DISBAR THE KRAKEN: Trump Affiliated Lawyers Have Been Sanctioned For ‘Frivolous’ Filings

Ever since Donald Trump was decisively defeated in the 2020 presidential election by Joe Biden, he has been obsessed with propagating the “Big Lie” that the election was “rigged” and “stolen” from him. It’s a dangerous and flagrant falsehood that undermines the people’s faith in American democracy and resulted in the deadly January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C.

Donald Trump, Prison

On Wednesday there were finally some consequences for a few of Trump’s co-conspirators. Politico is reporting that several of the attorneys that worked on Trump’s behalf to disseminate lies about election fraud were dealt a legal blow:

“A federal judge on Wednesday imposed sanctions on Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and seven other pro-Trump lawyers in a strongly worded denouncement of what the court called a frivolous election fraud lawsuit.

“U.S. District Court Judge Linda Parker found that Powell and her colleagues involved in the case, which sought to make former President Donald Trump Michigan’s official 2020 presidential pick, ‘filed this lawsuit in bad faith and for improper purpose.'”

The judge went on to reprimand the lawyers for presenting “pleadings that were not ‘warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law or establishing new law.’” She said that they “contained factual contentions lacking evidentiary support.”

But that’s not all. The judge further noted that “the deficiencies in the pleadings [claim violations of election law} without a thorough understanding of what the law requires, and the number of failed election-challenge lawsuits that Plaintiffs’ attorneys have filed.”

The judge’s opinion concluded by recommending “that the bar associations for each respective attorney investigate them for potential suspension or disbarment, noting that their involvement in the litigation showed they were unfit to practice law.”

This is just the latest humiliating episode in the long-running melodrama of Trump’s legal tribulations. His personal attorney, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty for his role on the payoff to Trump’s mistress, adult film star Stormy Daniels, and for lying to the Senate. Then Rudy Giuliani had his license suspended in both New York and Washington, D.C. Trump’s representatives lost more than sixty court cases due to failing to provide a shred of evidence supporting their election fraud allegations.

Now these clowns have been sanctioned and face possible disbarment. And yet, somehow Trump will go on whining about the “Crime of the Century” until his turn to be held accountable comes up. He is presently being investigated in New York, Washington, and Georgia, for criminal election tampering, intimidation, and abuse of power. And the rulings against this batch of his legal team will only serve to darken his future prospects for avoiding the consequences of his crimes.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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How are Giuliani’s Lies, that Got Him Suspended, Any Different than Fox News Lies?

This was inevitable: Reports Thursday morning reveal that Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney for the former reality TV game show host and evicted White House occupant, Donald Trump, had his license to practice law in the state of New York suspended.

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump

According to ABC News, “The ruling was made in response to a complaint filed by the New York Bar Association.” Giuliani is the third Lawyer associated with Trump whose absence of legal ethics resulted in sanctions by the Bar. He joins Roy Cohn and Michael Cohen who suffered for their fealty to an amoral real estate swindler and political con man.

The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court stated in its ruling that the New York Bar “has sustained its burden of proving that respondent made knowing false and misleading factual statements to support his claim that the presidential election was stolen from his client.” The ruling went on to state that…

“There is uncontroverted evidence that respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020.

“These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client. We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law, pending further proceedings before the Attorney Grievance Committee.”

There is abundant support for the court’s ruling, and it’s likely that Giuliani’s suspension will become a disbarment in time. His reckless disregard for the truth is well documented and should be punished accordingly. In the months following Trump’s decisive defeat to Joe Biden, Giuliani lost some sixty court cases in his futile attempt to overturn the will of the people.

However, Giuliani was not alone in these acts of deception. Fox News was a willing and active partner in spreading Trump’s lies about alleged election fraud for which there was never a shred of evidence. In fact, if you substitute “Fox News” for the references to Giuliani in the court ruling quoted above, it is just as valid. For instance…

  • There is uncontroverted evidence that [Fox News] communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements.
  • These false statements were made to improperly bolster [Fox News]’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from [Trump].
  • We conclude that [Fox News]’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest.

