Trump Wants to Run America Like his Businesses – Trump Media and Crypto – That are Crashing

From the outset of his political misadventures, Donald Trump has sought to portray himself as an uncommonly successful businessman whose brilliance would benefit the nation that he promises to run just like he does his own businesses. However, when examining the real world record of Trump’s business management, that sounds less like a promise, and more like a threat.

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As anyone who has done even a modicum of research knows, Trump has presided over a flurry of failures, including four bankrupt casinos, a fraudulent university, and cheesy consumer products ranging from steaks, to air travel, to vodka, to magazines, and to games. None of which exist anymore. Even his real estate ventures have been less than impressive. Many of them are just facades where he licensed his name to properties built by other developers. And many of those have since had his name removed.

Trump’s most recent effort is the Trump Media and Technology Group that is the parent of his Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. This attempt to cash in on social media has been spectacularly disastrous. It went public in March of 2024, and has lost 60% of it value since then.

There are some analysts who predicted that Trump’s businesses would enjoy a surge in value after his reelection. That has not been the case. Trump Media has declined 25% just since his inauguration less than three weeks ago. What’s more, Trump introduced a crypto coin just days before his inauguration. That has crashed 70% since then.

So anyone investing in the Trump brand since his reoccupation of the White House has lost a bundle of money. And anyone contemplating future investments will steer clear if they’re smart. One thing that Trump has established is that his ventures are scams that only serve to fatten his wallet at the expense of the rubes who fall for his pitch. Just take a look at the recent history of Trump Media…

Grifter-in-Chief Trump Puts His Truth Social Stock into a Phony Trust Controlled by His Son
A new SEC filing by the company revealed that Trump has transferred his majority share holdings to a revocable trust in an attempt to deceive the public that he is separating himself from financial interest in the enterprise. But like virtually everything else that Trump engages in, it is a thinly disguised scam structured to unscrupulously enrich himself.

LOSER Trump’s Truth Social is Well on its Way to Becoming His Next Bankruptcy
TMTG reported its earning for the second quarter of 2024. And it was not a pretty sight. As reported by Investor’s Business Daily, “Trump Media reported net sales of $836,000, down 30% vs. a year earlier. Operating costs soared to $19.5 million vs. $4.9 million a year earlier.”

Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat
The Donald Trump-controlled Truth Social platform recorded its third straight month of declining traffic. Truth Social attracted 2,112,000 unique visitors, down 38% compared to June 2023 when the site generated 3,407,000 unique visitors. It was the platform’s second worst traffic performance since June 2022 when Truth Social had only 1,891,000 unique visitors.

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

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Trump’s ‘Justice’ Dept Deletes Database of January 6th Rioters Criminal Charges and Convictions

The commencement of Donald Trump’s reoccupation of the White House has been fraught with the same sort of controversy that plagued his first term. Most of it having to do with his rancid bigotry, his dreams of dictatorship, his profound ignorance and/or dismissal of the law and Constitution, and his obsession with lies about having lost the 2020 election.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

In the first week of Trump’s new term, he has lived up to his tyrannical inclinations by issuing a tsunami of execrable executive orders. Among them was one that granted full pardons to more than 1,500 January 6th insurrectionists who sought to help him in his mission to undermine democracy. The pardons included those who assaulted police officers, sending 140 of them to the hospital, and five of them to the morgue. And he was unreservedly proud of these initiatives, as he affirmed in his inauguration address, and subsequent speech to his cult followers.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Inauguration Day Rants Affirm that He is a Wannabe Dictator and a Pathological Liar

So it should come as no surprise that Trump is now seeking to close the record on the insurrection that he incited by getting rid of the evidence against his StormTrumpers. CNN is reporting that…

“As President Donald Trump this week sought to rewrite the history of his supporters’ attack on the US Capitol, a database detailing the vast array of criminal charges and successful convictions of January 6 rioters was removed from the Department of Justice’s website. The searchable database served as an easily accessible repository of all January 6, 2021, cases prosecuted by the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.”

This is the unmistakable behavior that Trump has long admired in the ruthless rulers that he idolizes and seeks to emulate. Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un, must be so proud of their “Apprentice” authoritarian. Some of the records in the database may be available elsewhere on the DoJ’s website. But they will be more difficult to obtain, and will likely disappear after Trump’s team finds out they are still there.

