Ratings for Biden’s Oval Office Address on Passing the Torch to Kamala Harris Burn Trump Up

If there is one thing that Donald Trump has become notorious for (other than lying, hate speech, porn stars, etc.), it’s his MAGA-ified ego that consumes the vast majority of his badly crippled consciousness. Whenever Trump speaks there is a better than 99% chance that he’s talking about himself or whining about someone or something that he believes is disparaging of him.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Being a malignant narcissist is a full time job. And among the duties are showing petulant outrage at any and every slight, no matter how petty or tangential. That’s why Trump spends so much time and energy attempting to ridicule his perceived enemies with infantile nicknames and asinine attacks for things that never actually happened. It’s ironic that he tries to use humor when he himself has no sense of it.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

Given Trump’s background as a reality TV game show host, he remains inordinately obsessed with ratings and reviews. If he doesn’t have the highest ratings, the biggest crowds, and the most devoted disciples, he is inconsolable. Consequently, he must be fuming over the news that President Biden, who is no longer running against him, is still beating him.

Biden’s Oval Office address on Wednesday evening drew an audience of nearly 29 million viewers. That’s 16% more than the 25 million that Trump had for his big nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention a few days before.

So Trump’s most highly anticipated speech of the year – that was poorly received and went on for an interminable 96 minutes – scored far lower than Biden’s brief, impromptu remarks explaining his passing of the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris, which had already been reported.

MORE HERE: Trump Brags (Lies) About His Low Rated, Lie-Riddled RNC Speech that Put His Audience to Sleep

Trump is clearly troubled by his poor performance on television, particularly because he was beaten by his nemesis, Joe Biden, a man he regards as a senile communist. On his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump posted his predictably scathing review of Biden’s speech, along with his pathetic and desperate denigration of Harris…

“Crooked Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech was barely understandable, and sooo bad!” […and…] “We’re not ready for a Marxist President, and Lyin’ Kamala Harris is a RADICAL LEFT MARXIST, AND WORSE!’

Notice that Trump provided no coherent analysis of either Biden’s remarks or Harris’ politics. He merely lashed out impotently with childish insults. Which is totally in character for Trump. He couldn’t put together thirty seconds of a substantive critique without diverting to electrified sharks or Hannibal Lecter.

Yet somehow the Republican Party is still all-in on their nominee, who is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, financial fraudster, and aspiring dictator and/or messiah. This says so much about what was once called the “Grand Old Party” (GOP), but which is now neither grand, nor a party. All it is today is a cult led by an old and feeble-minded clown who is still losing to an opponent who is no longer in the race. If schadenfreude were a meal, Trump is catering a feast.


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LOCK THEM UP! Trump Demands that People Who Desecrate the Flag Go to Jail – Like His Followers?

This year’s most profligate proponent of law and order – former reality TV game show host and convicted felon, Donald Trump – is staking out a principled claim on justice that should make his glassy-eyed cult disciples twitch with nervous tension. Not that they aren’t already an angst ridden flock of freaks with acute anxiety disorders.

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Donald Trump Hugs Flag

Trump has resumed his role as a call-in co-host on Fox News where his slobbering sycophantic pals on Fox and Friends provide him with free airtime to unload his mendacious musings. It’s an open forum for rage-casting and unhinged bashing of Democrats, especially the presumptive nominee for president, Kamala Harris.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

On Thursday’s program, Trump held the “Curvy Couch” potatoes enrapt in his uniquely incoherent rambling. He predictably whined about his legal tribulations that he now blames entirely on Harris, who he slanders as “a radical, left, not very smart person.” Which is such a “smart” way of articulating that alleged thought. He also told his cult not to bother voting for him because he already has all the votes he needs. Another “smart” move on Trump’s part.

However, perhaps Trump’s most bizarre bit of blather was his lecture on the legal consequences of flag desecration. Trump offered his opinion in response to Americans protesting Netanyahu and the war in Gaza, some of whom burned flags. He said that such behavior should be severely punished, and anyone who disagreed with him is “stupid.”

