Trump Thanks White Nationalist as a ‘Great Journalist’ for His Sexist Attack on Kamala Harris

After whining for weeks that Kamala Harris had not subjected herself to a media inquisition since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Trump and his MAGA minions are still unsatisfied following her interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. However, what is probably most disappointing for them is that she conducted herself admirably, showing intellect and compassion.

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Donald Trump, MAGA

Of course the Trump cult didn’t like it. There was none of the bile and bombast that Trump is famous for. She didn’t spew any inflammatory lies, infantile insults, hostile attacks, or racist rants. And there was not even a mention of sharks, windmill cancer, or Hannibal Lecter. It’s amazing that, without that psychotic rhetoric, she is still managing to beat Trump in most of the recent polls.

SEE THIS: Putting Trump’s Polling Delusions in Perspective – It’s Even Worse than He Thinks

Consequently, Trump is resorting to reliance on some of his fringiest followers to float his political fortunes. He took to his failing Truth Social scam site to offer some praise to White nationalist rage-caster, Charlie Kirk, with a one line, unadorned, and mysterious post saying only “Thank you to great journalist, Charlie Kirk!’

It didn’t take long to discover why Trump was so pleased with Kirk’s alleged journalistic skills. Kirk had just posted a video of himself disparaging Harris in the most vile and misogynistic terms. And Trump’s accolades came less than twenty minutes later. Kirk was reacting to Harris’ interview in a predictably malicious manner. What follows are some choice excerpts from his overheated harangue (video below)

  • “Kamala Harris says her values haven’t changed. So your Marxist values haven’t changed?”
    Kirk obediently adopts Trump’s lingo that has no basis in reality.
  • “Kamala Harris screams as somebody who has unaddressed, lingering father issues. By the way, you know her father does not like her and wasn’t even at the convention?”
    Harris’ parents divorced when she was seven and she was raised by her mother. Kirk fails to mention that Trump’s own wife is almost never with him (at rallies, or court, or dinners at Mar-a-Lago). Melania made a token appearance at the RNC at the very end, and she never addressed the convention or spoke to the press.
  • “She always needs to have a man around.”
    So Does Trump. But actually, Harris does almost all of her public appearances solo.
  • “Kamala Harris was attacked by her Jamaican father over her pot smoking joke.”
    So what? It’s not like Jamaicans aren’t known for their ganja habits. And this may be one of the reasons she didn’t invite him to the DNC.
  • “Kamala Harris is not confident in her own standing. She’s not confident in her own position because she didn’t earn it.”
    Where Kirk sees any lack of confidence is a mystery. And if being an elected District Attorney, Attorney General, and U.S. Senator, from the biggest state in the union, and the first woman Vice-President isn’t “earning it,” WTF is?
  • “She’s a radical, not confident in her beliefs, insecure, and a nervous wreck.”
    This sounds like a much better description of Donald Trump. Especially after finding out that he’s running against Kamala Harris.

For the record. Kirk has a long and well documented history as a right-wing extremist and White nationalist. Which makes him just the sort of cretin who would appeal to Trump. He holds extraordinarily repulsive views including the racist “White Replacement Theory” that posits that Democrats are trying to import foreigners in order to shift the balance of the electorate. What’s more…

That’s the guy that Trump just thanked for being a “great journalist.” Meanwhile, Trump says that actual journalists are “the enemy of the people,” and calls for their arrest and incarceration. And Trump is the guy that Republicans still support as their candidate for president. That should tell you something about what remains of the once “Grand Old Party,” and why no one should vote for any Republican.

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Trump Issues An Impotent Threat of Mass Incarceration of Imaginary Migrant ‘Election Fraudsters’

The authoritarian compulsions of convicted felon Donald Trump have exhibited themselves in his frequent and public declarations of overt intentions to seek “retribution” against his perceived enemies, including all Democrats, insufficiently worshipful Republicans, independent judges, domestic and foreign diplomats, disloyal business leaders, and, of course, the media that he refers to in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.”

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Trump’s obsession with getting revenge on those he believes have wronged him has been the single most motivating factor in his campaign to reoccupy the White House, with the possible exception of his fear of being sent to prison himself for his multitude of crimes. His response to that fear is to threaten his foes with prosecution, including charges of treason that carry the death penalty.

SEE THIS: The Supreme Court Immunity Case is Even Scarier Knowing Trump Threatened to Execute His Critics

On Tuesday Trump extended his threats to a group of people that he has long detested: Immigrants. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted a comment in support of a new Republican bill aimed at making it illegal for undocumented immigrants to vote in federal elections. Which is a blatantly transparent political stunt because, of course, that is already illegal. Trump wrote that…

“Republicans must pass the Save Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep. Non citizen Illegal Migrants are getting the right to vote […] Our whole voting system is under siege.”

