Trump’s Fear and Desperation Kick Into High Gear in Bonkers Rant About the Supreme Court Appeal

The legal tribulations of Donald Trump took a turn for the worse this week as special counsel Jack Smith sought to bypass the appellate circuit courts and have the Supreme Court rule on Trump’s frivolous motion to dismiss the case involving his role in the January 6th insurrection.

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Trump’s ludicrous motion argues that he has universal impunity to commit any crime, due to what he calls “presidential immunity.” By his demented reckoning, he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and be legally untouchable. And the thought of anyone challenging his perverse perspective of blanket indemnity enrages him. Consequently, upon hearing about Smith’s request, Trump was predictably apoplectic, a state he achieves at surprisingly frequent intervals. Like whenever he is awake.

SEE THIS: Trump Confesses to Bouts of Rage and Gluttony After Liz Cheney Reports His Reaction to January 6

In a furious tirade delivered during a speech in Iowa (video below), Trump lashed out at Smith’s perfectly reasonable and legally astute request. And as is often the case, his own words are more damning, and demonstrative of his cognitive decline, than those of his harshest critics. They require little commentary to expose how painfully hollow and bereft of reason his rants are. He began by babbling that…

“Now they’re saying let’s rush it to the Supreme Court. We gotta rush it, rush it, rush it. They could have started three years ago. Everything – nothing changed. They could have started three years ago, but they didn’t. They started just recently with this crap. They started just recently. They could have brought this lawsuit three years ago, right after I left. It’s been three years. But they didn’t do that. And now they’re saying ‘We have to go immediately before the Supreme Court.’ This thing would have all been over with two years ago. But they waited and waited and waited.

Reminiscent of his “Russia, Russia, Russia,” rant, Trump is now yammering “rush it, rush it, rush it.” That was followed by his tedious complaint that his perceived persecutors waited too long to charge him. However, Smith was appointed more than a year ago, and the Justice Department probe began well before that. But there’s an even bigger problem with Trump’s complaint that “they could have brought this lawsuit three years ago.” Three years ago he had not yet committed some the crimes he is being charged with.

SEE ALSO: Trump is FREAKING OUT, Saying that His Trials Should Have Started Before He Committed His Crimes

Notice also that Trump is repeating himself incessantly. And not just the “rush it” rhetoric. In the brief segment above he refers four times to the “three years” that he complains went by. Psychologists might diagnose this as Palilalia, a condition that is frequently present in people suffering from neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

But Trump was just getting started. He continued his caterwauling…

“And then they saw I was running. And they waited and then they saw I was hot. And they filed lawsuits. These are very dishonest people. That’s called election interference. These are very – and now they’re fighting like hell because they want to try and get a guilty plea from the Supreme Court of the United States, which I can’t imagine cause you have presidential immunity.”

Trump’s assertion that a criminal prosecution is “election interference” makes no sense whatsoever. If accepted as a plausible defense it would permit a would-be murderer to announce his candidacy before committing his crime, and then be excused from prosecution until after his campaign and term in office.

Trump is also exhibiting his pitifully ignorant grasp of the law. The Supreme Court does not issue judgements of guilt or innocence. And they certainly don’t issue guilty pleas. They only ascertain whether the lower courts and/or the law were in compliance with the Constitution.

Finally, Trump reiterates his claim of presidential immunity, which he is anxious to have the courts affirm. So then why is he objecting to this question being elevated to the Supreme Court where his arguments can be heard and decided more expeditiously? On the one hand he whines that “They waited and waited and waited.” Now he’s simultaneously complaining that they are rushing it.

Perhaps it’s because he knows that his argument is preposterous and won’t be affirmed by a profoundly conservative court with three of his own appointees. Or maybe he’s just as riddled with dementia as many of his critics – including those who know him well – have been saying for years. Or maybe some of both.

In any case, he is proving that he is wholly unfit to serve as president, or in any other public office. And the fact that he is still the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president tells you all you need to know about them as well.


