The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best

The 2024 Republican National Convention has officially wrapped with the certification of convicted felon Donald Trump as the Party’s presidential nominee. And few observers will dispute that it was everything that it promised top be: A festival of angry, racist, cult followers devoted to an aspiring authoritarian and make-believe messiah.

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Donald Trump

Trump’s closing speech was notable for its interminable 90 minute length (the longest ever), it’s abundance of lies, its overt bigotry, and it’s extraordinary sedative effect. Convention delegates were seen nodding off or leaving early as the speech extended until past midnight without offering a single policy proposal or any solutions to real problems that the American people care about. And home viewers, the ones who stayed up, were similarly unimpressed…

SEE THIS: Trump’s MAGA RNC Convention Suffers Sharp Ratings Decline From Prior Years and Biden Speech

Instead, Trump spent an hour and half tearing down the country, denigrating the institutions that provide benefits to its citizens, and exalting himself with delusional portrayals of his term in office that is best remembered for COVID mortality, tax cuts for the rich, job losses, and hate speech.

Jordan Klepper of the The Daily Show was among those who noticed just how awful this convention was. He focused part of his monologue on the roster of speakers for the affair. But even more significant, were the people who were prominent in the Trump administration who didn’t bother to show up. And not because they were otherwise engaged. Klepper noted that…

“The campaign for president is basically one big job interview. The convention is where America checks the candidate’s references. And to be sure, there were plenty of people willing to vouch for Donald Trump. He’s got ex-cons, domestic abusers, fake wrestlers, fake friends, his children, people sleeping with his children, and of course, the esteemed mayor of Whoville.

“But if this is a job interview, it’s worth noting who we didn’t see: Most of the people that actually worked with him at the White House. And if American is gonna do our due diligence, we might as well call our references to hear what they have to say about him.”

Whereupon, Klepper played a montage of some of the top appointees in the Trump administration who are repulsed by him and regard him as a danger to democracy. For instance…

  • Mike Pence: Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president.
  • Mark Esper (Secretary of Defense): I think he’s unfit for office.
  • John Bolton (National Security Adviser): Richard Nixon looks like a choir boy next to Donald Trump.
  • Ty Cobb (Trump attorney): The greatest threat to democracy that we’ve ever seen.
  • Mick Mulvaney (Chief of Staff): He failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.
  • Gen. Mark Milley (Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff): A wannabe dictator.
  • Bill Barr (Attorney General): He shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.
  • Gen. John Kelly (Chief of Staff): A person with nothing but contempt for for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
  • Gen. Jim Mattis (Secretary of Defense): The president has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader.
  • Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State): He’s an F’ing moron!

These are not the criticisms of partisan Democrats. They are warnings from the people that Trump had chosen to staff his White House and Cabinet. They know him well and worked closely with him during the tumultuous times of Trump’s troubled tenure. And they are adamant that he not be returned to any position of authority.

Yet somehow, his glassy-eyed cult disciples remain transfixed. They are unmoved (or perhaps aroused) by his two impeachments, his 34 felony convictions, his 54 still pending felony charges, his judgement for nearly half a billion dollars for financial fraud, or his adjudication as a rapist. They aren’t worried about his explicit promise to be a “dictator on day one,” or his “Project 2025” handbook for fascism. Because, after all, his opponent, President Biden, is three years older than he is.

Equally as concerning as the list of people who despise Trump, are those who Trump admires. Along with the convention speakers (i.e. Tucker Carlson, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Peter Navarro, etc.), Trump bragged about having the support of Kim Jong Un and the Taliban during his speech. And with friends like that, who needs enemas?


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Trump Finally Wakes Up Long Enough to Deny that He’s Been Sleeping During His Criminal Trial

One of the most extraordinary occurrences in legal proceedings has played out several times during Donald Trump’s trial for election interference for paying “hush money” to buy porn star Stormy Daniels’ silence. Trump has been observed falling asleep at the hearings that could determine his fate as potentially the first former president becoming a felon.