Making matters worse is the flagrant hypocrisy of Trump’s efforts to memory hole the crimes of his cult disciples. By scrubbing the official records documenting the criminal acts of his fanatical followers, he is actually engaging in the suppression of evidence that he falsely accused Democrats of with regard to the Congressional Committee Investigating January 6th. Trump has repeatedly lied about the Committee’s handling of evidence that he said would implicate Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats in some sort of nefarious plot against him. None of which was remotely related to reality. He told Kristen Welker of NBC that…

“The people on the un-select committee of political thugs and, you know, creeps…So the un-select committee went through a year and a half of testimony. Wait. They deleted and destroyed all evidence of — that they found.”

Trump’s claim that “they deleted and destroyed all evidence” has been debunked by every credible source. In fact, only “temporary” records that were not relevant to the Committee’s probe were not preserved. Everything else was saved and is still available online to anyone – including Trump – who cares to check.

This is another example of Trump falsely accusing others of crimes that he has, or is, committing himself. As is often said of Trump, “Every accusation is a confession.” And now his so-called Justice Department has expunged the criminal records of the treasonous rioters that he just put back on the street to continue serving as his own private MAGA Militia. In his backwards dystopia, the heroes are incarcerated and the criminals go free.


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TRUMP WINS? ABC News Settles His Lawsuit Confirming that He Was Found Liable for Sexual Abuse

Congratulations Donald Trump! ABC News has announced that they are settling a lawsuit filed against them by Trump that alleges that the network defamed him during an interview of ultra-MAGA Rep. Nancy Mace by “This Week” anchor George Stephanopoulos. However, this may not be the victory that Trump and his lesions of glassy-eyed cult followers think it is.

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Donald Trump, Pervert

Trump’s lawsuit took issue with remarks made by Stephanopoulos wherein he asked Mace, a rape victim herself, how she could justify supporting Trump after he was found liable for sexual abusing writer E. Jean Carroll. That finding resulted in Trump being ordered to pay Carrol more than $88 million dollars for defamation. Mace tried to spin Stephanopoulos’ question into some sort of attempt to shame her as a victim, which was patently absurd and grossly exploitative of her own victimhood. Stephanopoulos was only asking about her support for Trump, which she was unable to directly justify.

SEE THIS: Trump Sues ABC and Stephanopoulos for Accurately Reporting a Judicial Opinion that He’s a Rapist

Which brings us to the news of the settlement by ABC. According to reporting by CNN

“ABC News will pay $15 million to a ‘presidential foundation and museum’ in a settlement reached with President-elect Donald Trump in his defamation suit against the network and anchor George Stephanopoulos. […]

“ABC News will issue the following statement as an editor’s note on the online article at the center of the suit: ‘ABC News and George Stephanopoulos regret statements regarding President Donald J. Trump made during an interview by George Stephanopoulos with Rep. Nancy Mace on ABC’s This Week on March 10, 2024.'”

The decision by ABC to settle is both understandable and unfortunate. It’s unfortunate because Trump will use it to dishonestly to absolve himself of his sexual abuse that was, in fact, affirmed by the jury. However, it’s understandable because the case would have been difficult to defend given the language used by Stephanopoulos. In the interview he prefaced his question to Mace saying that…

“Judges and two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming the victim of that rape. How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony we just saw?”

The problem is that the jury only found Trump liable for sexual abuse, not rape. The rape designation was made by the judge after the jury delivered their decision. CNN’s report elaborated that…

“A judge concluded in August 2023, when dismissing Trump’s countersuit against Carroll, that the claim Trump raped Carroll was ‘substantially true.’ The judge wrote that Trump ‘raped’ her in the broader sense of that word, as people generally understand it, though not as it is narrowly defined by New York state law.”

So what the Trump team is celebrating today is that he was only found civilly liable for sexual abuse. How proud he must be of that. He’s just a sexual abuser who defames his victims. Hooray! And he was still adjudicated to be a rapist, in the common usage of the term, by the judge who tried the case.