To no one’s surprise, Trump is lying. There aren’t any “Non citizen Illegal Migrants [who] are getting the right to vote.” And his baseless assertion that the “whole voting system is under siege,” is utterly delusional. If that were true, why didn’t Trump do anything about it in the four years that he was pretending to be president? Where is his evidence that it is happening now? But despite his complete departure from reality, Trump went on to issue a foreboding threat…

“If I’m elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time. We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!”

So Trump is specifically threatening to arrest and imprison Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, along with hundreds (thousands?) of others whose names he allegedly already knows, but whom he has declined to report to the authorities. Are you one of them?

This threat is consistent with Trump’s often hyperbolic proclamations that immigrants are running rampant throughout the nation, committing crimes with the approval of the Biden administration. He has promised to deport some 15 million people whose immigration status he can’t even certify. That would undoubtedly lead to untold numbers of American citizens being shipped off to foreign lands that they never knew.

Trump has never explained how his deportation scheme would be carried out. But for the record, it would take some 75,000 flights to transport 15 million people to other countries around the world. That would cost at least $7.5 billion. And that isn’t counting the billions it would take for law enforcement to round them up, or to build and staff the internment camps where they would have to be housed until their status and country of origin were established.

Trump is also advancing the virulently racist “White Replacement Theory” that posits that Democrats are trying to import foreigners in order to shift the balance of the electorate. Never mind that it would take many years for any immigrant, much less an undocumented one, to be granted legal status and eventually citizenship.

Trump is engaging in another impotent threat that is based on solely on his seething hatred and perverse perspective of the world. He couldn’t carry it out even if he were reelected. And reality has shown us that nearly every legitimate case of election fraud in the past several years was the work of Republicans. But Trump has never been one to allow facts to interfere with his fetid fantasies.


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Fox News Hack Posts Blatantly Racist Op-Ed Attacking Kamala Harris in Murdoch’s New York Post

The obsession by MAGA media operatives to malign President Biden and sow discord within the Democratic Party has been trodding full bore ever since the Biden/Trump debate ten days ago. And naturally they focus solely on criticism of Biden for being old, while ignoring Donald Trump for being a convicted felon, financial fraudster, aspiring authoritarian, and adjudicated rapist.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

The press seems to have a single-minded mission to drive Biden out of the presidential race because he struggled to express himself effectively at the debate. Never mind that, while Trump didn’t have any problem speaking, he had a huge problem telling the truth. And to the press, being a pathological liar isn’t a disqualifying characteristic for someone seeking to become leader of the free world, a position that Trump has already failed horribly at. So the press clutches desperately to their narrative that it’s Biden who needs to step aside. Ironically, not even Trump thinks that…

SEE THIS: Felonious Trump Begs President Biden to Stay in the Race in a Sarcastic Rant Filled with Lies

Adding to the muck, is the notorious muckraking rag, the New York Post. This Rupert Murdoch propaganda spewer published a story by Fox News correspondent, Charlie Gasparino, with the blatantly racist headline, “America may soon be subjected to the country’s first DEI president: Kamala Harris.” It hardly requires reading the article to get the gist of what it is saying. The right-wingers of America have been furiously trying to redefine the acronym “DEI” (diversity, equity, and inclusion) to mean “incompetent minorities and women trying to steal jobs from White men.” The article opened saying that…

“There is a raging debate in corporate America on the future of DEI, aka Diversity ­Equity and Inclusion, because it is literally destroying businesses that go there. And yet the American public may soon be subjected to DEI writ large in the next president of the United States, if Kamala Harris finds her way to the top of the Democratic ticket.”

To be clear, the article is attacking Harris as undeserving of her position as Vice-President, or any position she might have subsequent to that. They are dismissing the fact that she is the former Attorney General of California and a United States Senator. Apparently they don’t regard those as qualification for high office. But they do appreciate wealthy White men who have bankrupted multiple business and bragged about committing sexual assault.

The article also insults Harris personally as “the most irrepressibly fatuous politician in America” and “manifest ­unlikability.” It then goes on to complain about the fact that she has dared to laugh – or in their words, cackle – in public…

The article doesn’t leave out the author’s deep-seated hatred for President Biden either. He adopts Trump’s infantile nickname of “Sleepy Joe,” and offers some preposterous lies about Biden’s policies. For instance, he says that Biden “literally invites terrorists to enter the country and kill people.” Literally? This author clearly doesn’t know what the word means. But he couldn’t come up with any figurative examples of his ridiculous claim either.