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Donald Trump

Throughout the proceedings Trump has held impromptu press avails outside of the court to whine about his being persecuted by President Biden (he’s not); the charges being all hoaxes (they’re not); the judge and the prosecutor being corrupt and/or biased (they aren’t); and even the unbearable cold of the courtroom (it isn’t). However, inside the court Trump has been something less than attentive.

SEE THIS: UNFIT TO SERVE: Trump and Fox News Whine that Sitting Up Straight All Day is Draining Trump’s Brain

Numerous reports have revealed that Trump has been falling asleep during the trial. They expressly note that he isn’t just resting his eyes, but that his head droops and he is noticeably shaken when roused. There are even reports that his attorneys have employed a variety of tactics to keep him awake.

Needless to say, these reports have surely infuriated the image-obsessed former reality TV game show host. However he has refrained from speaking out publicly about them. Until now. On Thursday morning Trump addressed this matter precisely how one might have expected him to do so. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump wrote that…

“Contrary to the FAKE NEWS MEDIA, I don’t fall asleep during the Crooked D.A.’s Witch Hunt, especially not today. I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!”

Predictably, Trump blames the entire controversy on the “FAKE NEWS MEDIA,” despite the fact that even his MAGA media supporters have acknowledged his nodding off and portrayed it is evidence of his greatness. Seth Myers captured some of this cultish veneration in his “Closer Look” segment…

Notice also that Trump can’t simply lie about his humiliating slumbering. He additionally needs to flatter himself with compliments about his shuttered eyes. And considering the obviously unnatural hues of his skin and hair, who knows what color his eyes really are.

Finally, the notion that Trump can “listen intently” to anything that isn’t exalting him is impossible to take seriously. In his courtside analyses he never references anything that actually happened in the trial. He merely repeats his tedious rants about “witch hunts” and “sham justice.” And that he can do without having to go to the trouble of staying awake and paying attention. Then, fully rested, Trump can jet back to his Mar-a-Lago bunker, or to another cult rally where his speeches are so repetitious that he can virtually sleep through them too.


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Trump Desperately Clings to Fox News Legal Hacks Who Ignore the Law to Fluff Trump

There is now a predictable ritual that occurs every time that Donald Trump makes an appearance in court. Immediately following the hearing Trump ambles out to a nearby rabble of reporters gathered to record his post-trial rants (and the press really needs to stop doing that). With the jury now selected we can expect to see these staged sniveling sessions on a near daily basis for the next few weeks.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

Never mind that there is never anything newsworthy to report from these disgorgements of grievances. It’s just Trump repeating the same complaints he does whenever a camera is pointed at him. He’s either crying about being a helpless victim or falsely accusing everyone from the judge to the prosecutors to the witnesses to the jury, of being biased against him in what he insists is a “rigged” trial that he should never have had to endure.

SEE THIS: Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

On Thursday Trump brought some props to his circus act. He awkwardly rifled through a stack of printouts someone provided for him of articles from sycophantic right-wing media. He was presenting them as “proof” that the charges against him were unfounded. But they were pretty weak evidence. He read off a few of his sources, and they were all Fox News legal analysts…

“Jonathan Turley. Gregg Jarrett. Andrew McCarthy. Every one of them saying, they call it a zombie case, meaning it is no case. And they say it’s unconstitutional. They don’t think the case is…These are all stories that have taken place over the last few days.”

Well then, that settles it. Dismiss the case and let Trump return to the comfort of his Mar-a-Lago bunker. He later claimed that these article represented all of the opinions about his case, saying that “I haven’t seen one that says it’s a good trial.”

Apparently Trump has a very narrow field of vision. He obviously hasn’t seen the opinions of respected legal experts like Lawrence Tribe, Andrew Weissmann, Joyce Vance, Neal Katyal, Michael Luttig, Barbara McQuade, Glenn Kirschner, Jill Wine-Banks, and even his own former attorney, Ty Cobb. All of whom regard the case against Trump as strong and likely to lead to a conviction.

As affirmation that what Trump is doing is a joke, his courtside spectacle was addressed by Jimmy Kimmel in his monologue Thursday night, who noted that…

“The MAGA media, they’re doing everything they can to push this idea that this won’t be a fair trial. That way, when he loses, they can say the jury was rigged.”

