Trump’s Press ‘Slackretary’ Runs to Fox News to Slander Democrats as Terrorist Supporters

Stephanie Grisham was appointed as Donald Trump’s third press secretary in as many years on July 1, 2019. In those six months she has not held a single press briefing. However, the slacker press shill has appeared repeatedly on Fox News and a couple of other Trump-fluffing media outlets like Sinclair. So Grisham is pocketing $179,000 a year to disseminate propaganda on shamelessly biased TV networks.

Stephanie Grisham, Fox News

On Monday morning Grisham made another stop at Fox News to polish the lies of her boss. The entire segment was typically repugnant and riddled with lies (video below), but this time she managed to advance some of the most nauseating attacks on the vast majority of Americans, and specifically those who are members of the nation’s largest political party, the Democrats. Grisham responded to a question from Fox’s Harris Faulkner about Trump’s retweeting of a blatantly bigoted meme that was intended to portray House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer as terrorist enemies of the state:

Faulkner: Why would the President even take the time to retweet something like this?
Grisham: I think the president is making clear that Democrats are parroting Iranian talking points and almost taking the side of terrorists and those who were out to kill Americans. I think the President was making the point that the Democrats seem to hate him so much that they’re willing to be on the side of countries, and leadership of countries, that want to kill Americans.

This is the sort of toxic rhetoric that has become the hallmark of Trump’s debasing of the presidency. If challenged, Grisham would not be able to cite a single instance of any Democrat, much less Pelosi and Schumer, “parroting Iranian talking points” or being “on the side of countries…that want to kill Americans.” But Grisham was not challenged by Faulkner. Her despicable words were in line with the mission of Fox News to exalt Trump and disparage his critics.

Grisham has not been alone in hurling these sort of grotesque obscenities. Many other Republican cretins have gone down this same path of division and hatred. And naturally, Trump is the leader of this parade of the pathetically putrid. He retweeted five other expressions of a similarly vile nature, asserting that Democrats were supporters of terrorists. That’s a bizarre accusation coming from Trump, and not just because it’s so grossly untrue. But Trump is the one who has cuddled up to murderous tyrants like Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Mohammed bin Salman, and he famously fell in love with Kim Jong Um. And not to be outdone by the Twitter brigades he retweeted, Trump composed his own tweet that accused Democrats of having an affinity for Iranian General Qasem Soleimani:

This march toward an ever more loathsome and hateful brand of politics has been in the making since Trump announced his candidacy. He believes that behaving like a severely disturbed child who’s been possessed by demons is an appropriate way to conduct government business. It’s why he continually maligns anyone who isn’t sufficiently worshipful. And, as is evident in his press secretary and his sycophants in Congress and the press, his sociopathy has infected all those around him. It’s a downward spiral that is observable in all those who still seek his favor by emulating the disgusting lack of morality that is his trademark.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Oblivious Fox News Hosts Attack Joe Biden but Ignore Trump’s Serial Sexual Assault

A few weeks ago, Fox News was bitterly offended when the Democratic National Committee declined to let them host a Democratic primary debate. But nearly every day since then they have validated the DNC’s decision by demonstrating their overt bias and determination to malign the Democratic Party and its candidates for president in 2020.

Donald Trump

The latest example came during an episode of Fox’s Outnumbered, a program that purports to feature four women against a solo male guest, but is really four conservatives against a lone alleged liberal. The topic of discussion on Wednesday morning was the controversy over whether former Vice-President Joe Biden had behaved improperly with women during his decades of public service. It’s a valid subject to debate, even though Fox News has elevated it to a level of “crisis” that places it above Russian election tampering, the record federal deficit, and even the caravans of marauding immigrants storming America’s borders from the three Mexicos.

None of the allegations against Biden assert that his actions constituted sexual misbehavior. And Biden has responded by insisting that he never intended to make anyone feel uncomfortable. But Fox, nevertheless, is treating this story like a revelation of perverse activity that merits intense scrutiny. So Harris Faulkner, co-host of Outnumbered, opened the program with a “Fox News Alert:”

“And this Fox News alert is how we will begin. More women accusing former Vice-President Joe Biden of inappropriate behavior.”

