Republicans Vote Against Mother’s Day

As a tribute to the contribution mothers make to our lives, the House of Representatives sought to pass a resolution to honor America’s moms on the 100th anniversary of Mother’s Day. The resolution said simply that the House…

“…celebrates the role of mothers in the United States and supports the goals and ideals of Mother’s Day.”

The resolution passed on a voice vote of 412 to 0. Then Kansas Republican Todd Tiahrt rose to request a recorded vote wherein he and 177 other Republicans, including Minority Leader John Boehner, decided to cast their vote against mothers. Boehner said:

“Oh, we just wanted to make sure that everyone was on record in support of Mother’s Day.”

By voting against it? Even Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE), the bill’s original sponsor, voted against it.

Despite this cynical and childish ploy on the part of House Republicans to stall House business, the resolution passed. Happy Mother’s Day.