Then Kimmel played a series of clips of people on Fox News and Newsmax insisting that Trump can’t a get fair trial because Manhattan is chock full of Trump haters. Which is interesting, because Trump is also saying this….

It’s also interesting that these Trump-fluffers in the wingnut press are baselessly alleging that liberals are lying to get on the jury, but they never mention the possibility of Trump cultists doing so. Even though some MAGA crackpots are explicitly encouraging it.

Clearly the only threat to a fair trial is being posed by Trump and his MAGA minions. Along with those who are trying to taint the jury, there people like Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters who are trying to intimidate prospective jurors by revealing identifying information about them on the air.

Hopefully their tactics won’t work, and the trial will proceed to a fair conclusion. And hopefully, in the interim, the media will refrain from airing Trump’s sideshow antics during the intermissions.


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Biden Roasts ‘Mentally Unfit’ Trump While Honoring the Free Press at the Annual Gridiron Dinner

The Gridiron Club is a renowned organization comprised of journalists and other media professionals that hosts a dinner every year featuring pundits and politicians delivering humorous observations of the state of the media and the nation. Among the regular participants is the President of the United States. And this year President Joe Biden came prepared to mock his friends and foes alike, and even himself.

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Donald Trump

Coming shortly after Biden’s State of the Union Address (SOTU), this was another opportunity for Biden to demonstrate the fallacy of the Republican smear campaign demeaning him as cognitively impaired. The SOTU so effectively put that nonsense to rest that the GOP had to resort to accusing Biden of being pharmaceutically enhanced because they couldn’t otherwise explain his sharpness and vigor. In the meantime, their own guy, Donald Trump, made an ass of himself live “truthing” Biden’s speech…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Live-Bleating of Biden’s State of the Union Address Was Predictably Petty and Pathetic

Biden’s remarks at the Gridiron Dinner will only exacerbate the anxieties of the MAGA cult. Once again, he showed that he is on top of his game. He delivered the comedic material like a pro, and deftly segued to more serious subjects when necessary. And he wasn’t shy about referencing his opponent with what will likely be the event’s most memorable line…

“The big news this week is two candidates clinched their parties’ nomination for president. One candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other is me.”

That however, was not the only zinger in Biden’s monologue. What follows are few choice excerpts from the White House transcript

“It’s great to be here at the Gridiron dinner, though it’s six hours past my bedtime.”

“Look, it’s been a long night. So, I’ll keep my remarks just a few minutes less than my State of the Union.”

“Kamala and I and the members of the administration here tonight are proud — proud of our accomplishments on behalf of the American people: record job growth, wages rising, rigging the Super Bowl for Taylor Swift.”

“Our big plan to cancel student debt doesn’t apply to everyone. Just yesterday, a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, ‘I’m being crushed by debt. I’m completely wiped out.’ I said, “Sorry, Donald, I can’t help you.'”

“I heard House Republicans were going to do a skit tonight, but they couldn’t get a speaker.”

“And the biggest joke of the night: an impeachment inquiry. Imagine believing something so baseless that has a zero chance of succeeding. But Republicans would rather fail at impeachment than succeed at anything else.”

“I’m running against the same guy that I beat in 2020. But don’t tell him. He thinks he’s running against Barack Obama.”

“In the coming months, Kamala and I will be making the case how Americans are better off than four years ago. […] All without destroying the economy, embarrassing us around the world, or — or itching for insurrection.”

Not bad for someone that Trump and his MAGA media minions malign as a senile commie who can’t string two sentences together. And in his closing remarks Biden displayed another characteristic that he is well known for, but that his opponent lacks: Reverence for the American Constitution, and in particular, freedom of the press…

“As I said in my State of the Union Address, we live in an unprecedented moment in democracy, an unprecedented moment for history. Democracy and freedom are literally under attack. […] The lies about the 2020 election, the plots to overturn it, to embrace the January 6th insurrectionists pose the gravest threat to our democracy since the American Civil War. […]

“All the while, the other guy calls you the free press. Well, he calls you the enemy of the people, even as many of you risk your lives to do your job and sometimes even give your lives to do your jobs. […] Let me state the obvious. You’re not the enemy of the people. You are a pillar of any free society.” […]

“Good journalism holds a mirror up to a country for us to reflect the good, the bad, the truth about who we are. […] As a result, the choices you make really matter. And each story you make makes democracy stronger.”