“I think you should get a one year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American flag. Now, people will say, ‘Oh, it’s unconstitutional.’ Those are stupid people. Those are stupid people that say that.” [and that] “Putin and President Xi of China, all over the world they’re watching this. Kim Jong Un […] That wouldn’t happen in their countries. It’s impossible for that to happen in their country.”

First of all, the Supreme Court has ruled that flag burning is, in fact, protected speech under the Constitution. Not that Trump cares about the Constitution. Secondly, Trump’s use of brutal dictators as examples of appropriate responses to such speech is typical of his own totalitarian aspirations. He hopes to impose the same sort of oppression here in America.

But what makes his remarks so astonishingly preposterous is that his own cult followers are the worst offenders of flag desecration. The United States Flag Code states in part that…

  • “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel.”
  • “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”
  • “The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever.”

Anyone who has seen the videos of Trump’s traveling salvation shows knows that his cult shows up regaled in flag attire. They wave flags defaced with his scowling mug and other representations of his MAGA movement. And Trump himself markets products (shoes, NFTs, bibles, etc.) with Old Glory plastered on them. Should everyone – including Trump – be incarcerated for a year for these offenses?

And that’s not all. What about the violent insurrectionists, that Trump calls “hostages,” who used flags on poles to attack police officers on January 6, 2021? Should they get an additional year added on to their sentences for rioting and assault?

Don’t expect Trump or any of his surrogates to answer these questions. They really couldn’t care less. Trump’s only purpose in proposing this is to attract attention and to tickle the fury of his feeble-minded fans. And if there were any justice, Trump would already be in prison for crimes much worse than the flag desecration he’s exploiting now.


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Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

In only three days, the entire landscape of the 2024 presidential election has been transformed. The anxieties felt by many Democrats over the candidacy of President Biden have been replaced by a frothy enthusiasm for the Party’s likely new standard bearer, Vice-President Kamala Harris.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Now it’s the Republican Party that is awash with anxiety over their pitiful and unpopular candidate, the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, Donald Trump. And now he is the only candidate that bears the stigma of advanced age and conspicuous cognitive corrosion. As a result, the GOP is scrambling frantically to reconstruct their defunct campaign strategy that was carefully designed to defame Biden.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

Fortunately for the failing Trump team (or unfortunately as it’s likely to turn out), their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is stepping up to fill in the vacuum left by the GOP’s loss of Biden as a target for their smears. The Fox crew has spent the past 72 hours brainstorming approaches to shatter the excitement that Harris’ promotion has generated. And the best that they have come up with so far is that she laughs.

LOLOL: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

On Wednesday morning, Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, took a stab at fortifying Trump’s defense. And you have to hand it to her for taking such a bold stance on behalf of her Dear Leader. Bartiromo’s plan was to align herself and Trump with the China state media operation that has long favored Trump over Democrats and democracy. She said that…

Chinese state media is reportedly slamming Vice-President Kamala Harris’ performance in the White House as mediocre, saying she lacks the experience and achievements to serve as president.

So there you have it. Fox News is acting as China’s affiliate in America to dispense their anti-American screed. If the Chinese press considers Harris “mediocre,” then that’s good enough for Bartiromo and Fox News. Never mind that Harris’ experience and achievements are well documented and impressive. The state-run press of China thinks that they are lacking, so Fox needs to apprise Trump’s cult followers of this breaking “news.”

And that’s not all. Bartiromo’s guest for this segment was GOP Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. He joined in proudly saying that “I’m agreeing with China on this” Which is typical of today’s Republican Party that can’t resist aligning itself with America’s autocratic enemies. Trump himself regularly brags about his friendship with, and admiration for, China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kin Jong Un, and of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

It isn’t surprising that Fox News would unleash vicious attacks on Harris or any other Democratic politician. In fact, it’s expected of them. That has been their mission from the beginning. But it is a bit more unnerving to see them recite and embrace propaganda directly disseminated by China’s state media. How far do they have to go before they are required to register as foreign agents? Trump crossed that line long ago. And he is dragging Fox News and the Republican Party over that line more with each passing day.