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Fox News Accuses Biden of Giving False Hope After the Supreme Court Killed Student Debt Relief

This week the conservative majority on the Supreme Court earned its Ultra-MAGA wings as they delivered rulings that were flagrantly slanted in favor of the regressive Republican agenda. Despite the GOP’s perennial position in opposition to judicial activism, that is precisely what the Court exercised in ruling against President Biden’s student debt relief program.

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The blatantly biased right-wingers on the court decided 6-3 that Biden didn’t have the authority to execute what was already law as stated in the HEROES (Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students) Act that Congress had passed in 2003. The Act authorizes the President to direct the Secretary of Education to “waive or modify” up to $20,000 in student loans during national emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. That relief would have impacted more than 40 million Americans.

RELATED: GOP Reactions to the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling Affirms Bias for the Privileged

It has been noted by Democrats and numerous legal analysts that the President’s implementation was entirely appropriate. Their hypocritical critics struggled to argue against it despite many of them having had their own loans under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) forgiven for sums that went into the millions of dollars.

Blithely ignoring their hypocrisy and deceit, Fox News entered the debated with a loaded question asked by their White House correspondent, Jacqui Heinrich, at Biden’s press conference….

Heinrich: “Mr. President, why did you give millions of borrowers false hope? You doubted your own authority here in the past.”
Biden: “I didn’t give any false hope. The question ws whether I was giving them more than what was requested. What I did I thought was appropriate and was able to be done and would get done. I didn’t give borrowers false hope. But the Republicans snatched away the hope that they were given – and it’s real, real hope.”

It isn’t surprising that Fox News would try to twist their questions into disparaging accusations. They have a backroom operation that is dedicated to that task. What’s surprising is that they do it so badly. In this case Biden was able to easily bat that inquiry into the bleachers. Which likely means that Heinrich will never get her appearance at the event aired on her network. Fox News viewers will also likely never hear about Biden’s proposals on behalf of student borrowers in the wake of the decision.

And as if that weren’t bad enough, Fox News also posted a graphic on Twitter that featured part of Justice Roberts’ opinion in the student loan matter. It read, “It has become a disturbing feature of some recent opinions to criticize the decisions with which they disagree as going beyond the proper role of the judiciary.”

It is telling that Roberts thought it was necessary to preemptively complain about any criticism of the decision even as he was writing the opinion for it. He must have known how awful it was.

However, what is really “disturbing” is that Roberts thinks it’s appropriate to stifle the free speech of anyone who disagrees with him. Especially when they are right about his having gone “beyond the proper role of the judiciary.” Not to mention that he is presiding over a court wherein he and his conservative colleagues have been engaging in brazenly unethical practices to enrich themselves.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Prompts GOP Senator to Frame Clarence Thomas’ Documented Corruption as ‘Attacks’

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GOP Reactions to the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling Affirms Bias for the Privileged

Just days after the Supreme Court unexpectedly ruled against the Independent State Legislature theory that would have allowed politicians to take control of the electoral process and usurp the will of voters, they have reverted to form by banning Affirmative Action in college admissions.

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Like their decision last year to overturn Roe v. Wade, this decision rolls back precedents that have been in place for half a century. The conservative majority on the court concluded that considerations of race were a violation of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and that any need to balance systemic racism in American society today was no longer necessary.

How they came to that conclusion is a mystery considering the prevalence of prejudice that is apparent to everyone except these right-wing Justices. Particularly Clarence Thomas who is a beneficiary of Affirmative Action, as well as Affluent Action via gifts/bribes from his wealthy friends.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Blacks Out Story of Clarence Thomas Secretly Taking Luxury Gifts From GOP Billionaire

It’s easy to assess the impact of this decision by simply observing the reactions from Republicans, who have been celebrating it enthusiastically. Let’s begin with Donald Trump, who is largely responsible since he appointed three of the Justices who decided it…

“This is a great day for America, People with extraordinary ability…are finally being rewarded. [and that] We’re going back to all merit-based.”

He’s right about one thing. We are “going back” to an era when discrimination was engaged in openly and without consequence. Although it’s funny to hear Trump exalt the Supreme Court that he recently complained had “lost its honor” when they ruled that his tax returns could be turned over to Congress

“Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do! […] The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price. They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!”