Which makes one wonder, if Giuliani can be sanctioned for his flagrant and inflammatory misconduct, what should be the punishment for Fox News? They were at least as harmful to the public welfare as Trump (who has ben banished from social media due to his lies) and his bumbling lawyer. Probably more so considering their reach and influence among the glassy-eyed disciples who continue to be devoted to the network’s purveyors of propaganda, such as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, Greg Gutfeld, Maria Bartiromo, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends.

This action by the New York Bar is not the only mess Giuliani has made for himself. The voting technology company, Smartmatic, filed a billion dollar lawsuit against the proponents of Trump’s election fraud fictions, and explicitly named Giuliani as a defendant, along with Fox News (as well as Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and another Trump attorney who’s headed for trouble, Sidney Powell).

So Giuliani will have his hands filled for a while as he fights to retain whatever shred of dignity he imagines he still has left. But Fox News will continue to deceive their easily fooled viewers for the foreseeable future. They will persist in lying about Trump and his election delusions, as well as everything from Trump’s Capitol Hill insurrection, to the voting reform initiatives by Democrats in Congress, to the COVID-19 pandemic that Fox and Trump have so grievously exacerbated. If only there was a licensing board that could suspend Fox News.

UPDATE: Trump weighed in with this hysterical response:
[Note: There has never been ANY fraud “proven,” Giuliani is NOT a patriot, and New York state had nothing to do with the court-ordered suspension]

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Rudy Giuliani Weaves an Absolutely Loony Tale of His Encounter with the FBI

On Wednesday the FBI executed a search warrant at the home and office of Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. It was, according to Giuliani, a travesty on the part of the Biden Vindictive government,” despite the fact that the investigation was launched by Bill Barr’s Justice Department when Trump was still in the White House.

Rudy Giuliani

On Thursday Giuliani visited Fox News in an attempt to extricate himself from the web of deceit he was trapped in due to his own shady dealings. He was “interviewed” by Tucker Carlson, the host who Fox News successfully argued in court could not be taken seriously. That was his first mistake. During this segment Giuliani recited his version of what took place when the feds came to his door. It’s pretty pathetic script that fails to make any sense or advance his interests. He began by constructing a thoroughly unbelievable exchange involving hard drives that he said belonged to Hunter Biden. Here is how he described the encounter:

Giuliani: ‘Don’t you want these?
FBI: What are they?
Giuliani: Those are Hunter Biden’s hard drives.
FBI: No, no, no, no!’
Giuliani: Are you sure you don’t want them? The warrant required them to take it.
FBI: No, no!
Giuliani: Don’t you think you should take it.
FBI: No!

Think about how preposterously unlikely all of that is. First of all, Giuliani wants us to believe that he was in possession of Hunter Biden’s hard drives and that he did nothing with them for two years, even though he was obsessed with destroying the Bidens. Then the FBI raids his home and he’s suddenly anxious to give them away to agents that he believes are hostile and intent on persecuting him. If there was anything incriminating on those hard drives, wouldn’t Giuliani want to retain possession of them?

Secondly, why would the FBI refuse to take these hard drives? Giuliani is insinuating that the agents are operatives of the “Deep State” who want to cover for the Biden family. So wouldn’t taking the drives serve that purpose? It would remove them from Giuliani’s custody and allow them to “lose” the alleged evidence, if that were actually their goal.

Thirdly, Giuliani’s telling of this encounter suggests that the FBI agents vehemently and repeatedly refused to take the hard drives. Are we supposed to believe that just being near the hard drives made the agents visibly nervous, and that they would expose their anxieties to the subject of their investigation?

Giuliani went on to claim that the agents were “required” to take the alleged hard drives. That’s false. They have discretion to take only what they consider to be relevant to the investigation. Giuliani also wondered why the agents would take his word for what the hard drives contained, saying that “They could have been Donald Trump’s. They could have been Vladimir Putin’s.” What exactly is he implying, and does he really want to go there? By the same token, Giuliani is asking us to take his word that any of this happened at all.

Finally, Giuliani’s claim that the evidence seized would be “exculpatory” isn’t in the remotest sense plausible. If it were true, then why would he be upset about having been served the warrant? He should be pleased that he’s about to be exonerated. Clearly his simmering panic indicates that he knows he is in legal peril.

Giuliani’s appearance on Fox News demonstrates precisely why credible lawyers don’t want their clients talking on television. Even when they they think they are among friends. In fact, being with Tucker Carlson makes it more likely that Giuliani would feel at ease and, thus, susceptible to letting something slip that is incriminating.

