, will never venture outside of his hermetically sealed MAGA bunker, surrounded by sycophants and bootlickers. Even though the results of that cowardice may ultimately do him more harm than good.

SEE ALSO: Trump Gets Brutally Fact-Checked Following His Fawning Fox News Town Hall with Laura Ingraham

The criticism in Jolly’s commentary has been expressed by others, including by some of Trump’s former insiders. But it needs to be disseminated more widely throughout the campaign season. Trump’s worshipful embrace of Putin, and his envy of Putin’s domineering authoritarianism, is a threat to American democracy. And it cannot be permitted to take hold.

Consequently, the Biden-Harris campaign should continue to deliver that message everywhere. Not because it is likely to convince Trump cultists to change their views. But because it needs to fill the information vacuum and set the narrative for the coming election. And also because it’s just darn funny to rub their noses in some truth every now and then.


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Herr Trump Decrees: If Media Doesn’t Air My Speeches They Should Have Their Licenses Revoked

It has long been established that Donald Trump has unwavering and unabashed aspirations of authoritarianism. He frequently expresses those ambitions himself in remarks that are reminiscent of his heroes such as Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and other notorious tyrants and dictators. It’s a club that Trump very much yearns to be a member of.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

On Monday night, Trump delivered a speech in Iowa congratulating himself on his victory in the Republican presidential primary caucus there. The speech was mostly a rehashing of the same tedious talking points that he disgorges at his cult rallies and posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. And true to form, Trump used the opportunity of the post-caucus address to whine about what a sorry and pathetic victim he is.

When he isn’t lying about the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen” from him, he is raging about the multitude of civil and criminal charges that he is facing. He barely had time to brag about the weakness of his predictable triumph over Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory in Iowa Forecasts His Next Defeat When He Faces Joe Biden in November

What Trump did have time to do was to reiterate his contempt for democracy and the Constitution. In his remarks he made a point of expressing his disdain for the First Amendment’s protection of the freedom of the press…

“Last night, it was amazing. NBC and CNN refused to air my victory speech – think of it – because they are crooked, they’re dishonest and, frankly, they should have their licenses or whatever they have taken away.”

Of course, Trump would have no legal authority to shut down any news organization. Not that he cares about or respects the law. And for the record, NBC and CNN both aired a portion of Trump’s speech before cutting away when it was clear that he was just spewing nonsense and devolving into incoherent babbling. But there was a better reason to cut him off, which was explained by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who said that “His remarks will not air here live,” and then elaborated saying that…

“There is a reason that we, and other news platforms, have generally stopped giving an unfiltered live platform to former president Trump. It is not out of spite. It is not a decision that we relish. It is a decision that we regularly revisit. And honestly, earnestly, it is not an easy decision. But there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.

Exactly! The press has an obligation to insure that the truth is paramount in their reporting. When someone is known to lie profusely whenever they speak, that person’s remarks can be recorded and played later with the proper context and fact-checking. It’s what responsible journalists do.

However, in Trump’s twisted mind, any editing of his divinely inspired insights is tantamount to treason. He has actually said so in those precise terms. And if given the opportunity, he will make the traitors pay. Never mind the Constitution. Trump has repeatedly vowed to punish any and all media that is critical of him. For instance…

Trump Threatens to ‘Come Down Hard on’ MSNBC and ‘Make Them Pay’ for Daring to Criticize Him
Nov 28, 2023: “MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Brian Roberts, its Chairman and CEO, is a slimeball who has been able to get away with these constant attacks for years. It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country. Our so-called ‘government’ should come down hard on them and make them pay for their illegal political activity. Much more to come, watch!”

First of all, MSNBC does not use “FREE government approved airwaves.” Cable programming is delivered on private distribution networks. And their editorial positions are protected by the First Amendment. If he’s upset by MSNBC’s honest, left-leaning reporting, he should be equally upset by fox News’ flagrantly false, right-wing propaganda. But in neither case does the government have the authority to “come down hard on them and make them pay” for their views. That’s how dictators operate.

And then there was this…

Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media
Sep 24, 2023: “MSNBC…should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’ […] I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage […] They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done!”