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Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

It’s been only two days since President Biden announced that he would not seek reelection, and passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. In that time Harris as united the Democratic Party behind her candidacy and raised a record $81 million from grassroots supporters.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

In that same short period of time, Harris’ opponent, Donald Trump, has exhibited an array of acute psychoses triggered by his inbred cowardice and innate inability to confront a competent, compassionate leader whose intelligence and moral character intimidates him. That’s especially true when that leader is a woman – a Black woman. Under such trying circumstances, Trump’s notorious weaknesses pour out in the most bizarre and pathetic ways…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

In the first few hours following Biden’s announcement, Trump behaved as if he was still running against the President, posting numerous comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. But eventually someone on his nursing staff advised him that he has a new opponent. And with that Trump commenced an onslaught of vitriol and infantile tirades aimed at Harris. None of which contained any shred of truth or rationality. He began with this expression of surprise…

“Wow, just watching the Fake News, and they’re doing their very best to turn the Worst President in the History of our Country into a ‘Brilliant and Heroic Leader’ (He was heroic because he quit!), and to turn ‘Dumb as a Rock’ Kamala Harris from a totally failed and insignificant Vice President into a future ‘Great’ President. No, it just doesn’t work that way!”

There’s a boatload of malarkey in that commentary. First of all, Trump’s characterization of Biden is certifiably false. A survey of 154 presidential historians ranked Biden in the top third of U.S. presidents. They ranked Trump dead last. Secondly, Biden’s display of courage and patriotism was recognized in his selfless devotion to his country over his personal interests. Thirdly, Trump reverts to his natural obnoxiousness by insulting Harris’ intelligence and distinguished record of accomplishments.

But Trump’s reprehensible ranting was just getting warmed up. He went on to introduce his new nickname for Harris, “Lyin’ Kamala,” a pejorative prefix he has recycled several times already (e.g. Hillary, Comey, Cruz). he criticized her for her work on the border, which was never a part of her portfolio as vice-president (she was a diplomatic liaison to the Northern Triangle countries of Central America). He mocked her “terrible pole (sic) numbers.” And he laughably described himself as a “brilliant young man.” Yeah, he’s a regular prodigy.

However, perhaps the best indication of how deeply disturbed Trump is by the elevation of Harris, he is floating potential excuses to chicken out of the already scheduled debate in September. In fact, this is the second time that he has suggested that he wouldn’t participate. The first time he proposed that the debate be moved from ABC News to Fox News. Now he’s doubling down for no reason other than that he’s scared to show up at any forum that isn’t hosted by his Ministry of Propaganda. He raged that…

“ABC Fake News is such a joke, among the absolute WORST in the business. They try to make Crooked Joe into a brave warrior because he didn’t have the ‘guts’ to fight it out — He quit! They then tried to make ‘Sleepy’ look like a great President – he was the WORST, and Lyin’ Kamala into a competent person, which she is not. ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, is not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many! MAGA2024”

Clearly Trump is terrified by the prospect of debating Harris and is desperately searching for a way out. And bone spurs likely won’t do the trick this time. Although he may have let slip what is actually driving his dread when he posted a comment saying that “Lyin’ Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches!” That would explain his trepidation. He’s afraid that if he does show up for the debate that she will destroy him. And in that respect his fear is well warranted and you can’t really blame him for wanting to hide out at his Mar-a-Lago bunker.


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Trump and GOP Big Shots ‘Endorse’ Kamala Harris and Want Her to Become President Immediately

In the few hours since President Biden stunned the nation and the world by announcing that he would not be seeking reelection, the response from Democrats has been unbridled joy, excitement, and anticipation of a brutal beatdown of Donald Trump and his MAGA, Project 2025, goose-stepping march toward totalitarianism.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

The elevation of Vice-President Kamala Harris to the likely Democratic nominee for president quickly drew record breaking donations that exceeded $67 million in less than 12 hours. And it’s still growing as Americans vote with their wallets for a competent, experienced, compassionate leader. As opposed to the the convicted felon, financial fraudster, and adjudicated rapist that the Republicans are slobbering over.