As a lawyer, you might think that Giuliani would know this. But as an idiot who has lost some sixty cases related to election fraud on Trump’s behalf, he has proven that he doesn’t have a clue. And he’s still Trump’s lawyer, which should make all the prosecutors investigating him very happy.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

HAH! Rudy Giuliani Before the Raid Was ‘Proud to Be On Biden Vindictive Government List’

Another day, another Donald Trump associate in legal hot water. This time it’s his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who is no stranger to being slathered in the slime that emanates from Trump World. He is already named in a billion dollar lawsuit by Smartmatic for defaming the company and spreading Trump’s “Big Lie” about election fraud.

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump

On Wednesday morning it was revealed that Giuliani’s Manhattan apartment was raided by FBI agents on a warrant seeking to confiscate “electronic devices.” According to the New York Daily News

“The FBI raided Rudy Giuliani’s Upper East Side apartment Wednesday morning in connection with the ongoing investigation into his dealings in Ukraine. […] The raid, first reported by The New York Times, is an overt sign that Manhattan federal prosecutors’ investigation into Giuliani is entering a new phase. It’s also a sign prosecutors think they have a strong case. Giuliani.”

This is a profoundly significant event in the long running investigation of Giuliani and his shady – already indicted – accomplices, Igor Fruman amd Lev Parnas. But it isn’t news to Giuliani. Last December he referenced the legal sword dangling over his leaky head in a tweet bursting with arrogance and pride:

Giuliani’s feigned outrage and utterly hysterical bravado will come as no surprise to anyone. After all, this is the same brilliant legal mastermind who proclaimed that truth isn’t truth,” and presided over a loopy press conference at the Four Seasons – not the luxury hotel, but a local landscaping establishment sandwiched between a sex shop and a crematorium.

Giuliani seemed to think that Joe Biden was already president a month before his inauguration. Why else would he brag that he was “proud to be number one on Biden Vindictive government list,” when there wasn’t any Biden list – or government at all – at the time, vindictive or otherwise?

Giuliani then watered down his ludicrous assertion by attributing his persecution to “DOJ anti-Trumpers.” However, the investigation of Giuliani was being conducted entirely by Trump appointees in the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York. And they reported to Trump’s hand-picked Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr. So if anyone was acting as the “GOVERNMENT Secret Police,” it’s Trump and his Justice Department.

Finally, Giuliani complained that there is no reason for this investigation because there has been no wrongdoing. That, of course, is not the opinion of the investigators who had already secured the indictments of his partners in crime. As for attorney/client privilege, there was no evidence that that was ever breached. Giuliani was not acting as Trump’s attorney when he sought to blackmail Ukraine’s president.

The consequences of Giuliani’s criminal misbehavior are beginning to emerge. The evidence contained on his phones and computers is likely to be incriminating, both for him and his sole client, the twice impeached former reality TV game show host. And if they’re lucky, they’ll be able to share a cell.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Read Smartmatic’s Gripping Introduction to Their 2.7 Billion Lawsuit Against Fox News

Following his decisive loss to Joe Biden last November, Donald Trump orchestrated a brazenly dishonest and dangerous campaign to stir the passions of his cult disciples. He sought to persuade them that the presidential election was stolen from him, that he won in a landslide, and that the rigged election was aided abetted by corrupt media and voting technology firms.

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Fox News Sad

Of course, none of those allegations were supported by evidence or reality. Trump’s efforts to malign the press, Democrats, and even Republicans who declined to embrace his lies, grew more intense as he repeatedly lost cases in court after court challenging the election results. He turned a common electoral defeat into a humiliating spectacle. And in the process, his accomplices found themselves in legal peril of their own.

The voting technology company Smartmatic has now filed a lawsuit against the proponents of Trump’s election fraud fictions. They include Fox News, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and Trump attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell. The introduction to the lawsuit reads like a captivating tale of political intrigue and depravity that rivals any great work of literature. So without further ado, here is that intro unabridged:

1. The Earth is round. Two plus two equals four. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election for President and Vice President of the United States. The election was not stolen, rigged, or fixed. These are facts. They are demonstrable and irrefutable.