That comment set the tone for what was to follow. And it just went downhill from there with remarks by these co-hosts of the show:

Melissa Francis: The thing is he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. And he doesn’t think he has anything to apologize for. He doesn’t think what he did is inappropriate. And that’s the problem.
Katie Pavlich: If this were a Republican he’d be disqualified from running for office ever again.

Alrighty then. These Fox News hosts regard Biden as having imposed inexcusably on women who did not welcome his affectionate encounters. And even though his impositions were limited to shoulder massages or a kiss on the top of the head, they were, according to Fox, out of bounds and he should face consequences for them. What’s more, they are certain that such behavior would never be tolerated if a Republican had engaged in it.

Seriously! The president that these absent-minded shills devotedly lavish with saintly praise has credibly been charged with much worse. Donald Trump has been accused by at least sixteen women of having committed sexual harassment and even assault. Trump himself bragged about assaulting women in the infamous Access Hollywood “grab them by the pussy” video.

Remember, some prominent Fox News folks (i.e. Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes) were just as bad as Trump and lost their jobs because of it. It would be interesting to see these Fox News hosts confronted with the facts about Trump in light of their opinions about Biden. Because if Biden should be driven from contention in the 2020 Democratic primary for his indiscretions, which many on the right have suggested, then shouldn’t Trump be driven from office for his criminal abuse?

You might think that a discussion about Biden’s situation would open up to include the sitting president. But it’s hard enough to even get Fox Newsers to admit that Trump ever did anything wrong with regard to women, or anything else. They continue to falsely assert that the report by special counsel Robert Mueller (which they haven’t seen) totally exonerates Trump, even though it explicitly says that it doesn’t. But that’s just the beginning.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

They refuse to concede that there are unlawful financial entanglements with Trump’s businesses. They defend his destructive tariffs and threats of border closures. They dismiss his marital infidelities and payoffs to his mistresses. They’re cool with his support for white nationalists, his infatuation with brutal dictators, and his flagrant, shameless lying. So why would they mind if he assaulted a dozen or so women?

Is Paris Burning? Donald Trump’s Flaming Lunacy Abounds in Bonkers Fox News ‘Interview’

The Big 4-0. That’s what Donald Trump has hit with his latest infomercial (aka interview) on Fox News. It’s his fortieth since becoming president. As usual it was a slobbering love-fest with Fox host Harris Faulkner hand-holding Trump through a series of softball questions. And when he wasn’t filibustering with barely comprehensible blather, he was interrupting with almost relevant filler (video below).

Donald Trump Climate Change

The Oval Office affair covered a few pertinent subjects with the thinnest veil of substance. Harris asked about Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen and his National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, but she never pressed him to answer for their criminal activities or how they implicated him. Nor did she challenge any of his meandering obviously deflecting replies.

However, she did bake up some sweet questions that displayed her sincere devotion to her guest. Faulkner never once challenged any of Trump’s dishonest answers. She prefaced a question about the disclosures in Michael Cohen’s sentencing by quoting a former anti-Clinton special counsel saying that “he couldn’t see grounds for impeachment over that.” Then she described Cohen as “someone who has surreptitiously recorded you and is now known as a criminal liar.”

It seems every question was waterdown with platitudes before Trump even had to answer. When referencing a new Fox poll showing that Trump is still underwater at 46-52 percent, she spun it as being “just a couple tics off your highest point.” Which means, of course, that he has never risen above fifty percent. But she wouldn’t say that. Although she did let him get away with bragging about how well he did with women in 2016 (he lost women).

When he lied about how well he’s doing with China and trade, Faulkner chimed in that “that takes the pressure off the economy a little bit.” She did note that all of the gains for 2018 in the market are gone, but then added with a big smile that the market is still up since his inauguration (due to the record bull market that began in 2009 under President Obama). While discussing the economy and jobs, Faulkner got nearly teary-eyed about her impression of Trump going after companies that have had to impose layoffs, saying “I love this, cause I hadn’t planned to ask this, but your you’re calling out companies and what not. And the nation got to see you.” After his incoherent non-response she praised him saying that “This is your wheelhouse. Everybody knows this. I mean, to see the energy and the electricity as you talk about these issues.” Does anyone else need a towel?

