American Legion: Fighting For The Freedom To Suppress Dissent

The American Legion has found the enemy, and it is antiwar protesters. At its national convention in Honolulu, Thomas Cadmus, the group’s national commander, spoke on behalf of a resolution that was passed unanimously. The resolution called for using whatever means necessary to “ensure the united backing of the American people to support our troops and the global war on terrorism.”

How do they propose to ensure such a thing? By shutting down the voices of dissent, of course. He did provide an approved means of redressing grievances, if you are unpatriotically disposed to doing so, by saying that, “…we hope that Americans will present their views in correspondence to their elected officials rather than by public media events.” In other words, you can write a private letter to your congressman, but you must not speak your views aloud or join with others who share your views (which in the case of the war in Iraq is the majority of Americans). His opposition to media events parrots the frightening and un-American position of the president that any opinion other than his own is treason. Cadmus comes right out and says it:

Public protests against the war here at home while our young men and women are in harm’s way on the other side of the globe only provide aid and comfort to our enemies.”

The American Legion has not always felt this way about our young men and women in harm’s way. When the Clinton Administration had soldiers in Bosnia, the they passed Resolution No. 44, which states, in part:

Whereas, the President has committed the Armed Forces of the United States…to engage in hostilities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without clearly defining America’s vital national interests; and

Whereas, neither the President nor the Congress have defined America’s objectives in what has become an open-ended conflict characterized by an ill-defined progressive escalation; and

Whereas, it is obvious that an ill-planned and massive commitment of U.S. resources could only lead to troops being killed, wounded or captured without advancing any clear purpose, mission or objective…

…now, therefore, be it

Resolved, by the National Executive Committee…That The American Legion…voices its grave concerns about the commitment of U.S. Armed Forces to Operation Allied force, unless the following conditions are fulfilled.

That there be a clear statement by the President of why it is in our vital national interests to be engaged in Operation Allied Force;

Guidelines be established for the mission, including a clear exit strategy;

That there be support of the mission by the U.S. Congress and the American people; and

That it be made clear U.S. Forces will be commanded only by U.S. officers whom we acknowledge are superior military leaders; and, be it further

Resolved, that, if the aforementioned conditions are not met, The American Legion calls upon the President and the Congress to withdraw American forces immediately from Operation Allied Force

Sound familiar? That’s because if you convert references of Yugoslavia to Iraq, it is almost exactly the position of the opponents of the war in Iraq. The American Legion has obviously steeped itself in a brew of hypocrisy. But what is most troubling is that they want to tell everyone else to shut up. I propose that the time has come to start referring to them as The Legion, because there is nothing American about them.

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George W. Bush: The Hardest Thing I Have To Do…

Back in June of this year, the President made an appearance before the White House Stenographers Association Radio and Television News Directors Association. Among the subjects he addressed was his obligation to visit with the families of fallen soldiers. Here’s what he had to say:

“The hardest thing I have to do is sit down as the President with loved ones who’ve either lost a soul or have a wounded person, severely wounded. I try to do a lot of it. It’s my obligation as the President. It’s an amazing experience. First of all, I’m a crier, and I weep a lot. On the other hand, when it’s all over, I feel incredibly strengthened by the strength of the parents or the wife or the kids.”

With Cindy Sheehan, and the other Gold Star Families, camped outside his vacation villa, the Crier in Chief is demonstrating just how hard it is for him to fulfill his obligations. While it may be an amazing experience, it’s one he’s demonstrating extraordinary self-discipline resisting. This may just be another example of his well-known steadfastness in the face of massive miscalculation.

Actually, this is really just an example of the most crass form of hypocricy. This President can shamelessly shed psuedo-patriotic crocodile tears before chummy audiences, but in real life, he’d rather meet with a sports hero (i.e. Lance Armstrong) than a grieving mother.

