Zombie Dove – The Beginning

They thought it was dead. They thought they had killed it. They thought it had passed with the years that cascaded by. Its memory was turned into a hackneyed hippie cliche that evoked ridicule and visions of granola-eating, berkenstock-wearing, pot-smoking slackers. But…

Peace is back! And it’s pissed! No warmonger is safe anymore.

Zombie Dove is here to kick the asses of the asses who advocate for war, intolerance, and greed.

In this battle for peace, Zombie Dove will be ruffling more than feathers. Click the link to see an introduction to this unlikely hero of cooperative coexistence. And watch for future episodes in the everlasting adventures of Zombie Dove.

Once A Corrupt Crony, Always…

The disgraced former head of the Corporation for Public Propaganda Broadcasting was caught again with his hand in the till.

The Washington Post reporting on the incorrigible Kenneth Tomlinson:

“A year-long State Department investigation has found that the chairman of the agency that oversees Voice of America and other government broadcasting operations [the Broadcast Board of Governors] improperly used his office, putting a friend on the payroll and running a “horse-racing operation” with government resources.”

In addition to being an embezzler, and a reprobate, he is also an incompetent manager. Last May, the Voice of America closed its Baghdad bureau because they could not retain journalists to staff it. Tomlinson and the agency he leads was unable to maintain a presence in a part of the world where that presence may be most needed.

Yet the Bush administration is not only defending him, but is re-nominating him as chair of the BBG. How many crimes does it take for this president to cut the cord on his cronies? It appears that there is actually an inverse relationship toward service and criminal behavior at BushCo. The more crime you commit, the more reward you receive.

The $20 Million Dollar TV Guide

America must be sleeping better tonight knowing that their government is ever vigilant of threats from unflattering news reports. An administration obsessed with perceptions is soliciting bids for a contract to monitor media reports about the war in Iraq. This $20 million dollar initiative will:

“provide continuous monitoring and near-real-time reporting of Iraqi, pan-Arabic, international and U.S. media…including, but not limited to tone (positive, neutral, negative) and scope of media coverage.”

That the Pentagon considers this a project worthy of millions of taxpayer dollars should not surprise anyone. This is the same Pentagon that paid Iraqi newspapers to publish positive stories written by an American PR firm. So the Pentagon, not content with planting propaganda in the world’s press, now wants to see how good they’ve been at it. They justify the expense by claiming that:

“…the Bush administration was countering extremism with hope and democracy.”

I wish someone to could explain how monitoring the media for content analysis furthers those goals. While countering extremism is a laudable objective, hope and democracy is not advanced with lies and manipulation. If the Pentagon wants to know what the press is saying about them and the war, all they have to do is pick up a newspaper, turn on the TV, or tune in Voice of America. Oh wait – they closed the Baghdad bureau last year. I guess they weren’t getting enough happy stories.