Trump is Right! ‘We Don’t Need a President Who Isn’t Smart Enough to Answer Reporters’ Questions’

Anyone who has been paying attention to Donald Trump for the last few years knows that he is in perpetual state of outrage. If he isn’t complaining about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged and stolen” from him, he’s whining about being the victim of a massive cabal to hold him accountable for the crimes that he has actually committed.

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Donald Trump

To be sure, there are a multitude of other grievances that he grumbles about incessantly. Too many, in fact, to itemize. And all of them are based on delusions that emanate from his deeply disturbed and profoundly paranoid psyche. His bottomless reservoir of wrath is manifested in his daily – even hourly – hysterics over whatever perceived atrocity has befallen him at that moment in time. And his tantrums unfurl despite the harm they do to his own interests.

SEE THIS: SMART POLITICS? As Election Day Nears Trump Reminds America of His Sexual Assault Judgment

On Sunday morning Trump unleashed another rage-filled rant on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. And true to form, it embodied the unbridled fury of a severely dysfunctional psychotic. In a tedious recital of his paranoid symptoms, Trump babbled in part that…

“Comrade Kamala Harris ‘is completely hiding from the press.’ […] The last thing we need for our Nation in Decline is another President who is not smart enough to answer reporters questions. We just went through that, and we don’t want to do it again!”

First of all, Trump’s charge that Kamala Harris is “completely hiding from the press” is a bald-faced lie. She just had a nationally televised interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. And she frequently takes questions from reporters informally at campaign stops. That said, she has no obligation to fulfill some arbitrary quota for press avails. Especially when the press is so blatantly hostile to her, while simultaneously “sane-washing” Trump’s obviously incoherent public ramblings.

sEE ALSO: Fox News is Desperately Struggling to Find Dirt on Kamala Harris – Here is What They Found

However, Trump should get credit when credit is due. And his assessment of the importance of having a president who is “smart enough to answer reporters questions” could not be more relevant as this campaign season progresses.

In that regard, Harris has proven to be extraordinarily well informed and insightful when being asked candidly for her opinions. Trump, on the other hand, has shown himself to be astonishingly ignorant and unconcerned with those pesky little things we all know as facts.

Trump may answer reporters’ questions from time to time, but only those “reporters” who are unambiguously Trump-fluffing sycophants, like those on Fox News. He will never sit down with a legitimate journalist who could challenge his free-flowing torrent of lies. And even when he does reply to his pre-approved MAGA hacks, his answers are devoid of any relationship with reality. For instance, Trump has recently been asked questions for which he offered mostly indecipherable replies that did nothing but affirm his ignorance on the subjects queried…

  • Child Care: That he said could be paid for by tariffs.
  • Tariffs: That he said are paid by the countries on whom they are imposed.
  • Immigration: That he said is increasing and filled with criminals and mental patients.
  • Election Fraud: That he is still claiming occurred in 2020.
  • The Economy: That he said is crashing.
  • Abortion: That he says occurs even after a baby is born.

On every single one of those matters Trump is wrong on (in his lingo) “levels never seen before.” With this degree of dishonesty and/or stupidity, it makes the question of whether or not to answer reporters’ questions irrelevant. Why bother if he’s going to be spewing such flaming falsehoods without any pushback by the reporters?

So Trump is right. America doesn’t need a president who isn’t smart enough to answer reporters’ questions. Therefore, America doesn’t need Trump. It needs Kamala Harris, who has demonstrated that she has the intellect and the compassion to lead the nation and to eloquently articulate how she plans to move the country forward. If Trump really believed what he is saying about this, he would drop out of the race today. But he isn’t even smart enough to do that.