2. Defendants have always known these facts. They knew Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 U.S. election. They knew the election was not stolen. They knew the election was not rigged or fixed. They knew these truths just as they knew the Earth is round and two plus two equals four.

3. Defendants did not want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to win the election. They wanted President Donald Trump and Vice President Michael Pence to win re-election. Defendants were disappointed. But they also saw an opportunity to capitalize on President Trump’s popularity by inventing a story. Defendants decided to tell people that the election was stolen from President Trump and Vice President Pence.

4. Defendants had an obvious problem with their story. They needed a villain. They needed someone to blame. They needed someone whom they could get others to hate. A story of good versus evil, the type that would incite an angry mob, only works if the storyteller provides the audience with someone who personifies evil.

5. Without any true villain, Defendants invented one. Defendants decided to make Smartmatic the villain in their story. Smartmatic is an election technology and software company. It was incorporated in Delaware and its U.S. operations are headquartered in Florida. In the 2020 U.S. election, Smartmatic provided election technology and software in Los Angeles County. Nowhere else. Smartmatic had a relatively small, non-controversial role in the 2020 U.S. election.

6. Those facts would not do for Defendants. So, the Defendants invented new ones. In their story, Smartmatic was a Venezuelan company under the control of corrupt dictators from socialist countries. In their story, Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used in many of the states with close outcomes. And, in their story, Smartmatic was responsible for stealing the 2020 election by switching and altering votes to rig the election for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

7. Having invented their story, and created their villain, Defendants set about spreading the word. In November and December 2020, Fox News broadcasted thirteen (13) reports stating and implying that Smartmatic had stolen the 2020 U.S. election. They repeated the story in articles and social media postings. Night after night, publication after publication, Fox News reached out to its millions of viewers and readers around the world with a story: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not win the 2020 election; Smartmatic stole the election for them.

8. Defendants’ story evolved over time as they claimed evidence had come to their attention supporting the story. The story came to consist of eight themes:

  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were widely used in the
    2020 U.S. election, including in six states with close outcomes;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used by Dominion
    Voting Systems Corporation (“Dominion”) during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were used to steal the 2020
    U.S. election by rigging and fixing the vote;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software sent votes to foreign
    countries for tabulation and manipulation during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were compromised and
    hacked during the 2020 U.S. election;
  • Smartmatic was previously banned from being used in U.S. elections;
  • Smartmatic is a Venezuelan company that was founded and funded by
    corrupt dictators from socialist and communist countries; and,
  • Smartmatic’s election technology and software were designed to rig and fix

9. Defendants’ story was a lie. All of it. And they knew it. But, it was a story that sold. Millions of individuals who saw and read Defendants’ reports believed them to be true. Smartmatic and its officers began to receive hate mail and death threats. Smartmatic’s clients and potential clients began to panic. The company’s reputation for providing transparent, auditable, and secure election technology and software was irreparably harmed. Overnight, Smartmatic went from an under-the-radar election technology and software company with a track record of success to the villain in Defendants’ disinformation campaign.

10. Smartmatic’s loss was Defendants’ gain. Fox News used the story to preserve its grip on viewers and readers and curry favors with the outgoing administration – one of their anchors was even able to get a pardon for her ex-husband. Ms. Powell used the story to raise money and enrich herself. Mr. Giuliani used the story to guarantee himself a flow of funds from the sitting President and to sell products. Defendants knew the story could not change the outcome of the election. It could, and did, make them money.

11. The story, of course, did more than just make Defendants’ money and jeopardize Smartmatic’s survival. The story undermined people’s belief in democracy. The story turned neighbor against neighbor. The story led a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol. Defendants started a fire for selfish and financial reasons and they cared not the damage their story caused to Smartmatic, its officers and employees, and the country.

That just about says it all. Fox News and the other defendants should be worried. The facts of the case are pretty airtight. And other defendants could be added as the litigation proceeds. Perhaps even Trump himself. Although he may also be busy untangling himself from his second impeachment trial where Democrats are asking that he testify under oath. And for Trump, that’s perjury waiting to happen.

UPDATE 1/20/2022: MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell is now also being sued by Smartmatic for defamation.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Rudy Giuliani Feebly Blames Trump Insurrection on the Lincoln Project and Antifa

Three weeks after Donald Trump sent his seditionist hordes to assault the United States Congress, he and his confederates in the Republican Party and right-wing press are continuing their cowardly and dishonest evasion of responsibility. They assert that the American people should just “move on” and forget about the treasonous storming of the Capitol that killed five people, injured scores of others, and defiled democracy.