The article’s case against DEI is profoundly ludicrous and steeped in hypocrisy. Someone needs to tell them about the Fox News Corporate Responsibility Report that boasts that the company is “committed to diversity from the very top [and that] An inclusive and diverse workplace is not merely a strategy or business objective—it is fundamentally woven in the fabric of the Company.” It goes on to elaborate more specifically that…

“Our Preventing Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation Policy protects individuals on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, family status, caregiver status, sex (including pregnancy status, childbirth, breastfeeding, and related medical conditions), gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexual and reproductive health decisions, reproductive health decision-making, hair texture or hairstyles, military or veteran status, political affiliation, arrest or conviction record, union membership, unemployment status, credit history, status as a victim of domestic violence, stalking or sexual offenses, or any other legally protected characteristic.”

So Fox News, to the surprise of no one who has watched it with clear eyes, is hysterically hypocritical. What’s more, they spend much of their airtime vilifying a policy that is “fundamentally woven in the fabric of the Company.” And yet, they still dredge up their inbred prejudices to purposefully ignore and/or misinterpret DEI in order to use it against the first Black woman to serve as Vice-President. But then, would anyone expect anything else from Rupert Murdoch and his Klan Empire?


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DELUSIONAL Fox News Host Remembers When ‘Blacks Loved Trump’ and ‘Wanted to Be Trump’

Political campaigns commonly make rosy claims intended to bolster the perceived depths of support the candidate has among various constituent groups. Ordinarily those claims are backed up by at least some kernel of truth. But in the era of the MAGA GOP, all standards of honesty have been discarded as what was once the Republican Party morphs into the Cult of Trump.

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Fox News Jesse Watters

Fox News provided an outstanding example of that on Thursday night in a segment of the Jesse Watters program wherein he was “reporting” on Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx. Throughout the day Fox News covered the rally as if there had been a sighting of the Virgin Mary that drew 100,000 faithful to a park in New York City. Actually, the attendance was more like 2-3,000, and most of them were from out of town, or even out of state. But diverging from the facts never stopped Fox News before.

SEE THIS: Fox News Fans the Flaming Lie that Biden Sought to Assassinate Trump During Search of Mar-a-Lago

Like many others on Fox News, Watters sought to portray the Bronx rally as evidence that Trump has significant support in the Black and Latino communities. He didn’t bother to notice that most of the audience was White in a borough that is 85% people of of color.

Watters went on to complain about the frequent observations of Trump’s blatant racism. However, his comments were typically out of step with reality. He whined that…

“It does seem like they’re trying to say Trump’s racist. And they have to go all the way back into the 80s to say he’s racist. I remember in the 80s, Blacks loved Trump. In the 90s they loved him. In the 2000s Blacks wanted to be Trump. Everybody wanted to be Trump, no matter what color you are. That changed when he ran for president.”

First of all, it isn’t the vindication of Trump that Watters thinks it is to notice that examples of his racism date back 40-50 years. That’s more of a validation. But Watters goes even farther afield by claiming to “remember” the 1980s when “Blacks loved Trump.” Watters was born in Philadelphia in 1978. So he wants his viewers to believe that he recalls Trump’s popularity with Blacks in New York from his years as a toddler in another state.

There is, of course, no evidence that Blacks loved Trump in the 80s, or the 90s, or any time since. Particularly New Yorkers who actually do remember Trump taking out a full-page ad in four newspapers calling for the execution of five Black teenagers (the Central Park Five), who were falsely accused of a horrific rape and murder. Thirteen years later DNA evidence exonerated them. The five eventually received a $41 million settlement from the city of New York in 2014. Trump has never retracted his statement or apologized.

Watters continued his deranged distortion of reality by asserting that “Blacks wanted to be Trump. Everybody wanted to be Trump.” Once again, there is no evidence of any such desire on the part of anyone, with the exception of other privileged White grifters who envied Trump’s shameless deceitfulness in pursuit of greed. Most New Yorkers were repulsed by Trump and his pseudo-playboy aspirations and tawdry friendships with the likes of underage sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein.

Fox News needs to keep spreading blatant lies like these about Trump’s feeble support among Black Americans in order to convince their viewers that he is a shoo-in for the presidency in November. They are an insecure bunch of willfully blind followers who will crumble at the notion that Trump isn’t viewed by everyone as a messiah. So designated fluffers like Watters are dispatched to keep the emotional Kool-Aid flowing. It’s sad that there are still suckers – although relatively few – who continue to fall for it.