Perhaps if he met more often with the families he has turned into mourners, he could use the strength he says it gives him (ala Lestat) to renounce the members of his party who have been hurling the most despicable insults at Ms. Sheehan. They have said she is hateful, a liar, and is exploiting the memory of her dead son. Bush’s silence can only be interpreted as agreement or, at best, acceptance as a useful political tack.

The stenographers in the White House Press Corpse©, many of whom personally witnessed the speech above, have yet to even ask the President if he approves of the repugnant remarks of Rush Limbaugh, David Horowitz, Michelle Malkin, et al. The press, it appears, is also in need of a pint of strength.

It’s Hard Work
The President Says So
Harry Shearer Says So

Enquirer Stipend Stifles Schwarzenegger’s Strumpet

American Media Inc., owner of the National Enquirer, paid $20,000 to a woman with whom the then Governor-wannabe was carrying on an affair in order to buy her silence. The deal was executed just days after Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy. Gigi Goyette, whose name alone foreshadowed notoriety as a political harlot, entered into a confidentiality agreement with AMI that prohibited her from disclosing the affair to anyone other than AMI. AMI then pocketed the agreement and never wrote or published Gigi’s story.

Why would this gossip rag pay thousands for a juicy sex scandal and not act on it? Because AMI was also pursuing Arnold to become executive editor of Flex and Muscle and Fitness, magazines published by, you guessed it, AMI. For AMI it was inducement for Arnold to sign on, as well as a measure to protect their newest asset’s reputation and aid his election prospects, which would further boost his market value.

This is, by the way, the same AMI that was recently exposed for having entered into a secret contract with the Governor that would earn him over $13 million. Amidst blistering publicity and charges of conflict of interest, the contract was terminated, but Arnold would not return any of the funds he had already received.

As it turns out, AMI paid Arnold more than money. They effectively bought him the governorship by suppressing the kind of well-documented story that could have sunk him. Ironically, this tale of sex, scandal, and deception is exactly the sort of fare upon which the National Enquirer thrives. Nonetheless, despite the fact that they still own the exclusive, I don’t think we’ll be seeing it on their pages any time soon.

Novak Cracks Under Pressure

Robert Novak, CNN commentator and Douchebag of Liberty, became enraged on Thursday’s episode of Inside Politics. After James Carville lightheartedly suggested that Novak was, “…trying to show these right-wingers that he’s got backbone,” Novak belched out that he thought that was “bullshit,” and then stomped off the set.

From my vantage point, it cannot be reasonably deduced that anything Carville said could have provoked Novak’s response. These guys mix it up much more aggressively than that on a regular basis. The explanation for Novak’s tantrum may lie in the comment made by host, Ed Henry, at the close of the show. Henry said that Novak was told that he would be asked about the CIA leak/Plame affair. Novak may have seized on this exchange in order to have an excuse to duck out before the Plame segment.

So how is the media handling this? If you visit, which recently launched its video search feature to great fanfare, you can search for “Novak,” and get a link to the clip. But if you click on the link, all you will get is this:

As usual, the only constructive presentation of this event in the media was on the fake news program, “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.” Thank God for fake news.

Judith Miller’s “Conscience in Media” Award Revoked

According to Editors and Publishers:

The American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) has voted unanimously to reverse an earlier decision to give its annual Conscience in Media award to jailed New York Times reporter Judith Miller.

The ASJA’s First Amendment committee voted to honor Miller, but that decision was reversed by the full board. Thank heaven the board was not afflicted with whatever disease had stricken the committee. Anita Bartholomew, a member of the committee exhibiting a rare measure of immunity said:

“The First Amendment is designed to prevent government interference with a free press. Miller, by shielding a government official or officials who attempted to use the press to retaliate against a whistleblower, and scare off other would-be whistleblowers, has allied herself with government interference with, and censorship of, whistleblowers.

She subsequently resigned her post in protest. Her statement above, and her actions since present a superb example of the kind of courage and ethics that is so desperately needed in mainstream journalism. If the ‘Conscience in Media’ Award has not been given to someone else, I would like to nominate Ms. Bartholomew. She deserves our appreciation and respect. Feel free to throw some her way.