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Trump Praises Pitiful ‘MAGA People Outside Screaming’ at Kamala Harris as She Preps for Debate

The first – and perhaps only – debate between Vice-President Kamala Harris and convicted felon Donald Trump is just a few days away. Harris is spending part of that time preparing for the encounter, like any rational person who cares about being ready to present a thoughtful and informed account of herself, and to refute the flood of falsehoods that will flow from her pathological opponent.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

Meanwhile, Trump is bragging that he doesn’t have to prepare for the debate because he’s a “stable genius” whose command of the issues is so thorough that he can deliver his message on the fly. And a good example of that skill was provided by Trump when he was recently asked about his plans for making child care more affordable…

SEE THIS: HOLY CR&P: Trump’s Rambling, Incoherent Plan to Make Child Care Affordable is Utterly Deranged

On Friday Trump proudly accepted the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, an allegedly pro-law and order organization that has no problem supporting a felon who incited a violent insurrection and now wants to pardon the thugs who assaulted police officers. Among the tsunami of stupidity in Trump’s speech that is the hallmark of his commentaries, was a bit that sought to provide his profoundly weird observations on Harris’ debate prep. He babbled that…

“She’s in Pennsylvania and she’s practicing for the debate. She’s locked herself in a room — she’s got a lot to learn…. and they have one problem. You know what the problem is? They have MAGA people outside screaming “We love Trump!”… and they can’t focus.”

Yeah. That’s probably exactly what was happening. Oh wait… There’s actually video of this intolerable distraction that is making it impossible for Harris to prepare for her face-off with Trump. And it shows a frightful “mob” of nearly ten MAGA-nauts (or in Trump’s mind, 10,000) impotently chanting “Let’s go Trump.” Harris and her campaign staff were surely cowering in their hotel room where they likely couldn’t even hear these goofballs.

And if that weren’t enough, Trump posted a comment on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Saturday morning about the upcoming debate that addressed a pressing issue that all of America is worrying about. It has nothing to do with the topics to be discussed, or the alleged biases of the moderators, or the controversy over muting the microphones (a provision that Trump’s nannies pushed for because they’re afraid of what humiliating things he will say). Nope. What Trump is afraid of is that Harris might use artificial means (i.e. boxes) to make her look taller than him. No, REALLY!

If Trump is so adamant about the candidates presenting themselves honestly – “You are who you are” – then maybe they should also ban orange bronzers, girdles, shoe lifts, and hair weaves. Aren’t they all also “a form of cheating”?

If Trump is successful in obstructing these attempts to cheat, and disrupting Harris’ preparations with howling cultists, he’s convinced that he will virtually guarantee a victory next Tuesday when the two meet for the actual debate. Never mind that he won’t be able to engage in a substantive discourse on any subject, or that he will unleash a flurry of lies and insults, rather than offering any facts or policy proposals. Why should this debate be any different for Trump than any other affair where he rants and rages incoherently?


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SMART POLITICS? As Election Day Nears Trump Reminds America of His Sexual Assault Judgment

There a lot of important issues to be addressed in this election season. They include abortion, immigration, the economy, gun safety, and the climate crisis. And due to Donald Trump’s overt authoritarian aspirations, even the stability of American democracy is up for debate.

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Donald Trump, Pervert

Trump, however, is focused on an entirely different set of priorities, ranging from his obsessive delusions of the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen” from him, to fear mongering about migrant criminals, creeping communism, and World War III. It’s a basket of deplorable nonsense that he is desperately struggling to stir up into some sort of manufactured, existential threat. But he just ends up making himself look ever more deranged.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

On Friday morning Trump called a press conference (although he left without taking any questions), to discuss his appeal of the civil judgment against him for defaming and sexually abusing writer E. Jean Carroll. It’s an appeal that has no rational legal basis and is likely to be quickly dismissed. It’s just another attempt on Trump’s part to throw a monkey wrench into the judicial process, and to delay any possible legal consequences for his wrongdoing.

A more interesting question is, why is he making such a public display of this matter now? The only foreseeable result is that it will remind the American people that he is a flaming misogynist and an adjudicated rapist who defamed his victim. Is this really the subject that he wants on the minds of voters a few days before his debate with Kamala Harris, and just two months before Election Day?

Apparently so. Despite the memories that Trump is reviving, he still felt compelled to complain about some vaguely referenced folks who he believes were rude in some unexplained way to judges that he admired. Specifically, Palm Beach Trump flunky, Aileen Cannon. And to that end he whined that those critics should face legal consequences for daring have opinions that he didn’t approve of.