It’s also notable that none of the $15 million in the settlement will go directly to Trump, but to the funding for his eventual presidential library, if there ever is one. It would not be unreasonable to presume that Trump will never bother to build a library, given his aversion to reading and books. If he does build one it will likely contain only picture books, or books slavishly praising him, or books written – or more accurately, ghost written – by/for him. And if he can swing it, it will be housed at Mar-a-Lago so that he can pocket much of the donated funding.

The settlement by ABC News is a stain on the profession of journalism. It is a capitulation to a bully and aspiring dictator. It will produce a chilling effect on other reporters who will have to deal with future threats such as those coming from Trump’s nominee for FBI Director, Kash Patel, who has sworn to “come after the people in the media.”

However, this settlement is also a virtual concession that Trump is guilty of sexual abuse, and he’s happy that he has a legal affirmation of it. Now, along with his being the first president to have been impeached twice, the first to have been convicted of felonies, and the first to have staged a violent coupe to undermine democracy, he is also the first president to have been found to be a sexual abuser. Is that what he means when he says “make America great again”?


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The Grifter-In-Chief: Will Donald Trump Divest From His Bribery Platform, Truth Social?

After Donald Trump was elected in 2016, there was a fierce debate over whether he would divest from his many business interests. The potential for unscrupulous persons and/or foreign agents to seek favor from Trump by exploiting those interests was undeniable, and many took advantage of the opportunity.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

Trump never did divest himself in his first term in office. Subsequently, it has been estimated that he made millions off of such nefarious dealings. He took in funds from hostile foreign governments with business pending before U.S. government agencies over which he had jurisdiction. Then he lied about doing so.

SEE THIS: Eric Trump Lies that Daddy Gave All Foreign Money Made at His Hotels to the Treasury

An investigation by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) found that Trump earned as much as $160 million dollars from foreign sources – predominantly the Middle East and China – during is first occupation of the White House…

“Throughout his time in office, President Trump, his family and his Republican allies repeatedly assured the public that his refusal to divest from his businesses wouldn’t lead to any conflicts of interest. Americans were promised that Trump would donate his salary, which he did, until maybe he didn’t — all while siphoning millions from taxpayers that more than offset his presidential pay. When it came to foreign conflicts of interest, Trump and his company pledged to pause foreign business. They did not.”

So what can we expect from Trump as he prepares to reoccupy the White House? Oddly, no one seems to be asking that question. Surely he is not planning to divest from any of the businesses that he didn’t divest from last time. But there is now a new entity that Trump didn’t have before, and that presents an even more troubling prospect for shady dealing.

Trump’s Truth Social, via its parent corporation, Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange. It is therefore available for any crooked scheme-ster to shovel shiploads of cash into, enriching the other shareholders, of which Trump is the biggest. And the funds can go directly into Trump’s bank account when he sells shares. Is this legal? Or ethical? Does he care?

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Refusal to Sign the Required Ethics Agreement is His Virtual Promise to Violate It

The potential for bribery is not the only value that Truth Social has for Trump. It also serves as his public relations platform where he announces everything from his Cabinet nominees to his hatred for Taylor Swift. There is no precedent for a sitting president to own a media company that is his primary source of communicating with the public. And he already has Fox News, which he doesn’t own financially, but does own ideologically.

What’s more, Truth Social serves as a flea market for Trump’s various merchandise sales. He has hawked all sorts of trashy products, including sneakers, books, gold coins, and NFT collectible cards. And he is still pitching his merch, even after the election. The latest item that he’s peddling is a personalized guitar…

Trump’s scammy social media website is proving to be a valuable PR and marketing venue, even though it’s an epic disaster financially. It can’t attract or retain users or advertisers. It reports losing millions of dollars in every quarterly report. It’s principle executives are embroiled in financial and legal scandals. And it is unable to compete with the other social media platforms that are far bigger.

Nevertheless, Truth Social still has some significant value for Trump. Because it is able to serve as a depository for bribes from nefarious entities. And nobody in the regulatory, legal, or even political fields seem to care. See the following for more…

LOSER Trump’s Truth Social is Well on its Way to Becoming His Next Bankruptcy
TMTG reported its earning for the second quarter of 2024. And it was not a pretty sight. As reported by Investor’s Business Daily, “Trump Media reported net sales of $836,000, down 30% vs. a year earlier. Operating costs soared to $19.5 million vs. $4.9 million a year earlier.”

Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat
The Donald Trump-controlled Truth Social platform recorded its third straight month of declining traffic. Truth Social attracted 2,112,000 unique visitors, down 38% compared to June 2023 when the site generated 3,407,000 unique visitors. It was the platform’s second worst traffic performance since June 2022 when Truth Social had only 1,891,000 unique visitors.

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

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Trump Sues ABC and Stephanopoulos for Accurately Reporting a Judicial Opinion that He’s a Rapist

Apparently Donald Trump doesn’t think he’s spending enough time in courtrooms these days. He currently has multiple indictments in four jurisdictions, consisting of at least 88 felony charges. They range from paying hush money to a porn star, to stealing and hoarding classified documents. He’s already lost a case wherein he was found liable for financial fraud to the tune of $345 million.

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Donald Trump, Pervert

Most of Trump’s legal tribulations are still in preliminary stages. He has been engaging in a strategy of desperate delays in order to avoid suffering a conviction prior to the election in November. Of course, being an alleged criminal candidate isn’t that much better than being a convicted one, particularly when the evidence is so clear and voluminous. And his avoidance of trial only serves to make him look more guilty. An innocent person would want these matters to be concluded quickly to clear his name. But Trump knows that a conclusion means conviction.

SEE THIS: WOW! Dotard Donald Trump Makes Some Great Legal Arguments to Go to Trial Before the Election

Undeterred by the avalanche of litigation that is already dominating his time, Trump just filed a lawsuit against ABC News and “This Week” host, George Stephanopoulos. He is alleging defamation that he says took place during an interview (video below) of Trump-fluffing Republican Nancy Mace. As reported by Deadline

“Former President Donald Trump has again filed a defamation lawsuit against a major media outlet, this time over comments that ABC News‘ George Stephanopoulos made during a contentious recent interview with Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC).” […]

“During the interview, Stephanopoulos played a video in which Mace said that she was a victim of rape. He first asked Mace, ‘You endorsed Donald Trump for president. Judges and two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming the victim of that rape. How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony that we just saw?'”

Mace dodged the question and tried to spin it as “rape-shaming” her. Which was a preposterous distortion of reality. Stephanopoulos’ question was relevant to understanding her support for Trump, a notorious abuser of women.

However, Trump’s lawsuit stretches the boundaries of reality even farther. He’s asserting that Stephanopoulos defamed him by referencing the rape charge. But Stephanopoulos was merely reporting the findings by the judge in the case where Trump was recently found liable for sexually assaulting writer, E. Jean Carroll. Deadline continued…

“Last year, a jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming writer E. Jean Carroll in a civil case. The jury did not find Trump liable for rape. But the judge in the case, Lewis Kaplan, wrote later, “The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape.’ Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.'”

Trump’s defamation lawsuit cannot possible prevail. Liability can’t be construed when a media enterprise accurately reports legal proceedings that are on the record. But Trump’s lawsuit can increase the amount of time he will spend in courtrooms, rather than on the campaign trail. Which is something that he has been whining about for months, and falsely blaming it on President Biden and various prosecutors.

What’s more, Trump’s lawsuit will surely provide tons of additional media exposure to the court’s finding that he raped Ms. Carroll. It’s an outcome that could only have been contrived by a certified “stable genius” like Donald Trump. Democrats will be happy to help Trump publicize his lawsuit as an opportunity to remind voters about the guy who bragged that he could “grab women by the p***y.”

This isn’t the first time that Trump has filed frivolous lawsuits against the free press that he regards as the “enemy of the people.” He has previously sued CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and more. And this one will surely end up like the others that were laughed out of court – sometimes literally.

Trump, however, is apparently determined to air out his perversions in public and have his depravities be judicially validated. The one thing that he has going for him is that his cult followers will slobber approvingly.