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Watch Fox News Host Prove that She’s Lying About Democrats Using A.l. to Alter Trump’s Words

The mission of Fox News from its inception has been to promote far-right politics and the Republican Party. However, in recent years it has shifted to an even more extreme bias in favor one Republican in particular. The Fox News devotion to Donald Trump and his MAGA cult has been an all-consuming obsession that abandons any connection to journalism or even patriotism.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Consequently, Fox News has never felt compelled to provide any factual basis for their flagrantly dishonest propaganda. It’s why they produce stories like the the one this week about President Biden allegedly prohibiting religious symbols on Easter eggs during the White House holiday event, when that was a rule that’s been in place for 45 years, including during Trump’s occupation of the White House. It’s why Fox News often winds up inadvertently slamming their own GOP allies who they regard as insufficiently committed to lock-step party uniformity, like good fascists…

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

On Thursday morning, Fox News host Harris Faulkner unleashed a segment wherein she disgorged her outrage at Democrats who she accused of distorting Trump’s words. Of course, Democrats have no need to distort anything Trump says, because his rhetoric is heinously offensive without any artificial alteration.

Nevertheless, Faulkner made the wholly unsupported allegation that some unnamed nefarious Democrat employed Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to alter what Trump said at his cult rally in Michigan.

Faulkner: It didn’t happen the way the Dems say it did. Here’s a clip that Team Biden posted from Trump’s speech in Michigan this week…
Trump (Video): Democrats said “Please don’t call them animals.” I said “No, they’re not humans. They’re animals.”
Faulkner: Here’s what he actually said. Trump’s words. Actually said this…
Trump (Video): The 22 year old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an illegal alien animal. The Democrats said “Please don’t call them animals.” I said “No, they’re not humans. They’re animals.”
Faulkner: First of all, how in the world did they edit all those words together to even put something like what they had. That’s amazing. […] What are they using? A.I.?”

OMG: Did everyone notice that Faulkner’s video of Trump’s blatant racism said exactly the same thing as the video that Faulkner said was the work of Democrats? The only difference was Trump’s preface about the tragically murdered student (about whom he lied saying he had spoken to her family). But that didn’t change the racist context of his remarks at all. He didn’t call just the alleged murderer an animal. He said that “THEY are animals.” It was a clear reference to all migrants.

Contrary to Faulkner’s deliberate lie, there was no modification whatsoever, A.I. or otherwise. Her amazement at how Democrats supposedly “edit(ed) all those words together” is bizarre, considering that the words were identical. And this was her own video “proof” of some sort of Democratic deception? The real question is not “What are they using?” It’s “What is SHE using?”

And yet, the Fox News viewers will likely fail to see any problem with this bullpucky. They will swallow it whole and come away believing that Democrats manufactured everything that Trump said. And at the same time they will agree with everything that Trump said. That’s the nature of a cult. And Fox News is the Ministry of Disinformation for the Cult of Trump (aka the Republican Party), where Trump’s words can be simultaneously fake and correct.


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PHEW! Trump Says He Has Figured Out Why Biden is ‘Allowing’ Millions of Migrants Into America

The most easily predictable political tactic of the Republican Party and its rightist propaganda outlets is the traditional fear mongering and demonization of alleged “caravans” of migrants and refugees just prior to any election. It’s a problem that they mostly ignore until it’s time to frighten their flock with flagrant falsehoods of foreign invasions.

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Fox News has been the most vocal disseminator of these nightmarish scenarios wherein hordes of scary brown folks are said to be marching into America bent on taking over the country. It’s a concept that was frequently pushed by former Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson.

SEE THIS: White Replacement Theory Huckster Tucker Carlson Now Says He’s ‘Not Sure Exactly What It Is’

Not to be outdone, Donald Trump has made the same allegations about immigrants plotting to wrest control of America from its rightful white superiors. Recently Trump has resorted to rhetoric that he snatched from Hitler, referring to migrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of the nation.

SEE ALSO: Fox News Excuses Trump Quoting Hitler to Bash Immigrants Because Melania is an Immigrant

On Saturday morning Trump unleashed a flurry of posts to his failing social media scam, Truth Social. In about an hour he dropped 37 comments, mostly exalting himself or maligning his perceived enemies. Among these posts was one that addressed the immigration issue in a way that only a virulent racist like Trump can…

“It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the ‘Crazed’ Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country. IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now. Republicans better wake up and do something, before it is too late. Are you listening Mitch McConnell?”