That respect for the values articulated in the First Amendment stands in stark contrast to how Trump views this subject. In a Sunday interview on Fox News Trump clumsily slapped a backhanded compliment on the media that he despises.

“They’re like the police and frankly, they keep our country honest in a certain way if they do their job properly, and they haven’t been doing it properly.”

Describing the role of the press as that of the “police” reveals Trump’s twisted perception of the media’s function in a free society. He doesn’t see it as a “mirror,” but rather an authoritarian force to exert control. And he doesn’t think they’re doing that good enough. Were he to have his way, he would revoke the licenses of any media that isn’t sufficiently worshipful of him. And he has said so explicitly…

SEE ALSO: Herr Trump Decrees: If Media Doesn’t Air My Speeches They Should Have Their Licenses Revoked

Every American needs to remember that when they vote in November. There is one candidate who abhors the press and the Constitution; who is facing 91 felony charges for crimes against America; who has been found civilly liable for financial fraud and rape. And the other one is Joe Biden.


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Jon Stewart Hysterically Tramples Trump’s MAGA Cult Crackpots for Calling Themselves Patriots

The 2024 presidential election is a stark departure from those that have preceded it for the past couple of centuries. It is not merely a choice between two competing political parties or ideologies. It is quite literally a choice between the preservation of democracy and American principles, or the autocratic tyranny of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult movement.

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Jon Stewart, Donald Trump

Trump has embraced some of the most brazen dictators in the world, including Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. He praises them effusively and isn’t shy about showing his envy for their strongarm styles of ruling their respective countries. Trump himself has promised to rule as a dictator. And while he says it would be for just one day, when has a dictator ever voluntarily relinquished his power once he’s obtained it?

SEE THIS: Fox News Downplays Trump’s Flagrantly Fascist Remarks and Overtly Authoritarian Aspirations

The tyrannical tendencies of Trump are frightening in and of themselves. But the devotion of his glassy-eyed cult disciples may be even more disturbing. Trump will one day be gone. But his minions could linger to latch onto the next wingnut messiah who persuades them that they are the “real Americans” who are the rightful inheritors of the fatherland.

It was just that threat that Jon Stewart addressed in his opening segment of the Daily Show on Monday night. He warned about the “Republican mythology” that these right-wing extremists are “somehow more Americany” that the rest of us. Then he played a video compilation of StormTrumpers at his cult rallies embracing the notion of Trump becoming a dictator, and even pledging to support him if he committed murder “on the front steps of the White House.” In response, Stewart delivered a monologue that was both profound and hilarious. The whole thing is worthy of your time, but in the last two minutes it concludes with the following insight…

“This is it. The Thomas Nast cartoon. Patriots festooned in American flags, cosigning dictatorship. Remember ‘We the people’? You know, there’s more words after that, right? Smaller font, still binding. Look, if you want to love Trump, love him. Go to the rallies, buy the sneakers. You want to give him absolute power? You want him to be the leader über alles? You want him to have the right of kings? You do you.

“But stop framing it as patriotism. Because the one thing you cannot say is that Donald Trump is following the tradition of the founders. He is advocating for complete and total presidential immunity. His words, not mine. That is monarchy shit, and it’s your right to support it. But just do me a favor for historical accuracy. Next time you want to dress up at the rallies, wear the right f**king colored coats.”

DAMN RIGHT! The meatheads that profess to love Trump despite his anti-constitutional cravings for unchallenged dominion over everyone and everything are, by definition, not American patriots. They are traitors who acquiesce to the fascism favored by Trump’s totalitarian heroes. And if they get their way there is no longer anything resembling a constitutional republic in America.

So the next time you hear Trumpists declare that they are patriots, remind of what they really are: American Hate-riots. And they can take their MAGA movement (Make America a Groveling Autocracy) to Russia where it will fit right in.