SEE THIS: Nearly 70% are More Worried About a President Who is a Liar than One Who is Old – Trump is Both

Harris has also racked up endorsements from virtually every significant Democrat, beginning of course with Joe Biden. That endorsement was soon followed by others from Nancy Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Jim Clyburn, Pete Buttigieg, Adam Schiff, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and too many more to mention.

What may be somewhat less predictable is the rush of Republicans who seem to be in favor of Harris becoming president, and the sooner the better. Of course, these Republicans are not exactly supporters of Harris, but their vitriol aimed at Biden is so all-consuming that they have lost control of their already enfeebled minds. Their hate is driving them to call for Biden to resign from the presidency, which would result in Harris being sworn in immediately thereafter. They include…

  • Felon Donald Trump: “Crooked Joe, he has no idea where he is. If he can’t run for office, he can’t run our Country!!!”
  • Speaker Mike Johnson: “If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately.”
  • Gov. Sarah Huckabee: “Not fit to run for president, not fit to serve as president.”
  • Rep. Elise Stefanik: “He must immediately resign.”
  • Rep. Lauren Boebert: “Joe Biden is fit to serve out the remainder of his term? #25th Amendment”

That’s right! All of these MAGA Republicans – and there more – are advocating for Biden to leave office now and make Harris the incumbent candidate for president. And since incumbency is such a powerful factor in electoral politics, that would be greatly advantageous to her already surging campaign.

To be clear, the argument that these GOP Harris “endorsers” are making is based on a perverse diversion from reality. They are asserting that Biden is stepping aside due to some cognitive disability that would make him unfit to continue serving in office as President. But that’s patently false. Biden’s decision was based on the political realities of the campaign and the pressure from nervous Democrats as to his ability to prevail in November.

None of that impacts Biden’s ability to continue to be one of the most productive and successful presidents of modern times. In fact, his decision to stand down is actually evidence of his intellectual prowess, as well as his selfless devotion to his country over personal concerns.

If the Republicans are looking for a presidential candidate who is unfit to serve, they need look no farther than their own cult master, Donald Trump. Since Biden’s announcement Trump has been frothing at the mouth on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. Among the truly deranged comments he has posted are that “Biden never had Covid. He is a threat to Democracy!” Which maybe makes perfect sense to someone suffering from Acute Brain Rot. Trump also posted a comment that reveals his growing fear of having to face Harris in a debate…

“My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September. Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC. Thank you! DJT”

Not only does Trump mislabel Biden’s ranking as President (it’s Trump who is the worst according to presidential historians), and unloads another of his infantile insults (“Slopadopolus”), but he also makes an incomprehensible argument that the network presenting an upcoming debate be changed to his own Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. Why? What does Biden dropping out have to do with that?

Clearly Trump is just trying to lay the groundwork for him to chicken out. He knows that he can’t match wits with Harris and is grasping for excuses to avoid being humiliated by her. Which is peculiar because he doesn’t seem to mind humiliating himself every time he opens his mouth. And that is surely going to continue for duration of this campaign.


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Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

Donald Trump may have just provided Democrats with the best campaign tactic to deploy against him. Not that his atrocious record in office, or his vicious hostility, or his infantile behavior, or his humiliating ignorance, or his 34 felony convictions, or his 54 other pending felony indictments, or his half-billion dollar judgment for having committed financial, or his adjudication as a rapist, or his aspirations to be a dictator, weren’t enough.

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Donald Trump, Pennywise

At his most recent traveling cult revival show, Trump delivered a speech that was replete with his standard playlist of bizarre and offensive commentaries. This was his first rally since his disastrous nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. That speech was widely panned for its litany of lies and for being so boring that his own cult disciples were leaving early and/or falling asleep.

SEE THIS: Trump Brags (Lies) About His Low Rated, Lie-Riddled RNC Speech that Put His Audience to Sleep

At his rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump effectively to put rest any notion that his recent brush with “ear” death would moderate his behavior and cause him to seek unity. He spent the entire time insulting his political foes with his typical kindergarten style put downs. And high on the list of his targets was Vice-President Kamala Harris.