“That’s what the [Department of Defense] should look into. The legality of these people taking a brilliant judge and demeaning her. And taking other people that are fair and solid and demeaning them. It’s called ‘playing the ref.’ Nobody did it better than the late, great Bobby Knight, basketball coach. He would play, he would scream at those refs.’

[…Whereupon Trump goes off script to ramble about Knight for a while, and then…] These people are playing the ref when they are allowed to call for a recusal, impeachment of a judge. Because they’re not getting their way.”

So Trump thinks it should be illegal to criticize judges. Something he does repeatedly. He relentlessly berates them with vicious diatribes, calling them everything from “corrupt” to “deranged,” and even going after their families in a way that put them at risk of harm. He has accused them of being biased, and of coordinating with the White House to destroy him. None of which he can supply any shred of evidence for. And he has also impotently demanded that they be recused and/or impeached when he doesn’t get his way.

To make matters worse, Trump’s remarks during his press avail were profoundly unhelpful to his cause. He insulted his own lawyers as they stood docilly behind him, saying that “I’m disappointed in my legal talent, I’ll be honest with you.” Then he went on to complain that his lawyers didn’t bring up the “Monica Lewinsky type dress,” that never had any relevance to the case. His lawyers must be so proud.

Trump’s cult disciples might not regard what he’s doing as “playing the refs.” They will probably think that he is playing 3D checkers with this preposterously hypocritical harangue. Fine. Maybe Trump thinks so as well. And if he wants to plant in people’s minds the image of him as an abuser of women just prior to the election, I’m all for it. At least it’s the truth.


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HOLY CR&P: Trump’s Rambling, Incoherent Plan to Make Child Care Affordable is Utterly Deranged

A few short weeks ago, the media was obsessed with questions about age and mental acuity in the realm of politics. That was before President Biden stepped aside and passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris, who has taken the nation by storm. Prior to that, the press was consumed with anxieties over the fitness of an aspiring candidate’s competence to fulfill the responsibilities of the job.

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Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

However, something significant seems to have changed now that Donald Trump is the only 80ish candidate in the race who is showing clear signs of cognitive decline. For some reason the press only regarded that as a problem when Biden was running. Now they are content to ignore the obvious inability of Trump to maintain a stable relationship with reality.

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS TOAST: The Washington Post’s Laundry List of Trump’s Increasingly Bizarre Claims

On Thursday Trump gave a speech before the Economic Club of New York. The substance of his remarks was identical to his cult rallies that are filled with flagrant lies, infantile insults, and slobbering and undeserved exaltations of himself. Perhaps the only difference with this address is that Trump appeared to be nearly catatonic as he slurred his way through his robo-talking points.

At one point Trump was asked a question that ought to have been an easy one for someone so practiced in weaving and dodging to avoid revealing his ignorance. But Trump’s reply was spectacularly incomprehensible. What follows is the entire transcript. And I dare anyone to make any sense of it. The question was: “If you win in November, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable? And if so, What specific piece of legislation will you advance?” And Trump replied (good luck getting through it)…

“Well, I would do that and we’re sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Sen. Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka was so impactful on that issue. It’s a very important issue. But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about that, because the child care is child care. It’s something, you have to have it in this country. You have to have it. But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not use to, but they’ll get use to it very quickly.

“And it’s not gonna stop them from doing business with us. But they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country. Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers we’re talking about, including child care. We’re gonna have, I look forward to having no deficits within a very short period of time. Coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country, because I have to stay with child care. I want to stay with child care.

“But those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers I’m talking about, including growth. Growth also headed up by what the plan is I just, that I just told you about. We’re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s relatively speaking not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in.

“We’re gonna make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people, but we’re gonna take care of our country first. This isn’t about America first. It’s about make America great again. And we have to do it because right now we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you.”

Well, that clears that up, doesn’t it? Now we know whether Trump will “commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable? And if so, What specific piece of legislation [he will] advance.” We can add this to what his running mate, JD Vance, has said about “childless cat ladies” and other anti-Americans who refuse, or are unable, to procreate for the Fatherland. And we can expect the media to inform the public about this detailed policy statement, on such an important matter, by the GOP candidate for president. Right? RIGHT???