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Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus

The insufferable saga of Donald Trump’s Truth Social website, and his desperate attempts to remain relevant online since he was booted from Twitter, is continuing to descend ever deeper into an abyss of his own making. And this downward spiraling is accelerating despite his relentless contributions of posts that are primarily incoherent and emotional outbursts of hostility, ignorance, and self-exaltation.

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This week the Securities and Exchange Commission inexplicably approved the merger between Truth Social’s parent company, Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), and Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC), the shell company that Trump hopes to use to get a stock market listing. That news contributed to DWAC’s stock price tripling since the beginning of the year ($16.00- $48.00). Or maybe it was because the Biden-Harris campaign created a Truth Social account and began posting a few weeks ago.

SEE THIS: The Biden Campaign is Now on Trump’s Truth Social For Your Entertainment Pleasure

However, no one but confirmed Trump Cult devotees should be jumping into this stock if they care about preserving their money. A quick look at the company’s prospectus should frighten off any astute investors. Some of the risks disclosed in the prospectus were reported by MarketWatch

“Truth Social, his would-be Twitter rival, is a high-risk, speculative operation with few hard numbers behind it. It’s already the subject of subpoenas, from regulators and a grand jury, even though it’s barely off the ground. Oh, and Trump is not required to use the social-media site much — if at all — to communicate with the public, notably if voters were to return him to the White House. You buy the stock at your own peril.”


“Digital World has been in trouble with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and recently agreed to pay $18 million to settle fraud charges relating to this potential merger.”


“A number of companies that were associated with President Trump have filed for bankruptcy…There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also fail.”

The prospectus also discloses the six bankruptcies among Trump’s hotels and casinos, and other business failures, such as his airline, vodka, steaks, mortgage, and travel agency. Also mentioned was his fraudulent university that was ordered to pay $25 million in compensatory damages. The article didn’t mention his bogus charity that was also fined and shuttered.

Furthermore, the prospectus included a section enumerating Trump’s numerous pending criminal cases. The 91 felony charges included everything from financial fraud, to inciting a violent insurrection, to threatening election officials, to stealing (and perhaps disseminating) classified documents. And let’s not forget his being found civilly liable for rape and ordered to pay $354 million for falsifying his financial statements.

MarketWatch noted that TMTG reported a measly 8.9 million users. But that’s okay because it “believes that adhering to traditional key performance indicators, such as signups, average revenue per user, ad impressions and pricing, or active user accounts” is a distraction.

Perhaps they are figuring in Trump’s “brand” value. Although on that measure, the prospectus says that Trump is only “required to post certain of his social-media messages there first…And the Truth Social exclusivity on each post only lasts for six hours. [and he] can even cancel this agreement with 30 days’ notice, ‘at any time on or after February 2, 2025.'” Which is suspiciously just two weeks after Inauguration Day.

The recent surge in DWAC’s stock should be regarded with ample amounts of skepticism. The stock has had similar spikes – and subsequent declines – several times. Investors and Trump Cult disciples who bought in at $170.00 a share are still seriously screwed. But maybe they continue to believe that Trump can earn it all back with his latest business venture: grotesquely gold “Never Surrender” sneakers…

UPDATE: As evidence that Trump will eventually turn on you, no matter who you are and how much you suck up to him, Truth Social co-founders accuse Trump of trying to rip them off in merger.

For the record, here are some other recent stories about Trump’s misadventures in social media and the stock market…

Trump’s Truth Social Reports Massive Losses and Warns that it Could Go Out of Business
A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing by the company reveals its financial frailty. The report paints a pitiful picture of the enterprise’s prospects going forward and reveals that it has lost $31.5 million since it opened for business just two years ago.

Trump’s Truth Social Continues to Collapse as Its Biz Partner Loses Virtually All of its Funding
The funding partner for TMTG said that it will return the remaining $533 million of the $1 billion raised to finance the venture after investors canceled $467 million of commitments.

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

LOCK HIM UP: Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam is Being Criminally Investigated By a Federal Grand Jury
In addition to the Grand Jury proceedings, the SEC is investigating whether TMTG and DWAC executives improperly coordinated with each other and engaged in insider trading. They have also partnered with a Chinese firm with a dubious legal past.