The significance of Trump singling out Harris was greatly expanded when the news came out that President Biden is standing down from the race, and endorsing Harris. This development will shake things up and leave the race with only one crazy Old Coot – a convict out on bail – running against a former prosecutor. So what is Trump’s leading argument against Harris? She laughs!

“Kamala, I call her laughing Kamala. Did you ever watch her laugh? She is crazy. You can tell a lot by a laugh. She’s crazy. She’s nuts. She is not as crazy as Nancy Pelosi. Crazy Nancy.”

OMG! Harris is a confidant, capable, compassionate, experienced, public servant who is also a happy, well adjusted, human being who enjoys life. How can Trump run against that? It’s so unfair. He is a miserable, noxious, repulsive, despised, loser, who if he laughs at all, it is only at the misfortune of others. The only enjoyment he gets out of life is mocking people and whining about what a poor, pathetic victim he is.

At the same rally Trump revealed something about himself that was already well known by anyone who has been paying attention. He has no sense of humor or ability to appreciate joy. He grouched that…

“They laughed at me. I hate when people laugh at me. I hate it. It’s so disrespectful. They laughed at me.”

That’s right! And “they” will continue laughing at him because he is such a clownish figure who seems intent on embarrassing himself. The entire General Assembly of the United Nations laughed at him. Dictators like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un, laugh at him as they exploit his weaknesses.

So thanks, Don, for letting Harris and other Democrats know that we can combat your lies and drive you crazy(er) by just continuing to laugh at you. Which we, and so many others, do anyway.

Of course, late night comedians also laugh at Trump, along with the millions of viewers in their audiences. In that respect, he is a bottomless well of comedic material…

SUCH AS: The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best

However, as we are laughing, we must not lose sight of the fact that what stirs such uproarious guffaws is often a cathartic release triggered by Trump’s abhorrent remarks and attempts to undermine democracy. He remains an imminent threat to the principles enshrined in the United States Constitution. And our laughter must be tempered with the reality that, for the sake of the nation and the world, he must be prevented from ever holding any office of authority. In the meantime… HAHAHAHAHAHA

And then there’s this…


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Trump Brags (Lies) About His Low Rated, Lie-Riddled RNC Speech that Put His Audience to Sleep

In the days preceding Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, the media generously regurgitated the GOP fairy tale that Trump would be rebranding himself as a uniter with a calm, rational approach to governing. Never mind that this is the umpteenth time that Trump was supposedly going to pivot to a new persona that is light years from anything he has shown for decades.

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Donald Trump TV Set

How the press justified spreading that malarkey is a mystery considering that Trump has never been anything but a divisive purveyor of rabid hostility and infantile insults aimed at anyone – Democratic or Republican – who was not sufficiently worshipful. His idea of unity means to unite behind his messianic eminence. It is not so much about bringing people together as it is about purging every dissenter.

SEE THIS: Felonious Trump Says Uniting the Nation Means Giving Him the Freedom to Commit Crimes at Will

When it came time for Trump to deliver his highly anticipated unification speech, he didn’t disappoint the critics who knew at the outset that he couldn’t pull off that sort of transformation. What he unleashed to the glassy-eyed cult disciples in the convention hall was a stream-of-consciousness harangue that went on for 96 minutes without ever providing a single policy proposal or affirmative vision for the future. It was nothing more than a rehash of his America-bashing rally rants, except spoken in a slower, more stodgy style.

So no one should be surprised that Trump was ecstatic about his own performance. He posted a couple of comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, exalting himself and lying about his reception by the public. He began by bragging about…

“Big TV RATINGS last night for the Republican Convention, the best and most successful in history! Fox led the way. MSNBC was dead last. Four Great Days!!!”

Fact Check: FALSE! The ratings for Trump’s speech were less than stellar. The first three nights of the MAGA-fest were not exactly barn burners. And while the final night’s tally was an improved 25.38 million viewers, that’s only 6% more than the COVID-hampered 4th night of the 2020 RNC convention. Even worse, it was about 20% lower than the 2016 affair.