The O’Reilly Fear Factor: God vs. Science

Fear O'Reilly FactorWhen the anti-Darwin faction of the Flat Earth Society sought to legitimize their biblical belief that God, not evolution, produced the earth and its myriad life forms, they originally branded their sermonology as Creation Science. Apparently, that wasn’t good enough because now they’ve escalated the scientification of Genesis by dressing it up as Intelligent Design (ID). This is a peculiar positioning that is more suggestive of the development of the iPod than the origin of the species.

Common sense notwithstanding, the media is taking up this PR-incubated nomenclature and giving it parity with the time-tested science of evolution. But leave it to Bill O’Reilly to rocket this nonsense into the stratosphere.

In his Talking Points Memo for August 3, 2005, titled “God vs. Science,” he courageously takes God’s side. Presumably because he believes that God can hold his breath underwater longer than Science can.

“…the National Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science both reject intelligent design and don’t want it mentioned in science classes. That, in my opinion, is fascism.”

He goes on to correctly point out that Genesis should not be taught in science class, but curiously, uses that as his argument for including ID because “evolution is not a universal belief.”

Mr. O’Reilly needs to be advised that evolution is not a belief at all. It is a scientific theory. ID is a belief that has no basis in science, hence its rejection by the respected institutions he himself cites. But in his comments he contradicts himself by endorsing the view that evolution is accepted science, then insisting it be compared with faith-based propaganda.

“This isn’t a complicated matter. Public schools have an obligation to present all subjects in perspective…But if you’re going to discuss the biological procedure of abortion, for example, you have a responsibility to tell students that half the country feels it’s morally wrong.”

I wish I could ask him why there is a responsibility, in a discussion of biology, to tell students that some people have moral objections to a procedure. Many people have moral objections to vaccinations, organ transplants, or psychoactive drugs. Should medical students have to stop at the end of every chapter and be told that, “this procedure is opposed by Lutherans and Hindus?”

Such disclaimers would be mandatory in O’Reilly’s world where facts have no standing and science is fascism.

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Pentagon Taps Document Shredder For Top Post

You just have to wonder what’s on the agenda when having document shredder on your resume helps you land a job at the Pentagon. The Los Angeles Times reported that Robert Earl has been hired as Chief of Staff to Acting Deputy Secretary of State, Gordon England. England has been nominated by Bush to replace Paul Wolfowitz, who has gone on to head the World Bank.

In 1987, Robert L. Earl told a grand jury that he had destroyed and stolen national security documents while working for Lt. Col. Oliver L. North during the Iran-Contra scandal.

Now, he sits in one of the most coveted offices in the Pentagon as chief of staff to Gordon R. England, acting deputy secretary of Defense. Earl has clearance to review the kinds of classified documents he once destroyed.

Earl was granted immunity in exchange for testifying so we can’t call him a felon. But his criminal behavior should disqualify him for any position in public service, particularly one that requires a security clearance. The audacity of this administration appointing someone with so little regard for the law or national security, is boundless. Imagine the reaction from the right if Democrats were to give a sensitive post to Sandy Berger, the former Clinton National Security Advisor who pled guilty to removing documents from the National Archives. Fox News alone would spend three days on it.

Earl, if confirmed would join his Iran-Contra co-conspirators Elliot Abrams and John Poindexter in an administration rife with corrupt power players. And serving as a role model for these evildoers, and all the young aspiring evildoers, is the master, Karl Rove, who is earning his own criminal stripes even now with his involvement in the Plame affair.

This is the time to call on the Limbaughs, O’Reilly’s, Hannitys, etc., and see if their ethics are functional; see if they’ll support a confessed document shredder who lied to the FBI; see if they would have any problem with a Berger appointment to the DNC or Democratic Senatorial staff; see if there are any limits to their hypocracy.

