Fox Nation’s “Must Read Twit Of The Day”

Any article that begins “According to Drudge editor and Washington Times columnist Joseph Curl…” — is one that you know is going to be perversely entertaining. And sitting in the headline spot atop the Fox Nation web site is this item that isn’t the least bit sensationalized: “Must Read Tweet of the Day.”

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As noted above, the author of the Tweet is Joseph Curl, a columnist at the “Moonie” Washington Times and the editor of the widely disreputable Drudge Report. Curl is also a pal of master conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who has been featured on Drudge more than 200 times in the past two years.

On the basis of that resume, the Fox Nationalists chose to make their top story a reposting of Curl’s Twitter feed wherein he reveals a couple of late-breaking, unsourced “scoops” that they regard as having the importance of a “nuclear” blast. Here is what Curl Tweeted:

Hearing from some top Hill sources that IRS scandal about to explode. Low-level agency workers miffed at being blamed. About to return fire.”


One source says there’s a paper trail to DC, and some who were worried from the get-go kept a paper trail. Wouldn’t say WH, but said ‘high.'”

The smart money is on Curl’s reporting to be left in the dustbin of journalistic fantasies that never come true. Like most of what Curl writes, there is no factual basis or named sources. It is merely wishful thinking that he, and his enablers at Fox, hope will keep the drool dripping from the mouths of their glassy-eyed followers for another day, while they try to manufacture a smear that might actually stick to President Obama or his administration.

Undoubtedly these soundbites will fade away and Curl will never be called upon to answer for his erroneous reporting. It’s their modus operandi. Make an outrageous and unsupported statement. Get Drudge to post it. Then Fox News cites it as their source for what “some people say.” When none of it pans out, move on to a new unsupported, outrageous statement and start the cycle again.