Speaking of Fact checks, Trump was found to have lied more than twenty times during his speech.

The only plausible claim of historical success was that Fox News drew its highest number ever for a nomination acceptance speech. But it isn’t exactly news that Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda did well while airing their Dear Leader. Even so, more people watched on networks other than Fox.

What’s more, Trump’s viewership was likely lower than these numbers represent because he didn’t begin his marathon monologue (the longest ever at 96 minutes) until about 10:30 ET, and didn’t finish until after midnight. These ratings don’t detail any viewing after primetime, which ends at 11:00. And the audience generally declines as it gets later in the evening.

The other Trump comment on Truth Social was his expression of gratitude for the reception he received…

“Thank you to all for the great reviews of my speech last night. It was my great honor to make it!!! DJT”

As usual, Trump is wallowing in pool of narcissistic delusion. What follows are just a few of the reviews of Trump’s widely panned spiel…

  • Politico: “Trump Derailed His Own Convention Speech”
  • New York Times: “One of the Truly Awful and Self-Indulgent Performances of Our Time”
  • Mediaite: “Trump ‘Diehards’ at RNC Get ‘Restless’ as Subdued and Rambling Trump Speech Runs Over 90 Minutes”
  • Washington Post: “Donald Trump missed his chance with his convention speech”
  • Daily Beast: “Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Wasn’t Just Bad and Mad, it Was Boring”
  • Fox News: “Trump’s lengthy RNC speech ripped by ‘The View'”
  • The Hollywood Reporter: Donald Trump Returns to Bad Form — and Gives the Democrats Hope
  • Newsweek: “Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Appears to Send Attendees to Sleep”

Ironically, the musical coda to Trump’s speech was the aria “Nessun Dorma” from the final act of Puccini’s opera “Turandot.” The title translates from Italian to “No one sleeps.” If that was intended to be an order, they should have done it before Trump started talking.

For the record, Trump’s speech underperformed similar public addresses by President Biden, whose final night in 2020 drew 24.6 million viewers. That’s slightly less than than Trump’s, but it was delivered during a virtual convention due to COVID. More recently, Biden’s State of the Union address drew more than 32 million viewers earlier this year. The Biden/Trump debate had an audience of 51 million.

All in all, Trump’s ratings are nothing to brag about. But that doesn’t stop him from doing so. He is obsessed with numbers, whether it’s ratings, or net worth, or crowd size at his cult rallies. And he will lie profusely in order pump himself up. It’s the one thing we can rely on from Trump.

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The Daily Show Hysterically Highlights the Hatred of Trump by Those Who Know Him Best

The 2024 Republican National Convention has officially wrapped with the certification of convicted felon Donald Trump as the Party’s presidential nominee. And few observers will dispute that it was everything that it promised top be: A festival of angry, racist, cult followers devoted to an aspiring authoritarian and make-believe messiah.

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Donald Trump

Trump’s closing speech was notable for its interminable 90 minute length (the longest ever), it’s abundance of lies, its overt bigotry, and it’s extraordinary sedative effect. Convention delegates were seen nodding off or leaving early as the speech extended until past midnight without offering a single policy proposal or any solutions to real problems that the American people care about. And home viewers, the ones who stayed up, were similarly unimpressed…

SEE THIS: Trump’s MAGA RNC Convention Suffers Sharp Ratings Decline From Prior Years and Biden Speech

Instead, Trump spent an hour and half tearing down the country, denigrating the institutions that provide benefits to its citizens, and exalting himself with delusional portrayals of his term in office that is best remembered for COVID mortality, tax cuts for the rich, job losses, and hate speech.

Jordan Klepper of the The Daily Show was among those who noticed just how awful this convention was. He focused part of his monologue on the roster of speakers for the affair. But even more significant, were the people who were prominent in the Trump administration who didn’t bother to show up. And not because they were otherwise engaged. Klepper noted that…

“The campaign for president is basically one big job interview. The convention is where America checks the candidate’s references. And to be sure, there were plenty of people willing to vouch for Donald Trump. He’s got ex-cons, domestic abusers, fake wrestlers, fake friends, his children, people sleeping with his children, and of course, the esteemed mayor of Whoville.