Clearly Trump can’t recall from one day to the next what he’s outraged or elated about. And then there’s GOP House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy who said that…

“The Supreme Court just ruled that no American should be denied educational opportunities because of race. Now students will be able to compete based on equal standards and individual merit.”

Never mind that the academic standards have always been equal. Affirmation Action only applied after the student’s merits were already established. And then there’s Rep. Lauren Boebert…

“Affirmative Action is unconstitutional and has always been unconstitutional. This country should only be based on merit, not racism.”

This utopian view is often presented by conservative racists who like to pretend that there is no racism. And then there’s Rep. Ronny Jackson…

“THANK YOU to President Trump for nominating justices who ENDED affirmative action & institutional racism in college admissions. College admissions should be based on MERIT ALONE.”

He believes that the policies implemented to mitigate racism are racist themselves. And then there’s Rep. Matt Gaetz…

“Artificial diversity and race-based college admission regimes have been usurped; meritocracy is once again king.”

That’s more of the same phony whining about diversity, which they regard as anathema to their white supremacist agenda.

What all of these unabashed bigots have in common, besides their prejudice, is hypocrisy. While they yammer incessantly about merit-based admissions, they never complain about students who get admitted because they are legacies or have family that makes large donations to the school of their choice. The wealth or academic past of a student’s parents has absolutely nothing to do with with that student’s merits.

If merit were truly an issue, these Republicans should be clamoring for an end to such admissions. But they aren’t, and they won’t. Because their real motivation is pure, unadulterated racism. Which is further evident in their opposition to President Biden’s remarks about the Court’s ruling, wherein he set the record straight about Affirmative Action. He noted that it does not require colleges to admit students who are not qualified, but that qualification standards must be met before the consideration of other factors such as race.

No matter how they try to disguise it, the racism of the Republican Party is exposed by their own words and actions. And that will continue for the foreseeable future. However, the racism demonstrated by the Supreme Court does not have to be tolerated. By voting for Democrats in Congress and the White House we can reform the Court’s policies and personnel. And decisions like the one today make that all the more imperative.

RELATED STORY: Tucker Carlson is APPALLED By All the Black Women Biden Appointed to Federal Courts – Illegally?

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Fox News Prompts GOP Senator to Frame Clarence Thomas’ Documented Corruption as ‘Attacks’

In recent weeks there have been numerous reports detailing the profoundly disturbing legal and ethical breaches by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. It paints a picture of a Justice deeply mired in schemes to enrich himself with hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and gifts from a right-wing billionaire with interests before the Court.

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The investigative work by ProPublica is thorough and well documented. It reveals that Thomas took luxury vacations provided by Harlan Crow, and sold real estate to him for inflated values. And as incriminating as all of the evidence was, Fox News conspicuously avoided any substantive reporting on it.

SEE THIS: Fox News Blacks Out Story of Clarence Thomas Secretly Taking Luxury Gifts From GOP Billionaire

And that wasn’t the only time that Fox News purposefully suppressed a story about the improprieties of Thomas and his family.

SEE THIS: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

As this story developed and expanded, Fox has been continuing to downplay the criminal and ethical aspects of it. On Sunday Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed Republican Senator Mike Lee of Utah. and from the outset of the interview it was clear how she wanted to frame the story.

Bartiromo: Let me get your take on these attacks against Clarence Thomas and the Supreme Court…your reaction to what’s taken place to the Supreme Court.
Lee: This is absolutely dreadful. this is an attack on Justice Thomas, a good man. a good man who has risen from poverty in the Jim Crow South to a position where he is one of the most respected jurists in our nation’s history. They don’t like that. They don’t like the fact that he has the audacity to be conservative as a Black man. […] There’s not one allegation they’ve raised against him that reveals any impropriety, any wrongdoing, any violation of any law, any rule, or ethical principle.

Bartiromo’s first question literally coached the response from Lee, asking him to comment, not on the crimes or the controversy, but on “these attacks against Clarence Thomas.” And Lee took the prompting and elaborated on it in the most brazenly dishonest manner. He completely ignored every allegation against Thomas, who he described as “a good man” despite the proof of his improper conduct.

