On Thursday Democrats in the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, voted to formalize Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry with rules providing for open hearings and bipartisan participation. It was everything that Trump and his Republican Nationalist Party were asking for, but still they complained and voted against it en masse. The official White House response was a pitiful heap of petulance and trash-talking points.
Nevertheless, the process has been advanced to a new phase where evidence and witness testimony that is certain to further incriminate the President will be made public. That will have a profound effect on Trump’s deteriorating mental state, which is already descending into the Mariana Trench of desperation. His attacks on any and all perceived foes will escalate in both volume and absurdity.
Likewise, voters will continue to be appalled by the abject criminality of their so-called president. There is already a majority of Americans who favor impeaching Trump and removing him from office. Even Trump’s favorite, ultra-biased pollster, Rasmussen, is showing him near his lows for the year. But what must be especially worrisome for Trump and his minions is the crumbling support from within his own camp. According to a new poll:
“Trump’s job approval rating is stable and low, at 38% in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, with one notable result: a career low in approval among Republicans, 74%, down steeply from a career-high 87% in July.”
That’s right. Trump’s approval among Republicans is raging inferno of failure as the walls of impeachment fall in all around him. Which might be why he hasn’t mentioned once the disastrous wildfires in California. He doesn’t want to be reminded of things burning down.
The general public’s negative view in this poll is consistent with other surveys showing majorities favoring impeachment. But this poll also notes that 18% of the pro-impeachment vote is coming from the GOP. That’s a devastating blow to Trump’s frantic reliance on the home teamers to prop him up during troubled times. One of Trump’s most frequent displays of neediness manifests on Twitter as boasting about the GOP’s glassy-eyed adoration of Dear Leader. For instance, he’s tweeted some variation of the following seventeen times this year:
95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, a record. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2019
It’s difficult to verify whether or not that’s actually a record because Trump didn’t once include a link or reference to wherever he got that figure in any of his tweets. Also, it seems to waver between 93% and 95% apparently depending on how much he wants to lie on that particular day. But now we have a documented source that puts Trump’s approval among Republicans at a much lower 74%, and it was never higher than 87%. Therefore, we can probably expect Trump to post a new tweet congratulating himself on reaching a phenomenally high (and laughably fake) 98% of GOP support.
Because Trump’s defenders are always asking what he could possibly be impeached for, here are just a few of the likely charges: extortion, campaign finance violations, witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, evidence tampering, breaching the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, and conspiracy against the United States. Of course, many StormTrumpers will never hear these charges because they rely entirely on Fox News for disinformation. But then Fox is having problems of their own sustaining support.
The House is almost certainly going to pass Articles of Impeachment against Trump before the end of the year. One of the key factors in how GOP senators will rule on those indictments is the how their voters are lining up. Currently the Republican members are only privately concerned about the guilt of their president. But that concern will become more actionable as Republican voters drift farther from Trump.
When GOP senators are sufficiently afraid that Trump is hurting their reelection prospects, expect them to flip on the Offender-in-Chief and vote to boot him from the White House, or pressure him to resign, as they did with Richard Nixon. Either way, the next couple of months are definitely gonna be popcorn worthy.
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