The 9/12 Rally Fox News Did Not Broadcast

Journalist Max Blumenthal attended Glenn Beck’s 9/12 Million (Minus 930,000) Paranoid Malcontents March on Saturday and documented a far more realistic representation of the Tea Baggers confederation than anything you would have seen on Fox News. Enjoy:

Speaks for itself. My favorite part was the English-only advocate who had a bit of a problem with English himself. Overall, Blumenthal produced an outstanding depiction of the hypocrisy and ignorance on display by the Beck Brigades. And despite boasting that the event would draw a million people, it couldn’t produce even five percent of that.

I attended a rally in Los Angeles that drew a pathetic 300-400 Fox Pods. They had the usual array of crayon-drawn signs with insulting and childish slogans, i.e. “Ted’s Dead – So is Obama Care” and “Just Say NO to Lucifer Obama.” Then there was the enterprising tea bagger with the giant poster of the President in African witch doctor attire. That was typical of the crowd that spanned the racial spectrum from Pasty Trailer Parker to Alabaster Aryan.

There were less than a handful of minority protesters in attendance. Yet when a counter-protester showed up asserting that the event was racist, one of the organizers complained that he was offending the African Americans in the crowd (all four of them). But the same organizer didn’t seen to think that the witch doctor poster would be the least bit offensive to anyone.

The speakers were a parade of nobodies spouting memorized talking points. Each was announced with a flowery introduction touting their talent and notoriety. That was followed by blank stares, furrowed brows, and whispering to neighbors in a vain attempt to recognize the honored guest.

This was the best they could do. And this was not some charming little agricultural village in the plains states. This was the megalopolis of Los Angeles with a population of more than eight million. This was the entertainment capital of the world, but not one celebrity of note. And there were no local politicians either. I counted four buses with a capacity of 100 passengers. That means that it’s possible that the entire crowd was bused in, rather than being a spontaneous aggregation of locals.

That’s a grassroots movement as done by Fox-driven, Beck-ified, commie-fearing wingnuts.


9 thoughts on “The 9/12 Rally Fox News Did Not Broadcast

  1. being one of the most populated cities in the country, that is a pretty sad turnout. and yet, conservatives claim that 2 million people were at the mega rally in DC. granted, there were a lot of people there, but nowhere near the millions that malkin, limbaugh, dobbs and other winguts baselessly claimed.

  2. I, too, was at the LA rally and your account if far from accurate. So sad.

  3. I wish these folks would grow some stones, and come right on out why they hate the President..perhaps they can borrow the scene from Blazing Saddles where the old lady is on the roof and spots the sheriff riding into town..Instead of shouting ‘the sheriff’s a nig…” they can insert the word “President” for “sheriff”…..

    • and the majority of whites voted for who? Playing the race card is so yesteryear!

  4. Wow. I was prepared to cringe, but I didn’t see anything offensive about the Right except for the Truthers. But they have right to be wrong.

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