But who will ask them? The media? Yeah, right. Its up to us…again. Stumbles On Shield Law For Plame Leakers

media is the issue: has begun a new campaign to promote the passage of a Federal Shield Law for reporters and are making Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper their poster children. The folks at FreePress are amongst the biggest heroes of the media reform movement. The criticism that follows should not be construed as a call to withhold support from them. But, in my opinion, they are off-track on this matter.

There is a distinction between bona fide whistleblowing and conspiring with individuals or agencies in government to pursue a political vendetta against their enemies.

All the facts are not in yet, but I don’t believe that the reporter’s privilege applies if, for instance, Karl Rove called Judith Miller and recruited her to plant a story for the purpose of punishing Amb. Joe Wilson for criticising the administration.

There is nothing even remotely resembling a whistleblower case here. A whistleblower seeks to disclose information of wrongdoing that the government or others want to keep secret at the public’s expense. Valerie Plame was not engaged in wrongdoing and the disclosure of her identity was not in the public’s interest. It was political payback and the reporters involved are acting as co-conspirators, not journalists.

I support a Federal Shield Law for reporters, but by citing the Miller/Cooper case they are infecting the argument with the illegitimacy of their claims. Reporters do need to be able to protect their sources without fear of legal consequences when engaged in the conduct of their profession as journalists, but not when they are acting on behalf of government hitmen and promoting propaganda. That’s not protecting your sources, that’s protecting your accomplices.

Update: There are reports swirling that Karl Rove was, indeed, Matt Cooper’s source. Despite the White House’s protestations to the contrary, It appears that Rove was planting the Plame story. He has denied having done so, but now his denials are getting murkier. He may still weasel out of this because it is not illegal to disclose the identity of a covert agent if you didn’t know she was covert. It might be difficult to prove what Rove knew when he outted Plame. But he may still have some legal headaches. If he told Special Counsel Fitzgerald, or the grand jury, that he was not the source, he may be facing a perjury charge.

We can dream can’t we?

The Media: Stenographers To Power

Yesterday, the President gave what the White House called, “a major speech,” and all of the national broadcast networks chose to carry it. Despite the fact that the speech was given at Ft. Bragg, before a military audience, with a manufactured backdrop, and only other Republican partisans present, the media concluded that this was not actually a rally to promote the President’s agenda.

What was the message that qualified this speech as a major event?

Let’s take a look at what he said:

“My greatest responsibility as President is to protect the American people. And that’s your calling, as well. I thank you for your service, your courage and your sacrifice.”
That’s certainly not new. Everyone’s praising the courage and sacrifice of our military. It would be nice if the president exercised his responsibility to protect the American people from global warming, Social Security and pension default, absence of healthcare, and offshoring of jobs.

“The terrorists who attacked us — and the terrorists we face — murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance, and despises all dissent.”
This is just the president condemning the evil of our enemies and falsely linking 9/11 to Iraq. He does that all the time. He also hates freedom (flag burning amendment), rejects tolerance (10 commandments monument), and despises all dissent (expelling dissidents from tax-payer funded public appearances).

“The terrorists believe that free societies are essentially corrupt and decadent…”
He just borrowed this from Focus on the Family and other extremist Christian fundamentalists who describe the U.S. in these terms. Again, nothing newsworthy.

“Some wonder whether Iraq is a central front in the war on terror. Among the terrorists, there is no debate. Hear the words of Osama Bin Laden: “This Third World War is raging” in Iraq. “The whole world is watching this war.” He says it will end in “victory and glory, or misery and humiliation.”
It might be considered news that the President is adopting Osama Bin Laden’s view of geo-political conflict, but Bin Laden is not being particularly original here either. He’s merely saying that the war that Bush started is going to be won or lost, and that will be either good or bad, depending on where you stand.