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Trump’s Live-Bleating of Biden’s State of the Union Address Was Predictably Petty and Pathetic

President Biden’s State of the Union Address has been widely reviewed as a smashing success. He covered everything from the booming economy, to record job creation, to immigration, to abortion and reproductive rights, to gun safety reforms, to climate change, to foreign aid in Ukraine and Israel, to preserving democracy and civil liberties, and so much more.

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Donald Trump, Presidenty

Biden spoke for about an hour, and his performance is being described as “fiery” and “forceful.” He was so good that Republicans have abandoned their childish taunts about his age and mental acuity, and replaced them with asinine allegations that he was on drugs. Sean Hannity and others took to calling him “Jacked-Up joe.”

The Biden campaign should have “Jacked-Up joe” t-shirts by the end of the week. They have been pretty good at trolling Trump and the MAGA crowd.

SEE ALSO: DARK BRANDON STRIKES AGAIN: Biden Drops Proof of Trump’s Mental Meltdowns on Truth Social

For his part, Donald Trump engaged in a live “truthing” of the speech on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. Which reportedly was crashing throughout his rage-fest. True to form, Trump’s outbursts were utterly devoid of substance or any resemblance to reality. Although they were chock full of tastelessness inanities. What follows are just a few choice examples from among the 79 posts Trump made. And, yes, they are all real.

“The first statement that Crooked Joe Biden should make tonight when addressing the Nation is that he will immediately terminate the Witch Hunt against his Political Opponent, ME. Prosecutors and Judges have teamed up as though we were a third world nation!”
Naturally, Trump is most concerned about his own problems, rather than those of the American people. Biden appropriately chose to ignore this subject.

“Thankfully, we won’t have to be looking at RINO Mitt Romney much longer!”
Trump continues to alienate fellow Republicans who are insufficiently worshipful of him.

“Who kissed him on the cheek with lipstick? Now he’s got lipstick on his face. How stupid of her!”
It was probably George Santos, who was actually in attendance. In any case, lipstick on Biden’s face is still better than that cheesy spray tan that Trump has on his.

“His hair is much better in the front than on the back!”
So now Trump is pretending to be a fashion critic. Although hair styling is not a subject that Trump seems to know much about.

“He looks so angry when he’s talking, which is a trait of people who know they are ‘losing it.’ The anger and shouting is not helpful to bringing our Country back together!” [and] “He is so angry and crazy!”
Now this is a subject that Trump does know something about. In fact, he seems to be talking about himself.

Here is another subject with which Trump has some experience. Just ask his doctor, Rep. Ronny Jackson, who dispensed narcotics at the White House like candy. Adderall anyone?

“He wants to take away everyone’s gun. Remember that when you go to the Voting Booth, because if I’m not elected, your guns are GONE, along with your Freedom!”
Sounds like Trump wants people to be packing heat when they vote. And Biden has been President for more than three years and no one’s guns have been confiscated. He has never advocated disarming America. He just proposed to put common sense regulations in place to stop the carnage of gun violence.

Nancy Pelosi was in the chamber watching the speech. Maybe Trump meant Nikki Haley again. A better question might be “WHAT HAPPENED TO MELANIA?”

Trump closed his tirade by saying that “This was an angry, polarizing, and hate-filled Speech.” He complained that Biden didn’t begin with remarks about the border. And he made the ludicrous claim that Biden “wants our Country to be flooded with Migrants.” Then he concluded by saying that “The Story is that he got through it, he’s still breathing, and they didn’t have to carry him out in a straitjacket.

That’s right. Despite Trump saying that Biden can’t put two sentences together, Biden delivered a powerful speech that was well received. A post-speech poll by CNN found that 60% of those who watched it had a positive reaction. 35% reacted very positively. Also, 62% said Biden’s policies will move the U.S. in the right direction.

In addition, Trump said that Biden would not mention Laken Riley’s name (he did); that migrant crime is rampant (it’s not); and that Biden weaponized government for political purposes (that was Jim Jordan and James Comer). Those were just a few of the blatant lies Trump told. There were many more as documented in this fact-check. And he woke up Friday morning with still more lies to unload…

“Biden’s speech last night is getting ‘panned’ all over the World. Only the Radical Left lunatics are trying to make the best of it. It took him 41 minutes to talk, briefly, about Immigration and the Border, on the topic of which he was very weak. No talk of weaponization against his very calm and nice opponent. Angry as hell, this guy is a PSYCHO!”