Lee sought to deflect from the charges against Thomas by attributing them to alleged racism on the part of Democrats. Never mind that there is absolutely no evidence supporting that contrived excuse. And even if there were it wouldn’t absolve Thomas of his blatant wrongdoing. By Lee’s reasoning Black conservatives should have a free pass to commit any crimes they want with impunity.

Lee went on to say that Democrats “are doing this to attack the legitimacy of the Supreme Court so they can reimage the Supreme Court according to their own preferences.” So in one respect he’s accepting that Thomas’ actions diminish the legitimacy of the Court. But more to the point, he’s forgiving Thomas and embracing the Court’s illegitimacy as acceptable. Lee is also forgetting that it was Republicans who improperly “reimage[d] the Supreme Court” by manipulating the confirmation process to deny Democrats their right to fill vacancies on the Court.

It’s astonishing how Fox News and Lee can pretend that the issue here is political criticism of a conservative Black Justice, when the evidence of Thomas’ violations of the law and ethics are so obvious. But this is what Fox News does. They are committed to exonerating right-leaning criminals, whether they are insurrections, tax cheats, rapists, or Supreme Court Justices. Because to Fox News, political ideology “Trumps” principles. And this was recognized poignantly last year by Jon Stewart…

SEE THIS: Jon Stewart Nails It: The Supreme Court is Now the Fox News of Justice

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Fox News Blacks Out Story of Clarence Thomas Secretly Taking Luxury Gifts From GOP Billionaire

It takes a story of profound significance to bump the indictment of Donald Trump from the headlines. After all, when was the last time a twice-impeached, pathologically lying, former TV game show host, and aspiring dictator, was charged with 34 felonies for crimes ranging from election interference to tax fraud?

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The arraignment of Trump in a Manhattan courtroom Wednesday afternoon was a historic event that saw Trump sitting feebly in the embrace of his lawyers at the defendant’s table like any other alleged criminal. It signaled the resilience of the American idiom that “no one is above the law.” It also triggered a typically psychotic “death and destruction” response from Trump, whose mental state in court was noticeably tempered, but wildly loosed online.

SEE THIS: Read Trump’s Raving Arraignment Response as Foretold By His Unhinged Truth Social Rants

On Thursday morning such a story was published by the investigative journalists at ProPublica. The story detailed how Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas had taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts from a right-wing billionaire without disclosing them as the law requires. According to ProPublica

“For more than two decades, Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from the Dallas businessman without disclosing them.” […]

“[Thomas] has vacationed on Crow’s superyacht around the globe. He flies on Crow’s Bombardier Global 5000 jet. He has gone with Crow to the Bohemian Grove, the exclusive California all-male retreat, and to Crow’s sprawling ranch in East Texas. And Thomas typically spends about a week every summer at Crow’s private resort in the Adirondacks.” […]

“These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts.”

For the record, Harlan Crow is a notorious conservative and Republican donor who often has cases before the court that would impact his business interests. What’s more, the “vacations” that Thomas enjoyed at Crow’s expense regularly included other conservative businessmen and politicos who would have reasons to want to rub elbows with a Supreme Court Justice.

This is a blatant breach of judicial ethics and federal law. Although it is not surprising that Thomas would stoop to violate the standards of behavior for a Justice, considering his long history of such ethical lapses. For instance, Thomas refused to recuse himself from matters that directly involved his wife, Ginni Thomas, and her efforts to undermine democracy in support of the January 6th insurrection and coup plotters. A story that Fox News didn’t bother to cover.

SEE THIS: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

Similarly unsurprising is the fact that Fox News is ignoring this new Clarence Thomas story. In the past several hours most of the credible media has picked up the ProPublica report. But it has yet to appear on Fox News or their website.

This is their modus operandi for any news event that reflects poorly on Republicans and Trump. The revelations from the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit against Fox News (which Fox News initially refused to cover) exposed them as deliberate liars who placed their politics and greed above truthfulness and patriotism.

Even after the humiliation from the Dominion disclosures of the private communications of Fox executives and hosts, this censorship by omission is further proof that Fox couldn’t care less about honest journalism or holding the powerful accountable. They only care about disseminating right-wing propaganda and goosing their ratings.