Trump is accusing MSNBC and other news enterprises of treason for exercising their constitutional rights. And he brags “up front, openly, and proudly,” that he will abuse the power of the government to suppress his critics in the press.

Trump’s brazen hostility toward the media and the Constitution is more proof of just how dangerous it would be to allow him to have any position of power. It doesn’t matter that he would have no legal authority to conduct the sort of oppressive operations that he is promising. He doesn’t care about the law. He would impose his own unethical standards on the media – and the nation – to get whatever results he craves.

Hopefully, this November, voters will grasp the imperative to prevent him from seizing that power and destroying America’s constitutional republic. And while they are at it, voters need to oust Trump’s flunkies in the House and Senate, and all state and local offices, and elect patriotic Democrats who will honor and preserve our nation’s principles.


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Trump Threatens to ‘Come Down Hard on’ MSNBC and ‘Make Them Pay’ for Daring to Criticize Him

One thing you can say for Donald Trump is that he isn’t ashamed to admit his authoritarian aspirations and his intentions to reign in the mold of his tyrannical heroes Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping. And the American people need to believe him when he promises to replace democracy with a dictatorship with him at the helm.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

This isn’t a momentary lapse in judgement or an inadvertent gaffe. Trump has been bragging about his dictatorial dreams for years. He yearns to have the unchallenged power of Putin whose political foes seem to keep falling out of windows. Those not done in by gravity would be jailed by Trump, who has no respect for the the rule of law or the Constitution.

SEE THIS: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

On Wednesday morning Trump lashed out at the press that he regards, in Stalinist terms, as the “the enemy of the people.” In a post on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Trump raged that…

“MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Brian Roberts, its Chairman and CEO, is a slimeball who has been able to get away with these constant attacks for years. It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country. Our so-called ‘government’ should come down hard on them and make them pay for their illegal political activity. Much more to come, watch!”

There’s a surprising quantity of bullpucky in that brief, bombastic outburst. Let’s start with the fact that Trump, as usual, doesn’t know what he’s talking about with regard to MSNBC’s programming. It is distributed on private cable networks, so there are no “government approved airwaves” involved.

As for Trump’s rant about MSNBC being biased against Republicans, the network has given four hours of every weekday morning to Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, and another two hours in the afternoon to Nicolle Wallace, who was the White House communications director for former president George W. Bush. To be sure, both are avowed critics of Trump, but as appropriately disgusted Republicans, not as “Radical Left Democrats.”

Trump is also showing his ignorance of the media business by citing Brian Roberts as MSNBC’s chairman and CEO. He is not. Rashida Jones is the president of MSNBC. Mike Cavanagh is the CEO the network’s parent company, NBC/Universal. Brian Roberts heads up Comcast, of which NBC/Universal is a subsidiary.

Furthermore, if Trump is so appalled by people on MSNBC criticizing Trump with well-reasoned and fully backed up analyses of his abhorrent positions and personality, what must he think of Fox News? After all, they slobber over him with undeserved and cultish adulation, while defaming his opponents with blatant falsehoods. Isn’t that “a 24 hour hit job” and “ELECTION INTERFERENCE?” It surely is a huge “political contribution” to Trump who actually is committed to “destroying our Country.” And it was Fox News, not MSNBC, who had to pay a nearly billion dollar settlement for their defamation and lies.

SEE ALSO: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

The worst part of Trump’s commentary on MSNBC is his overt threat that, if given the opportunity, he would use the government to “come down hard on them and make them pay.” He is openly trying to intimidate MSNBC, as well as any other media enterprise that is less than worshipful toward him. He yearns to shut them down like Putin does in Russia.

Don’t think for a minute that he wouldn’t do it. He doesn’t believe that the media has the right to express themselves. He abhors the Constitution. Consequently, freedom of the press would become a relic of the past. And any independent reporting would be punishable by the state under his control. Which is another reason that he must never have any control or influence over this nation or the lives of its people.


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‘It May Just Be that Mr. Trump is Incoherent’ – Says NBC Legal Analyst About Trump’s Testimony

The first of what will be many trials for Donald Trump has commenced in New York. And to no one’s surprise, he is behaving like a colicky infant who is inconsolable when he doesn’t get way. From the moment he took the stand, Trump was argumentative, insulting, and unresponsive.