Here’s the part that the President himself considers newsworthy:
“To further prepare Iraqi forces to fight the enemy on their own, we are taking three new steps:”

First, we are partnering coalition units with Iraqi units…Second, we are embedding coalition “transition teams” inside Iraqi units…Third, we’re working with the Iraqi Ministries of Interior and Defense to improve their capabilities to coordinate anti-terrorist operations.
If these are indeed new steps, we are in bigger trouble than I thought. These ought to have been steps taken the day after he declared “Mission Accomplished” from the deck of the aircraft carrier. In fact, the administration has been telling us for months that they have been working hard to get Iraqis ready to take on their own security. What’s newsworthy here is the incompetence and neglect of this president and his team who now announce these as new measures.

“…they are waging a campaign of murder and destruction. And there is no limit to the innocent lives they are willing to take.”
There is also no limit to the hypocracy of an administration that is reponsible for the deaths of up to 100,000 innocent Iraqis, many times more that the insurgency can, or ever will, be able to claim.

“In this time of testing, our troops can know: The American people are behind you.”
Except the liberals who, according to Karl Rove, want to put, “…America’s men and women in uniform in greater danger.”

The substance of this speech offered nothing even remotely newsworthy. The President told us that our military is good and that our enemies are bad. He told us that we can beat up any kid on the block because we’re #1. He repeated the lies connecting Iraq with 9/11. What he didn’t do is provide any coherent explanation for why we are there to a populace that now believes going there was a mistake. He didn’t provide any details on what our goals are or how we recognize success. He left us exactly where we were before the speech: In an open-ended, directionless, adventure in imperialism.

It could not be more obvious that the whole of this speech had a single purpose: To prop up the President as the public’s support for his illegal war plummets and takes down his approval ratings as well. But, sadly, it does need to be more obvious to the national media who scurried to preempt regular programming so that this PR puff piece could be broadcast live. The media has again reinforced its reputation as stenographers to power. They’ve shown neither journalistic discretion nor integrity as they seek only to promote the elites of the leadership and corporatist classes. In their role as flacks for the president, they have proven, once more, that the media is dead.

Karl Rove – Master Disassembler

Rove Understands
For those who think the President has raised prevarication (that means disassembling) to new heights, today we were witness to a lesson from the President’s Guru.

Karl Rove, in a speech to the Conservative Party of New York State, showed what it takes to make a truly repulsive ass of oneself. With the quote featured here, Rove manages to insult all Americans, including the survivors and families of 9/11, yet still demonstrate how much he and his ilk value ignorance.

First, the record should be clear that all Americans were equally outraged and determined to seek justice for the attacks on 9/11. Rove’s remarks are entirely without foundation and were made deliberatly to create a division within our nation. Adding this rhetorical fuel the divisiveness that already burdens our citizens makes it that much more difficult to resolve the problems we face domestically and internationally, including the war on terrorism. It is a kind of treason that seeks to divide, in order to secure a purely political conquest at the expense of our soldiers, families, and global reputation.

Second, putting aside the nausia-inducing insult, the substance of his comments are nothing short of numbingly stupid. They reek of a schoolyard bullyism that seeks only a heated revenge. A lashing out blindly without really caring what you hit. Understanding an enemy does not mean embracing them in a warm and comforting hug. It is a necessity in order to outflank, outsmart, and, ultimately, prevail over them. Understanding an enemy is as aggressive an act as bombing them, and it makes all the other aggressive actions you undertake more effective. Understanding an enemy is the core mission of intelligence gathering.

This administration has proven, once again, that intelligence is not its strong suit. But this time they did it by disparaging a broad swath of America’s populace. This time they demonstrated conclusively that they care more about partisanship than unity. This time Rove goes beyond impugning the motives of his political opponents:

Rove Motives

This is his clear statement that he believes the motives of liberals are to put “America’s men and women in uniform in greater danger.” No more needs to be said about the motives of Karl Rove.

The past week saw a virtual firestorm from the press as it fluttered excitedly about Senator Durbin for having, accurately, recounted FBI reports of torture being inflicted by interragators at Guantanamo. Will the press apply the same standard to the White House? I wish I could say I was optimistic, but…..oh, come on.