RELATED: IT’S A CULT: Most Fox News Viewers Are Still Loyal After Dominion Lawsuit Discloses Their Lies

UPDATE I: Clarence Thomas pathetically and dishonestly responds to the charges that he secretly took numerous luxury gifts from a right-wing billionaire.

UPDATE II: ProPublica published a follow-up story that reveals that Clarence Thomas sold real estate properties to Harlan Crow (at inflated prices), that Thomas never disclosed. Which is a federal crime.

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Tucker Carlson is APPALLED By All the Black Women Biden Appointed to Federal Courts – Illegally?

America is undergoing some of the most tumultuous times in its history. It is being spied on by giant Chinese party favors. It is fighting demonic pop music stars. And Hunter Biden’s laptop is still at large threatening to cast the nation into an abyss of communistic oppression.

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In the midst of that avalanche of apocalyptic horror, Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, is committed to reminding his vulgarian viewers that President Biden and the Democratic Party are on a mission to darken America demographically. It’s all part of the “Great Replacement” theory that Carlson has been pushing for several years.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Fears Democrats are ‘Importing New Voters’ to ‘Replace’ Him

On Monday Carlson lashed out at Biden for having the audacity to bring some equity to the federal court system after a couple of centuries of flagrant bigotry. Fox News has already redefined “equity” as evil (literally), and Carlson is anxious to add his warped perspective on the subject. So he complained bitterly about Biden’s judicial nominees being too Black…

“Out of 97 federal judges confirmed under Joe Biden, total number of white men: five. Twenty-two are Black women. So this is race-based hiring. It’s illegal. But it’s also not about looking like America. It’s about punishing people.”

Exactly! Biden is dead set on punishing the historically discriminated population of white males in America. It’s about time. Carlson elaborated saying that “no administration has ever looked less like America … than the Biden administration,” and that they were “discriminating against certain classes of people who don’t vote for them.” Because everyone knows that no white person has ever voted for Biden or any Democrat. That would be illegal, wouldn’t it?

Contrast that with Donald Trump and his record of having appointed the smallest share of nonwhite judges in more than 25 years. For the record, according to the American Bar Association

  • There are 59 Black women among the 1,409 sitting Article III federal judges across the country. That’s 4% of all federal judges. All but 11 are in the trial courts. Fifty-two were appointed by Democratic presidents.
  • The federal bench is still largely white and male. Seventy percent of all sitting Article III federal judges are male; 78% are white.

So you can see why Carlson is so upset. The federal judiciary is still far from being 100% white male. And Carlson, Fox News, and the Republican Party, will not rest until that goal is reached.

Racial equity in the courts is an atrocity to these “patriots.” In fact, Carlson actually went into a rage when Biden promised to nominate more Black women. And he described the nomination of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as Biden’s effort to “destroy” the Supreme Court and to “humiliate and degrade” the country. So it’s no secret where he and his confederates stand.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Says Biden Chose Ketanji Brown Jackson to ‘Destroy’ the Supreme Court

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FFS: Trump Calls for Arrest of Supreme Court Leak Journalists Unless They Reveal Their Sources

During his occupation of the White House, Donald repeatedly demonstrated his ignorance of, and disrespect for, the Constitution of the United States. He pursued an agenda that was most closely associated with fascism and other oppressive models of government. He expected unflinching loyalty to him personally, rather to the Constitution or the nation.

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Trump’s biggest heroes are dictators such as Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and his puppet master, Vladimir Putin. He excused their offenses against free nations and he sought to emulate them. He spoke of having “fallen in love” with Kim Jong Un and he openly stated that he believed Putin over American intelligence agencies.

RELATED: Donald Trump’s Own Words at the Treason Summit with Putin Are Dripping with His Guilt

On Thursday Trump responded to a report regarding the leaked draft of the the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v Wade. The investigation was unable to identity the leaker who provided the press with a draft of the opinion. That news triggered Trump to post a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, saying that…

“The Supreme Court has just announced it is not able to find out, even with the help of our “crack” FBI, who the leaker was on the R v Wade scandal. They’ll never find out, & it’s important that they do. So, go to the reporter & ask him/her who it was. If not given the answer, put whoever in jail until the answer is given. You might add the publisher and editor to the list. Stop playing games, this leaking cannot be allowed to happen. It won’t take long before the name of this slime is revealed!”

