Top Ten Reasons A Democratic Victory Is Worth Fighting For

Tomorrow is election day, and if you think there isn’t a lot at stake your Lunesta dosage is too high.

The media is falling all over itself predicting a Republican landslide, but this campaign is far from over. Polling for midterm elections is difficult under the best of circumstances, but with the wild fluctuations caused by Tea Partiers, minorities, and young voters who pollsters ignore, anything is possible. The most important thing is to stay strong, vote, and make sure you get everyone you know to vote as well. As much as he might like to believe it, Rupert Murdoch does not decide who wins elections in America. That is, unless Americans allow it. Therefore, if you need a little extra motivation, I give you…..

The Top 10 Reasons A Democratic Victory Is Worth Fighting For:

  1. George Soros will send you a crisp, new $100.00 bill.
  2. Michael Steele will take that call center job in Guam.
  3. Seven year old girls will get their Tea Party back.
  4. The Learning Channel will relaunch Sarah Palin’s Alaska as Sarah Palin’s Jersey Shore.
  5. Christine O’Donnell will turn Karl Rove into a Newt Gingrich.
  6. Fox News advertising will consist entirely of gold coins, Egg Genies, and penis enlargers.
  7. Linda McMahon’s WWE will air a death match between Sharon “Man-up” Angle and Rand “Aqua Buddha” Paul.
  8. Hundreds of media pundits and pollsters will be fired (don’t count on this one).
  9. The war between the GOP and the Tea Party will go nuclear.

And the #1 Reason A Democratic Victory Is Worth Fighting For…

  1. This will happen to Glenn Beck:

And an honorary mention: The country may actually have an opportunity to move forward and avoid the agenda of the GOP Dark Ageists for a couple more years.



2 thoughts on “Top Ten Reasons A Democratic Victory Is Worth Fighting For

  1. Some actual Glenn Beck sound bites related to eyes and shooting blood:

    ♦ Blood will shoot out of their eyes.
    ♦ …this guy made blood shoot out of my eyes…
    ♦ See if this doesn’t make blood shoot out of your eyes.
    ♦ …how does blood not just shoot out of your eyes with all of these pinheads?
    ♦ This is where blood started to shoot out of my eyes.
    ♦ …make blood shoot out of your eyes, Chris. Are you ready?
    ♦ George Clooney makes blood shoot out of my eyes…
    ♦ …blood’s shooting out of my eyes on this one.
    ♦ This is going to make blood shoot out of your eyes.
    ♦ …the controversy afterwards will make blood shoot right directly out of your eyes.
    ♦ I knew blood would shoot out of my eyes…
    ♦ …because honestly, blood would shoot out of my eyes…
    ♦ Warning: Blood may actually shoot directly out of your eyes.
    ♦ Stu, did blood shoot out of your eyes?
    ♦ Blood’s going to shoot out of my eyes. Are we really this stupid?

  2. You can always hope, just as I did when I hoped Barak Obama would not win the presidency – but it happened anyway.

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