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BLAME AMERICA FIRST: Fox News Attacks U.S. in Response to Reports of Russian Election Interference

Ever since Donald Trump became a candidate for political office, he has had the distinction and disgrace of garnering support from shady characters affiliated with some of America’s most virulent enemies. In both 2016 and 2020, Trump’s campaigns were aided by his pal and idol, Vladimir Putin, who took an active role in efforts to undermine American democracy.

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Fox News Commies

The 2024 presidential election is expected to have some of those same nefarious players on Trump’s team. Their unambiguous purpose is to bolster Trump’s electoral aspirations, while torpedoing Kamala Harris with slanderous lies and wholly fabricated allegations. Since they can’t find anything honest and substantive to criticize her for, they resort to pure fiction and fear mongering.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Desperately Struggling to Find Dirt on Kamala Harris – Here is What They Found

On Wednesday reports emerged about Russia’s continuing efforts to interfere in American elections. However, these latest reports reveal that the U.S. government is doing something affirmative about it. As reported by MSNBC…

“The Biden administration is taking a series of actions to target what they allege are Russian-backed actors to manipulate public opinion here in the U.S. ahead of the presidential election, according to two senior U.S, officials. […]

“[Ken Dilanian:] This is being described as a whole of government action designed to target Russian propaganda and disinformation aimed at interfering in the 2024 election. It’s said to include sanctions by the Treasury Department, law enforcement action by the Justice Department, and one of the focuses is on [Russian-funded propaganda network] RT [that] was tagged back in 2017 as a vehicle for Russian disinformation and election interference. And at that time the government required RT to register as a foreign agent.”

This news isn’t exactly groundbreaking because we know that Russia has been doing this for years, with the knowledge, approval, and even coordination with the Trump camp and the GOP. But what makes it even worse is that our foreign foes and their domestic flunkies are aided and abetted by Fox News. When Fox reported these actions by the U.S. against Russia’s interference in our election, their hosts, Harris Faulkner and Steve Hilton, wasted no time in deflecting blame from Russia and casting it on America (video below)….

Faulkner: Just this hour we can confirm that the Biden administration plans to accuse Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 presidential election. And that it will do so using state-run media and other online platforms to target U.S. voters with disinformation. It’s expected that the U.S. will make a series of moves today to address those issues. Talk to me. Why is that suddenly a concern now?
Hilton: That’s the truth about all of this in this world that we live in today, which is you have Iran doing this, you have China doing this, and frankly, we do it to other countries as well. […] Yet, just at this time, the Biden-Harris administration raises the specter once again of Russian interference. […]
Faulkner: That’s such a great question. And it’s contextually very important. We have 51 intelligence agents agree to the fact that the Hunter Biden laptop wasn’t real.

Rather than express outrage that Russia is once again trying to undermine American democracy, Faulkner’s immediate reaction was to cast suspicion on the U.S. for doing something about it. As if taking action while the election is in progress and vulnerable to Russia’s tactics is in itself evil. And she reaches back to the irrelevant matter of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Which, by the way, no one ever said wasn’t real. They only said that the hype surrounding it was generated by Russian trolls. Which is true.

Hilton went further down the “Blame America” trail to accuse the FBI, the CIA, and the Department of Justice of being “totally biased and in the tank and trying to stop Donald Trump from being elected.” Then the two of them continued saying that…

Faulkner: It also gives the left that familiar mantra of Russia, Russia, Russia. They’re not gonna concentrate on the areas where our own people fell down on protecting our elections. […]
Hilton: We cannot trust them. We need a complete clear out. They are institutionally corrupted.

So according to these treasonous cretins, evidence of Russia committing crimes against the American people is irrelevant, except as a trigger to attack the U.S. for imaginary election fraud for which they have never been able to produce any proof. In fact, their lies on the subject cost them 3/4 of billion dollars in a defamation settlement. They are so devoted to their anti-American views that they are incapable of defending the nation against foreign enemies. To the contrary, they are driven to malign the U.S. and its institutions.