And just in case anyone was unsure about his position, Trump followed that up with another post that said…

“Arrest the reporter, publisher, editor – you’ll get your answer fast. Stop playing games and wasting time!”

These remarks are typical of Trump’s tendency toward tyranny. They reveal his seething hatred for the Constitution and the freedom that it mandates for the press.

For the record, it is not illegal to leak drafts of Supreme Court opinions to the press, so long as the leaker didn’t gain access to the documents unlawfully, such as hacking into a private computer. But Trump isn’t talking here about arresting the leaker. He’s demanding that the reporters, editors, and publishers of the documents be arrested to coerce them to reveal their source. According to PolitiFact

“No federal law clearly prohibits someone with legal access to a draft Supreme Court opinion, such as a justice or clerk, from leaking that document to the press, legal experts said. A draft opinion is not classified, which is usually the grounds for leak investigations.”

The journalists involved in this not only did not violate any law, but they are protected by the Constitution and a couple hundred years of subsequent affirming decisions by the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, Trump would have them incarcerated until they talk. That is the sort of tactic that would be exercised by Trump’s totalitarian mentors. It is blatantly illegal, grossly offensive, and wholly un-American.

These comments are further evidence that Trump is unfit to serve in any capacity in a free democracy. And any voter or Republican politician who would support Trump’s future electoral aspirations is embracing his treasonous anti-Americanism and his utter lack of patriotic principles.


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Trump Rages After Tax Return Ruling that Supreme Court is ‘Political’ and ‘Lost its Honor’

After half a decade of whining and running away, Donald Trump will finally have to face up to whatever is in his tax returns that has so terrified him of getting out. On Tuesday the Supreme Court ruled that Congress has the legal authority to the documents and that they must be provided to the House Ways and Means Committee.

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Donald Trump Angry

This ruling comes very late in the game because Democrats in Congress only have a few weeks to study Trump’s financial records before the Republican majority takes over in January. But that may be all they need. There’s a reason that Trump has fought this so furiously for years. And the American People deserve to know what it is. Trump is the first president in fifty years to refuse to make his taxes public. His efforts to avoid disclosure are typical of his all consuming fear of his crimes being revealed.

RELATED: Trump Being Too Scared to Testify Under Oath, Files Lawsuit Against the January 6th Committee

The legal authority for Congress to get Trump’s tax records was never in doubt, and this outcome was expected by experts. Nevertheless, shortly after the ruling by the Supreme Court was announced, Trump took to his floundering twitter ripoff, Truth Social, to whine petulantly about the decision. His post was just as demented and dishonest as would be expected. He asked…

“Why would anybody be surprised that the Supreme Court has ruled against me, they always do! It is unprecedented to be handing over Tax Returns, & it creates terrible precedent for future Presidents. Has Joe Biden paid taxes on all of the money he made illegally from Hunter & beyond. The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body, with our Country paying the price. They refused to even look at the Election Hoax of 2020. Shame on them!”

Trump is demonstrating his notorious cowardice and victimhood with the bizarre claim that the Supreme Court is always “against me.” The Court currently has a six-to-three ultra-conservative majority, including three justices nominated by Trump. What’s more, there is nothing unprecedented about his being required to turn over his taxes. In fact, it’s actually written into the law mandating that the Treasury Department “shall furnish” tax information requested by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Trump also asks whether “Joe Biden paid taxes on all of the money he made illegally from Hunter & beyond.” First of all, there is no evidence that Biden made any money illegally via his son Hunter, or anyone else. And we know that because Biden has been releasing his tax returns for decades. That’s just Trump’s pathetic way of deflecting from his own criminality.

This is also another example of Trump turning on anyone or anything that fails to be unflinchingly worshipful of him. He will attack his friends and foes alike. If his children criticized him they would be thrown under a fleet of buses without hesitation.