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Rudy Giuliani

Chief among the Trump apologists is Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s addled attorney who can’t even represent him because he’s also likely to be indicted. Giuliani was interviewed on Steve Bannon’s radio show where he demonstrated why no one in their right mind would hire him as their lawyer. He sought to dismiss the charges against Trump by pointing his bony finger of blame toward others and constructing a thoroughly fictional scenario for which he provided zero evidence. His babbling led to this exchange with a rather baffled Bannon:

Giuliani: The biggest problems were caused by Antifa. That’s where the shooting took place. That was surrounded by all Antifa people. So how can he be held responsible for a whole thing that was planned days before he was gonna speak, that has a mixture of people that hate him and people that support him.
Bannon: But who’s the guy working with the Lincoln Project?
Giuliani: I don’t know if I can reveal his name because we have that from anonymous sources. But he worked in the past for Romney.
Bannon: Okay, hang on for a second. This is why we’re getting blown up all the time. You can’t throw a charge out there like that and then say I got a double-secret probation guy that I can’t mention, but he worked for Romney and worked for the Lincoln Project.

In Trumplandia, if you’ve lost Bannon you’ve sailed off the edge of the flat Earth and fallen into a black hole of conspiracy crackpottery. Giuliani’s accusations against Antifa fall flat, mainly because it’s an organization that is as real as the Legion of Doom. And his libel of the Lincoln Project doesn’t go anywhere either because there isn’t a scintilla of proof to back it up. To the contrary, most of the seditionists who have been arrested have already affirmed their devotion to Trump as the motivation for their crimes.

Furthermore, Giuliani wonders how Trump could be held responsible for a violent uprising that was planned prior to his speech at the rally. That’s an easy one. Trump was a participant in those planning sessions and his campaign even paid the organizers. The rally address wasn’t a coincidental public appearance. It was the climax of a collaborative plot.

It’s also notable that Giuliani refused to name his alleged source because he was “anonymous.” He might want to confer with his client who has distinct opinions about anonymous sources. In August of 2018 Trump tweeted, “When you see ‘anonymous source,’ stop reading the story, it is fiction!”

So this is what it’s come to. Rudy Giuliani is disgorging preposterous conspiracy theories to absolve Trump of his obvious criminal culpability. He can’t prove a word of it, much like his sixty plus lawsuits trying to to overturn the election, for which he claimed that losing was actually part of his master plan. And for his trouble he’s getting slapped down by veteran Trump-fluffer Steve Bannon. What a world.

UPDATE: The Lincoln Project responds…

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Eric Trump Is Right For Once: ‘The MAGA Movement Is Going Nowhere’

The morning after Democrats succeeded in gaining the majority in the Senate with the election of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, Donald Trump showed up at the grossly misnamed “Save America” rally in Washington, D.C. He proceeded to deliver the same tedious speech he has been disgorging for months, with a few more examples of the flagrantly false allegations of election fraud.

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Donald Trump

Fox News, of course, aired the whole speech live and uninterrupted. It was an hour plus of whining, lying, and infantile insulting. And there was no shortage of ranting about paranoid delusions of a “Deep State” cabal aligned against him that now even includes Mike Pence.

Trump’s despondence over the defeat he was dealt by President-Elect Joe Biden was apparent in his seething tirade. He simply can’t acknowledge the reality that America has thoroughly rejected him and his crime family. Speaking of which, Trump’s spawn Eric visited with Sean Hannity on Fox News Tuesday night to expound upon the Trump tribulations. And, surprisingly, Eric actually said something that was not only true, but which could unite Democrats and Republicans going forward:

“I can tell you, Sean, any senator or any congressmen – meaning on this side – that does not fight tomorrow – I’m telling you, their political career is over, because the MAGA movement is going nowhere. My father’s created the greatest political movement in American history and, I’m telling you, they will get primaried the next time around. And they will lose.”