That is a perspective that runs through the Republican Party and that has been nurtured by Trump’s animosity toward America and his aversion to democracy. It would make sense for the U.S. government, while slapping sanctions on Russia and its propaganda outlets like RT, to do the same with Fox News. In fact, Fox should have been labeled a foreign agent many years ago.


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Fox News is Desperately Struggling to Find Dirt on Kamala Harris – Here is What They Found

It may be time to throw a Pity Party for the fatuous, fumbling, and forlorn folks at Fox News. Their wretched and woeful efforts to malign Vice-President Kamala Harris have become a pathetic joke whose punch line is more of gut punch to the Trump-fluffing “news” network.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

As Harris continues her surprisingly successful sprint to the finish line in the 2024 election, her enemies at Fox News and other MAGA media outlets are frantically fishing for anything that might slow her momentum. And so far they are only reeling in anemic strands of kelp. And they have to strain mightily for that.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Promising to Finally ‘Get the Truth About Obama’s Birth Certificate’ – No, REALLY!

The desperation at Fox News is evident in the far-fetched fantasies that they are inventing to disparage Harris. They have already tried to malign her for not having interviews with the mainstream press that has worked so diligently to artificially inflate the criticisms of her Republican foes, while dismissing the deplorable comments and flagrant lies of Donald Trump.

Naturally, Fox News is at the front of the line to launch hostile and vacant attacks on Harris. And on Tuesday morning they provided an outstanding example of their info-excrement. Fox News host Todd Piro introduced a segment with video of Harris ascending the stairs of her campaign plane. The theme of this segment was that Harris was attempting to avoid questions from press. But Piro and his guest, right-wing hack Kaylee McGee White, just made up what they regarded as the key evidence of their allegation.

Piro: Kamala Harris is now being called out for a new tactic of avoiding questions from reporters by wearing ear buds, the move sparking outrage on social media.
White: My favorite part about this was when she has the wired earphones in and at one point when she was walking up the stairs to the plane she holds her phone up to her ear as if she was taking a phone call when it was very clear that she already had ear buds in. The whole thing doesn’t make sense.

To be clear, those who Piro says “called out,” Harris and drew “outrage on social media,” is actually just Fox News themselves, and the random wingnuts they find on Twitter. They’re using their own lying flunkies to prove their lies. But the video of Harris boarding the plane shows something completely different than what they are alleging. Here is the clip provided by frequent Fox guest Monica Crowley…

Near the end of this video you can see Harris raise her hand to her head. But she is not putting the phone to her ear. The phone is clearly resting on her cheek. It is her finger that is on her ear, so as to better hear what is in her ear buds. In other words, the Foxies are asking their viewers to disbelieve what they can see with their own eyes, and instead believe their obviously phony voiceovers.

What’s more, some of the online critics complained that Harris was using wired ear buds at all. They accused her of being out of touch with modern technology. However, the truth is that they are out of touch with modern communications security. Government officials are directed to use wired headsets because the wireless Bluetooth ones are vulnerable to hackers who could intercept and eavesdrop on their calls.

The reason that Fox News is focusing on nonsense like this is that they can’t find anything substantive to criticize Harris for. Which is also the reason that Harris is gaining in popularity and rising in the polls. Which is driving Fox News and Trump crazy – or crazier, as the case may be. And as election day approaches we can expect them to get worse. Much worse. So make sure to have plenty of popcorn – and Tylenol – on hand.


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Trump’s Rancid Labor Day Message is a Typically Angry Political Rant that is Focused on Himself

Holidays in America are generally occasions when people can find harmony and common purpose in tribute to whatever particular event the day is commemorating. There is a fulfilling pride and/or joy that is shared regardless of political or spiritual affiliation. We have usually found a way to come together in observance of a greater good.