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Donald Trump Angry

This is precisely the sort of childish conduct that legal experts predicted. And they had plenty of examples of his ill-mannered demeanor over the past several years (decades) to arrive at their assessment. If there is one thing that Trump is known for, it’s throwing temper tantrums and lashing out boorishly at his perceived foes. It’s his inbred response to any situation wherein he feels victimized. Which lately is virtually every situation that he finds himself in.

SEE THIS: Select Trump’s Derangement Spirals Ever Downward as He Impotently Promises to Prove His Innocence

Trump spent Monday morning bickering with Judge Arthur Engoron, who was reluctant to allow Trump to ramble on incessantly in response to every question without ever actually answering it. Trump also devoted more time to attacking both the judge and Attorney General Letitia James, than to defending himself. He whined that James is “a political hack,” and that “this is a political witch hunt,” and that she “should be ashamed of herself.” Then he turned his ire toward the judge saying that he “ruled against me before he knew anything about me. He called me a fraud… The fraud is on the court, not on me.”

None of those complaints advance any sort of plausible defense for the financial fraud that he’s on trial for. But they do put on display Trump’s deteriorating mental state. Which is something that was noticed by NBC legal analyst, Chuck Rosenberg, during a segment on Andrea Mitchell’s program…

Mitchell: He’s alternating between being completely unhinged and then restraining himself. How long can the judge let this kind of behavior go on? I guess he can. But if the judge will assess the liability, if he’s already found him guilty of fraud – the corporation, I should say.
Rosenberg; Different judges run their courtrooms in different ways. There are two possibilities here.. Perhaps more, but two that come to mind. One is that Trump is trying to goad the judge into some sort of mistake. To make a comment that would be helpful to the Trump team on appeal. Judge Engoron is an experienced jurist. I don’t think that has happened yet, and I don’t see that happening.

The other… it may just be that Mr. Trump is incoherent. That his answers make quite literally no sense, perhaps to anyone but him. And that he can’t help himself. He can’t conform to court rules and procedures. And so this is what you get.”

That’s about as accurate a prognosis of Trump’s state of mind as you’re likely hear. And Rosenberg is actually right on both counts. Trump is, and has been, noticeably incoherent for quite a long time. And Trump is indeed trying – in vain – to incite the judge into making an angry response. In fact, it is a strategy that his team has planned from the start. According to insiders in Trump’s camp…

“[Trump and his lawyers] are intentionally trying to provoke the judge into a nuclear-level overreaction [that] could even lead to the judge ordering Trump to be remanded to a jail cell.”

Rosenberg also observed that Trump’s strategy was not only futile, but even counterproductive to Trump’s legal goals, saying that…

“Either way, whatever the motive, it is the judge, at the end of the day, that is going to determine the damages, determine the fine, determine the penalty. He’s already assessed liability. So from the theatrical perspective, maybe this plays in some other venue. From a legal perspective, this does not play in court.”

The reason that Trump is attacking the judge and the AG is that he know what he did, he knows that the court knows it, and he knows that he is certain to be found liable. So he has essentially given up trying to defend himself. He may by resting his hopes on an appeal, where he is also likely to fail. Or more likely, he is just playing to his cult followers and hoping to stir further division and civil unrest.

However, Trump did provide a bit of unintentional comic relief when he was asked about his 2021 financial statement, He replied that, “I was so busy in the White House. My threshold was China, Russia, and keeping our country safe.” Trump had to be remined by the prosecutor that he wasn’t the president when those statements were prepared in 2021.

So Trump is just providing even more proof of his psychological separation from reality. We can expect much more of that to come as this and subsequent trials unfold. And while it is humorous on some level, it is more disturbing than funny to consider that he actually has a shot at being reelected, and that his cult continues to worship him.

Which just makes it all the more imperative that Democrats, and other American patriots, commit to voting Blue – up and down the ballot – next year, and to persuade as many of their peers as possible to do so as well. We need to be clear-eyed that the future of democracy in our country is what’s at stake. If we aren’t, we will lose it.