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After Losing $83 Million, Big Mouth Trump Hasn’t Made a Single New Attack on E. Jean Carroll

This week there was a historic event in the annals of American law and politics. For the second time in history a former president of the United States, Donald Trump, was found liable for sexual assault and defamation. He was ordered to pay the woman he assaulted, E. Jean Carroll, $83.3 million. Trump was also the perpetrator, and Carroll the victim, the first time this happened, just last year.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Clearly Trump is an incorrigible, recidivist criminal who has no respect for the law, or for women, and believes that he has the right to commit whatever crimes he wants without consequences. He has said so explicitly.

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

Despite Trump’s psychotic compulsion to vilify his perceived enemies, this latest legal smackdown might have finally stilled his slanderous tongue. For months he has been viciously attacking Carroll on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. For the most part, his posts have not sought to make a case for his innocence. They have been blatantly derogatory and insulting and intended solely to tarnish Carroll’s reputation. They reached back into the distant past to grab out-of-context quotes that he distorts in order to falsely portray her as a loose woman. Which he seems to believe would justify assaulting her. On several occasions Trump unleashed 30, 40, or more of these malicious messages in the span of an hour or two.

SEE ALSO: Fearful Trump Unleashes a Flurry of Frantic Posts Attacking His Rape Victim, E. Jean Carroll

However, in the hours since the jury returned their multimillion dollar penalty, Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet online. He posted a single comment whining that he disagreed with the judgment, then went silent on the subject. Although that one comment was loaded with ludicrous commentary…

Don’t expect Trump to continue holding his fire against Carroll. He has zero self-control and his infantile and hostile tendencies can always be relied upon to reemerge. In the mean time, Trump is reprising that old, reliable, right-wing scare tactic of millions of malevolent migrants invading America to steal your jobs and vote for Democrats. He posted a comment raging that…

“Just 3 years ago we had the strongest and safest Border in U.S. History. Today we have a catastrophe waiting to happen. It is the WORST BORDER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, an open wound in our once great Country. TERRORISTS ARE POURING IN, UNCHECKED, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. There is now a 100% chance that there will be MAJOR TERROR ATTACKS IN THE USA. CLOSE THE BORDER!”

Got that? Trump claims, without a shred of evidence, that we went from the best ever to worst ever border. And has anyone run into any of those terrorists who are “pouring in, unchecked”? And of course Trump is predicting a “100% chance that there will be MAJOR TERROR ATTACKS IN THE USA.” That’s more of a hope on his part. Just like he hopes the economy will crash, and civil war will break out.

MORE HERE: On Fox News Jessica Tarlov Summarizes the Success of Bidenomics that the Media Refuses to Cover

Trump followed up that post with four more comments about border issues, including one that sought to sabotage the bipartisan immigration bill that is currently being negotiated in the Senate. And naturally his perspective was fraught with animus and ignorance…

It’s cute that Trump thinks that the judgment against him is a “witch hunt” directed by President Biden. Because all that does is reveal that that Biden fella keeps winning. Proving that he’s pretty sharp for a guy that Trump and the GOP say is mentally impaired. If Biden, according to Trump & Co., is a senile communist who can’t put two sentences together, what does that say about Trump and the MAGA Klan that keep losing to him?

UPDATE: 48 hours later and, other than reposting a Breitbart article, Trump has still not mentioned the Carroll judgment himself online or in his campaign speech in Nevada.

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Fearful Trump Unleashes a Flurry of Frantic Posts Attacking His Rape Victim, E. Jean Carroll

The new is year is only four days old, and Donald Trump has spent most of it posting manic messages on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. That’s a peculiar use of his time, considering that he has been complaining that all of his multitude of indictments and lawsuits must be delayed because he doesn’t have enough time to properly respond to them.

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Donald Trump, Woman, Fear

Perhaps if Trump devoted more time to his criminal and civil cases, and less to babbling incoherently on social media, staging cult rallies, and golfing, he might be better able to defend himself. Although, even then it would be difficult with the mountains of documentary and testimonial evidence against him, and with his incompetent attorneys.

