This is becoming redundant, but the latest ratings survey once again has Fox News slouching alone as the only cable news network to lose viewers year-over-year. The decline holds for both total viewers and for the 25-54 year old demographic, with the worst showing a double-digit decline in the demo for primetime.

The next quarter will be interesting in that it will be the first without Fox’s big asylum draw, Glenn Beck. Beck’s program signs off in two days, after which Beck promises that liberals will pray for the days when he was on TV. If he believes that his delusions are becoming more severe.
The big question for Fox is what will take his place? His disciples are not going to be satisfied with some run-of-the-mill lunatic. What’s odd is that there has been no announcement of any replacement for Beck. It appears that they intend to run with fill-ins for the time being. But there’s going to have to be a new title come Friday. Perhaps they will just start Bret Baier an hour early. We’ll see.
Sure the numbers look bad but the good news is they have a solid lock on the 65-death demographic!
Luckily for Fox News… they still double every other station in the demo and the P2s. Probably because they are the only station that gives more than 1 point of view
I keep my eye on O’Reilly and hismratings. I hope he keeps losing viewers. What he’s putting out is right-wing falsehoods as usual but there is something really nasty going on as well. Racism, homophobia and misogynist nonsense all under the guise of him being an impartial independent. I’m amazed and annoyed that people like Geraldo and Colmes still appear on there to add credibility to his political rants. I’ve noticed that there are less and less Democratic guests on his show. Is that because they don’t want opposition to the spin or because people have wizened up?
Graham…wizened up to what? Liberalism is the key? LMAO.
I’m so happy that fox news is becoming the Big Loser it is:)