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Adam Schiff Shames the GOP for its ‘Willingness to Debase Themselves in the Service of Trump’

From its inception, the Cult of Trump has been fueled by a Republican Party that is cowardly or corrupt, or more accurately, both. They were too afraid to hold Trump accountable when they had the opportunity during his two impeachments. And ever since they have remained terrified of invoking his impotent wrath or that of his glassy-eyed disciples.

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Donald Trump, Adam Schiff

Consequently, Trump remains the leading candidate for the GOP’s presidential nomination. And most of the other candidates have promised to support him, even if he is convicted of any or all of the 91 felony counts currently pending against him in his four criminal indictments. They are so proud of their fealty to the Party’s mob boss that they made their devotion known on national television.

SEE THIS: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

On Sunday morning Rep. Adam Schiff was interviewed by Jen Psaki on MSNBC. And he had some pertinent points to make about the Republican embrace of purposeful and depraved lawlessness. Psaki approached the discussion with a question about the GOP’s enthusiasm for shutting down the government. She specifically referenced Marjorie Taylor Greene’s utterly inane promise to halt critical federal activities – including Social Security and veterans benefits, law enforcement, financial aid for low income families, etc. – if her colleagues refuse to go along with her obsession to impeach President Biden for no discernible reason…

Psaki: Shutting the government down has implications on the public broadly. What is your reaction to her tying a government shutdown to an impeachment inquiry?
Schiff: It just shows the extreme lengths they’ll go to carry water for Donald Trump. They’ll shut down the government. They’ll do whatever they can to initiate an impeachment of Joe Biden. And part of the motivation here, of course, is to distract from Donald Trump’s multiple indictments. Part of it is to somehow try to dilute the stain of Trump’s impeachments. But the common denominator is just this unswerving, undeniable willingness to debase themselves in the service of Donald Trump. (Emphasis added).

Indeed, debasing themselves has become a routine part of today’s Republican Party. Whether they are defending the violent January 6th insurrectionists, seeking to criminalize abortion, organizing book bannings and beer boycotts, imposing racist restrictions on voting, and as always, kissing Trump’s – let’s just say ring. Schiff then continued…

Schiff: I think that many of them would like to shut down the government anyway. This will just give them further leverage to try to shut down the government, having failed to default on the nation’s credit. Many see this as the next demonstration of their commitment to god knows what. So I fear that we are on a path to government shutdown because there are enough members of the Republican conference who want it, and Kevin McCarthy will do whatever it takes to remain Speaker one more day, or one more week. That’s his sole motivation.

Clearly Kevin McCarthy and the Republican Party has given up entirely on advocating an agenda that has any appeal to the American people. They are wholly focused on slandering Biden and his family over baseless allegations for which their evidence is so thin that even some at Fox News aren’t buying it. Meanwhile they are propping up Dear Leader Trump whose crimes are well documented and mostly affirmed by other Republicans and members of Trump’s staff. All they have left is Trump worship and Biden hatred.

SEE ALSO: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

Democrats, on the other hand, are delivering for the American people on matters of great importance, including jobs, reducing drug and healthcare costs, restoring the nation’s infrastructure, supporting abortion rights, mitigating climate change, and defending democracy around the world. It’s a platform that broad majorities of the public support in principle. Democrats just need to better connect the dots between their popular policies and their President. Then let Republicans continue to sabotage their own electoral prospects by clinging to their abhorrent agenda and a soon-to-be convicted criminal candidate.


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MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace: Trump is a Crazy Hoarder for Stuffing Classified Docs in With His Pants

Donald Trump is nothing if not predictable. And among his most easily anticipated – and warped – behaviors is his tendency incriminate himself in ill-advised interviews when he’s asked about his pending investigations and indictments.

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Nicolle Wallace, MSNBC

On Tuesday Trump sat down with Bret Baier of Fox News and provided more damning testimony that special counsel Jack Smith can use in his upcoming prosecution of Trump for stealing classified documents and obstructing justice. And even in an interview with friendly media, Trump couldn’t help himself. He seems determined to be the prosecution’s best witness.