Indeed! “The MAGA movement is going nowhere.” It’s been going nowhere for four years now. And the American people have soundly repudiated the dishonesty, division, hostility, and incompetence, that have been the hallmarks of MAGA madness in the Trump Era. So going forward the bowel “movement” created by Daddy Trump will descend to even deeper depths of irrelevancy. The political careers of those associated with it will fade into well-deserved obscurity. And the new Democratic majority in the Senate, made possible by the victories of two Democrats in the formerly deep red state of Georgia, is the first sign of the tectonic political shift that’s in progress.

What’s more, Eric’s determination to primary any Republican that he and his father deem insufficiently worshipful of Dear Leader is a political promise that Americans of every political stripe can support. The nation is more than ready for the GOP (Greedy One Percent) to be swept from power, and any help that the Trumps want to provide, however inadvertent, is welcome. Although, it’s hard to imagine that they could be more helpful than they have been to date via their repulsive policies and behaviors.

For his part, Donald Trump is fully on board with Eric’s strategy of political suicide. During his address to Wednesday’s MAGA rally, Trump said that “We have to get our people to fight. And if they don’t fight we have to primary the hell out of them.”

Unfortunately, Trump’s incitement to “fight” has been taken literally by his cult disciples, who are now storming the Capitol as members of Congress are gathered to certify the Electoral College vote. Ironically, they are disrupting their own Republican members who are objecting to the certification. And Trump’s seditious lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, joined the rush of traitors to whip up even more hostility in the crowd, saying “Let’s have trial by combat.”

The inflammatory rhetoric of Trump and his cronies, along with the unlawful breach of the Capitol, are further evidence of the treasonous intentions of Trump and his faithless brigades. They are battling with the police officers they have pretended to support. They are harassing the press (including Fox News). And they are employing violence in order to obstruct the business of the people and to advance their traitorous objectives.

This is not going to end well in the short term. But longer term it is going to cement the demise of the violent, unpatriotic, MAGA movement, just as Eric predicted. And Donald Trump must ultimately be held accountable as its leader and primary agitator.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Giuliani Goes Crazy(er) Over Being Investigated – By the Trump Justice Department

For a month and a half now, Donald Trump has been whining petulantly because he lost the presidential election to someone he considers “the worst candidate in history,” Joe Biden. Trump has been pushing ever more bizarre conspiracy theories about election “rigging” that have no support or evidence to back them up.

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Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump

Trump’s lead attorney in this futile masquerade is the infamous Rudy Giuliani. As a lawyer, Giuliani has failed to advance Trump’s delusional cause. In fact, there have been nearly sixty court cases lost to date because no relevant evidence was presented.

Now Giuliani himself is the subject of an investigation. It appears to be related to his misadventures in Ukraine, where he was trying to extort the president into manufacturing negative stories about Biden. Two of his associates in this matter have already been arrested. NBC News is reporting that…

“Federal prosecutors have discussed making a legal request for Rudy Giuliani’s electronic communications, two sources familiar with the probe tell NBC News, a sign that the investigation into President Donald Trump’s personal attorney remains active and may soon be ramping up.” […]

“in October 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported that prosecutors from the Southern District were reviewing Giuliani’s bank records as part of an investigation into his dealings in Ukraine. Two of his former associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, were arrested that month on charges of campaign finance fraud and have since been charged with additional crimes related to wire fraud conspiracy. Parnas and Fruman have pleaded not guilty.”

Naturally, Giuliani is asserting that he is innocent. But he’s going even further to claim that he’s actually proud of the allegations against him:

It will surprise no one that Giuliani’s outrage is utterly incoherent. After all, this is the brilliant legal mind who proclaimed that “truth isn’t truth,” and held a press conference at the Four Seasons – not the fancy hotel, but a local landscaping company.

Giuliani seems to think that Joe Biden is already president. Why else would claim that he’s the victim of the “Biden Vindictive government” when there isn’t any Biden government at all? Giuliani then waters that assertion down by attributing his persecution to “DOJ anti-Trumpers.” However, the investigation of Giuliani is being conducted by Trump appointees in the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York. And they report to Trump’s had-picked Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr. So if anyone is acting as the “GOVERNMENT Secret Police,” it’s Trump and his Justice Department.

Finally, Giuliani complains that there is no reason for this investigation because there has been no wrongdoing. That, of course, is not the opinion of the investigators who have already secured the indictments of Giuliani’s associates. As for attorney/client privilege, there is no evidence that that has been breached, and any warrant for Giuliani’s electronic communications would have to be reviewed by an independent board and approved by A.G. Barr.