SEE THIS: Trump Lawyer Complains that Just Factually Reporting His Legal Problems is Election Interference

Case in point: As CNN reported this week, “A federal appeals court denied Donald Trump’s effort to delay his defamation trial set to begin in two weeks.” So January 16 has been set for the start of his trial for defaming writer, E. Jean Carroll. Actually, his second trial. She already won a $5 million dollar judgment against him for defamation and sexual assault.

However, as usual, Trump is his own worst enemy. As a result of his inability to control his big mouth, he is now being sued by Carroll for new offenses. After the first jury found him liable for sexually abusing and defaming Carroll, he appeared on a CNN town hall the next day and defamed her again. Which prompted her second lawsuit. After Trump filed an inanely argued motion for a new trial, the judge concluded that the facts showed that Trump had, in fact, raped Carroll.

SEE ALSO: Ted Lieu Reads Federal Judge’s Confirmation that Trump is a Rapist Into Congressional Record

With the trial date approaching Trump is teetering further over the edge of sanity. On a thirty minute spree Thursday morning Trump posted thirty-one (31!) comments on his vanity website attacking Carroll with irrelevant and out of context quotes and links. Most of them were things she might have written in her entertainment column decades ago. They have absolutely nothing to do with the charges that he assaulted and raped her.

The only thing that Trump can hope to achieve by this is to exacerbate his legal peril and increase the amount of the amended judgment he will have to pay. Unfortunately, it also puts Carroll at risk for harm by Trump’s cult followers who regard him as the victim, rather than her. And it affirms that, as long as Trump is free to attack his victims, judges, prosecutors, and witnesses, he represents a clear and present danger to society. At some point the law needs to step in for the sake of public safety.

UPDATE: Throughout the day Trump continued his sickly obsessive rants, posting 42 more comments about Carroll, for a grand total of 73 for the day. Thirty of the additional posts all had the same exact message attached to many repeats of earlier posts. In it he refuted all the evidence presented in court and denied knowing Carroll, saying “Except for a Fraudulent Case against me, I had no idea who E. Jean Carroll was.” Then, typical of Trump, he attacked the judge hearing the case saying that he is “another Highly Partisan Clinton-Appointed Friend. He should have recused himself long ago!”


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FOX NEWS IS APPALLED that Trump Quoting Hitler Might Get More Press than a Selfie Sex Video

What constitutes “news” these days has had a stark transformation from what is generally considered matters of consequence to the public at large, to tabloid trash and titillating gossip. and much of that shift can be attributed directly to Fox News and other right-wing outlets that have abandoned facts in favor of partisan propaganda.

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Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler

This week Fox News reestablished itself as the leading perpetrator of this redefinition of what is regarded as newsworthy. Their devotion to the debasement of the press was on full display during a segment of Fox and Friends that sought to make a distinction between two current events competing for attention. And true to form, Fox managed to make a mess of the whole matter in manner that was typical of their predictably ludicrous news judgment. After all, it is the same network that celebrates an annual “War on Christmas.”

SEE THIS: WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

The segment that aired on Saturday (video below) tried to juxtapose stories that had no rational connection anywhere but in the minds of perverse Fox Newsers. One story was about a selfie sex video that was making the rounds on social media. It featured an aide to Democratic Sen. Ben Cardin, who was quickly fired. The other story was about Donald Trump quoting Adolf Hitler, a repugnant historical figure for whom Trump has previously expressed admiration.

The segment began with co-host Will Cain playing a clip of Trump’s Hitler citation at his recent cult rally in New Hampshire, where he was distorting data (i.e. lying) on immigration and demeaning refugees…

Trump: “We’ve get a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done. They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world.”

The phrase “poisoning the blood of our country” was one that was used frequently by Hitler and his Nazi confederates. For the leading candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president to be embracing that rhetoric is abhorrent and frightening. But that wasn’t what Cain was upset about. He continued…

Cain: “The mainstream media is going to talk about this. They already are. It’s going to take over everything. ‘Poison the blood of our country’ when talking about illegal immigration. In fact, the Biden-Harris administration has already jumped all over it. They said the following…

Biden Spokesman: ‘Tonight, Donald Trump channeled his role models as he parroted Adolf Hitler, praised Kim Jong un, and quoted Vladimir Putin, while running for president on a promise to rule as a dictator and threaten American democracy. He is betting he can win this election by scaring and dividing the country. He’s wrong.’

