Trump Threatens to Veto Medicare-For-All, But Gets a Brutal Slapback From Bernie Sanders

In the past couple of weeks, Sen. Bernie Sanders has been aggressively advocating for his proposal to make Medicare available to all Americans. The response from his senate colleagues has been exceedingly positive. He already has about sixteen co-sponsers. When he introduced a similar bill in 2013, he had none.

Bernie Sanders Donald Trump

Not surprisingly, Donald Trump is in panic mode castigating Sanders and his plan to insure everybody. Trump unleashed his typical fury on Twitter saying:

So now Trump is resorting to ultra-hyperbolic language to demonize single-payer healthcare as a “curse.” And the absurdity of telling people not to worry because he will veto it is downright laughable. He obviously doesn’t know what the American people are worried about.

Most polls show that a single-payer plan is broadly favored by a significant majority of voters. The Economist conducted a poll in April that showed sixty percent supporting Medicare-for-All. That included seventy-five percent of Democrats, fifty-eight percent of Independents, and even forty-six percent of Republicans. The poll also broke down the responses by candidate preference, showing support from eighty percent of Hillary Clinton’s voters and forty percent of Trump’s.

Clearly, the American people do not regard Medicare-for-All as a curse. Nor would vetoing the bill ease their worries. And given the level of support, Trump can hardly claim that such a veto would demonstrate that he loves the country and its people. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact.

Bernie Sanders took note of Trump’s tweet and had something to say about it as well. He replied with a couple of tweets of his own that put Trump in his place.

Good points. It seems rather surreal to characterize providing health care to everyone as a curse. Particularly since the United States is the only major industrialized country that doesn’t have a national health plan. As a result, we are paying many times more for care and getting less for it.

What’s more, throwing twenty-three million people off of their health plans is an odd way to express your love. Americans are well aware of this. That’s why only seventeen percent supported the Republican bills which deservedly went down to defeat.

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The people are more tuned into this matter than at any time in the past. If Trump and his GOP cohorts think they can fool the people into accepting their deceptive plots to kill ObamaCare, or oppose Medicare-for-All, they are sadly mistaken. And we won’t have to worry about a presidential veto if Trump isn’t president. So there’s that.

TRUMP: ‘Does Anybody Really Want to Throw Out’ DREAMers? YES, You Do! (VIDEO)

Within the past twenty-four hours Donald Trump has surpassed his ordinary level of chaotic confusion. And that’s saying something. It began with the news that he had met with Democratic leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They reportedly discussed the status of the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), after he rescinded the executive order issued by President Obama.

Donald Trump

According to Pelosi, they agreed to codify DACA into law. But it didn’t take long for Trump’s team to flip and shoot that down, insisting that there was no agreement. And then, in another flop, Trump tweeted this:

So Trump wants to know if anyone really wants to throw out the DREAMers. And the answer to that is a resounding “YES!” Trump himself wants to throw them out. He said exactly that to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press in August of 2015:

CHUCK TODD: You’ll rescind the DREAM Act executive order–
DONALD TRUMP: You’re going to have to.
TRUMP: We have to make a whole new set of standards. And when people come in, they have to come in legally–
TODD: So you’re going to split up families?
TRUMP: Chuck.
TODD: You’re going to deport children–
TRUMP: Chuck. No, no. We’re going to keep the families together. We have to keep the families together.
TODD: But you’re going to keep them together out–
TRUMP: But they have to go. But they have to go.
TODD: What if they have no place to go?
TRUMP: We will work with them. They have to go. Chuck, we either have a country or we don’t have a country.

The gall of this lying cretin to pretend that he’s concerned about these young people who have demonstrated their patriotism, is gravity-defying. He could have simply said that he was convinced by Schumer and Pelosi that this was the right thing to do. Instead he chose a flagrantly dishonest path in order to exalt himself. So even when he tries to do the right thing, he wraps it in lies and conceit.

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