RELATED: Trump AG Bill Barr Says ‘He’s Like a Defiant Nine Year Old Kid’ and Trump Proves That’s True

Baier was surprisingly aggressive in parts of the interview and, on at least a few occasions, didn’t allow Trump to dominate the conversation or evade his questions. A good example of that was evident when Baier pressed Trump on the matter of his illegally taking hundreds of documents that belong to the government and hoarding them at his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel. This led to the following exchange…

Trump: I had boxes, I want to go through the boxes and get all my personal things out. I don’t want to hand over to NARA [National Archives and Records Administration] yet. And I was very busy. […] Before I send boxes over, I have to take all my things out of them. These boxes were interspersed with all sorts of things. Golf shirts, clothing, pants, shoes, there were many things.
Baier: Iran war plans?
Trump: Not that I know of.

There’s a massive quantity of derp in there. For instance, he’s confessing that he took the documents that he has previously said didn’t exist, or were declassified with his mind, or were planted by the special counsel and/or the FBI. He’s also revealing that he violated the Presidential Records Act that says explicitly that “Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the [National] Archivist as soon as the President leaves office.”

Trump also attempts to justify his criminal conduct by claiming that he was “very busy,” as if that’s a valid excuse to break a national security law. Well, golfing, watching himself on TV, posting hundreds of comments online, and those cult rallies, do take up time. Furthermore, his complaint that there were “many things” in the boxes that were personal really amount to only wearable items (“Golf shirts, clothing, pants, shoes“). Apparently he couldn’t think of any other things that he could claim were personal. As for highly sensitive Iran war plans, he simply doesn’t recall.

Reporting on these remarks by the future “POTUS” (Prisoner of the United States), MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace couldn’t help but notice one of Trump’s prominent behavioral defects…

“Trump doesn’t seem to know what he wants. On the one hand, “Can’t catch me. I can stand trial. I didn’t do it. They’re mine.” But on the other, he’s so addled he’s talking about stuffing his pants in with his desk stuff. I mean, that’s not a good look either. Why were his pants in with his papers? He sounds like a crazy hoarder.”

Indeed. Why would Trump pack documents with national security information, including many labeled as classified, in with trivialities like golfing attire? For that he didn’t have time to sort though the boxes he was unlawfully withholding? And he seems to believe that retaining his wardrobe was more important than the welfare of the nation.

It is performances like these that are likely to lead to Trump’s conviction on the multitude of charges pending against him. At the very least, it will lead to further audience erosion from Fox News and other right-wing media. Which has already boosted MSNBC into the top ranking cable news network. So, thanks Donnie.

SEE THIS: MSNBC Trouncing Fox News Post-Trump Indictment is a Preview of Democrats vs Republicans in 2024

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MSNBC Trouncing Fox News Post-Trump Indictment is a Preview of Democrats vs Republicans in 2024

In what was perhaps the biggest news story of 2023 so far, Donald Trump was indicted in Miami on 37 felony counts ranging from obstruction of justice to violations of the Espionage Act. It is the first time that a president or former president has been charged and arrested for federal crimes, and most of the media turned out to report on this historic event.

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Fox News, Titanic

Fox News, however, covered Trump’s indictment predictably, managing to twist the news into an attack on President Biden with a chyron reading “WANNABE DICTATOR SPEAKS AT THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER HAVING HIS POLITICAL RIVAL ARRESTED.” It’s that sort of bias and political hostility that affirms Fox’s place in the mediaverse as a propaganda outlet that regurgitates right-wing lies and takes its cues from their Dear Leader Trump.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump’s Indictment Defense Strategy Revealed: Whine Endlessly About President Biden

The foundations of Fox News have lately been on the decline. For the first time in more than two years they lost their Nielsen ratings leadership. The week of June 5 was won by their arch nemesis, MSNBC. According to Mediaiate

“MSNBC beat Fox News last week in prime time in both total viewers and in the key 25-54 age demographic, ending a 120-week winning streak for Fox in prime time. […] MSNBC averaged 1.52 million total viewers across prime time, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., and 172,000 demo viewers, which was enough to beat Fox’s 1.5 million total average viewers and 139,000 demo viewers. CNN landed in third place with 677,000 total average prime time viewers and 131,000 demo viewers.”

