WARNING: Binge Watching Fox News Leads To Acts Of Domestic Terrorism

The evidence that Fox News is a constant source of hate speech that can potentially incite violence continues mount. This observation shouldn’t surprise anyone who watches the network with an open mind.

Fox News

But now there is yet another real-world example of just how dangerous the network’s hostile rhetoric can be. As reported by the local CBS affiliate in San Diego, California…

“A La Mesa man who directed threats at the San Diego and Washington, D.C., offices of the Council on American-Islamic Relations a year ago was sentenced Tuesday to a year in jail and five years probation. John David Weissinger, 54, pleaded guilty last August to a charge of making a criminal threat, with hate crime allegations, and possession of an illegal assault rifle.

This is, unfortunately, not an uncommon occurrence. Muslim-Americans have been the victims of rising numbers of assaults as the heated dialog about terrorism is advanced in the media and by Republican presidential candidates like Donald Trump. Mother Jones reports that recent FBI data shows the number of hate crimes in general have declined, except for Muslim-Americans.

What makes this latest threat notable is the argument made by the lawyer for Weissinger in an attempt to persuade the judge to be lenient when sentencing his client. The lawyer said that…

“Weissinger has problems with alcohol, anxiety and depression and had just finished watching a week of Fox News coverage on the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris when he threatened the CAIR offices.”

This is a serious effort to explain why someone would commit an act of terrorism. After all, how could Weissinger be faulted for cracking under the pressure after a week of absorbing hate from Fox News anchors and guests characterizing all Muslims as dangerous radicals bent on murdering freedom-loving Christian Americans?

This legal tactic is, of course, patently absurd. Weissinger should not be granted any leniency based on such a flagrant attempt to absolve him of responsibility for his actions. However, it is not unrealistic to recognize that a major news enterprise engaging in a campaign of brainwashing their audience to despise a particular group of people can have an impact on weak-minded individuals. It has happened before.

Two years ago an Indiana man pleaded guilty to arson for having set fire to an Islamic Center in Toledo, Ohio. He was sentenced to 20 years, and when the judge asked him if he knew any Muslims or what Islam is he said “No, I only know what I hear on Fox News.”

Earlier this year an ordained minister in the Christian National Church pleaded guilty to plotting a massacre of the citizens of an upstate New York community of Muslims known as Islamberg. He justified his actions by claiming that the residents of Islamberg were planning a terrorist attack, a notion he picked up from a guest on Bill O’Reilly’s show who claimed that Muslims were training to launch domestic attacks.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

These are not isolated incidents. There are many more documented cases of hostilities aimed at Muslims and others by viewers of Fox News. An especially troubling example occurred when a man inspired by Glenn Beck was apprehended on his way to San Francisco to murder employees of the ACLU and the Tides Foundation. And when this happens this often, you have to eventually conclude that it is either due to gross ignorance, or it’s deliberate.

Sarah Palin’s Disgusting Justification For Her Son’s Drunken Assault: It’s Obama’s Fault

Yesterday was a big news day for Sarah Palin. Not because this washed-up former reality TV character endorsed Donald Trump, a fellow former reality TV character, but because that well-staged political theater was interrupted by more troubling news about Palin’s famously dysfunctional family.

Donald Trump Sarah Palin

It was reported that Palin’s son, Track, was arrested for beating up his girlfriend and wielding an AR-15 rifle while intoxicated. But rather than going back home to attend to her families legal and emotional problems, Palin followed up her Trumpmania tour in Iowa with a another appearance in Tulsa, Oklahoma (video below). It was there that she brought up Track’s tribulations, without mentioning his name or his alleged crimes, as she sought to exalt her domestic abuser offspring as a hero saying…

“I can talk personally about this – I guess it’s kinda the elephant in the room – because my own family going through what we’re going through today with my son, a combat vet, having served in the Stryker Brigade, fighting for you all, America, in the war zone. But my son, like so many others, they come back a bit different, they come back hardened, they come back wondering if there is that respect for what it is that their fellow soldiers and airmen and every other member of the military so sacrificially have given to this country.”

It’s disturbing, to say the least, to hear Palin’s pontificating about the honor of America’s military in conjunction with the news that her drunken son punched and kicked a woman while brandishing a gun. That’s not exactly the best demonstration of military pride. And while it’s true that many veterans suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, that is not an excuse for domestic abuse. And it should not be used to callously dismiss violence in a stump speech at a political rally. But Palin wasn’t through, and it got much worse.

“It’s a shame that our military personnel even have to wonder if they have to question whether they’re respected anymore. It’s starts from the top. The question though that comes from our own President where they have to look at him and wonder ‘Do you know what we go through? Do you know what we’re trying to do to secure America and to secure the freedom that have been bequeathed us?'”

So it’s Obama’s fault that Track Palin got drunk and put his girlfriend in the hospital? Somehow, in Palin’s view, the President is to blame for every veteran’s psychological problems. And she also seems to think that PTSD is caused by not being respected enough on returning from a war, rather than by the horrific experiences inherent to war. Palin thinks that if everybody would just thank a vet, then coping with the nightmare of battle and seeing your buddies blown to pieces would be a cake walk. And she still wasn’t finished.

“So when my own son goes through what he goes through coming back, I can certainly relate with other families who kinda feel these ramifications of some PTSD and some of the woundedness that our soldiers do return with. And it makes me realize more than ever, it is now or never for the sake of America’s finest that we have that Commander-in-Chief that will respect them and honor them.”

To Palin this is all about what her family “goes through.” Not once did she mention the victim and what she went through. Palin isn’t even denying what her son did. She is floating a possible insanity defense. In which case you might think she would have some sympathy for the victim. Instead, she ignores the battered woman, excuses her son’s violence, blames it all on the President, and closes with a brazenly political plea to vote for Donald Trump.

This sleazebag, with a son who is a divorced domestic abuser, a daughter with two out-of-wedlock kids from different fathers, a defender of the deviant Duggar family, a supporter of the racist Duck Dynasty Klan, and close friend of pedophile and advocate of presidential assassination Ted Nugent, presumes to lecture others on family values. And she campaigns for a racist, wannabe fascist tyrant who mocks the disabled even though she is the mother of a special needs child.

Has there ever been a more nauseating, heartless, self-promoting, ignorant, person in American politics? And yes, I’m talking about both of them – Palin and Trump. They are a perfect match of loathsome demagogues who feed off of each other and the dimwitted idolatry of their glassy-eyed followers. What a sick party the Republicans have devolved into.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.