Trump, however, is right when he asserts that “The Supreme Court has lost its honor, prestige, and standing, & has become nothing more than a political body.” But not for the reasons in his warped imagination. The Court has suffered numerous embarrassments in the Era of Trump due entirely to the machinations of Trump and his Senate confederate, Mitch McConnell. Together they distorted the make up of the court through nefarious schemes and deceit. Most recently, their ruling in the Dobbs case that overturned Roe v Wade was not only dangerous and legally incomprehensible, it contributed to the election blowout in the 2022 midterms.

Trump’s Truth Social rant is dripping with fear as he comes to recognize the legal peril he is in. And it doesn’t end with this ruling by the Supreme Court. There are several other civil and criminal probes in progress by authorities in New York, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. Trump’s rap sheet is long and getting longer. Thankfully, Sean Hannity of Fox News provided a helpful catalog…

SEE THIS: Sean Hannity Thinks He’s Helping Trump By Scrolling a Long List of His Crimes on Fox News

UPDATRE: Trump posted another comment that further illustrates his perverse perspective of the court that he is most responsible for and has frequently bragged was his greatest accomplishment…

“The Supreme Court of the United States has the lowest Approval Rating in its long and storied history. No wonder – There are leaks and they can’t find the leaker (which is easy to do!), they are petrified of the Radical Left Maniacs (Democrats) who are destroying our Country, are unwilling to make bold, courageous, and proper decisions on Rigged and Stolen Elections, and are always wanting to be Politically Correct instead of doing what is BEST for the USA. We need Strength & Wisdom, NOW!”

Indeed, the Court’s public approval is in the gutter, primarily because of Trump’s toxic contributions to it. And if finding leakers was so easy, why couldn’t Trump find any of the ones who worked in his White House? Trump leans on his robotic use of infantile insults like “Radical Left Maniacs” because he has nothing of substance to say. As for “bold” decisions, overturning a fifty year precedent protecting privacy and women’s rights was pretty bold, in the worst way. As usual, rather than displaying “Strength & Wisdom,” Trump’s remarks further affirm his weakness and idiocy.

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Supreme Court Rejects MyPillow Huckster Mike Lindell’s Motion to Dismiss Defamation Lawsuit

The apostles of Donald Trump and his “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him are continuing to fail in their relentless and preposterous campaign to undermine democracy on behalf of Dear Leader Trump.

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Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, MyPillow

Among the most prominent of the Trump cult disciples is the notorious MyPillow pitchman, Mike Lindell. For the past two years Lindell has been peddling Trump’s crackpot contention that there was so much voter fraud that the election results should be disregarded and Trump restored to power. Never mind that there hasn’t been a shred of evidence provided to support their conspiracy theories. And Lindell has been implicated in federal crimes related to his fraud mongering.

RELATED: Fox News and Trump FREAK OUT Over the FBI Seizing MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell’s Phone

As result of their bogus claims, Dominion Voting Systems filed a billion dollar lawsuit for defamation against Fox News and others, including Newsmax, One America News Network (OAN), Rudy Giuliani, and Lindell. Last year an appeals court refused Lindell’s motion for dismissal. He subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court. And now that court has also rejected him

“The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal from a prominent supporter of former President Donald Trump who is trying to fend off a defamation suit from a voting company he falsely accused of rigging the 2020 election.

“Michael Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and a regular presence at Trump’s rallies, is fighting a $1.3 billion defamation suit filed in federal court by US Dominion, the company that manufacturers voting machines used in several battleground states. Lindell’s effort was denied by a Trump-appointed U.S. District judge last year.”

This ruling by the Supreme Court affirms that Dominion’s charges of defamation are viable and that it can reasonably be construed that Lindell knew that what he was saying was false, or that he should have known.

This comes on the heels of another Lindell court loss wherein he filed his own defamation suit against Dominion and another company that made voting software, Smartmatic. That lawsuit was also thrown out, but not before Lindell bragged that it would be so successful that the Supreme Court would eventually rule in his favor 9-0, and would overturn the election and reinstate Trump. No, really…

“We’re gonna bring it to the Supreme Court. It’s gonna be 9-0. They’re gonna take this election down. And yes, Donald Trump will be your president. He is the president now.”