What’s more, on Tuesday, during the hour that Trump’s indictment took place, Fox News came in third behind CNN and MSNBC, which drew almost twice as many viewers as Fox. As reported in CNN’s newsletter…

“During the 3pm hour, when Trump was taken into custody and pled not guilty, CNN averaged 1.6 million total viewers, with 287k in the demo and MSNBC averaged 2.3 million viewers, with 311k in the demo. On right-wing talk TV, Fox News averaged 1.7 million total viewers, with 179k in the demo.”

This bad news for Fox is not due solely to Trump being brought up on charges for crimes against America. Actually, Fox viewers regard that favorably as proof that he is the victim of a cabal of nefarious “Deep State” operatives. The Trump crowd is naturally drawn to liars and criminals. But despite that, much of the Fox News audience has abandoned the network for having terminated Tucker Carlson. They have now embraced the delusional notion that Fox News is collaborating with ultra-liberals bent on destroying the MAGA movement.

SEE ALSO: Tucker Carlson Paints Trump as a Messianic Victim of False Apostles in His 3rd Twitter Tirade

What this tells us, though, is relevant to the upcoming elections in 2024. MSNBC’s good fortunes reveal that progressives and Democrats have been energized by events in the news and the political successes by their representatives in Washington. So they are paying close attention on the network that is most aligned with their views.

On the other hand, Republicans and Trump cultists are despondent and can’t handle the flurry of foreboding affairs that are dragging down their party and its leader. So they are tuning out in massive numbers. That’s a condition that is likely to be repeated in November of 2024 as Republicans choose to stay home rather than wallow in ignominious defeat. And Fox News isn’t wasting any time invalidating the results of the next presidential race.

SEE THIS: Anticipating Failure? Fox News is Already Gaslighting About Imaginary Election Fraud in 2024

In the meantime, the GOP is desperately trying to manufacture scandals of their own. The Republican chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, went on Fox News to whine about “the liberal media like MSNBC with their a low IQ audience.” Look who’s talking. And they are asserting preposterous allegations against Biden that have no basis in reality.

To top matters off, Trump is scheduled to be interviewed on Fox News by Bret Baier on June 19. It will be interesting to see if Baier asks any legitimate questions about Trump’s indictments or, more importantly, the underlying crimes that comprise them. And if Trump gives his routine deflections and lies in response, will Baier ask appropriate follow-ups? In the hopes of preventing any tragic asphyxiations, please do not hold your breath waiting for any of that.

RELATED STORY: Trump To Be Interviewed on Fox News, the Network He Says is ‘Dead, Totally Fake, Unwatchable’

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FAILING UP: CNN Boss Chris Licht Promotes Trump Town Hall Host, Kaitlan Collins, to Primetime

Last week CNN aired a town hall with Donald Trump, the twice-impeached leader of a seditionist conspiracy who was recently found liable for rape and defamation, and is currently being investigated for a multitude of crimes, including financial and tax fraud, hush money payments, hoarding classified materials, election interference, and plotting a violent coup.

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Donald Trump, CNN

The town hall was broadly disparaged as an infomercial for Trump’s aspirations to return to the White House in 2024. He was given wide latitude to lie, with only paltry pushback by the moderator, Kaitlan Collins. The audience was stacked with Trump supporters who applauded his most heinous remarks and laughed when he insulted the victim of his sexual assault. The program was so awful that many insiders at CNN were among the harshest critics…

SEE THIS: How Horrible Was CNN’s Lie-Riddled Trump Town Hall? Let’s See What CNN Has to Say About It

In the days following the town hall, CNN’s ratings plummeted to fourth place, below the ultra-rightist gadfly network, Newsmax. So naturally, this week CNN is rewarding Collins for her hosting of the debacle with a new primetime show:

“On the heels of her performance moderating a town hall with former President Donald Trump, CNN CEO Chris Licht named Kaitlan Collins the new host of the network’s 9 p.m. hour starting in June.”

This schedule change was actually rumored to be in the works prior to the town hall, which was to serve as both an introduction and an advertisement for Collins in her new role. Which, in retrospect, doesn’t seem like it was a very good idea.

