Tea Baggers Told To Leave Their Nazi Regalia At Home

This should tell you all you need to know about the Tea Party crowd. President Obama is scheduled to appear at a fundraiser for Barbara Boxer in San Francisco on May 25. So a local SF Tea Party faction, the Bay Area Patriots, has posted instructions for attending their protest. Included in the instructions is this:

“Keep distracting shirts and signs about his citizenship status home and any references to HItler [sic], Nazis, etc. are not welcome.”

That’s bound to disappoint a lot of Tea Baggers. They may have to go shopping before the protest or else they won’t have a thing to wear. This is a little like telling Klan rallyers not to wear their sheets.


20 thoughts on “Tea Baggers Told To Leave Their Nazi Regalia At Home

  1. You have completely mis-represented what that memo was saying, and the proof of that lies with your disgusting little “Telling Klan ralliers not to weat their sheets” comment. The memo is saying that the tiny fraction of nutburger signs (birthers, Obama/Nazi comparisons, etc.) are not welcome at this protest. How many times did you see a similar request from anti-war protest oraganizers? (i.e. “Signs that compare Bush to Hitler, call for President Bush’s death, or claim that 9/11 was an inside job are not welcome.”) I don’t recall any big campaigns from anti-war organizers to police themselves. Heck, these protestors parade around in Che Gueverra t-shirts.

    • You only need to articulate that warning to people who might engage in the activity you are warning against. You don’t need to tell peaceful, rational protesters not to do something violent or crazy.

      And by the way, you are the one misrepresenting the memo. Nowhere does it say anything about “tiny” or “nutburgers.”

    • Sure, but Che was good and Bush is bad. Che was a revolutionary fighting for the people. Bush fights for Exxon by murdering people.

  2. “You only need to articulate that warning to people who might engage…”

    Then the anti-war movement has failed miserably on that front, given the number of cases of vandalism, assault, and fights with the police that has happened at their protests. Police that patrol the Tea Party protests could fall asleep and not miss anything.

    “…not to do something violent or crazy…”

    Holding a “birther” sign or an “Obama=Hitler” sign (or a “Bush=Hitler” sign) is not violent or crazy. It’s just dumb.

  3. I saw a woman on the “View” who was an organizer for the TeaParty Express telling the women that there protests are purely about “fiscal” matters and anyone concerned about Pres. Obama’s birth certificate, alleged radical association’s, or alleged Socialist agenda are not welcome at the TeaParty Express.
    Given that the vast majority of Americans, in 2009, payed “less” income tax than they have in “decades,” why are they still having ANY rally’s?
    Talk about a day late and a dollar short.
    Eight years of radical Republican Policy led to the fiscal disaster than nearly took down the greatest Country in the World; and the rightwingers were willing to give Pres. Obama from 1/20/09 until 4/15/09(tax day) to fix EVERYTHING?
    Wow, how generous of you.
    Remember that the “teabaggers” started there protests on 4/15/09, which they were protesting there “taxes” for 2008, but, were blaming Pres. Obama for a period of time that he WASN’T THE PRESIDENT.
    And they wonder why people think the have a screw loose.
    I don’t argue with people’s “right” to protest, but I will argue when you are disingenuous about your reasons for the protest.
    Just because Fox”News” personality’s Lie to you, and you believe the Lie, doesn’t mean that we won’t correct you when you try to pass that Lie along. In that regard, Newscorpse.com is a valuable tool for correcting “the stoooopid.”

  4. “…paying less income tax…”

    The Bush tax cuts did not expire until the end of 2009. So the rates are set to go up. And that $400 tax credit this year as part of the stimulus – how many years is that good for? One? Two? If and when Obamacare kicks in, that’s when more of the tax increases will weasel their way into our pocketbooks.

    Furthermore, the “fiscal matters” also deal with the real crux of the matter – governmemnt spending, and a projected $9 TRILLION added to the National Debt.

    The Tea Party protestors are not disingenuous.

    • The Bush tax cuts will only expire on those making less than $250k, the vast majority of Americans. The rich will see a 3% increase in their taxes like it was during Clinton and last I recall it was a terrific economy under him.

      The tax cuts for majority of Americans are permanent. End of story.

      Obama’s health care plan will actually reduce our deficit by 132 billion.


      The vast majority of debt we will see in the next 10 years is a result of the current recession, Bush’s policies, the two wars, and the bailout packages.


      • Correction: Tax cuts will expire for those households making over $250k, not under.

  5. “Che was a revolutionary fighting for the people…”

    Che Gueverra had thousands of people murdered at the behest of Fidel Castro and his communist regime.

  6. Now see, with reasonable discussion and debate we can agree on some topics. I never cared for Guevera and when I found out he urged Fidel to fire those missiles back in 62, it really pissed me off. But when it comes to protesting in the Bay area, this is no ground for amatures. Look what happened to that idiot Fred Phelps when he brought his dog & pony show to town. Within minutes, it became a happening! Word spread like wildfire and the place erupted with every kind of silly sign and people dressed like animals and dinosaurs, etc. The cops were absolutly cracking up, even asking for sign souveniers. SF is not a place for the weak to tread!

  7. Thank you Tea-Baggers for sabotaging the Republican party, who at this rate will never win the 2011 election. You fanatics have successfully alienated many of the groups Dubya and Rove worked so hard to capture (i.e. Hispanics, or any moderate independents). I plan to enjoy watching y’all self destruct while foaming at the mouth. Should be a great show!

  8. Try saying that in November when Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and a host of other Tea Party favorites win big. And what 2011 election are you referring to? Is there some dog catcher election happening in your town that year?

  9. Oops, My mistake. 2012 😛

    I don’t doubt that the Dems will loose a few seats in November. However, I predict (and you can hold me to this) that they will not loose the majority in the house or senate. Obama will serve two terms thanks largely to the Tea Party dividing the Republican base but also because the Republicans really have no one who could beat Obama. I could see him loosing if the economy hasn’t improved, but most experts believe that it already is improving.

  10. My prediction: The Dems will lose both houses, and Obama will have one term.

    • I admire your imagination. 😉

  11. Please Scott,

    Keep it up. Insist on unblemished conservative ideological purity. Accept no substitute! Purge those RINOs!

    And enjoy your 2012 defeat.

  12. I will be enjoying the 2012 victory for the GOP – and for America.

  13. washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/05/20/AR2010052003036.html

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