Giuliani is typical of the losers who have hitched their carts to Trump, the most criminally compromised president ever. Why do you think so many of Trump’s associates have required pardons? Which, by the way, is something that is also being discussed for Giuliani. If there was no wrongdoing, why would he need a pardon? And you know things are going straight down the tubes when Giuliani is whining because he can’t get booked on Fox News:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Trump Toady ‘Judge’ Jeanine Pirro Binges On Bill Barr Beat Down

There is one constant that can be relied upon when trying to predict the maniacally psychotic behavior of Donald Trump. He will always turn against everyone eventually, no matter how devoted and subservient they have been. It doesn’t take much more than a trivial disagreement with Dear Leader to trigger his wild-eyed wrath.

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Jeanine Pirro Fox News

Trump has already run a fleet of busses over his closest advisors, including such high profile former officials such as his chief of staff, defense secretary, attorney general, secretary of state, national security adviser, and FBI director. He’s even abandoned his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) which he now routinely lambastes as “unwatchable,” as he did yet again on Sunday morning:

Despite his newfound animosity toward the “news” network that put him in the White House, Trump continues to hype his favorite bootlickers on Fox News. He posts videos of Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs, etc., almost daily. High on that list of sycophants is Fox’s “Judge” Jeanine Pirro. And on Saturday night Pirro unleashed a rabid diatribe against the latest Trump flunky to fall out of favor with his master, Attorney Genuflect, Bill Barr. This was almost certainly under orders from Trump who is livid that Barr recently stated publicly that “we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.” Truth be told, neither has Trump. He sure hasn’t presented any evidence in any of the dozens of lawsuits he’s filed and lost.

On the latest episode of her weekly screech-a-thon (video below), Pirro began with a ten minute monologue pummeling Barr for what she and Trump perceive as betrayal of the cult and its messiah. Her tirade included a tedious list of hysterical questions to which she demanded immediate answers. The connecting theme in all of these cranky queries is that they are premised on provable lies:

  • On election night, with the President comfortably ahead in many swing states, why was the counting stopped?
  • Why were observers not permitted to reasonably observe ballot counting?
  • Why were observers removed from counting areas?
  • Why did counters cheer when Republican observers were removed?
  • Why were windows boarded up in Detroit so that observers could not observe?
  • Why, when observers were allowed to reenter, was there an unusually large number of ballots with an unusually high percentage of 90 and above for Joe Biden?
  • Why was there a failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots?
  • Why was there a destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes which must contain signatures?
  • Why does the Voter Integrity Project in Georgia estimate over 20,000 people that no longer meet residency requirements?
  • Why are there statistical anomalies in the chain of custody breakdown?
  • Why are there record numbers of dead people voting?
  • How is it that ballots in pristine condition, without creases suggesting they had not been in mail-in envelopes, as required by law?
  • Why is Joe Biden the first candidate to lose Florida and Ohio and still become president?
  • Why were 18 of the 19 bellwether counties historically indicative of a presidential win won by Trump?
  • How is it that Biden underperformed Clinton in New York, Chicago, and L.A., but won in the swing state’s cities?
  • How is it that Joe Biden underperformed with African-American voters everywhere but in those swing states?
  • Why is that ballot watchers in Philadelphia were not allowed to meaningfully observe to the point where they had to get a court order?
  • How is it that the New York Times and Jimmy Carter and James Baker all agree that absentee ballots are the largest source of fraud?

The answer to nearly every single one of these questions could be “WTF are you talking about? That didn’t happen.” Pirro’s inquiries are nothing more than an annoyingly articulated elaboration of Trump’s tweets and the raving madness of fringe Trump cultists trying to invent controversies where none exist. But here’s a more relevant question: If any of the allegations premised in Pirro’s questions were true, then why didn’t Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, present evidence of them in court?