“But if this is a job interview, it’s worth noting who we didn’t see: Most of the people that actually worked with him at the White House. And if American is gonna do our due diligence, we might as well call our references to hear what they have to say about him.”

Whereupon, Klepper played a montage of some of the top appointees in the Trump administration who are repulsed by him and regard him as a danger to democracy. For instance…

  • Mike Pence: Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president.
  • Mark Esper (Secretary of Defense): I think he’s unfit for office.
  • John Bolton (National Security Adviser): Richard Nixon looks like a choir boy next to Donald Trump.
  • Ty Cobb (Trump attorney): The greatest threat to democracy that we’ve ever seen.
  • Mick Mulvaney (Chief of Staff): He failed at being the president when we needed him to be that.
  • Gen. Mark Milley (Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff): A wannabe dictator.
  • Bill Barr (Attorney General): He shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office.
  • Gen. John Kelly (Chief of Staff): A person with nothing but contempt for for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law.
  • Gen. Jim Mattis (Secretary of Defense): The president has the understanding of a 5th or 6th grader.
  • Rex Tillerson (Secretary of State): He’s an F’ing moron!

These are not the criticisms of partisan Democrats. They are warnings from the people that Trump had chosen to staff his White House and Cabinet. They know him well and worked closely with him during the tumultuous times of Trump’s troubled tenure. And they are adamant that he not be returned to any position of authority.

Yet somehow, his glassy-eyed cult disciples remain transfixed. They are unmoved (or perhaps aroused) by his two impeachments, his 34 felony convictions, his 54 still pending felony charges, his judgement for nearly half a billion dollars for financial fraud, or his adjudication as a rapist. They aren’t worried about his explicit promise to be a “dictator on day one,” or his “Project 2025” handbook for fascism. Because, after all, his opponent, President Biden, is three years older than he is.

Equally as concerning as the list of people who despise Trump, are those who Trump admires. Along with the convention speakers (i.e. Tucker Carlson, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz, Peter Navarro, etc.), Trump bragged about having the support of Kim Jong Un and the Taliban during his speech. And with friends like that, who needs enemas?


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Trump and the GOP Show Their Fear of Veterans By Suing to Make it Harder for Them to Vote

The Republican Party has never been particularly interested in democracy. For decades they have endeavored to suppress voting and place obstacles in front of citizens (primarily Blacks and other minorities, and Democrats in general) who wish to exercise their rights. It was so bad that, until a recent Supreme Court ruling, states with a history of racial discrimination were subject to a “preclearance” requirement in the Voting Rights Act mandating federal approval before changing election policy.

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The core tactics employed by Republican campaigns have been to obstruct voting by imposing pointless voter ID laws, prohibiting opportunities to vote via early access and mail-in ballots, and challenging election outcomes. All of which were designed shrink the electorate to just the privileged few who Republicans approve of. They justify it by making wholly unsupported allegations of rampant voter fraud for which they have never been able to produce a shred of evidence. Well, except for GOP fraud…

SEE THIS: WARNING: Lara Trump Swears to Track Down and Prosecute Election Cheaters – Like Donald Trump?

This week the Donald Trump campaign, along with the Republican National committee (RNC) that is headed up by his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, filed a lawsuit to prohibit voter registration of fully eligible citizens, and specifically veterans. As reported by Talking Points Memo

“The Republican National Committee and Donald Trump’s campaign have filed a lawsuit in federal court against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over their efforts to make voter registration more accessible. […] More specifically, the legal challenge takes issue with a directive Whitmer issued last year, which, under the National Voter Registration Act, designated local Small Business Administration (SBA) offices as well as the Department of Veteran Affairs offices as voter registration sites.”

What better way for Trump to demonstrate his support for veterans – the folks he regards as “suckers and losers” – than to make it more difficult for them to register and vote? And not only veterans, but small business owners as well. Trump surely doesn’t want hordes of “mom and pop” shop owners getting in the way of the wealthy corporations that fund his campaign and pay his legal bills.