As Faulkner wrapped things up she couldn’t help but show more unconditional love by asking him “What do you love about being President?” Trump’s reply was a vague “I love getting things done for the people,” but that it’s “a nasty job because I get hit so hard.” And Faulkner closes by sucking back the drool and telling Trump that “You have such energy for this.”

But perhaps the most disturbing part of this extended fluffing session was Trump’s insistence that he’s been a fantastic steward of the environment. His justification for that delusional self-appraisal was this disjointed nonsense:

“The Paris Accord is not working out too well for Paris. Take a look at what’s happening over there. Because of the Paris Accord that whole country is burning down, OK? And I was the one that kept us out of the Paris Accord. If I was in the Paris Accord we would be paying trillions of dollars, trillions of dollars for nothing.”

It’s somehow appropriate that Trump would come so close to the question that Adolf Hitler reportedly asked about Paris after ordering his troops to destroy the city rather than let it be re-captured by the Allies: Is Paris Burning? Well, no. It wasn’t then and it isn’t now. While there is some civil unrest, the city is not a charred wasteland. And the protests have nothing to do with climate change, despite Trump’s deranged attempt to conflate them. Also, the trillions of dollars he said would have been spent are a figment of his diseased imagination.

Sadly, this is the sort of warped dialogue that America is forced to engage in with a president who is too demented to grasp any subject that might come across his desk – or reality. And it doesn’t help when an alleged “news” network acts like the propaganda arm of a White House determined to mislead the public and work against the interests of the nation.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News End of Year Poll Has Bad News for Donald Trump on Nearly Everything

This year has seen a mountain of scandal and embarrassment for Donald Trump both at home and abroad. His foreign junkets have been opportunities for him to demonstrate his ignorance of the world and how little respect our allies have for him. And domestically Trump is being buried in legal dilemmas driven by the testimony of his closest associates.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

Consequently, it isn’t difficult to see why the American people regard him so poorly. Even as recorded by the latest survey conducted by Trump’s favorite cable “news” network, Fox News, the outlook is affirmatively negative. Perhaps that’s one reason that Trump told Fox’s Harris Faulkner in an infomercial (aka interview) Thursday morning that “Fox has always given me a bad poll.” In this one Trump’s overall approval numbers are in the toilet. The poll had forty-six percent approval for the President, and fifty-two percent disapproval. That includes forty-two percent strongly disapproving with only twenty-seven percent strongly approving.

Nevertheless, the Gaslighter-in-Chief pretended to be thrilled with these results. He told Faulkner they were “amazing” considering all the bad press he gets. The poll also showed Trump underwater on most specific issues, including border security (46-49), immigration (43-53), trade (40-47). and on the issue voters cited as most important, healthcare, the President is behind by twenty-three points (33-56).

In addition, a whopping sixty-seven percent of respondents said that they believe that “Trump puts his personal business interests ahead of the interests of the American people” always, often, or at least sometimes. Compared to only twenty-eight percent who said rarely or never. And when asked if they would vote to reelect Trump in 2020, thirty-eight percent said they would, while fifty-five percent said they would vote for someone else.

By nineteen points those polled said that they approve of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation (56-37). So Mueller’s approval is ten points higher than Trump’s. What’s more, they say that the Trump campaign did coordinate with the Russian government during the 2016 election (48-37).

These numbers are certain to be troublesome for Trump when the new year brings a new congress wherein Democrats control the House of Representatives. And the rapidly unfolding investigations by both Mueller and the New York Attorney’s office are sure to bring more indictments and legal peril for Trump. As the evidence pours in that Trump is guilty of significant criminal activity during the campaign and his presidency, the likelihood that he won’t finish out his first term in the White House becomes stronger every day.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.