Bill O’Reilly Thinks America Has Millions Of Cop Killers Running Around

The sad story of two New York police offices ambushed by a nut case as they sat in their patrol car has had the effect of driving many self-serving politicians and pundits nuts as well. The incidents of these brazenly exploitative hacks dishonoring the fallen officers is astonishing, even in these highly partisan times. It is unconscionable that so many insensitive and biased people effectively pardon the murderer by shifting the blame to everyone from President Obama to Al Sharpton to Eric Holder to Bill De Blasio to every well-intentioned protester who mourns for the lives of victims of police brutality.

For the benefit of those deliberately incendiary cretins, it is possible for people of good will to support the work of the majority of good police officers while at the same time criticizing the failings of the bad apples. In fact, it is the duty of citizens and officials to make that distinction and not cover up the misconduct of the few.

Weighing in on the side of the mental cases who can’t delineate between good and evil is Bill O’Reilly of Fox News. In an utterly unhinged rant that he delivered by phoning in to his own TV program while on vacation, O’Reilly went on at length about the responsibility of New York City Mayor De Blasio, who he accused of being incompetent and impotently demanded that “this is an individual who should resign today.” Then immediately after conceding that nobody but Ismaaiyl Brinsley was responsible for the murders, he contradicts himself again and charges the protesters with aiding and abetting him.

“Now Brinsley is the only one responsible for the deaths of the two police officers. No one else has blood on their hands. I want everybody to be clear about that. Aiding and abetting Brinsley and other maniacs – those protesters who yelled we want dead cops.”

So no one else has blood on their hands – except that a few blockheads out of some 25,000 marchers, who were elevated by O’Reilly to a status far beyond their actual impact, were de facto accomplices. Never mind that Brinsley probably never even knew they existed because he likely was not a Fox News viewer. From there O’Reilly fingers what he calls the “true villain in the case,” and according to him it isn’t Brinsley.

“Bill De Blasio, as I said, is incompetent. He was elected in an election in which few people voted. He is a machine politician. And he is an anti-police individual. […] This is an individual who should resign today – TODAY!

O’Reilly must get awfully tired of being ignored. Obviously De Blasio is not going to resign, nor should he. And while O’Reilly was right about the low voter turnout (something that is sadly too common in this country as evidenced by the midterm election last month), De Blasio received a whopping 73% of those who voted. But O’Reilly is only an advocate of democracy when his side prevails. It is typical of the deranged extremism for which he is so well known. And his brand of rancid hyperbole was in full effect last night when he painted a dystopic picture of America as a buzzing hive of cop killers.

“And there are millions of Brinsleys running around. Millions. Because our society in America does not hold them accountable.”

Bill O'Reilly

For the record, there were 27 police officers killed in the line of duty last year (of which only five were killed by ambush, Brinsley-style) according to FBI statistics. That is a tragedy for each and every one of those officers and their families, but it does not support the lunatic assertion that “millions of Brinsleys” are running around. And where O’Reilly gets the notion that cop killers are not held accountable is a complete mystery. They are among those who receive the harshest punishment of any criminal act. That is, if they even survive to stand trial.

Once again O’Reilly has managed to distort reality in a way that inflames his dimwitted audience and exacerbates division and unrest. He is incapable of grasping the intricacies of the social relationships between citizens and law enforcement. He only sees things through the prism of his elitist, wealthy, white privilege, which he insists does not exist. And, as usual, his contributions are hallmarked by ignorance and hatred and are counterproductive, if not overtly destructive.

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