CNN appears to be making good on the journalistically inappropriate promise of its CEO, Chris Licht, to make the network “more Republican friendly.” They are replacing the more left-leaning journalist, Don Lemon, with Collins, a former correspondent with the Tucker Carlson founded “Daily Caller.” Never mind that Collins’ primetime debut has garnered mostly criticism and ridicule. One of the few people to praise the show was Trump himself (of course), who credited it with moving Fox News more to the right.

REALTED: Ratings Envy? Trump Says that His CNN Town Hall Spurred Fox News to Cover His Iowa Cult Rally

Perhaps Licht thinks that he can scoop up the disaffected Fox News viewers who are rapidly abandoning the network for having fired their High Priest of White Nationalism, Tucker Carlson. If so, then Licht is even dumber than Carlson looks. Fox’s audience has been trained to despise CNN, and they won’t be de-programmed by a one-night special broadcast.

As for Fox News, they are implementing some program changes as well. They just announced that Sean Hannity will be moved into Carlson’s earlier timeslot. And insiders are saying that Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld are also going to be given shows in primetime.

This presents a dilemma for Fox. There aren’t enough hours in primetime for everyone currently being talked about to have a show there. Since Hannity isn’t going anywhere, if Watters and Gutfeld get promoted, then Laura Ingraham is either fired or moved out of primetime.

All of these changes are going to inject some chaos into the cable news wars. CNN is driving viewers away by sucking up to the right. Fox News is alienating their followers by terminating their heroes. And all of that is going to create opportunities for MSNBC, whose schedule is remaining relatively stable.

It may take several weeks for all of this to shake out. But if CNN and Fox News continue to battle it out for the wingnut demographic, they will both continue to lose audience share to MSNBC and the various incarnations of “Bachelors” and “Idols” that are being served up on the broadcast networks. Stay tuned.

SEE ALSO: Trump Spills that CNN Made Him ‘a Deal I Couldn’t Refuse’ to Get Him to Do Their Town Hall

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Trump is So Scared of Losing the GOP Primary He’s Posting Anti-DeSantis Links to MSNBC’s Joy Reid

The 2024 presidential primaries are still almost a year away. But that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from waging an all-out battle against what he considers to be his biggest obstacle to the Republican nomination, Ron DeSantis. And consistent with his battle strategies, he has lowered the bar for decency and honesty as he goes into attack mode.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

No one will be surprised to learn that the acid-tongued Trump has attacked DeSantis in the most vile terms. He has taken a profoundly hostile approach to DeSantis, exhibiting his penchant for childish insults in a series of posts on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. In summary, Trump has implied that DeSantis is a gay pedophile who will terminate Social Security and deliver the GOP to establishment RINOs and Democrats.

SEE THIS: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

On Friday Trump demonstrated just how desperate he is to torpedo DeSantis before the Governor has even entered the race. Trump posted a a link to an article that revealed how poorly DeSantis is doing at garnering the endorsements of other republicans from his own state. But what makes this posting especially significant is that the article was published on the website of MSNBC host, Joy Reid. Trump’s post featured the article’s lede that said…

“Ron DeSantis’ D.C. charm offensive was a massive failure—Florida’s governor, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, may have been looking for a coronation when he met lawmakers in Washington. He got a clown show, instead.”

While all of that is unarguably true, it is rather bizarre that Trump chose Reid’s website as the source for the that opinion. Surely there are other conservative sources that opined the very same criticisms of DeSantis. But Trump was apparently to frantic too get out this “news” to bother with ascertaining the source.

There’s a reason that Trump is so hyper-focused on attacking DeSantis. At this point in the election cycle, DeSantis is his only plausible competition. So he’s determined to bring him down before he can get any traction. Trump knows that none of the other potential candidates (i.e. Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Greg Abbott, Asa Hutchinson, Larry Elder, etc.) currently pose any problem at all for him. So he’s laying off of them. In fact, he needs them in the race to weaken DeSantis’ strength as the leading anti-Trump candidate.

A recent poll by Monmouth University shows that Trump is well ahead of the GOP pack with 41% of respondents choosing Trump. Coming in second is DeSantis with 27%. However, a head-to-head race between Trump and DeSantis in the same poll was a virtual tie.

Consequently, While Trump is flailing away hysterically at DeSantis, he is literally welcoming other candidates into the race. Albeit, he does so in a patently passive-aggressive manner. When Haley announced her candidacy, Trump responded saying “I’m glad she’s running. I want her to follow her heart – even though she made a commitment that she would never run against who she called the greatest president of her lifetime.”