Let’s set aside the infantile insults about “Crazed Democrats,” and obvious lies about “millions of totally unvetted migrants,” and focus on Trump’s ridiculous assertion that the reason Biden and Democrats are “allowing” migrants in is “SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.” Anyone with even a minimal grasp on reality (which leaves out the entirety of the MAGA Cult) knows that undocumented immigrants cannot, and do not, vote. Even documented immigrants can’t vote until after they have been legal residents for years and become naturalized.

Trump claims that Democrats are implementing a devious plan to alter the electorate by recruiting undocumented immigrants and are “signing them up at a rapid pace.” His evidence of that remains firmly clogged in his atrophied cranium, along with his evidence that the 2020 election that he decisively lost to Biden was “rigged and stollen.”

For the record, migrant apprehensions and expulsions at the southern border are at record highs. Which means that the Biden administration is doing a better job of policing the border than Trump did. And he’s doing it more humanely, without having to incarcerate people in cages or rip children away from their parents.

Another post by Trump about voting mentioned a study that found that “Votes Increased by Up to 8pts in States with Universal Mail-In Voting.” It linked to a right-wing website that surely misinterpreted whatever it was “reporting.” But it’s curious that Trump would promote it considering that he has long insisted that all mail-in voting is rampant with fraud.

Finally, Trump threatens his fellow Republicans, warning that they “better wake up and do something.” You’ll notice that he doesn’t say what they should do. Perhaps he thinks they should start illegally registering immigrants to vote. He’s made it clear that he has no aversion to committing crimes.

One thing we can be certain of is that he is not proposing that they do something legislatively. The GOP has opposed and obstructed every effort to pass a bipartisan immigration reform bill for years. That’s because they want the problem to exploit politically, more than they want a solution. They know that if the problem were solved they would have nothing else to talk about, except maybe Hunter Biden’s laptop.

UPDATE: Trump doubled down on his immigration idiocy with another post wherein he wishes “an early New Year’s salutation to Crooked Joe Biden and his group of Radical Left Misfits & Thugs [who] are now scrambling to sign up as many of those millions of people they are illegally allowing into sour [sic] Country, in order that they will be ready to VOTE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024.” Is he really stupid enough to believe that illegal immigrants will be voting next year? Or is he just confidant that his dumbass cult followers will believe it? The obvious answer to both of those questions is “Yes!”.


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Fox News Excuses Trump Quoting Hitler to Bash Immigrants Because Melania is an Immigrant

Watching Donald Trump sink ever deeper into the abyss of totalitarianism is a painfully difficult thing for Americans who cherish the principles of democracy and liberty upon which this nation was founded. But as his legal perils mount, Trump is losing whatever threads of morality and decency that he might have pretended to be hanging onto.

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Donald Trump

At his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, Trump elevated his authoritarian aspirations with language derived straight from the playbook of Adolf Hitler. Referring to immigrants and refugees seeking shelter in the United States, Trump complained that they were “poisoning the blood of our country.” Which is precisely how Hitler described the Jews in Germany that he yearned to exterminate.

Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s fear mongering was quickly condemned by Democrats and other decent Americans who recognized just how repugnant and dangerous that sort of hateful rhetoric is. But sadly, many Republicans defended Trump and attempted to dismiss his hate speech as harmless jargon that need not be taken seriously. That was also the position of the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

Having had several days to reflect on Trump’s language, Fox News is still failing to appreciate the heinousness of Trump’s words. In a segment on their allegedly “news” driven program hosted by Bret Baier, they came up with a novel notion to excuse Trump’s Nazi inspired speech. Baier and fellow anchor David Asman engaged in the following exchange…

Asman: Some of things that Trump has been saying are quite difficult, even for his supporters. He said one the other night…

Trump Video: They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They poisoned mental institutions, and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America. Not just in three or four countries that we think about. But all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, Asia, all over the world. They’re pouring into our country. Nobody’s even looking at them. They just come in. The crime is gonna be tremendous. The terrorism is gonna be — terrorism is going to be – and we built a tremendous piece of the wall and then we’re gonna build more.

Asman: Bret, nobody argues that it’s not a disaster. It is, and of course it’s being reflected in cities all over the country. But to use that phrase, “poisoning our blood,” that really got under the skin of a lot of people. Even his supporters. Is there any sign that anybody in his campaign is gonna try to answer that?

Baier: Not really. Listen, it’s the word he chose. I think it raised a lot of eyebrows, not only on the democratic side but in Republican circles. Obviously it hearkens back to some writings. And it’s been written about in numerous articles.