More to the point, this is the MAGA GOP’s effort to keep those they consider “undesirable” from voting. They have also opposed voter registration at the DMV, or at colleges, or at public assistance offices, or anywhere else that ordinary Americans might have cause to go. However, they have never objected to voter registration drives and luxury hotels or country club golf resorts.

The lawsuit is also an attempt by “Trump and his allies [to] set themselves up to cry voter fraud in any state the former president might lose in the fall.” He has already begun his incantations of voter fraud in expectation of his defeat. He and his cult devotees are insisting that the only way he can lose is if Democrats cheat. In other words, Trump and his MAGA disciples have no intention of respecting the election results unless he is the winner. Which means that they might attempt another January 6th style coup to prevent President Biden’s reelection from being certified.

America’s veterans and active military must recognize that Trump is is not on their side. At best he is using them for his own benefit. Which is true about every other voter group in the country. Trump has never cared about anyone but himself. And his actions, such as this lawsuit, continue to confirm that.


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Trump’s MAGA RNC Convention Suffers Sharp Ratings Decline From Prior Years and Biden Speech

The Republican National Convention launched this week and immediately rocketed into the hearts of the America people with such MAGA luminaries as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, puppy killing South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, model and reality TV personality Amber Rose, White nationalist whisperer Charlie Kirk, and, of course, Dear Leader himself, Donald Trump.

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The popularity of the GOP roster was promoted as a blockbuster lineup that threatened to break all records for television viewing as the Trump Train chugged into the nation’s homes via the media that it regards as the “enemy of the people.” Never mind that Trump is among the most despised political figures in decades who voters find repulsive for both his policies and his personality.

SEE THIS: Nearly 70% are More Worried About a President Who is a Liar than One Who is Old – Trump is Both

The ratings for the first day of the Convention are out, and they reflect just how deplorable he is held by the American people. As reported by Variety

“The first telecasts of the Republican National Convention on Monday drew in 18.1 million viewers across networks, per Nielsen.

“That total, measured during the 10 p.m. ET hour, accounts for 12 broadcasters and cablers: ABC, CBS, NBC, Scripps News, Telemundo, CNN, Fox Business, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, Newsmax, NewsNation and PBS, with Nielsen noting that Telemundo only aired 9 minutes of RNC coverage.

“Fox News led the pack by far with 6.9 million viewers at 10 p.m. Next was ABC with 2.3 million viewers, NBC with 2.2 million, CBS with 1.8 million, MSNBC with 1.3 million and CNN with 1.1 million.”

It should come as no surprise that Fox News – Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda – would deliver the lion’s share of the convention audience. Meanwhile, the rest of the nation that watches more credible news sources got comparatively little exposure to the RNC’s unreality show. So Trump had sparse opportunity to spread his message to anyone but the already indoctrinated members of the MAGA cult. And Fox News benefited from the broadcast, despite Trump’s own vacillating opinion of the ultra-rightist outlet.

MORE HERE: TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

It is notable that the 18 million viewers that watched the affair on Monday is considerably less than the 23 million that tuned into the RNC’s convention in 2016. And it is also only slightly more than than the 17 million who watched in 2020, even though that convention was largely scrapped due to COVID. Furthermore, this feeble showing occurred despite newsworthy highlights including Trump naming his vice-presidential running mate, and this being his first public appearance since the “Earlobe Stigmata” he received at his Pennsylvania rally.

What may be most painful for Trump is that the ratings for his convention so far are also far less than the 24 million viewers that President Biden drew for his post-NATO press conference just last week. So it’s another defeat for Trump at the hands of “Sleepy Joe.” It won’t be long before Trump whines that the Nielsen ratings are “rigged” and the whole thing is a “hoax” and/or a “witch hunt” aimed at “stealing” his victory.

THIS JUST IN: The RNC’s ratings for the second night also declined from 2016 and 2020. This year the Trump gala drew only 14.8 million viewers, compared to 19 million for each of the prior two conventions.

UPDATE: Trump’s acceptance speech also bombs in the ratings and in the reviews.


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