SEE THIS: Trump ‘Welcomes’ Nikki Haley Into the 2024 GOP Primary with a Furious Flurry of Feces Flinging

Trump knows that the more candidates in the GOP primary, the more the anti-Trump vote is diluted, and the better chance he has of winning a plurality. And Trump is so terrified of losing that he would even cite Joe Biden if the President bothered to criticize DeSantis. That’s not the behavior of a strong candidate or personality. It’s the behavior of whiny snowflake who’s frightened and desperate.

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Trump’s Attorney Admits that Trump Lied About Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is said to be close to making a decision about indicting Donald Trump in the Stormy Daniels hush money case. Trump is alleged to have committed campaign finance violations related to his paying the adult film star $130,000.00 to buy her silence prior to the 2016 presidential election

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Fox News, Stormy Daniels

This is only one of the many pending civil and criminal cases that are cluttering Trump’s legal calendar. He is also being investigated by the New York state Attorney General, the District Attorney of Fulton County, Georgia, and a federal special prosecutor, Jack Smith, probing a pair of offenses: his theft and hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, and his role in inciting the January 6th insurrection. Trump is taking these matters seriously, as is evident in his fierce and fear-driven reactions.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Raging Fear is on Vivid Display as He Hurls Infantile Insults at New York Prosecutor

Trump is actually so frightened by the legal peril he is facing that he dispatched his attorney, Joe Tacopina, to MSNBC’s “The Beat, with Ari Melber.” Trump and his lawyers must be awfully desperate to agree to an interview on MSNBC, a network that he regards as fake news delivered by radical communists on witch hunts.

Melber gave Tacopina more than ample time to state his case on behalf of Trump. The problem is that he doesn’t have a coherent case to make. And that came out during the following exchange…

Melber: If all of what you say is true…
Tacopina: It is.
Melber: Then why was Trump hiding and lying about it at the time?
Tacopina: If that’s what you’re gonna consider a lie. A lie to me is something material, under oath, in a proceeding. Here’s why it was not a lie. It was a confidential settlement, so if he acknowledged that, he would be violating the confidential settlement. So, is it the truth? Of course it’s not the truth. Was he supposed to tell the truth? He would be in violation of the agreement if he told the truth. So, by him doing that, by him doing that he was abiding by, not only his rights but Stormy Daniels’ rights.
Melber: It seems like we’re drawing some blood here because you’re having a strong reaction. He did lie about it, and in a confidential settlement you can easily say, “No comment” or “I’m not getting into it.”

Melber is right. Trump could have have said “no comment” or declined to respond, rather than to blatantly lie to everyone. But more problematic for Trump (since lying is no big deal for him) is that his lawyer’s excuse for lying was to openly admit that he did, in fact, lie. “Of course it’s not the truth,” Tacopina said. But he claims that he doesn’t consider it to be a lie because it wasn’t said under oath, and because Trump was constrained from disclosing any details of his confidential settlement with Daniels.

However, if it would be a lie had it been said under oath, or absent a non-disclosure agreement, then it’s still a lie. If someone who never attended college says they graduated from Harvard, they are lying whether or not they are under oath or subject to a confidentiality agreement. They may not be committing perjury or breach of contract, but they are lying.

Trump’s lies were in furtherance of a criminal act. He was trying to cover up his illegal campaign expenditures. And now his attorney just conceded that Trump is guilty. He affirmed Daniels’ allegations against him. And he effectively handed a legal victory to the Manhattan District Attorney.

Trump’s next move will likely be to fire his attorney, who he’ll accuse of being a “woke” RINO who is aligned with Antifa and paid by by George Soros. Because he sure doesn’t have any credible legal course of action to take.

RELATED: Trump v Biden: Their Reactions to Special Counsels Reveals Who’s Innocent and Who’s Scared

UPDATE: Trump was indicted on 34 felony counts “that Trump falsified internal business records at his private company while trying to cover up an effort to illegally influence the 2016 election by arranging payments that silenced claims” of his affair with adult film star, Stormy Daniels.

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