None of this should surprise anyone who has followed Lindell’s antics. He has been promising to expose the massive fraud and corruption of the American democratic system for two years. He has held symposiums where he guaranteed that irrefutable evidence would be presented. He produced a crocumentary that he called “Absolute Proof” that had nothing in it that was either absolute or proof. In fact, it was so lacking in credibility that when it was aired on OAN, they preceded it with a disclaimer that essentially disavowed it entirely.

RELATED: Watch the Hysterical Disclaimer For the MyPillow Guy’s ‘Absolute Proof’ Doc on OAN

So now Lindell has lost the ultra-rightist, Trump-fluffing OAN, and the Trump-dominated Supreme Court. Which can only mean that he will shortly be announcing that the REAL proof is going to be released in two weeks by the reanimated JFK, Jr and a committee comprised of Keebler elves. Stay tuned.

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Al Franken Shows How to Make Republican Hacks Squirm By Using this One Little Trick – Truth!

CNN has not exactly been dignifying itself lately. It’s new management appears to be shifting its editorial direction more to either an artificial neutrality or downright conservativism. They have fired honest journalists like Brian Stelter and John Harwood. And sources say they are pushing remaining personnel to be more “Republican-friendly.”

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Al Franken, GOP Elephant

However, on Saturday one of the remaining bright lights at the network, Jim Acosta, invited Al Franken on to debate GOP strategist April Stewart about the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. To put it mildly, it didn’t go well for Stewart.

RELATED: Fox News Putin Puppet Tucker Carlson’s False Flag Fiction Gets Ripped By CNN’s Jim Acosta

The discussion began with Acosta playing a video of Vice-President Kamala Harris lamenting that the current Supreme Court is “an activist Court” as exemplified by its decision overturning Roe v Wade. Acosta then turned to Franken, who pointed out that if the Court’s reputation was suffering, it was because of Republicans disrespect for the institution. Franken cited as examples how they refused to take up the nomination of Merrick Garland due to the proximity of a presidential election, which was a year away, but then confirmed Amy Coney Barrett within a few weeks of an election.

Franken began by stating flatly and factually the circumstances that led to the confirmations of Justices Gorsuch and Barrett as having been “stolen.” What followed was an exchange that exposed the utter vacancy of the GOP’s position. Stewart attempted to revise history with a false argument about why Garland was snubbed. But Franken wasn’t having it (video below)

Franken: They’ve stolen two seats: the one that Merrick Garland wasn’t given a hearing for, and the one that Coney Barrett, where she was seated a week before the election. That destroyed the legitimacy of the court.
Stewart: To throw some accuracy in what Al said there, Merrick Garland was held up because we had divided government, a Democrat in the White House, and Republicans in control…
Franken: That’s not what McConnell said.
Stewart: But that’s the way historically this has been. When you’re in close to an election year and you have divided government….
Franken: No, that’s not the way it’s been historically done.
Stewart: When you have divided government, there typically is inclination to…
Franken: Tell me when this happened before. Tell me when it happened before.

Stewart ignored Franken’s question and tried repeatedly to push a narrative that had no resemblance to reality. And each time she did, Franken interrupted to ask her again to simply “tell me when it happened before.” She never could. And finally, Franken explained to her why she couldn’t cite another example…

Stewart: I can’t give you an exact example when this happened in the past.
Franken: You know why you can’t? Because it hasn’t happened before.

Stewart’s humiliating stammering as she sought to spread a wholly fictional account of the Republicans’ deliberate poisoning of the Supreme Court’s credibility is emblematic of how little regard the GOP has for the Court and the Constitution. But Franken’s dogged defense of historical honesty is a master class in how to handle right-wing propagandists. Hopefully we will see more of that as the midterm election advances – and beyond.

RELATED: CNN’s Jim Acosta Renames the Tucker Carlson, Fox News False Flag Flick: ‘Proud Boy Porn’

SEE ALSO: Jon Stewart Nails It: The Supreme Court is Now the Fox News of Justice

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