But it’s also important to point out the former president is married to an immigrant who just did a naturalization ceremony at the National Archives to welcome immigrants into the country. So there’s a disconnect there if that’s the dog whistle he’s sending. Some people are saying it is, but other people are saying it’s just the words he chose. Republicans even know – are uncomfortable with that phrasing.

Asman: Sometimes he does like to tweak people too. You wonder whether there was something of that in the whole thing. Meanwhile Biden’s poll numbers are just awful.

There’s a lot of bullcrap to unpack in that. Let’s begin where Asman began, with his contention that Trump’s remarks were difficult “even for his supporters.” It is pitifully obvious that Trump’s glassy-eyed disciples are not particularly bothered by Trump’s language. In fact. many of them are specifically drawn to him because of it.

Then Baier responds to Asman’s question noting, correctly at first, that no one in Trump’s campaign is likely to answer the criticism of his remarks. But Baier couldn’t even bring himself to describe Trump’s source as Hitler. He referred only vaguely to words that “hearkens back to some writings.”

However, Baier then thought he came up with the perfect apologia for Trump. He couldn’t possibly be calling for the elimination of immigrants in America because his wife is an immigrant. In fact, he married two foreigners, providing them and their anchor babies with citizenship. But that doesn’t indicate any affinity for the immigrant population in America. It just indicates the hypocrisy of Trump who is capable of condemning the vast majority of mostly immigrants of color, while separating his White European wives from the hordes of those that he and his followers hate.

Baier seems to notice that there is a “disconnect” there, and that Trump is blowing on his racist dog whistle. But Baier fails to notice that he is the one responding to the whistling with a ludicrous defense for Trump’s fascistic vulgarity. And it’s predictable that Asman closes the segment by trivializing Trump’s offensiveness because “he does like to tweak people,” and then diverting to an attack on President Biden’s polling.

At no point in the segment did wither Asman or Baier condemn Trump’s adoption of Hitler’s words or criticize his tyrannical leanings. So it’s fair to conclude that Fox News is comfortable with all of that. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that we can expect them to continue to advance Trump and his hate speech for the foreseeable future.


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Trump Blows Blatantly Racist Dog Whistles to Motivate MAGA Voter Intimidation Squads in 2024

Three years after the presidential election of 2020, Donald Trump is still whining about having decisively lost to Joe Biden. He is clearly obsessed with not being able to beat a candidate that he tried to dismiss as a senile communist. And Trump has made his delusional despondency over that defeat the foundation of his current campaign to reoccupy the White House.

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Donald Trump, MAGA

Never mind that Trump failed to produce a shred of evidence of any his unfounded allegations that the election was “rigged and stolen,” despite repeated promises to do so. He had plenty of opportunities to provide his evidence in the 60+ court cases that he lost, and innumerable media appearances. But for some reason he has chosen to keep his alleged “proof” secret and just keep making unfulfilled assurances that it will all be revealed soon.

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

In a speech in Iowa on Saturday, Trump once again declined to expose the rampant election fraud that exists only in his fevered imagination. However, he did repeat his complaints for the umpteenth time, while babbling about “millions and millions of votes” that he pretends to believe were swiped from him, even in states run by his Republican supporters (video below).

“You know, the one thing they don’t want to talk about is the election. Because they’re guilty as hell. They cheated like hell. They know it. And you’ll never find out all the ways. But we don’t need all the ways. Because I think it was 22,000 votes separated it. And we have millions and millions of votes. It’s a very sad thing.”

Instead of delivering any proof, Trump warned his glassy-eyed cult followers that the election in 2024 is likely to be “rigged and stolen” as well. And in order to prevent that, he offered some particularly offensive advice…

“So the most important part of what is coming up is to guard the vote, and you should go into Detroit, and you should go into Philadelphia, and you should go into some of these places, Atlanta, and you should go into some of these places, and we have to watch those votes when they come in. When they’re being, you know, shoved around in wheelbarrows, and dumped on the floor, and everyone’s saying ‘what’s going…’ We’re like a third world nation.”

Notice that Trump is telling his rally attendees in Iowa to go to specific cities – Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta – to “watch those votes.” Then he paints a frightening picture of villainous wheelbarrows rolling around with evil intent to whisk away any ballots marked for Trump.

It’s important to recognize what the cities Trump named have in common. They are all precincts that have a high percentage of Black voters in states that could swing either way. You’ll notice that he didn’t demand that votes be “guarded” in Des Moines or Louisville. So what Trump is asking is that his disciples travel to places with diverse electorates and set up shop to intimidate the voters there.