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Donald Trump, Newspapers, Baby, Hate

Sadly, some of that camaraderie has been lost in the wake of Donald Trump’s doctrine of division and discord. From the start of his political endeavors he has sought to drive people apart by inflaming differences in race and class and any other ideological factor he could think of to exploit. Case in point, Trump’s heartwarming tidings to his cult disciples last Easter…

SEE THIS: Trump Sends His Easter Greetings to ‘Those Many People that I Completely and Totally Despise’

Anyone who expected Trump to be any different on this Labor Day has not been paying attention. They are oblivious to his trademarked emotional brand of revenge and retribution. It’s what drove him to post the following comment on his pitifully failing website, Truth Social

“Happy Labor Day to all of our American Workers who represent the Shining Example of Hard Work and Ingenuity. Under Comrade Kamala Harris, all Americans are suffering during this Holiday weekend – High Gas Prices, Transportation Costs are up, and Grocery Prices are through the roof. We can’t keep living under this weak and failed ‘Leadership’.….”

Notice that Trump’s message is a purely political outpouring of his hostility and his dystopian view of where America stands today. He is engaging in blatant fear mongering to incite the inbred rage of his glassy-eyed followers. And it contains only a token reference to the workers for whom this day is reserved for appreciation.

But Trump wasn’t finished. He posted a second comment that was rife with lies about the benefits for workers that he said he achieved during his occupation of the White House. The truth, however, is that Trump’s administration was the first in modern times to end with fewer people working than when it started. Many plants and factories closed or moved off-shore. He opposes raising the minimum wage – or having a minimum wage, period. He implemented legislative and regulatory assaults on union members and their rights to organize against the greedy corporate barons who Trump embraces as his friends.

For contrast, take look at the message delivered by Vice-President Kamala Harris. And notice that it is focused on the welfare of workers, their contribution to the nation, and her devotion to their interests.

Harris has fought for workers for her whole career in public service, as a prosecutor, a senator, and in the White House. She is committed to advancing worker rights via unions and the practice of collective bargaining. And she respects Labor Day as a tribute to the people who really drive the economy and create jobs. And if you still wonder which side Trump is on, here he is telling you in his own words…


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Trump Attacks Tim Walz with Story of His Pro-Trump Brother, Ignores His Own Anti-Trump Family

The Kamala Harris campaign for president has been going remarkably well, particularly given the unusually short time frame and unique circumstances that thrust her into the race. In just over a month she has raised a record amount of donations, signed up hundreds of thousands of volunteers, and presided over a successful Democratic convention. All of which has led to a surging rise in the polls, and a simultaneous sinking for Donald Trump.

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Donald Trump

Harris has been making all the right decisions in her orchestration of the campaign. And among those was her choice of the vice-presidential candidate to accompany her on the Democratic ticket. Tim Walz has proven to be an extraordinary asset whose experience and authenticity have endeared him to the American people. Which, of course, triggered a knee-jerk inquisition by MAGA Republicans in Congress.

SEE THIS: Weaponizing Congress? GOP Hack Comer Launches Phony Probes Into Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

Not to be left out, Trump himself has been busy defaming Walz. As is his psychotic pattern, he has called him childish names and spewed a litany of licentious lies. For example, Trump posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that he likely believed would land a knockout blow to Walz. It consisted of a picture of the cover of Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post with the headline “OH, BROTHER! The stories I could tell. Sibling warns: Tim Walz should not decide America’s future.”

Trump added his own commentary saying that Walz “Sounds like a really great guy!” However, for some reason Trump neglected to mention that his late sister, former federal judge Maryanne Trump Barry, was not exactly proud her little brother. In fact, she is on the record harshly chastising him in recordings by Trump’s niece, Mary Trump. As CNN reported in August of 2020…

“Maryanne Trump Barry bitterly criticized her brother, President Donald Trump, saying, ‘Donald’s out for Donald,’ and appeared to confirm her niece Mary Trump’s previous allegations that he had a friend take his SATs to get into college, according to audio excerpts obtained by CNN.” […]

“Among the some of the more critical comments made by Barry was commenting on how her younger 74-year-old brother operated as president. ‘His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God,’ she said, according to the recording. ‘I’m talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit.'” […]

“Barry also said at one point to her niece, ‘It’s the phoniness of it all. It’s the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel,’ according to the audio scripts and recordings.”

