As Election Day draws nearer, Donald Trump’s prospects for reelection become more distant. All of the national polls show him losing to Joe Biden by substantial margins. Even worse, Trump is losing in every crucial swing state. Biden is even competitive in the traditionally red states of Texas and Georgia.
With less than 100 days to go, Trump has to recognize that he is deep trouble. Although, with the severity of his malignant narcissism, he may have convinced himself that is universally beloved. But the truth is that his personal and job approval ratings are swirling the drain. His policies are rejected by broad majorities of the American people. His opportunities for in-person campaigning are constrained by the Trump Virus, ironically a problem exacerbated by his own negligence and incompetence. and it’s only been getting worse for him as time goes by.
Consequently, Fox News is stepping up their efforts to defend Dear leader with ludicrous analyses of polls that are inherently awful. Host Jesse Watters delivered a monologue on Saturday night that selected one poll that he managed to spin so furiously he might have created a black hole of derp. Watters led off a segment he dubbed “The Trump Turnaround” by saying that “You can feel the momentum shift in the presidential race. It showed up in the polls too, in key battleground states.”
It’s hard to know what Watters was actually feeling, but it could not have been momentum. He was citing a poll conducted by Change Research for CNBC. They are a pollster that is frequently an outlier that leans to the right. According to their methodology statement, the poll “reaches voters via targeted online ads that point people to an online survey instrument.”
Huh? So respondents self-select by clicking on Internet ads. That is hardly a scientific process for statistical data analysis. However, even this dicey poll had nothing positive for the Trump camp. The take that Watters tried to sell to dimwitted Fox News viewers (and to Trump) was that this poll was less horrible for Trump than the previous one.
Watters noted that the lead Biden holds over Trump in six “battleground” states (Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) were smaller than the poll published two weeks prior. What Watters fails to mention is that they are still leads. That’s right, Biden is beating Trump in every one of these states, and Watters thinks there is good news in that.
Watters also neglected to inform his Fox Cult following that the leads reported in this poll are significantly smaller than the leads reported in every other poll. Comparing these results to the average of recent polls shows Biden’s cumulative lead in the swing states is literally double what the Change Research survey found. So naturally this prompted Watters to aim this admonishment at his audience:
“Don’t believe the lies you hear from the media or on social media about a Biden Victory. This is going to be a very close election. But President Trump has the edge.“
Concluding that “Trump has the edge” when he is behind in every instance is a feat of Olympian bullshittery. Which is, of course, what Fox News is most famous for. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Trump retweeted this segment to bask in the glow of his epic failure. But if Watters and Trump want to believe this so badly, let’s not spoil it for them. Reality will reveal itself in its own time.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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