On the morning that Congress began their impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump went bonkers with a frantic flurry of furious and fearful tweets. There were 24 of them – including 17 retweets from Fox News and other worshipful Trump-fluffers in the Congress and the press – all before 9:00 AM. It demonstrates a mindset of total desperation in advance of what he must know is serious legal and political peril.
Among these Twitter tantrums was a brand new video that Trump produced to summarize his defense (see below). It’s typical of his whining that is such a painful embarrassment to the nation as its president – commonly regarded as the most powerful man on Earth – wallows in his victimhood and prostrates himself publicly in an attempt to avoid accountability.
Trump has shown an astonishing inability to comprehend the process that he’s entangled in. He could really use a remedial course in impeachment to even begin to grasp the situation. He still thinks that he’s entitled to due process during the impeachment’s investigative phase, which no investigation permits. And he has an intense yearning to expose the identity of the whistleblower, whose testimony is no longer needed because Trump publicly admitted to what the whistleblower alleged. His Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, also admitted it.
It’s in that state of open confession and willful ignorance that Trump put out his video. So let’s take a look at at it and translate his self-serving disinformation into what he was really thinking.
TRUMP: What’s going on now is the single greatest scam in the history of America politics.
REALITY: What’s going on now is likely to land me in prison and I don’t have a single substantive response. So I’ll lash out with a vague and vacant allegation for which there is no factual basis.
TRUMP: The Democrats want to take away your guns.
REALITY: The Democrats need to be absurdly accused of things that they have never advocated.
TRUMP: They want to take away your healthcare.
REALITY: And those accusations must include allegations that are better directed at me since all I’ve ever done is try to sabotage the healthcare of millions of Americans.
TRUMP: They want to take away your vote.
REALITY: Democrats want to take away my ability to steal elections by cutting off access to voting and conspiring with foreign dictators.
TRUMP: They want to take away your freedom.
REALITY: Democrats want to take away my freedom to lash out with bizarre and irrelevant outbursts stemming from my incoherent rage.
TRUMP: They want to take away your judges.
REALITY: And I might as well throw in exactly what I’ve been doing with the help Senate GOP Leader Moscow Mitch McConnell.
TRUMP: They want to take away everything.
REALITY: Oh hell, I’ll just throw in the friggin’ kitchen sink. None of what I’m saying makes any sense anyway.
TRUMP: We can never let this happen. We’re fighting to drain the swamp.
REALITY: We can never let people catch on that I’m the King of the Swamp.
TRUMP: And you see why we have to do it. Because our country is at stake like never before.
REALITY: I must be sure to fear monger so that my cult disciples will be suitably scared and blindly loyal.
TRUMP: It’s all very simple. They’re trying to stop me because I’m fighting for you. And I’ll never let that happen.
REALITY: It’s all very simple. I’m fighting for myself and any challenge to my aspirations to tyrannical authority will never be allowed.
Trump is residing in fantasy world that he desperately wants to invite his followers to move into. There is nothing in this video that even remotely refutes the allegations against Trump. But even worse, it is loaded with flagrantly untrue assertions and insults to his political foes. And this is his final retort as these historic hearings commence. That doesn’t bode well for his future if this is his best argument on his own behalf. But it’s good news for patriotic Americans who believe that people in power are not above the law.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
"They're trying to stop me, because I'm fighting for you. And I'll never let that happen." — President @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/ch0N1SWShe
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) November 13, 2019