Mitt Romney: Putting This Country Back On The Path To A Zombie Apocalypse


Joss Whedon’s must-see video explains exactly why American needs Mitt Romney. It’s because Romney is “ready to make the deep rollbacks in health care, education, social services, reproductive rights, that will guarantee poverty, unemployment, over-population, disease, rioting, all crucial elements in creating a nightmare Zombie Wasteland.”

They’re out there. And they need brains.


3 thoughts on “Mitt Romney: Putting This Country Back On The Path To A Zombie Apocalypse

  1. Still can’t find a positive reason to vote for Barak Obama I see. You’ve graduated to scaring people into voting for him. I understand your fear, I would be if I were you.

  2. Mark, I’m trying to help you out by visiting your site – hope your seeing a financial benefit, maybe if you make enough you can pay more taxes to support your progressive utopia. Good luck – I’m trying everything I can to pay less and less taxes so someone has to make it up.

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