Is there anything funnier – or more outrageously preposterous – than Donald Trump calling anyone else an “angry as hell” “PSYCHO!”? It’s textbook projection by a certified angry as hell psycho.


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President Biden is Interviewed on Late Night with Seth Meyers, But Trump, as Usual, is the Joke

The 2024 election cycle is in full bloom. And that means that candidates are going to be making more appearances on a variety of media, including those generally regarded as entertainment. For President Biden that means appearing on late night comedy talk shows. For Donald Trump that means getting fluffed by the likes of Sean Hannity on Fox News, which despite its name, is designated as entertainment.

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Donald Trump

On Monday night Biden made a surprise appearance on NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers (video below). It was the program’s 10 year anniversary special, and Meyers celebrated by bringing in the same guests that appeared on his first show, Amy Poehler and then-VP Joe Biden. It takes a certain measure of courage to engage in humorous banter with professionals, which Biden has shown frequently. Trump, on the hand, has shown only his notorious cowardice and aversion to any sort of unfriendly media.

SEE THIS: Trump Has a Fear of Comedians that’s Rooted in His Fear of Looking Like a Fool – Too Late

Biden responded to a variety of questions with humor, compassion, intelligence, and insight. He joked about “Dark Brandon” and the preposterous Taylor Swift conspiracy theories. As for Meyers, he covered some of the most pressing issues of the day. He asked Biden about the difficulties of producing bipartisan legislation; about Trump encouraging Vladimir Putin to “Do whatever the hell you want” to America’s NATO allies; about the risk to democracy in the upcoming election; and about the Israel-Hamas war.

Meyers put the Trump-fluffers on Fox News to shame, assuming they had any capacity for it. But he also gave Biden an opportunity to shine comedically. For instance, there was the following exchange concerning the ridiculously overblown age issue…

Meyers: You are currently 81 years old. All jokes aside, according to recent polling this is a real concern for American voters. How do you address that concern going forward as you come up to the 2024 election?
Biden: Well, a couple things. Number one, you got to take a look at the other guy. He’s about as old as I am, but he can’t remember his wife’s name. Number two, it’s about how old your ideas are. Look, I mean, this is a guy who wants to take us back. He wants to take us back on Roe v. Wade. He wants to take us back on a whole range of issues after 50, 60 years they have been solid American positions.

For the record, Biden’s reference to Trump forgetting Melania’s name comes from a recent Trump rally wherein he appeared to call her “Mercedes.” Meyers included that earlier in the show during his “A Closer Look” segment:

Throughout the interview, Biden wasn’t shy about criticizing Trump. Among the more pungent put-downs were his observations of Trump’s “disregard the rule of law;” his intentions to “ignore the Constitution,” his promise to “forgive” and “release” the violent January 6th insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol; and his demand that Congress kill bipartisan legislation to enhance border security and fund Israel and Ukraine in order to help Trump politically.

We can expect Trump to fly into one his typical ketchup throwing tantrums when he’s is eventually told about this. But that isn’t going to make him feel any better, nor advance his campaign to reoccupy the White House. It will just make the walls of Mar-a-Lago tastier.

UPDATE: As expected, Trump went off on Biden and Meyers, whose show he said was low-rated. But obviously Trump was watching and thought it was important enough to produce a video whining about it. This is the pathetic crybaby that the GOP is gonna nominate for president?


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Jon Stewart Mercilessly Shreds Tucker Carlson’s Vile Veneration of Vladimir Putin and Russia

The return of Jon Stewart to “The Daily Show” is proving to be a stark reminder of just how much the world of media satire has been missing for the past nine years. His ability to wrap fact-filled commentaries in a humorous package with biting deliveries is unparalleled in contemporary comedy.

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Jon Stewart, Donald Trump

Monday night’s episode was a perfect example of this as Stewart refocused his attention an old and pitiful adversary, Tucker Carlson. Stewart frequently creamed Carlson’s ivory tower white nationalism when he was a Fox News Trump-fluffer. And even before that, when Carlson co-hosted CNN’s Crossfire. On Monday Stewart referenced an infamous exchange from that era saying that “I know I’ve said this before, but you’re such a dick.”