Trump is signaling that he already believes that he’s going to lose in 2024. So he needs to lay the groundwork for another few years of yammering about nonexistent election fraud. And his strategy is to try to suppress and/or invalidate the votes of minorities. Which is a interesting considering that he recently told his own supporters not to bother with voting at all because “We’ve got plenty of votes”

That’s right. Trump doesn’t want his own people to vote for him. They just need to “watch ‘those’ voters.” And somehow that will result in a victory for Trump. It’s actually a great piece of advice if his intent is to reelect Biden. His voters stay home and “watch” the rest of the nation – especially minorities – vote in droves for Biden and other Democrats. 2024 can’t come soon enough.


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GOOD LUCK: White House Asks Fox News to Apologize for ‘Hateful Lies’ By Racist Host Jesse Watters

The war in the Middle East between Hamas terrorists and Israel is continuing to cost the lives of untold numbers of civilians on both sides of the conflict. However, the tragic consequences of this war are not limited to the geographical region of the combatants. In some obvious and painful ways the war has been brought home to the U.S.

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Jesse Watters, Fox News

Americans of Jewish and Arab heritage are increasingly becoming the victims of vile bigots who are engaging in verbal and physical abuse against innocent people who have nothing to do with the war. Indeed, many of the victims are advocates for peace and tolerance. Even worse, among the blatant racists are leaders in the Republican Party such as their new Speaker, Mike Johnson, who is already callously politicizing the war…

SEE THIS: Republicans in Congress are Holding Israelis Hostage to Aid for Wealthy American Tax Cheats

To no one’s surprise, the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is leading the parade of prejudice. On Thursday Jesse Watters, Fox’s Senior White Nationalist since the exodus of Tucker Carlson, unleashed a repulsive rant attacking the entire Muslim population of America. He fumed feverishly that he wanted “to say something about Arab Americans and about the Muslim world.” Then he upchucked the following…

“We made them rich. We got that oil out of the ground. Our military protects all of these oil shipments, flying around the world, making them rich. We fund their military, we respect their kings. We kill their terrorists. OK? But we’ve had it. We’ve had it with them. Obama, Trump, now Biden, have tried to get the heck out of that stupid desert. Just as we’re about to get out, because we have this great balance of power we’re arranging, these crazy Muslim fanatics come in and massacre over a thousand of our allies and hold Jewish people hostage, hold Americans hostage. And so, if you are an Arab American in this country and you ripped down posters of Jewish hostages, American hostages. No. No. No. No. Someone is gonna get punched in the face.”

Notice that Watters directed this hostile harangue to Arab Americans. Not to the Hamas terrorists or anti-Semites in the U.S., but to every Arab resident in the country. And his threat of being “punched in the face” was likewise aimed broadly at an entire ethnic community. It is bitterly emblematic of the Islamophobia that infects the hate mongers of the ultra-right.

In response, President Biden had the White House issue a statement condemning Watters’ rancid rhetoric and asking Fox News for an apology. Never mind that Fox would never rise to the level of decency necessary to produce such an apology. To the contrary, they would more likely give Watters a bonus. The White House statement said that…

“These hateful lies about ‘Arab Americans and…the Muslim world’ highlight the urgency of President Biden’s work to ensure hate has no safe harbor in America, and why he committed to the first national anti-Islamophobia strategy in our history. These unacceptable remarks come just weeks after the heartbreaking killing of a 6 year old Palestinian-American child, and during a spike in threats against Muslim and Arab Americans.

“Fox News owes an apology to every single viewer for this sickening attack on the rights and dignity of their fellow Americans. President Biden will always stand up against Islamophobia, antisemitism, and all forms of hate. Fox News should learn from his example.”

Predictably, Republicans and other committed racists attacked Biden’s efforts to diminish bigotry. Across the rightosphere there were complaints that the Biden administration was focusing only on islamophobia and ignoring anti-Semitism. For instance, Fox News anchor Julie Banderas opined that “college campuses have become hot beds for Jew haters.” Then went on to criticize the administration saying…

“But then you have Kamala Harris, the vice president, who just this week launched a strategy to end anti-Islamophobia in this country, almost turning a complete blind eye to the true hatred in this country right now, and it’s anti-Semitism.”

Banderas’ Fox colleague, Steve Hilton, agreed insisting that college campuses where students protested attacks on Palestinian civilians need to be shut down. Which is both anti-Palestinian and anti-free speech. However, it’s consistent with the conservative opposition to education, in order to keep their followers stupid.