Cain: “The reason I bring up those two stories to you, is I thought and I think it should be a big deal that we’re talking about what happened in the Senate hearing chamber. And I think what we’re going to do, I think what’s going to happen here for the next couple of days is we’re going to latch on to three words that Donald Trump said, and it’s going to drive the news cycle.”

That’s right! What Fox News thinks is a “big deal” is the video made by a lowly (and horny) senate staffer who has already been fired and has no impact whatsoever on the nation. And they are deeply disturbed that that petty, but provocative, video might be swept aside by the video of the aspiring authoritarian Trump employing fascist hate speech. On a legitimate news network a potential president who embraces fascism would deserve far more than a “couple of days” of the news cycle.

Fox News has provided an outstanding example of their priorities and those of the Republican Party. They aim to elevate pseudo-scandalous nonsense to crisis levels, while being casually dismissive of prospective dictatorships. And that should stir fear in the hearts and minds of the American people because that’s precisely how such dictatorships come to pass.


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Trump’s ‘Mugshot Edition’ NFT Card Scam Sneaks In Terms that Confirm He is a Brazen Grifter

Throughout Donald Trump’s career in business and politics he has established himself as a deceitful, exploitative con man whose only interest is enriching and empowering himself. It’s why he has so often stiffed his vendors and partners, shuttered fraudulent operations (i.e. his university, charitable foundation, casinos, etc.), and declared half a dozen bankruptcies that left his creditors in the lurch while he pocketed the spoils.

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Trump Trading Cards

Trump’s latest swindle is the release of the “Mugshot Edition” of his allegedly collectable NFT cards. These are digital images that cost next to nothing to make, and that he has licensed for sale by a third party vendor at $99.00 a piece. He announced this boondoggle on another one his scams, Truth Social, that is losing millions of dollars and has warned investors that it could soon go belly up.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social Reports Massive Losses and Warns that it Could Go Out of Business

Never mind that Trump’s previous edition of NFTs was a flop that lured suckers into paying inflated prices that quickly declined when it turned out that there were no buyers for his worthless digital trash. The new edition is likely to follow the same path.

Trump is once again charging $99.00 for his faked pseudo-photos. And this time he is adding a couple of bonuses to encourage his flock to shell out. In order to qualify for the bonus a buyer would have spring for the full 47 piece collection, for a total price of $4,653.00. For that lofty sum you could “win” either a dinner with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, or a special edition physical card with an actual swatch from the suit he wore when he surrendered to authorities in Georgia for his mugshot.

There are, however, a couple of problems with the contest. For one thing, the winner of the dinner would have to pay all of the transportation and lodging costs. Which likely means that the winner would be paying Trump to stay in his own hotel. As for the suit swatch, there is no way to affirm that it actually came from his suit, as if anyone really cared.

More troubling is the small print in the terms and conditions attached to the bonuses. For both prizes the terms state that:

For the mugshot card…
“In the event the Bonus Physical Card cannot be fulfilled due to an issue in the manufacturing, production, or delivery on the Bonus Physical Cards, individuals who qualified for the Bonus Physical Card will be awarded a limited edition Trump NFT in lieu thereof, as determined by us in our sole discretion,” the terms and conditions say.

For the dinner…
“In the event President Trump is unable to attend the Bonus Gala Dinner,” or the dinner cannot happen for any other reason, “then we may reschedule the Bonus Gala Dinner or individuals who qualified for the Bonus Gala Dinner will be awarded a limited edition Trump NFT in lieu thereof, as determined by us in our sole discretion,” according to the terms.

In other words, at the “sole discretion” of Trump, and/or his vendor, the prizes could be forfeited and another worthless NFT awarded in their place. All for just $4,653.00. And the saddest part of this is that a fair number of Trump’s glassy-eyed cult followers will still likely salivate over the opportunity to be duped by The Donald.

It’s astonishing how gullible people can be when wooed by a former reality TV game show host whose past is replete with purposeful fraud. But they can take comfort in the knowledge that, in the end, they will get precisely what they paid for. And that Trump will have a good laugh at their expense.


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