IRONY ALERT: Fox News “Psycho” Analyst Calls Obama’s Police Plan “Toxic Propaganda”

Following the tragedies in Ferguson, Missouri and Staten Island, New York, where unarmed black men were killed by overzealous police officers, the nation was thrown into a debate that ought to have occurred long ago. Any objective observer would have to agree that there is a serious problem in a society where one particular group of citizens suffers so disproportionately at the hands of law enforcement.

That explains why Fox News, not known for their objectivity, has so fiercely defended the police officers and departments that are engaging in unnecessary brutality in the name of public safety. But it does not explain why Fox’s “psycho” analyst, Keith Ablow, gets so lost in a deranged argument that blames President Obama for “motivat[ing] our citizens to question the decency of elements of American life.”

Keith Ablow

Ablow’s op-ed for Fox purports to be a criticism of a batch of proposals by Obama in response to recent episodes of police brutality. The proposals are widely viewed as a common sense beginning of a process that will require more time and contemplation to resolve. They include…

  • 50,000 Police Body Cameras
  • Task Force on Police Practices
  • White House Report on Police “Militarization”
  • Executive Order on Military-Style Equipment Acquisition

However, “doctor” Ablow finds these measures to be destructive and harmful to “the confidence of Americans in yet another aspect of our culture.” He employs his divine powers of mind reading to expose a fifth proposal that Obama is secretly pursuing. He says that…

Ablow: The core of the president’s policing program is an unspoken, psychologically powerful (and profoundly toxic) fifth point: To encourage distrust of local and state police by American citizens.

The fact that Ablow regards Obama’s response to the national uproar over the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner to be an encouragement of police distrust indicates that he may be suffering from acute denial. With thousands of people flooding the streets to protest across the country it is fairly safe to conclude that there is already significant distrust, disappointment, and fear among our citizenry. It would be derelict for the President to do nothing under the circumstances.

What Ablow suggests, however, is even worse than nothing. He begins by objecting to the body cams, which many departments support as a means to both deterring police misconduct and exonerating officers from false complaints. Then he goes off the rails entirely with his support for the militarization of local police departments. He bemoans the proposal to study the increase of militarized cops as an effort to “take powerful arms away from them.”

What makes this a case study in deranged irony is that Ablow asserts that Obama is pursuing an environment where “nothing other than an all-powerful central authority can safeguard them.” But how can he make that argument at the same time as he advocates for weapons, tanks, and other military-style tools to occupy American neighborhoods? It is Ablow who favors an all-powerful central authority as embodied by police outfitted as if they were an invading army.

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In his final paragraph, Ablow asserts that the President’s plan is “designed to harness underlying doubt and paranoia in people and direct it in a way that shakes the confidence of Americans in yet another aspect of our culture.” Once again, the irony is flowing like lava down an erupting volcano. The doubt and paranoia were present long before Obama’s actions. Furthermore, Ablow has spent his career firmly devoted to shaking the confidence of Americans in their institutions, especially the presidency (at least while it was occupied by a gay communist Muslim from Kenya).

Ablow is a key figure in the media’s most brazen propaganda machine. For him to assail anyone else for alleged propaganda while collecting a salary from Fox News is laughable. His colleagues in the medical profession have described him as unethical and embarrassing. For a brief sampling of Ablow’s dementia, see the following:

The Ablow Record: He proposed what he called an “American Jihad,” wherein he advocated for a military campaign to force other countries to adopt the American political system. He charged that President Obama was waging psychological warfare on the American people. He praised Newt Gingrich for being unfaithful to multiple wives. He welcomed the pain of Americans suffering through the recession. He offered his recipe for building a terrorist that read more like building a Tea Party. He repeatedly diagnosed President Obama and others without ever having examined, or even met them. And my personal favorite, he actually had praise for the Unabomber’s sociological philosophy.