WATCH THE ORIGINAL: Fox News Hack Tucker Carlson Lamely Tries to Insult Jon Stewart, Gets Another Brutal Beat Down

Stewart was not swayed by Carlson’s worshipful propaganda (video below). He reviewed Carlson’s lapdog interview of his hero, Vladimir Putin, describing his enrapt facial expression throughout as “like you’re constipated while jerking off to a Sears catalog.” Carlson spent most of his two hour audience with Putin gazing adoringly at him as he disseminated flagrantly self-serving disinformation and outright lies. None of which were challenged by Carlson.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Snuggles Up to His Master, Vladimir Putin, in a Humiliating Parade of Propaganda

Stewart brutally took apart Carlson’s slobbering adoration of Russia’s subway stations and grocery stores, including his feigned surprise that the value of groceries there had “radicalized” him against U.S. leaders, whom he apparently believes set the prices for groceries. Stewart mocked Carlson saying…

“And it will radicalize you! Unless you understand basic economics. See, $104.00 for groceries sounds like a great bargain unless you realize Russians earn less than $200.00 a week. But that’s the kind of context that a — what did you call yourself earlier? — a “journalist” would have provided.

“But here’s the reality: You f*cking know all this. Because you aren’t as dumb as your face would have us believe. Perhaps if your handlers had allowed, you would have seen there was a hidden fee to your cheap groceries and orderly streets. Ask Alexei Navalny or any of his supporters.”

Whereupon Stewart played a video of Navalny mourners being harassed and arrested by Russian police, observing that “The difference between our urinal-caked, chaotic subways, and your candelabra, beautiful subways, is the literal price of freedom.” Stewart concluded by noting that to today’s right-wing Trump MAGA cult, Putin is an ally and a friend, saying “I mean liberty is nice, but have you seen Russia’s shopping carts?”

Carlson appears to be determined to prove that he is as much a Russian asset as Donald Trump. But it isn’t because of any principles that he adheres to. It’s out of the desperation that comes from being a washed up pseudo-pundit whose puerile perspectives have gotten him fired from CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and even Fox News.

So like the rest of the MAGA Republicans scrambling to avoid the inevitable anguish of irrelevancy, he’s clinging to Trump and the futile hope that such pathetic toadyism will save him. Yeah, that’ll work. Just keep hanging on and maybe you can share an apartment in Moscow with him. Or a prison cell.


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DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on the progress – or lack thereof – made by America’s political class in Washington. This year began with the Republican Party assuming a narrow majority in the House of Representatives. They promised that they would use that status to advance an agenda that would benefit the nation and its citizens.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

That promise was never fulfilled. To the contrary, Republicans managed to snag a record for passing fewer bills (20) than any Congress in modern times. But what makes that “achievement” all the more humiliating is that they seem to be proud of their ineffectualness. It’s hard to argue that they weren’t purposefully determined to be political slackers. Particularly if you listen to what they have said about themselves…

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

Considering what Republicans proposed to do in the year leading up to their congressional majority, the country might want to count their blessings that the GOP are so inept. After assuming power, they immediately set aside the issues that they ran on, such as banning abortion, racist immigration policies, tax relief for corporations and the wealthy, befouling the planet, guns for everyone, everywhere, and manufactured outrages against buzzwords like CRT, DEI, and “wokism.”

Instead, the GOP set their sights on personal political vendettas, fighting among themselves, and running defense for Dear Leader Donald Trump. As result, they managed to pass only twenty bills, most of which were trivialities such as naming buildings. The exceptions, such as raising the debt ceiling and reducing inflation, only passed with majority Democratic support.

The year end analysis of the GOP’s pitiful performance was even recognized by Fox News, who ran a segment on what they called the “Do-Nothing Congress,” with a chyron that read “Congress Has Historically Unproductive 2023.”