What’s more, these remarks are not merely racist. They are also flagrant lies. The Biden administration has spoken out repeatedly against anti-Semitism. And just two days prior to this rant on Fox News, the administration announced an initiative to address the growing anti-Semitism in America…

“The Biden administration is unveiling new actions Monday to combat antisemitism on college campuses after an ‘alarming’ uptick in incidents since the Israel-Hamas war started in early October. The departments of Justice and Homeland Security are partnering with campus law enforcement to track hate-related threats and provide federal resources to schools, according to the plan.”

So the cretins on Fox News and in the Republican Party are deliberately lying about the positive efforts by Biden to constrain hate mongering. And they are also lying in order to exacerbate the hatred of Muslim and Arab Americans. That’s because they want these relationships to sour so that they can blame any unrest on Biden and the Democrats. And they just don’t care who gets hurt.


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Fox News Host Praises Trump’s Mugshot as Appealing to Black Voters Because They’re Pro-Criminal

Right-wing media have spent much of this year attacking the “radical leftist thugs” conspiring to destroy Donald Trump by holding him accountable for his multitude of crimes. They regard the four criminal indictments (to date) and the 91 felony counts (so far) as contrived and dismiss them as “election interference,” despite the abundant evidence of Trump’s guilt, provided mostly by Republicans and former Trump staffers. It’s all been a dreadful drain on Trump’s ability to pursue his lavish life of luxury.

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Fox News, KKK

Among the most atrocious acts by Democrats, according to the Trump cult, has been their forcing him to pose for mugshots. Of course, that’s a requirement imposed by local law enforcement authorities, not political operatives. However, since Trump’s first mugshot was published, the very same Trumpists have been celebrating it as a boon to Trump’s image and electoral prospects. They insist, falsely, that it is increasing his popularity, and they greedily engage in peddling mugshot merchandise at every opportunity.

SEE THIS: Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

On Monday, Fox News host Jesse Watters did a segment on the Trump smugshot that crossed the line from beatification to blatant bigotry. This should come as no surprise considering that Watters replaced Fox’s former Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. Watters gushed that…

“The Democrats Soviet tactics has alienated their most loyal voting block. The mugshot has breathed new life into the Trump campaign and broadened his appeal to Black Americans. Over the weekend, with the help of mugshot merchandise, the Trump campaign raked in more than $7 million. Today my garbage man told me he’s buying mugshot t-shirts for everyone he knows this Christmas.”

According to Watters, Black Americans idolize anyone who breaks the law and has a mugshot taken. He is implying that they are by nature drawn to criminals. He states this matter-of-factly as if everyone knows that it’s true. Does that mean that they also admire James Earl Ray, and Charles Manson? Watters’ assertion that Black Americans have a knee-jerk appreciation for outlaws is racist on its face.

Watters is also asserting, without evidence, that it is Black people who are shelling out for Trump’s mugshot merch, rather than his rank and file cult followers. And as proof of his offensive political theory, Watters cites his garbage man, who we are supposed to assume is Black, because of course he is. We are also supposed to believe that this wealthy, elitist TV host regularly converses with sanitation workers. But Watters apparently couldn’t find a Black financial analyst or mechanical engineer or oncologist who is gifting Trump mugshot apparel for the holidays.

What’s more, Watters makes a preposterous and factually unsupported statement associating Democrats with “Soviet tactics” that are alienating Black voters. He thinks that by charging Trump with crimes and arresting him, Trump joins the group of minorities who have been discriminated against by racist institutions. Never mind that wealthy white men are actually least often the victims of such prejudice. That fact notwithstanding, Watters believes that Trump’s legal tangles will result in Black voters abandoning Democrats. Not only is there zero evidence of that, but recent polls show that Trump’s criming has caused a general collapse of his support.

SEE ALSO: Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

Watters isn’t the only Trumpozoid who is certain that his mugshot is a huuuge positive. MSNBC compiled a partial list of others espousing the same idiocy…

“Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo told host Laura Ingraham that… Trump’s arrest gives him ‘cred among a new bloc of voters.'”

“Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield said Thursday that he believes ‘many Black men’ will find Trump’s arrest ‘endearing,'”

“Laura Loomer, a far-right activist [said Trump’s arrest made him] ‘the most relatable man on the ballot for the black community.'”

“Dinesh D’Souza claimed mug shots [made] Trump the ‘ultimate gangsta in our culture'”

For the record, it isn’t Black Americans who embrace felons as political leaders. It’s Republicans. And that isn’t conjecture. They actually admitted it on national television at the recent GOP primary debate where six out of ten candidates proudly committed to supporting Trump if he’s the party’s nominee, even if he is convicted of the pending charges.

RELATED: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

So contrary to Watters’ racist remarks, it is his party – and his network – that favor criminals in politics. Which is convenient since it is his party, and his network, where most of the criminals reside.

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