Who cares that Gov. Walz has a brother with whom he has partisan ideological differences? Every family in America probably has a sibling, or uncle, or third cousin twice-removed, who is an insufferable political contrarian. It might even make Walz more relatable to many voters with similarly severed families.

Furthermore, the difference between Walz and his brother, and Trump and his sister, are noteworthy. Walz’ brother is a Republican who has clashes with his Democratic brother on purely partisan grounds. But Trump’s sister is also a Republican whose animus is much deeper and more personal. She is repulsed by Trump’s rancid character and his absence of morality and ethics.

This is more residue from the toxic stain that is Donald Trump, whose noxious cult appeal has driven a wedge between previously cordial family members. And while it doesn’t have any effect whatsoever on Walz ability to serve, it does illustrate how devoid of any substantive criticisms the GOP is. This is the best they can do?

Trump was not only despised by some members of his family, but the people who worked most closely with him in his administration have abandoned him. Of 44 cabinet and other top level staffers, only four have publicly endorsed him. Among those who do not appear to regard Trump as fit to serve are his vice-president Mike Pence, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly.

The Daily Show compiled a brutal – and hilarious – collection of Trump’s former staffers and their views of Trump. It is presented here for your edification and enjoyment…

SEE IT HERE: The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best


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Trump Incites an Attack on the Press at His Cult Rally, Then Celebrates that ‘He’s On Our Side’

There is a unique atmosphere that pervades the campaign rallies staged by Donald Trump. They reek more of conventions of brainwashed cult crackpots than anything resembling a political event. Trump mesmerizes his glassy-eyed audience of indoctrinated disciples with endlessly repetitive tirades filled with flagrant lies and messianic self-exaltations.

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Trump Charlotsville

Among the standard features on Trump’s playlist are hostile harangues aimed at the media that he assails in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” His seething animosity toward the press is purposefully included in every speech in order to keep his devotees in a constant state of outrage at what he tells them are “fake” and/or “corrupt” reporters who mean to do him harm. Although he does have his exceptions…

SEE THIS: Trump Thanks White Nationalist as a ‘Great Journalist’ for His Sexist Attack on Kamala Harris

On Friday Trump spoke at another one of his traveling salvation shows. It was typical in most respects with warmed over talking points and pre-chewed propaganda. But there was an episode that erupted that deserves special attention. Not because it was unusual or unpredictable, but because, in fact, it was neither. As reported by the Associated Press

“A man at Donald Trump’s rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, stormed into the press area as the former president spoke and was surrounded by police and sheriff’s deputies before eventually being subdued with a Taser. The incident Friday came moments after Trump had criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage and dismissed CNN as fawning for its interview Thursday with his Democratic rival Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz.”

[NOTE: The AP article was edited after this post was published. It added that “It was not immediately clear what motivated the man or whether he was a Trump supporter or critic.” And it included a reply from the Trump campaign saying that the campaign “tried to distance the former president from the man and his actions, suggesting he was a Trump opponent.” This article has been edited to reflect this new info.]

There is still more to learn about what happened at the rally. But what is known is that Trump has a deep hatred for the press and that he spreads that to his followers. Trump’s deliberately provocative rhetoric has incited violence on other occasions. Most notably the deadly insurrection and attempted coup at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

While the actual motive is still unclear, it is interesting that the alleged attack took place as Trump was lambasting the media for what he believes is biased coverage. Which by his definition is any coverage that isn’t unflinchingly adoring of him and grossly derisive of his foes. Trump believes that the press should model their reporting after his own analyses of political news. Such as his coverage of the Kamala Harris interview on CNN, that Trump deemed “BORING!!!”

Also notable was what was going on as the alleged attack on the media was in progress. Trump interrupted his speech to draw attention to the alleged assault. But he wasn’t disturbed by the apparent violence or concerned about the possible victims. Nope. He literally celebrated the disturbance saying “Is there anywhere that’s more fun to be than a Trump rally?” And he appeared to stand up for the perpetrator by informing the bloodthirsty crowd that “That’s Okay. No, he’s on our side.” Why he thought that is unexplained.