The rank stupidity of Pirro mirrors that of her hero and Crackpot-in-Chief. Like Trump, she is so dense that she will recklessly cast off loyal allies over petty grievances. And in this case, Pirro nicely sums up her disdain for Barr in the last thirty seconds of her segment, scowling that “You, Mr. Barr, are so deep in the swamp you can’t see beyond your fellow reptiles.” Which is a sentiment with which at least 80 million Americans heartily agree.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Truest Thing Ever Said By a Loony, Lying, Trump Lawyer

The legal team representing Donald Trump has distinguished itself as a notorious assembly of incompetents. It’s leader, Rudy Giuliani, is not only proud of his win/loss record of 1 in 35, he says that losing is part of his master plan. Was it also part of his plan to feature Sidney Powell, a crackpot conspiracy theory touting attorney, at a press conference to spin a tale of election fraud that included Democrats, Republicans, Hugo Chavez, and the CIA?

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Donald Trump

Another member of this illustrious team is Jenna Ellis. She has been a frequent guest on Fox News spewing all manner of nonsense wrapped in drooling Trump worship. Which is peculiar since in 2016 she said that Trump was an “idiot” who was “boorish and arrogant,” and “an American fascist.” She even disparaged Trump supporters for not caring that he was an “unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag.” But on Wednesday morning the transmogrified Ellis sought to deliver a blow to liberals with this pitifully lame tweet:

On the surface, this is a sorry attempt at trash talking the libs. But it totally misses the mark because it’s the left that has been steadfastly devoted to facts, while Trump and his cult cling to obvious lies even after they have been exposed. Trump himself has been documented to have told more than 25,000 lies during his one-term in the White House.

Scratching the surface just a bit reveals another humiliation for Ellis and the Trump legal team, for whom humiliation has become routine. That’s because there is no record of Teddy Roosevelt ever saying anything resembling the quote she tweeted. And she compounded her shame by tweeting a defense that implied, without evidence as usual, that Roosevelt might have said it anyway. Then she went on to say that her ignorant gaffe didn’t matter because the “ifea” was still true. Proving once again that Republicans have the best ifeas that, presumably, they stir into their covfefe.

However, Ellis may be getting undue criticism for this comment. Her assertion that conservatives will get angry if you lie to them could actually be interpreted as true. In fact, it’s the guiding principle of conservatism, particularly in the Era of Trump. Conservatives are deliberately lied to with the express purpose of triggering their anger. They hunger for lies that will set their blood to boil. And Right-wing politicians and pundits are happy to oblige them. They are relentlessly told flagrant lies about…

  • Democrats being communists
  • Immigrants being criminals
  • Climate change being a Chinese hoax
  • Black Lives Matter being terrorists
  • The economy not being in recession
  • And Trump being a stable genius who knows more than generals, doctors, and economists.

And let’s not forget the deluge of deceit engulfing Trump’s coronavirus disinformation campaign. To date Trump has unloaded a flurry of dangerously irresponsible untruths such as that COVID-19 is…

  • A hoax
  • Just like the flu
  • Going away miraculously
  • Created in Chinese labs
  • Not harmful to children
  • Cured by injecting bleach
  • Caused by testing
  • Actual fatalities only around 6,000
  • Isn’t prevented by wearing masks

What’s more, the second half of Ellis’ misquote – that liberals will get angry if told the truth – could also be correct. That’s because any sane person would get angry if told the truth about how horribly Trump has screwed up everything itemized above. The truth about Trump, and his GOP confederates, is a litany of horrors guaranteed to infuriate the most serene optimist.

So yes, conservatives will get angry if you feed them the lies they crave – by design. And liberals will get angry if you tell them difficult truths – due to common sense and a firm grip on reality. But Trump’s legal team just keeps getting more and more outlandish in their outbursts, distortions, and hostile attacks.

That’s behavior learned from their Dear Leader whose desperation is producing more severe psychoses and paranoia with each passing day. It’s becoming impossible for him to escape the fact that he’s a pathetic loser who will go down in history as a massive failure and whose incompetence resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Trump’s narcissism prevents him from observing an untainted view of reality or absorbing any criticism, no matter how accurate. He is convinced that he is a perfect specimen of humanity and deserving of unflinching loyalty and adoration. Were he able, he might want to heed the advice in this actual Teddy Roosevelt quote:

NOTE: News Corpse was notified by Twitter recently that its account would be suspended for repeated violations of their rules. Which is strange because it has never been cited for a single violation in 11 years and they didn’t even identify this alleged violation. They just bounced the account and its 7,000 followers. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from this website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.