However, perhaps they are being unduly harsh. The 118th Congress wasn’t entirely unproductive. In fact, they scored some notable records for a majority party in the legislature. And it’s high time we give credit where credit is due. For instance…

  • The GOP held more votes (15) to elect a Speaker (Kevin McCarthy) than ever before.
  • They nominated more Speaker candidates (Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, Tom Emmer, Mike Johnson), after ousting their first Speaker nine months later, than any prior Congress.
  • They spent more time (three weeks) to run through those Speaker candidates before succeeding in electing an unknown backbencher (Mike Johnson) with dubious credentials.
  • They introduced more articles of impeachment (for President Biden, DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, FBI Director Chris Wray, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, and Attorney General Merrick Garland) than ever.
  • And they entered more dick pix (1) into the congressional record during televised hearings than any of their predecessors.

With that record of achievement, how can anyone disparage the work ethic of the Republicans currently in charge of the House? They are clearly an energetic bunch of eager beavers intent on wasting taxpayer money and smearing their political opponents with pointless probes and knee-jerk obstructionism.

Without a doubt, they have been more prolific in those endeavors than anyone who has come before them. And no one should deprive them of that “honor.” They have even made time to help Democrats produce campaign ads that illustrate just how productive they were when they held the majority…

SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes


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Trump is Gonna Freak Out: His Name Was Uttered Only Once By Biden in His WHCD Speech

One of the most remarkable things about the post-Trump era is that, despite his humiliating electoral loss, his dead weight impact on the Republican Party, and his unprecedented legal entanglements, investigations, and indictments, Donald Trump refuses to go away.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

The continuing presence of the Mar-All-Ego narcissist persists in haunting the American political scene, even though he has been resolutely rejected, even by Republicans.

RELATED: Americans are Unsatisfied with Politics in General, But Specifically Despise Trump and the GOP

No other former president has imposed himself on the nation like this following their term, especially if they suffered a decisive defeat for reelection. But Trump defies the norms in so many ways. Most significantly, he simply cannot stand it when he is not the center of attention. As a result, he will exploit any available measures to thrust himself into the spotlight to steal whatever focus he can from more important matters. And when he’s unsuccessful at that, it generally manifests as petty jealously and outrage.

Consequently, we can expect to see Trump’s anger erupt over his near exclusion from the remarks made at the White House Correspondents Dinner in Washington, D.C. Sunday night. President Biden gave an entertaining presentation that was at times profound and hysterical. But to Trump’s dismay, Biden only referenced the twice impeached, indicted, former reality TV game show host, one time. And even that was a throw away line about their common ages.

Referring to reports in the New York Times, the President noted a headline saying that “Biden’s advanced age is a big issue. Trump’s, however, is not.” That was just one of the jokes Biden made about his age. The only other reference to Trump didn’t mention his name at all. Alluding to Trump’s Stormy Daniels payoff, Biden said that comedian keynoter, Roy Wood, Jr. “offered me 10 bucks if I’d keep it under 10 minutes. That’s a switch, a President being offered hush money.”

That’s it. Nothing more about Trump was said in Biden’s address. However, while almost entirely ignoring Trump, Biden did get some digs in at Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. In addition to noting that Tucker Carlson – who was unceremoniously fired by Fox – is “finished,” Biden made these salient points (video below)

  • It’s great the cable news networks are here tonight. MSNBC owned by NBC Universal. Fox News owned by Dominion Voting Systems.
  • With that $787 million settlement, they [Fox] are here because they couldn’t say no to a free meal.
  • I’d call Fox honest, fair, and truthful, but then I could be sued for defamation.
  • [And on a more serious note] A poison is running through our democracy and parts of the extreme press. The truth buried by lies, and lies living on as truth. Lies told for profit and power. Lies of conspiracy and malice repeated over and over again, designed to generate a cycle of anger, hate, and even violence.

SEE THIS: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

As of this writing, Trump hasn’t said anything about his absence from the festivities. He may still be nursing his despair or fueling his fury. But he is undoubtedly vexed. It’s possible he might just express it by lashing out at something unrelated to change the subject. He has already posted 48 comments on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social this morning. Most of them about his most feared opponent, Ron DeSantis. So he is apparently trying to flood the zone with bullshit as he weeps over being left out.

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