So there you have it. Even if this cretin wasn’t a Trump supporter, Trump seems to be cool with thugs threatening the press, as long as they are his thugs. He is fine with intimidating the media as a means of physically enforced censorship. And his flock of feebles will fall in line, as good cult members do.

Regardless of what motivated the alleged attacker, Trump’s apparent support could embolden others to commit similar crimes. And it is likely to be repeated in November after Trump loses the election. Hopefully law enforcement will be prepared to respond appropriately should that occur. And if it does, the leader must held responsible along with his goon squads.


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Trump Thanks White Nationalist as a ‘Great Journalist’ for His Sexist Attack on Kamala Harris

After whining for weeks that Kamala Harris had not subjected herself to a media inquisition since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Trump and his MAGA minions are still unsatisfied following her interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. However, what is probably most disappointing for them is that she conducted herself admirably, showing intellect and compassion.

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Donald Trump, MAGA

Of course the Trump cult didn’t like it. There was none of the bile and bombast that Trump is famous for. She didn’t spew any inflammatory lies, infantile insults, hostile attacks, or racist rants. And there was not even a mention of sharks, windmill cancer, or Hannibal Lecter. It’s amazing that, without that psychotic rhetoric, she is still managing to beat Trump in most of the recent polls.

SEE THIS: Putting Trump’s Polling Delusions in Perspective – It’s Even Worse than He Thinks

Consequently, Trump is resorting to reliance on some of his fringiest followers to float his political fortunes. He took to his failing Truth Social scam site to offer some praise to White nationalist rage-caster, Charlie Kirk, with a one line, unadorned, and mysterious post saying only “Thank you to great journalist, Charlie Kirk!’

It didn’t take long to discover why Trump was so pleased with Kirk’s alleged journalistic skills. Kirk had just posted a video of himself disparaging Harris in the most vile and misogynistic terms. And Trump’s accolades came less than twenty minutes later. Kirk was reacting to Harris’ interview in a predictably malicious manner. What follows are some choice excerpts from his overheated harangue (video below)

  • “Kamala Harris says her values haven’t changed. So your Marxist values haven’t changed?”
    Kirk obediently adopts Trump’s lingo that has no basis in reality.
  • “Kamala Harris screams as somebody who has unaddressed, lingering father issues. By the way, you know her father does not like her and wasn’t even at the convention?”
    Harris’ parents divorced when she was seven and she was raised by her mother. Kirk fails to mention that Trump’s own wife is almost never with him (at rallies, or court, or dinners at Mar-a-Lago). Melania made a token appearance at the RNC at the very end, and she never addressed the convention or spoke to the press.
  • “She always needs to have a man around.”
    So Does Trump. But actually, Harris does almost all of her public appearances solo.
  • “Kamala Harris was attacked by her Jamaican father over her pot smoking joke.”
    So what? It’s not like Jamaicans aren’t known for their ganja habits. And this may be one of the reasons she didn’t invite him to the DNC.
  • “Kamala Harris is not confident in her own standing. She’s not confident in her own position because she didn’t earn it.”
    Where Kirk sees any lack of confidence is a mystery. And if being an elected District Attorney, Attorney General, and U.S. Senator, from the biggest state in the union, and the first woman Vice-President isn’t “earning it,” WTF is?
  • “She’s a radical, not confident in her beliefs, insecure, and a nervous wreck.”
    This sounds like a much better description of Donald Trump. Especially after finding out that he’s running against Kamala Harris.

For the record. Kirk has a long and well documented history as a right-wing extremist and White nationalist. Which makes him just the sort of cretin who would appeal to Trump. He holds extraordinarily repulsive views including the racist “White Replacement Theory” that posits that Democrats are trying to import foreigners in order to shift the balance of the electorate. What’s more…

That’s the guy that Trump just thanked for being a “great journalist.” Meanwhile, Trump says that actual journalists are “the enemy of the people,” and calls for their arrest and incarceration. And Trump is the guy that Republicans still support as their candidate for president. That should tell you something about what remains of the once “Grand Old Party,” and why no one should vote for any Republican.

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