Fox News Brews Black Tea Party Conservatives

In its perpetual promotion of Tea Baggery, Fox News is now peering into a bowl of tea leaves and divining a thoroughly imaginary movement that can only be seen by faithful disciples of Wingnutism.

The article on their web site (and linked from Fox Nation) utterly reeks of parody. I spent twenty minutes looking for the Onion logo, but eventually had to accept the fact that this is for real:

Black Conservatives Take Lead Role in Tea Party Movement.

“Though the movement has attracted criticism for its supposed lack of diversity — MSNBC host Chris Matthews recently called the groups “monochromatic” and “all white” — those minority activists who are involved say the movement has little to do with race, and that it is attracting a more diverse crowd every day.”

Obama Witch DoctorHonestly? Supposed lack of diversity? Even one of the black “leaders” profiled in the article describes the Tea Parties as “mostly white.” And now, after nearly a year of overtly racist rhetoric and symbolism Fox News is going to portray Tea Baggers as a bastion of tolerance and diversity? The same Tea Baggers who call President Obama a Lyin African; who accuse Obama and Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor of being racists; who carry signs that depict the President as Hitler or a witch doctor? Those Tea Baggers?

The article on the Fox web site actually only identifies three of the black conservatives they allege are leading the Tea Party – a singer, an author, and candidate for a House seat in Maryland. Setting aside the fact that three people hardly constitutes a vibrant caucus, and the fact that none of them actually have any official leadership role in the Tea Party infrastructure, each of them do have personal interests to exploit. But that just affirms their place in the party of greedy, self-serving, leeches.

Without bothering to support their assertions, the article describes the “enthusiastic involvement of black conservatives in the tea party rallies and trips,” That lie is exposed by pretty much any photograph of an actual Bagger event. And when you see the real leaders of the Tea Party nation, it is unmistakable who this movement is really working for. Like Dale Robertson, the head of, at left.

It is highly unlikely that Fox can peddle this nonsense to anyone beyond their protected sphere of demented influence. But just the fact that they are trying would be laughable, if it weren’t so ugly.


8 thoughts on “Fox News Brews Black Tea Party Conservatives

  1. what a bunch of horshcrap. The author clearly has his own personal bias here. whatever happened to factual reporting instead of personal opinion.

    • I notice that you didn’t bother to identify a single thing that is non-factual. Perhaps because it is ALL factual.

      But thanks for stopping by with your misspelled expletives.

  2. What you are peddling is all bull shit (Oh, I do hope i didn’t misspell that expletive) nonetheless, I would venture to say that that individual holding that sign is a plant and I would even be willing to bet that he may even be a union member. There was a survey done and the survey found that 11% of the TEA Party was black. That falls right in line with the over all black population as a percentage in the United States.

    So, you and your racist party, home to the KKK, the group who filibustered The Civil Rights Act in the ’60’s, go ahead and try to spread around some of your own historical racial hate so that you and every one else like you can use it as a crutch . Keep it alive so that you may remain relevant. (NOT) Not every one can be fooled by all you truth (propaganda) seekers. Nice try.

    • What a sad and ill-informed rant.

      Most recent polls (including this one)show that African-Americans comprise less than 1% of the Tea Baggers.

      And your characterization of racists is just plain loony. The southern Democrats who opposed civil rights were deadenders from the civil war. They all became Republicans after Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  3. This is a load of horse crap! I’m a thirty something black man in one of the most liberal cities in the midwest. There are quite a few non-white participants involved in the Tea Party movement and the scares the hell out of you liberals. We (conservative blacks) are alienated by our own communities because we don’t tow the party line. The liberal media trys to downplay our involvement and pretend we don’t exist. My message to anyone that believes that all minorities are liberals is; stupidity has no color.

    • OK, if you really are a black conservative who has witnessed “quite a few non-white participants involved in the Tea Party movement,” then you ought to be able to provide some evidence. Do you have pictures from the Tea Parties you’ve attended with all the black participants? Because all the pictures I’ve seen, even those on Fox News, are overwhelmingly white.

  4. Mark Mark Mark…
    You seem to have a knack for putting down anything you don’t understand. As a recovered liberal I take solace and comfort in your words. “tea baggery” “Imaginary movement” no wait… A thoroughly imaginary movement. All for what? So you can get some poorly thought out point across? That’s right. They push you shove, they raise their voice you scream your head off. And to what end?
    It certainly can’t be a political one, because you don’t have any reason whatsoever to think that this is imaginary. No, to you it’s ALL too real my man. And you can’t stand it. It’s like some horrible nightmare you keep dreaming over and over again. You can’t beleive or accept that you are and always have been in the minority. It just eats at your very core that anyone would dare come out against you and your ILK. I know what your going to say before you say it. “Oh Nuh uh, this doesn’t make me mad, I just think you’re all stupid and I’m smarter than you therefore you can’t be real”.
    I’m not going to give you the benefit of misspelling any words or using caps, or even getting angry with you.
    You don’t get to own me, but hey looks like we own you eh?
    That which makes you angry owns you.
    I know it’s just chompin at your craw that people on the other side are standing up for what they beleive. I know, remember I used to be one of you. Then I grew up and realized how much liberals use attack methods instead of thoughtful debate, Intimidation instead of reason. Intolerance to prove tolerance (you’ll never figure that one out). So, beleive what you want to and use a bunch of smart ass comebacks from the “smarmyfarm”, but I am impervious to your attacks. And you are no match for me. C’mon Mark. Give it a try. Lets dance. (I know you won’t be able to help yourself, you’re too sick)
    I take solace and comfort in your words because It makes me know that Liberals still make easy targets,and the playbook of liberals is still easier than ever to read. Hit first,hit hard and never shut up, just keep talking over people til they be quiet. AHHH libs never change.
    P.S. Wingnut?

    • Feel better?

      That was quite a psychoanalysis of me, a person you’ve never met. And though you accuse me of not having reason, you didn’t bother to employ any in your response to this article. Typical.

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